Gu Zheng and a few people flew in the air, not fast, not as anxious as they came here before, and adjusted the situation in their bodies along the way, and recovered their ups and downs by the way.

The twists and turns with the demon god just now, this roller coaster turning point, although they are mentally tough, they also feel a little tired, and feel that they need to rest very much, and no one in the air speaks for a while.

At this time, Zhu Niao suddenly remembered something, looked at Gu Zheng in front of him, and thought of a question, accelerated to fly up and asked suddenly.

"Why are you here?"

Because this place is very remote, normally speaking, no one would come here unless something happened.

"It's complicated to say, there is a kind of toxin in Mengzhen, which is very stubborn. I took her along the way to find a solution. Although someone helped solve a large part of it, there are still some residues in the body, so it is not so easy to get rid of it."

"A friend of mine got lost in the South China Sea and needed to find him back. I also lost something in the front and I needed to find it. I also promised to send him back alone. The needs are all there. Together."

Zhu Niao didn't expect that there were so many things about Gu Zheng, and she also knew that the other party just happened to pass by here. At first, she thought that the other party had found the whereabouts of Xiong Lao by herself and came to rescue him.

"Is there anyone I need help with? I didn't suffer too much injury. I just need to rest and recover. Although Old Xiong can't use his blood power anymore, as long as he rests and recuperates, his strength won't be damaged much."

"The front ones don't need your help." Gu Zheng opened his mouth, looked at Zhu Niao's eyes dimmed slightly, thought that the other party wanted to repay his kindness, and then continued, "But I need to go to a place composed of many small thousand worlds , it is very dangerous there, and there are even quasi-holy enemies, I need help in that place."

"No problem, with us, your affairs will be completed perfectly." Zhu Niao immediately agreed without thinking.

Even if there is an unsolvable enemy, Gu Zheng will definitely not go there to die.

Gu Zheng didn't continue to tell the other party about the situation inside, and he agreed when he saw the other party, so he didn't say much. When he got there, he was explaining to them in detail, and with their help, he had to worry about it. few.

And the other party also repaid the favor by the way, but it was the best of both worlds for me and them.

"However, this place is not good for you now. Let's rest and recuperate for a while. When I go in, I will call you, how about it?" Gu Zheng said to Zhu Niao.

"No problem, I will give you and me a feather. When you need us, activate it directly. I will naturally know where you are." Vermilion Bird took out a three-colored feather and handed it over.

"There is a situation below!"

Just as Gu Zheng put it away, he heard Mengzhen shout suddenly, and hurriedly looked down.

Before they knew it, they had already arrived on the grassland, and there were several corpses buried in the grass below, and they couldn't find them unless they looked carefully.

"They are subordinates of the Demon God. Once the Demon God dies, they die with them."

At the same time as Mengzhen opened his mouth, Old Xiong fell directly to the bottom, only after taking a look below, he came back again and said to them.

"Hey, the forest in front is here." Gu Zheng pointed to the forest in front, and led everyone to fly over at an accelerated speed.

Outside the once-sealed gap, there are also two subordinates of the dead Demon God. The entrance disguised by Gu Zheng was also opened by the other party, and even a small part of it was opened. It seems that the other party also wants to know the following detailed information. , but died suddenly before it had time.

It took half a day to clear out a space on the lower floor, and a simple layer of camouflage was placed on it, which was very concealed.

"That's right, the Spirit Gathering Formation below is still working, saving a lot of effort." Elder Xiong was also very satisfied.

"In that case, you guys rest here first, and I'll go and settle my little things first." Gu Zheng said from the side.

"Don't worry, I will take care of your friend for you." Zhu Niao also echoed.

"Well, let's go first then."

"Senior Vermilion Bird, Mr. Xiong, let's go first."

Meng Zhen also greeted them, and left here following Gu Zheng.

After they left, Vermilion Bird closed the upper entrance, came down and sighed to Old Xiong.

"This time, I just let the other party agree to help us with shameless face. Seeing what the other party means, in fact, one person is enough to complete it."

"What's the matter! According to my opinion, the other party will soon be able to advance to the rank of quasi-sage. I am absolutely sure of this. At that time, the real sky is flying high. We can't afford to pay back favors. Could it be You still want to repay the kindness by guarding the door with the other party." Xiong Lao said jokingly.

The kindness Zhu Niao owed to others in the past was only repaid at the price of a thousand years as a gatekeeper, and it was also a stain that she could never escape.

"Even if I wanted to, the other party would not let us watch the door. The other party has always treated us as friends." Zhu Niao said indifferently, and then sighed, "It's really lucky to know him."

"Yeah, really lucky."

"Father, let me out, let me out."

In a well-decorated room, a young girl held an old man's arm, shaking Sai coquettishly.

"You are quite courageous. You dared to come here alone. If I didn't punish you, I would be soft-hearted. You still want to go out, and there is no door." The old man said with a flick of his sleeve, pretending to be angry.

"It can't be all due to me, who made you pretend to be sick, I'm worried about you!" Seeing the old man angry, the girl didn't take it seriously, and grabbed his arm again and shook it.

"Okay, Xiangxiang, I'm fine now, you can rest assured, I'll take you out of here in a while, don't let others worry about you when you go home, now you're old, you're not a child, and you still love to act like a baby Shame." The old man originally reprimanded the other party, but seeing the pitiful expression on the other party's face, knowing that it was an act, he couldn't help but soften his heart.

"You are my father, I will always be a child in your eyes." Xiangxiang stuck out her tongue and rolled her eyes, "Why don't you let me go out, what are you doing here, I have grown up now, and I'm still so powerful, and I can help you too."

"Nonsense, you." As soon as the old man's tone became serious, he saw the tears in Xiangxiang's eyes. He had a headache, so he could only endure his temper and continued in a gentle tone, "Do you know that this place is very dangerous, you can All the elites of the sea clan that were mobilized were transferred in, they are no better than you, but there are still casualties, you are obedient, after I go back, you can do whatever you want."

Hearing what her father said, Xiangxiang also knew that it was impossible to inquire about the news from the other party, so she nodded obediently, making the old man happy, and touched Xiangxiang's head, "Now is not the time to open it, just wait for a while, I will I will send someone to take you back, if you need anything, just let the guard at the door tell me directly."

Xiangxiang curled her lips, knowing in her heart that the other party was still under house arrest, but she couldn't even beat the guards at the door, and it was extremely difficult to sneak out, and there was no way to disagree.

Seeing the father walking out, the other party's admonition to the guard at the door must be optimistic about her not to let her leave the room. I was annoyed, just jumped back and fell directly on the soft bed, very depressed.

Not long after, a wisp of black mist penetrated the wall of the room, fell to the ground and turned into a figure, looked at Xiangxiang who was suffocating, and set up a simple soundproof circle around it to ensure that the outside could not hear The voice inside called her name softly.

"Xiang Xiang"

"Why do you have the nerve to come back and leave me outside alone." Xiangxiang looked up and immediately said angrily.

"Your father was coming, and if I didn't leave, the other party would have to kill me." Hei Xiang explained from the side.

"Then why did you trick me to come here?" Xiangxiang is not stupid, her father has no problems, and there is obviously something to do here, and the other party seems to know it, but coaxing herself to come here must have other purposes.

"Don't you want to know your own life?" Heixiang continued unhurriedly, "Think about why your brothers and sisters are in the center, and you have lived in a remote place since you were a child, all alone , isn't it pitiful?"

"That's because of you. I was there to prevent infecting other people." Xiangxiang said without thinking.

"Hehe, that's not necessarily the case. After I died, why did you still stay there and didn't take you back at all, and you also know why I can be resurrected with the help of you. Haven't you thought about it?" He continued to speak thoughtfully.

This time Xiangxiang was silent, not because she hadn't thought about it, but because she had learned to face it with an optimistic attitude, which Gu Zheng told her.

"I was resurrected from the bottom of my heart, naturally to tell you that you were only adopted, and your real mother was suppressed here. This is the reason why you are not welcomed by others."

Heixiang dropped a blockbuster, and the fried Xiangxiang inside was full of meat and vegetables. She just stood up and sat down on the bed.

Seeing Xiangxiang's appearance, Heixiang couldn't stop sneering from the bottom of her heart. She didn't lose her memory. Although she was swallowed by the other party in the end, she was resurrected in the deepest memory of the other party, but she couldn't do anything to her, and she had to protect her. After all, the lives of the two are one. If one dies, the other party is fine, but if the other party dies, one must die with it.

But now it's because she doesn't pay attention to her. Once someone is carefully checked by Xiangxiang, she can't escape the detection at all, and that's when she will die.

She is not wrong, Xiangxiang is indeed not the child of the Dragon King, and her mother is also suppressed here. If she does not come, the other party may hesitate or ask, but once she is coaxed here, the other party's character will inevitably Going to confirm it in person, in order to prevent the other party from telling the truth, she made a special statement.

"If your father knows that you have learned the truth, I'm afraid your mother will never see the light of day again."

"How is it possible? My father loves me very much, and I am his child." Xiangxiang said to herself in a daze.

"If you want, I can take you to identify it for yourself, at least I can't keep you in the dark. Of course, if you insist on giving up the truth, I will take you back." Heixiang said with feigned regret.

"No, take me there, I want to see it myself."

Xiangxiang's reaction was exactly as she expected, which made her heart more joyful, and then said, "You are under strict surveillance now, give me five days, and I will help you find a passage, and then you will naturally clear."


Xiangxiang didn't get up either, but hummed a word weakly.


Heixiang's body turned into a black shadow again, eliminating any traces left by him, and then left along the wall.

It's not that she hasn't done anything in the past few days. She has already contacted Xiangxiang's biological mother, and the other party promised her that once Xiangxiang is brought back, she will help her get in touch with this state.

Of course, she wouldn't think that the other party was so kind, so she naturally had second-hand plans. As long as Xiangxiang's heart faltered, she could replace him without attracting anyone's attention.

With the appearance of Xiangxiang's mother, it is impossible for her not to fall.

"Why is it happening like that!"

After Heixiang left, Xiangxiang sat up suddenly, and said with great annoyance.

She never imagined that after she came here, everything happened to her. At this moment, she wanted to leave, but she just thought about it.

After learning about her life experience, she also wanted to know what was going on. Could it be that everything Hei Xiang said was true?

My heart was extremely confused, I didn't know what to do at this time, and the figure of Gu Zheng suddenly flashed in my mind.

"I don't know if my brother has got my news, it seems to get the answer from him."

Five days passed in a blink of an eye, and when Heixiang came again, Xiangxiang still didn't have any answers in her heart, so she could only take one step at a time.

Along the safe passage opened by Heixiang, Xiangxiang followed the other party around without any risk, and finally came to an underground world full of magma.

Except for some reinforced stone platforms, it is all steaming magma. From time to time, some boiling bubbles emerge from the ground, and finally burst with a light sound at the top.

What makes Xiangxiang even more strange is that in this spacious space, there are hundreds of extremely thick stone pillars, which emerge from the depths of the magma and extend to the top. Not only are there many powerful runes on them, but on them, There are also countless thick silver chains connected among the various stone pillars, many of which go deep into the magma.

The flickering lines on it seem to be restraining a group of prisoners.

While she was observing, the magma in front of her began to boil more and more, as if something was about to appear from below, she immediately noticed the abnormality, and quickly took a few steps back.

She glanced at Hei Xiang next to her, and then put her eyes in front of her. At least she knew that Hei Xiang would not harm her.


A large piece of magma splashed out from below, and at the same time, a slender head was exposed from the magma below.

This is a dragon head that seems to have a special aesthetic feeling. Dense dragon scales are arranged on both sides. Looking at Xiangxiang with soft eyes, an inexplicable excitement suddenly arose in her heart. The female Dragon Clan has a very intimate relationship with her, and this feeling is stronger and closer than that with her father.

"Daughter, I didn't expect to see you again one day." Long Shou said softly, with endless longing in his words.

This made Xiangxiang burst into tears immediately, and her whole body was even more distressed, which made her more certain that this woman seemed to be her mother.

Hei Xiang tactfully disappeared from the side, leaving only the two of them.

"Are you really my mother?" Xiangxiang burst into tears, and couldn't help taking a step closer to her.

"Yes, since you were born, I only had time to stay with you for one day, and you were taken away. I'm sorry, but I can't do anything." Long Shou lowered his head and said very sadly.

"Then why have you stayed here and not come to see me!" Xiangxiang asked sadly after taking a step forward.


The dragon's head jumped upwards again, and under her neck, a series of silver chains trapped her tightly round after round. With a slight movement, some of the silver chains above also trembled, sending out There was a crisp sound.

Seeing this scene, Xiangxiang couldn't help covering her mouth. She never thought that her mother would be trapped here alive.

"Whoever imprisoned you here, I will ask my father to rescue you." Xiangxiang stepped forward, looking at the traces of cruelty on her mother's body, which were all traces of being bound by silver chains for many years.

"It's useless for you to tell the other party."

"Because he personally bound me here."

"And he's still my elder brother! He's still the father you speak of!"

Xiangxiang couldn't believe her mother's words. It was her father who bound her sister here.

"Is it because you made a mistake that you are being held here."

Although I was very sad that my mother was imprisoned here, but thinking of my father's usual majesty, I felt that it was impossible to imprison others for no reason.

"Don't cry." Xiangxiang's mother sighed, "We made some mistakes in the past, but that was not intentional at all. You also know the chaos outside. Once I brought my subordinates, and When the enemy was fighting, he accidentally caused the death of thousands of people in the tribe. I have already admitted my mistake, but my brother directly imprisoned us here indiscriminately. thanks to

Speaking of this, huge eyeballs also popped out of her eyes, and as soon as they flowed down, they were evaporated by the scorching heat around them.

"I have already admitted my mistake, and the other party still imprisoned me, isn't it just to show others, to maintain my majesty, and my orthodox status, daughter, I only ask you one thing, let me leave here, I want Find an opportunity to confront him in person."

"For so many years, the other party has never been here. It's just that your uncle checks occasionally. Even if I die, I will die willingly. Now only you can help me!"

"Can you help me your mother? Grant me this one wish!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xiangxiang pitifully.

Seeing this, Xiangxiang felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart, the tears that had just stopped falling again and again, she nodded her head vigorously.

"Mom, I don't know how I can help you!"

"There is a copper ring on your foot. In order to prevent me from coming out, my brother took great pains and sent you away from here so that our mother and daughter will never meet. You don't even know how much I miss you."

She pretended to be sad and said, with countless sorrows in her eyes.

"I have this, here you are." Before she could finish speaking, Xiangxiang handed it over.

"Brother, wait for me, I will definitely 'repay' you for this hatred."

She took the key, thinking darkly in her heart.

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