On the stone bench outside, Gu Zheng and Xiong Lao chatted a lot, just like friends, talking about the past, Xiong Lao also specially said a lot about Zhu Niao, so that Gu Zheng could understand a lot about them.

But in the same way, Gu Zheng also said a lot of things about himself, except for some things that shouldn't be said, everything else was talked about in the chat.

It's been a long time since Gu Zheng sat down and chatted with friends like this, or the friends who chatted before couldn't talk about some major events in the prehistoric world so freely.

For their level, even if they didn't participate in many things, they seemed to be in front of them, very clear.

Besides, everyone's eyes are now focused on one place, that is, ordinary people know what is about to happen.

"Now the monster clan and the witch clan are constantly gathering under Buzhou Mountain, fighting to the death. I don't know which one you prefer." While talking, the old Xiong suddenly changed the topic to this issue.

In fact, not only her, but the whole prehistoric world is paying attention to this matter, because this time, similar to the last dragon and phoenix, it is a big issue that determines the ownership of heaven and earth.

The two have been fighting until now, with countless casualties, and countless injuries, both of which have been seriously injured. At this time, there is also the meaning of a decisive battle. If it continues like this, I am afraid that both sides will suffer.

If it weren't for the side where Gu Zheng is located, it would be too far away from the other side, and it would be almost impossible to feel any atmosphere of the great battle, but from the surroundings, even the slightly stronger monsters could not be seen, so they could understand the point.

Outside the storm, it was already bustling. The big battle hadn't started yet, and all kinds of small frictions were already going on. It could be said that it was unprecedentedly lively.

However, there are also some people who worry that if the two compete, it will be the same as before, and both will lose. However, this kind of view is still a minority, and most of them think it is impossible.

Because when the dragon and the phoenix fought, it was because the leaders died together, resulting in a mess of sand below, and some people carried it out with bad intentions, so naturally they all failed, but the monster and witch clans would not be like this,

Because there is not only one leader for them, relatively speaking, most people still support the Yaozu. After all, the opponent has a large number of people, and their apparent strength is much stronger than that of the Wuzu.

"Who do you think will win?"

Naturally, Gu Zheng also knew the news, or almost no one didn't know the news, so he asked the question directly to Mr. Xiong.

"I think the victory of the Yaozu is relatively large. After all, the other party has been governed by the sky, and they are all over the prehistoric world. The most important thing is that there is another person behind them, even if the other party usually doesn't ask anything." Xiong Lao pondered for a while, and then he opened his mouth and said .

What she said was the same as most people's thoughts. After all, the monster race dominates at the master level, and even at the low end, the monster race dominates.

"Actually, some things are doomed. Even if we know it, we can't change it, just like the ending of the battle between dragon and phoenix." Gu Zheng didn't say it clearly, but said it sideways.

"You mean? The witch clan doesn't seem to be that powerful, especially the twelve ancestor witches are missing one." Xiong Lao sat up straight and said in disbelief.

"It's just a guess. Besides, whoever wins has nothing to do with us." Gu Zheng shrugged and laughed.

"That's right, but after the dragon and phoenix, the world is in chaos. I just hope that there won't be such a big incident this time." Xiong Lao only expressed his own guess. After all, there are many outsiders who say that the Wu Clan has won.

"I hope so!"

Gu Zheng sighed. He naturally knew that this catastrophe was worse than dragon and phoenix, but he knew that he couldn't do anything, even if he had become a quasi-sage now, it was inevitable. What happened was like the battle between the dragon and the phoenix.

From their point of view, if they don't fight, their luck will definitely be taken away by the opponent, and they will still be unable to avoid decline and death.

From the perspective of heaven, the existence of the other party has already affected the operation of the world. If their number does not decrease to a certain extent, they may drag the whole world to die together. In order to survive, they have to sacrifice, even though they are not willing .

The current situation of the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan is different from what it was before, but everyone is deluded by it. Although the saints know it, they will never stop it, but will instead add fuel to the flames.

As for Nuwa, the other party only needs to ensure the continuation of the Yaozu, and she doesn't care whether it is strong or not.

But he didn't dare to say these things, and he couldn't even remind him. He was not a saint, and even if he was, he couldn't stop him.

The topic got a little heavy, and he was about to avoid this topic and talk about something else. At this moment, Feng Ying from below appeared from below and walked straight towards Gu Zheng.

"How is my friend?" Gu Zheng stood up straight away and greeted Fengying.

"It's okay, don't worry, Elder Wu has a way to completely remove the hidden dangers in the opponent's body. It won't take long. It should be similar to your other friend. Speaking of which, she should have been treated before, otherwise it would be really troublesome." Fengying said with a smile.

"Great." Gu Zheng clenched his fists and shouted in a low voice.

The hidden danger of Mengzhen's body was finally solved, at least it saved a lot of time. It seems that I helped the Phoenix clan before, which brought too many benefits, otherwise I would be blamed for the other party's financial management.

"I just came up to inform you this time, and I will also help you next time. If there is anything else, I will talk about it when I come up." Fengying explained her reason for coming.

"Just right, I also have something to go out."

Knowing from Xiong Lao's side that the demon god dared to provoke even people from the South China Sea, it was obvious that he didn't trust Gu Zheng very much and was preparing for other small moves.

No matter what, what the other party wants to do is what he opposes. No matter what the other party needs to do, he must act as soon as possible. The longer the delay, the greater the chance of accidents.

Just taking advantage of this free time, he was ready to implement his plan.

As Fengying left, Old Xiong looked at Gu Zheng seriously, "Do you really not need me to accompany you? Although order is established there, it is not absolutely safe."

"No need, I can deal with it alone. If you forget what I did before, it won't be too dangerous to find me down here." Gu Zheng is very confident in this point.

"Okay then, when are you leaving?" Old Xiong remembered what Gu Zheng had told him, and felt relieved.

"Wait for a while, when Wan'er comes back, why don't you tell the other party, otherwise the other party will find some moths." Gu Zheng smiled wryly,

Once upon a time, I didn't want to leave when I wanted to, and I had to take into account other people's thoughts, and even find a good reason to avoid the other party's anger.

"Haha, you can continue to wait, I'll go to rest for a while." Xiong Lao smiled and left here in big strides.

Ignoring Xiong Lao's ridicule, Gu Zheng came to the room where he was temporarily staying. At this time, the Yunhuang Sword was erected on the side wall, flicking it lightly, Yan Yufei would naturally know that he had something to do.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Zheng walked out of here and went outside, continuing to wait.

Half a day passed by, and Wan'er and Yan Yufei also appeared in the distance.

I saw Wan'er lying on the horse's back, sitting firmly on it, still shouting excitedly, when she saw Gu Zheng, she slapped her little palm to the side, and she came to Gu Zheng after a few accelerations. In front of Zheng Zheng, he took off quickly and landed in front of Gu Zheng, leaving Yan Yufei behind.

"Father, are you looking for me?" A happy smile shone on her flushed face, as if flowers were blooming in ancient times.

"Aren't you happy." Gu Zheng greeted Yan Yufei who came with him, and then said with a smile.

"Happy, Xiaobai is gentle, better than Teng Snake and the others in the sea, but just after playing for a while, Sister Yufei said that you have something to call me." Wan'er said excitedly, while saying that her hands and feet kept dancing, It seemed to be still on Xiaobai's back.

"Of course, I just want to tell you that I need to go out for some things, me."

"don't want!"

Gu Zheng said patiently, but only halfway through the sentence, Wan'er suddenly screamed, and hugged Gu Zheng's thigh casually, refusing to let go.

"I won't leave for too long, a few days at most." Feeling the trembling of Wan'er's body, Gu Zheng said softly while touching the back of Wan'er's head.

"I don't want to leave you. Last time you were away for so long, you can take me with you, I can fight well." Wan'er raised her head, her big eyes were already filled with tears, and she started to choke.

She was very afraid that Gu Zheng would leave this time, and she would be separated for a long, long time. She finally found Gu Zheng, and she was always unwilling to leave his side.

"Wan'er, it's not that I won't take you. This time, you sister Yufei and sister Xiong will be waiting for me here. I will definitely come back. I swear that I will never leave you again, but there are some things that must be done. .” Gu Zheng squatted down, gently wiped Wan’er’s tears with his thumb, and gently comforted her.

"I don't! You take me with you, I'm also very good, and I won't hold you back." Wan'er's eyes became redder, and tears scattered towards the surroundings as her head swayed.

"Wan'er, where your father goes, ordinary people can't go there, even I can't go there, even your sister Fengying can't go there, only your father can go there."

"Do you think he doesn't want to take you? It's just that there will be more harm to you. Your father is also doing it for your own good. Let's wait here obediently. As your father said, it won't take a few days. I assure you, your father will be back soon."

Seeing Gu Zheng's eyes asking for help, Yan Yufei also knelt down and gently persuaded Wan'er. Every word she said hit the key points in Wan'er's heart, which made her feel a little shaken.

"You are my precious and good daughter. Since I am here, why am I willing to abandon you? You are waiting for me here, and I will be back soon." Gu Zheng gently wiped away the tears on Wan'er's face, It disappeared immediately, "If you keep crying, it won't look good."

After finishing speaking, he held Wan'er's head with both hands, and kissed her smooth forehead lightly.

"Then you must come back quickly, I'll wait for you here." Wan'er also stopped sobbing, blinked her eyes a few times, Gu Zheng could see the slightly flushed eyes of the other party, the luster in the eyes has not completely faded, and she may be at any time Flowing down like a waterfall.

"Well, I promise you." Gu Zheng smiled and gave her an affirmative answer.

"Then I'll go back first, and I'll wait for you here, and I won't go anywhere until you come back." Wan'er threw herself into Gu Zhengdi's arms, buried her head in his chest, and said in a low voice.

"I promise you, I won't let you wait too long." Gu Zheng also hugged the other party, affirming the other party again and again.

"Okay, Wan'er, don't waste your father's time, let's go back first." Yan Yufei saw that the timing was almost right, came up and pulled Wan'er up and said.

"Father, I'll wait for you!" Wan'er broke away from Yufei's palm, threw herself into Gu Zheng's arms again, pressed her wet mouth on Gu Zheng's cheek, then fled away quickly again, and ran into the bottom crater.

Yan Yufei and Gu Zheng looked at each other and smiled, and stood up from mid-air, after all, this posture looked too indecent.

"Wan'er, I'll leave it to you to take care of."

Gu Zheng is quite at ease with Yan Yufei. After all, the other party is delicate in mind and extremely patient in pampering. Coupled with the other party's approachable temperament, Wan'er likes her very much after a few contacts with the other party. It is estimated that it will be very depressed, and it is okay to take it occasionally, but it is estimated that Xiong Lao will go crazy for a long time.

After all, she is devoted to cultivation, even Gu Zheng sometimes forgets that the other party is still a woman, far inferior to Pan Xuan, at least the other party will show a daughter-like attitude.

Well, at this time, people with high cultivation bases don't care about the little love between children, they are all like men.

"Don't worry, I promise to give you a healthy and lively daughter when I come back." Yan Yufei chuckled, "I won't waste your time."

Watching Yan Yufei's figure disappear beside him, Gu Zheng's figure also flew towards the distance rapidly.

For three days in a row, Gu Zheng flew over the empty ocean, and stopped when he came to a small bare island.

Standing on a relatively high rock, he was a little confused at the moment when he was always clear. He thought of his past and the current situation, and he didn't know how to go in the future.

Ever since I started to choose to practice in Honghuang, I have left all the previous things behind. These years are not long or short, but the effect is still very significant, and my strength has improved by leaps and bounds. It's unbelievable for anyone to hear.

Humans used to want to help the demon clan so naively, and even established some kind of witch-elimination alliance, but it was only useful in the early stage. Now the war has come to the end, and now it has completely torn face. He knows that except for some larger gathering places, Many monster races are hunting and killing some human beings, which is also causing the hatred that will go deep into the bones of human beings in the future.

Most of the masters of the human race are still hiding, and they don't want to get involved in this muddy water. In fact, their appearance has no effect, and they can't change anything at all. It's better to preserve their strength and prepare for the future.

But I always feel a little uneasy in my heart. It seems that my appearance breaks the laws of the world, which is why I only guard my one-acre three-point land from the beginning to the end.

At this moment, he was also a little confused, because why did he have to go through such a journey, was it just for the sake of becoming a saint?

As the sun sets and the sun rises, the sky and the earth have only changed once, and Gu Zheng's eyes once again regained their clarity.

He knew that he couldn't figure out this question now. It was he who came to this world and took a completely different path from his master. Even if he continued to think about it, it would only bring him harm, so he should let it go first. Now he is just walking. One step at a time.

Facing the pointed sun that had just emerged from the distance of the sea, Gu Zheng stretched his muscles and bones, and then took out the Wanbao Lingzhu, a pale golden light rose from his body, completely suppressing the sunlight of the newborn sun, and at the same time In the air, a book can be seen appearing in the air, and several lines of records recorded on it can be vaguely seen.

"Gu Wan'er, female of gender, daughter of Gu Zheng, aged nine thousand seven hundred."

When the sun jumped up from the strait, he wanted to let this guy know how powerful he was, but the pale golden light had already disappeared, leaving it with empty air.

Gu Zheng stepped into the underworld, looked at the familiar and unfamiliar places around him, and felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

He remembered that after he brought Ma Duo and the others back, he left there completely. In fact, he also knew that he had to leave. Maybe he could see it again if he had a chance, but now that the place has changed so much, he doesn't know if he can still see it. Find the Yang Du who stayed behind, or the other party is no longer there.

He has not cared about them for a long time, because he has helped them enough, and it is impossible for him to take care of them forever.

After pausing for a while, Gu Zheng's figure began to move.

Here is what Xiong Lao said before, even if there is a change at the beginning, it is impossible to form an order in a blink of an eye, and it will take some time.

I need to inquire about the situation here first, so that I can better implement my plan. Even if I have some tacit help here, it is impossible to find them as soon as I come up.

People who have died can't find each other with their own false life and death records, and they can't even find out whether the other party still exists in this world.

Gu Zheng feels that since the underworld is not yet complete, both of the opponents are likely to be alive.

Mori deer!


"Come on, we can go!"

In a room, Hei Xiang urged to the sleepy Xiang Xiang.

"You said you could get me out soon, why did it take so much time, or if I intentionally hurt myself, I'm afraid I'd be kicked out now." Hearing that she was about to leave now, Xiangxiang rubbed herself quickly cheek, to wake himself up, and complained to her at the same time.

"I think so too, but your mother has something to delay, so it's delayed until now. Hurry up, your mother is waiting for you over there." Seeing that Xiangxiang was ready, Hei Xiang directly pulled her towards the wall .

Two ripples rose on the wall, and then the two of them disappeared into the room, and the guard who had been guarding the outside did not know what was happening inside, and the other party he was guarding had disappeared.

Along the safe passage opened by Heixiang, he quickly squeezed into a new place from inside the wall.

This space is not very big, and there is no light source, but there are green and blue eyes, which are constantly shining brightly in mid-air.

"Don't make a sound, the situation is a bit special now, your mother is right in front, just follow her."

Heixiang grabbed Xiangxiang and spoke to her.

In fact, Xiangxiang can already feel her mother's aura, but there are dozens of equally powerful auras around her, each of which makes her very uncomfortable, but she also knows how to measure it, so it's obviously not to break the casserole and ask the end time, and did not say anything.

Soon, with Xiangxiang's mother leading the way, the group of people followed her and left here.

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