Mengzhen's expression was very lifelike. Cooperating with the opponent's other intact palm, she let go of the wooden stick in her hand and closed it towards this side. It seemed that she wanted to see the strength of the two palms to crush her. It felt even more dangerous.

The writing brush above just managed to crush a skeleton, before it continued to release spells to save Gu Zheng, five more skulls flew in the distance, and now they only had to flee, and could not help Mengzhen at all.

"Mao Bi, don't pretend to be dead, you are pretending that both of us are going to die." Meng Zhen hurriedly said from the side.

At this time, the palm has been completely closed on it, and the milky white light around it is very strong, and with the force from the outside, little ripples are constantly swaying on it.

"How can I do it!" Mao Bi stood up from his shoulders and said a little at a loss.

Thanks to Mengzhen, if he was completely crushed into powder the moment the opponent grabbed him, his strength would not be able to block any attack from the opponent.

"Try your previous spell first, whether you can open a channel in the opponent's body." Meng Zhen said quickly, and made a very reasonable suggestion.

After all, with the condition of the brush at this time, other than that situation, you can try it. Once you hit it head-on, there is only a dead end.

"Okay, I'll try!"

At this time, the brush can see through a gap in the air that it is constantly chasing the brush. Coupled with Mengzhen's situation at this time, it is obvious that there is no resistance.

As for Gu Zheng, he saw the other party enter a dark hole with his own eyes, and he hasn't come out yet, and he can't help at all now.

"It seems that it's a bit early for us to use the last hole card." The man above said with a relaxed expression when he saw the situation below.

"It wasn't our situation just now, which attracted the other party's attention, otherwise there would not be such a good opportunity." The woman said expressionlessly.

"I will inject that power into the past now, no matter whether the opponent has a hole card or not, they can resist this power, and our mission has been completed." The man looked very relaxed. After all, judging from the current situation, no matter what, their mission It can also be done perfectly.

Those companions who were on duty at the formation knew that they were all sold out, but there was nothing they could do about it. Those companions who were about to leave didn't know until their death that those tentacles were made by their own people, and they thought it was Gu Zheng's means to fight them.

The man didn't know what to activate, and suddenly there was a sudden shock in the entire cave, and then in the void, beautiful patterns emerged quickly, forming blood-red patterns, which turned into several after the void merged several times. All the thick red lines are not under the dream.

The monster that looked a bit weak at first, now a bloody red light bloomed on its body, its aura suddenly rose, and an extremely powerful killing aura burst out, even its whole body swelled up abruptly.

The feeling of Mengzhen in it was even more obvious. Suddenly, the pressure on her from the other party increased instantly, so she had to show her hidden strength, so as to stabilize her defense.

But at this moment, Meng Zhenxin also had a thump in her heart. She didn't expect the other party's sudden outburst. If the stalemate really continued like this, then she must be the final loser. Thinking of this, she couldn't help urging.

"Brush, hurry up, I'm almost unable to hold on here."

"I know, I'm working hard." At this moment, the brush is more aware of the danger coming from outside, and the whole person is working hard quickly, shooting golden rays of light in the air and sinking into the void.

On the other battlefield, the stalemate is still in the air. The three figures have not changed much from the beginning to the present, but if you look carefully, you will find that Tang Li has been victorious since the beginning, and now he is cautious.

"The friend below you is about to die, why don't you consider my opinion." Tang Li still wanted to reconcile with the other party, and after seeing the changes below, he tried to persuade him again.

After fighting in such a short period of time, he has already discovered that it is basically impossible for him to kill the opponent, even if he has not seen through the opponent's limit first, and he has already exerted twelve points of strength.

"You still have the nerve to persuade me, I believe my friend, that monster can't kill him at all, but why don't you consider turning to the light, if your daughter knows that the father he respects the most is actually an evil devil, will she marry you A clean break, now I can prove that you are the spy we arranged, and I can help you get rid of the demon god clone on your body." Gu Zheng also snorted coldly when he heard the other party's unwillingness to give up.

"Impossible, Lord Demon God's kindness, even if I die, I have to fulfill it." Tang Li said subconsciously.

"What about your daughter? After you die, no one cares about your daughter." Gu Zheng dodged the opponent's attack, and at the same time punched the split body on the shoulder, directly blasting the opponent away, "Your daughter's strength That’s right, let’s not say that the other party is well protected by you, lacks experience, is released alone, and has not been deceived by others, but in the wild, is the other party’s strength safe? Or, you asked your daughter to prepare for a lifetime Hide."

"Don't say it again, it wasn't you, everything wouldn't be so bad, in a few years, everything will be over, it's you." Tang Li suddenly shouted, yelling at Gu Zheng, at the same time bullying him again, ruthlessly Hit him hard in the stomach.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and didn't say anything else. From the corner of his eye, he saw the Yunhuang sword bound in mid-air, with black lines as thick as fingers, which made him unable to control it. It's a pity.

Tang Li himself is not very powerful, even if he forcibly improves his cultivation, he is still very easy to deal with. The demon god clone of the opponent, who has inherited a trace of the opponent's divine sense, poses a great threat to him, even the one he took out just now Weapons can be sealed.

Fortunately, the opponent doesn't have any weapons, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with. Even so, the opponent's small spell is extremely disgusting, but after this short fight, now I know the opponent's weakness, and I already have a solution in my heart Subdue each other.

Just when the monster below was replenished with strength, Tang Qing, who had been hiding outside in a tree, also jumped down again because she felt the vibration below, looked at the shield that still existed in front of her, and then pointed her finger past.

The originally extremely solid defense collapsed instantly when she touched it with her powerless fingers, revealing the path inside, which surprised her very much.

Before she left here, she once heard her father say that if there is danger below, all the forces will be concentrated, causing all the defenses to fail. At that time, let her never come out and hide in the innermost place to be safe.

Now it seems that there must be a lot of trouble down there, but she still has no hesitation to go in.

She wanted to tell her father that the people who came were not bad people, and told them not to fight. She knew that the ancient battle was fierce, and her father was definitely not their opponent, so she wanted to stop all of this.

All the organs and traps along the way had disappeared, so she didn't have any worries, and her steps became more and more swift, and she rushed towards the bottom.

At this time, the area where Mengzhen is located.

"I'm not strong enough, I still can't."

The brush saw that the channel he had enlightened was looming in the opponent's hand, obviously not enough for them to pass through, and said with some frustration.

"I'm trying to figure out a way, don't worry." Meng Zhen instead comforted the brush with a look of deep thought.

Little did she know that she was already incomparably surprised. She knew the strength of the brush, but she could create a channel in the opponent's body, even if the channel was very unstable and impossible to pass through.

"If you give me a few more days, I will definitely succeed." Brush said in a low voice.

However, he also knew that at this juncture, let alone a few days, even a stick of incense could determine the life and death of both parties. Before he could successfully analyze it, he and Mengzhen would go to the west together.

However, there is still a wish in his heart, that is, if Gu Zheng can appear in time, then they will definitely be rescued as soon as he comes.


As if the sound of glass about to shatter rang out in the air, Maobi took a closer look, and there were traces of cracks in Mengzhen's outer defense, and it was still expanding rapidly, obviously it was about to fail.

"Hurry up and find a way!" Mao Bi said to Meng Zhen in shock.

"My weapon has been damaged outside, I have only one solution now, just..." Meng Zhen frowned and said embarrassedly.

"What can I do? Don't worry about it, just say it first." Maobi looked at the ever-expanding crack on the top of his head and said in fear.

"I don't have any other good solution now, but you can take us out of here." Mengzhen didn't hide and squeezed, and immediately said to the brush, "You don't have enough strength now, but I can help you strengthen the strength in your body, and then open This route, but you will lose your freedom."

"Then hurry up, anyway, I was abandoned by my original master, I think you and I still have fate, hurry up!"

This was really beyond Meng Zhen's expectations. She thought that the other party had to think more about it, but after hearing what she said, she agreed without saying a word. She and her thought tenaciously, and would not agree until the last moment. It seemed that the other party would Waiting for myself, as long as I speak, the other party will agree.

"What are you doing in a daze? I don't know what you're thinking along the way. It's too late at night. I'm not a three-year-old." Mao Bi immediately urged in a daze when he saw Meng.

It's not how smart he is. After seeing Mengzhen's weapon and Mengzhen's deliberate flattery along the way, no one knows her purpose, but for him, being with Mengzhen is absolutely perfect.

He knew in his heart that even if he went back, he would still be in the study where he could not see the sun, and would only be let out occasionally. Originally, he could go, but he refused and stayed there waiting for the arrival of the next master.

He doesn't want to be alone, especially after gaining the power of Yuxi, he doesn't want to be alone like before, he wants to fight.

So after Mengzhen made the request, he also breathed a sigh of relief. He would rather go back all the way than open his mouth.


Mengzhen wasn't in a daze at this moment, she poked forward with her index finger, and a slender golden thread flew out from it, directly connected to the end of the brush.

The whole body of the brush trembled suddenly, and the golden light on his body scattered out uncontrollably, and a phantom in it rushed up along the golden line, and directly fell into Mengzhen's body.

In the final analysis, the writing brush itself is a magic weapon with its own spirit, there is no need for Mengzhen to further refine it, just like a treasure recognizes its owner, once it touches here, a strange feeling will emerge in Mengzhen.

When visiting the brush, it seems that a feeling of blood connection floated up in my heart. I finally got him, but if I want to fully exert his role, I can't just rely on myself to command randomly. After all, the other party has his own thoughts. If the other party really If you are not willing to cooperate, even if you use it forcefully, you will not be able to exert much power, but when the other party cooperates, the power is much greater than usual, and even if you don't have to worry about it, the other party can perfectly display its power.

Mengzhen really didn't know about this at first, but she learned about it after listening to Gu Zheng, so she patiently accompanied the brush, otherwise she really thought it would be fine to take it away by force, although she wouldn't do that.

Although she was very excited in her heart, the movement of her hand did not stop. She stretched it forward, and the brush fell into her hand automatically. She immediately understood the meaning of the brush at this time, and the mana in her body poured into the brush like a tide, and then Throw it forward again.

"Just let you see how good I am."

The brush drank excitedly in the air, his figure was like a spinning top, and he spun quickly in the air. He couldn't see how he did it at all, and found that the golden channel that was about to fade before was bright again

Mengzhen's eyes lit up, and before the brush could open his mouth, his whole body jumped forward, grabbed the brush in mid-air, and rushed directly into the golden passage in front of him.

When he came out again, he suddenly found that he had escaped from the opponent's control, and the other side appeared, far away from that side.

"How can it be!"

The male and female colleagues who looked at this side from above exclaimed, you must know that it is not only the power of the palm, but also a layer of defense on the outside. Their previous actions were clearly seen, but it turned out to be useless.

"What to do next?" The woman frowned.

"Don't ask her, the other party can't kill the monster anyway, so the other party will not be able to get out of the formation. Our goal is not to kill him, but to delay time. Now time is running out, so there is no need to make further troubles." The man is very rational, Know their main goals.

Originally, the existence time of the monster was short. When the opponent was not dealt with in the early stage, he could only use the last hole card, sacrifice not only those sacrifices, but also a large amount of spare energy. Now it exists for a long time, more than enough for the specified time. There is no need to fight each other.

"I feel that I am full of power." Maobi shouted excitedly in front of Mengzhen.

"That's my power, but if you want to treat it as yours, I have no objection." Mengzhen didn't care at all, anyway, the other party was already hers, and no one could take it away, and she didn't care what the other party did, as long as she could Just fight with her.

"Let me do it, I think I can completely beat the opponent." Mao Bi volunteered immediately after sensing Meng Zhenxin's thoughts.

"Go, just let me see how powerful you are." Mengzhen agreed directly, and the mana in his body was poured in continuously, which was still somewhat lacking with the strength of the opponent's body.

At this time, she really didn't know the real combat effectiveness of the brush, let alone just knew that the other party had an escape spell that was similar to her own, and she didn't know much about the others.

"Should die, you monster that harms the world, I will punish you on behalf of the justice of the world." The brush accelerated and came to the mid-air, and said vigorously.

When Mengzhen heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she felt a little regret in her heart, how could the other party say such embarrassing words, but what happened next made her just forget about it.

Because as the brush's voice fell, a pure coercion suddenly appeared in the air, not from the brush, but out of thin air, as if the world heard his voice and came to help him.

"How can it be!"

The two people in the void exclaimed again at the same time.

A magic weapon of average rank surprised them incomparably when it was born with a weapon spirit, but it also has the talent to speak words. Even if it doesn't look too powerful, it just slightly reduces the monster's strength, but it is enough to make people uncomfortable. dare to believe.

After the brush finished speaking, the whole figure rushed towards the distant monster rapidly. While passing by, his body was dancing in the air, as if he was writing something. Those incomprehensible golden characters directly Connected into a ball in the air.

Before getting close to the opponent, the figure of the brush stopped suddenly, the tip of the brush pointed forward heavily, and a beam of golden light emitted from the front end.


The golden light was so fast that it rushed towards the ghost's chest in the blink of an eye, and pierced through the opponent's almost physical defense the next moment, leaving a small hole in the chest, but the opponent seemed to be hit by a huge The heavy wound was like that, and he roared in pain.

At the same time, the bronze inscriptions on the back of the brush also fell off one after another, allowing people to see clearly.

Forty or fifty fonts, almost all of which are the four characters of eliminating demons and punishing evil, exuding golden light, flying at a leisurely speed, and landing on monsters in the distance one by one.

Even if the opponent is in an explosive state at this time, no matter whether it is a bone claw, a wooden stick, or other attacks, it cannot damage the opponent. In addition, the narrowness of this place makes it have no room to dodge, and it has not yet come up with other methods , has already been suppressed by the words that seem to have little power.

Every word that landed on the monster's body was deeply imprinted on the surface of the opponent's body, like the momentum of Mount Tai, the opponent's body swayed under the pressure, and some stood unsteadily.

One word really can't threaten him, but such a word, even a monster can't bear it. In the end, the whole body is lying on the ground, and the outside is full of golden inscriptions, which really suppressed the opponent. Wear down each other a little bit.

No matter how the higher authorities manipulated it, there was no other way but to watch the monster with high hopes fall down and disappear completely.

With the disappearance of the monster, everything around became unreal, and soon returned to its previous appearance, but the surrounding walls were full of potholes, obviously the formation here was completely damaged.

Before Meng Zhenxiu could speak, not far in front of her, Tang Li's figure fell down, lying on the ground without moving, and Gu Zheng also walked out from the void.


At this moment, an exclamation came from a distance, and Tang Qing's figure appeared from a distance, running towards this side with an anxious expression.

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