On both sides of the rock, in a place that Gu Zheng and the others couldn't find, there were grid-like voids, barely big enough to squeeze two people, each of them sat cross-legged inside, their bodies covered by a layer of black fog and sand, Like a sculpture, it is linked with the formation outside.

And at the back, there is an obviously relatively open space, Tang Li is standing inside at this time, and next to him is the man and woman who came out a step earlier, also standing on both sides of Tang Li, through the translucent wall in front of him, see Follow the ancient struggle that is advancing cautiously below.

"Master Tang, why don't we take the initiative to detonate the defensive formation, but instead trap them in." The woman asked a little puzzled.

As people who have been stationed here all year round, they naturally know this finale formation, and they also know that this formation has the ability to self-destruct when it cannot trap others, exerting huge destructive power, and most likely delaying time.

"Do you still have to ask? Did you practice stupidly a while ago, and we need to buy time later. If it detonates, not to mention it will affect the latter, causing the transmission to fail, not to mention that we still have so many people now, is it just like this?" We sacrificed together in vain."

Before Tang Li could explain, the man next to him began to explain.

"I was so dizzy, I didn't think there was something to protect behind." The woman slapped her forehead and said in embarrassment.

I have been outside for many years, except that I was curious about the back at the beginning, but I couldn't know it, so I gradually forgot it. This time I was really negligent.

"The other party is about to arrive at the predetermined location, how about the person who told you to retreat earlier?" Tang Li looked at the two of them and asked suddenly.

"We don't have anyone who participated in the formation here. We have all gathered together and waited for the adults to open it and let them leave, but I have a little regret." The man said quickly after hearing this, "The people we arrested, because they are all on the upper floor, There is no secret passage where the other party is, so those people are still being held there."

"It's okay, it's because we made a wrong estimate in the early stage, or there is enough time to transfer." Tang Li didn't pursue the other party's fault, but comforted him, "Now you all leave here to assist the operation of the formation, and I am also going to prepare for it at a suitable time." opportunity to go down."

"Sir, do you want them to leave first?" The woman suddenly asked curiously before leaving.

"Yes, after all, we are serving the Lord Demon God. We can retreat as long as we resist for a certain period of time. Then the Lord Demon God will definitely reward everyone." Tang Li nodded, looked at her and said seriously.

The woman and the man withdrew happily. The Lord Demon God's reward must be extremely generous, and they couldn't help but think about it. After all, it is very easy for them to leave in this situation.

They didn't see the cold light in Tang Li's eyes, nor the sneer on his lips.

"No one in this place, no one can leave."

With a low murmur in his mouth, Tang Li also left here.

"It's really strange. Could it be that we think too much?"

The two people who were walking carefully below naturally didn't know the situation above. Meng Zhen saw that there was no movement around, and seeing that they had already crossed more than half of the distance, she muttered to herself with some doubts.

You know, as long as they speed up this distance, they may be able to rush across it in the blink of an eye.

Could the trap be ahead?

Meng Zhen looked over involuntarily, but there was no dangerous aura in the passage ahead, just like a very ordinary passage, except that it was surrounded by a kind of rock to fix it, and there was no engraved formation.

In the midst of doubts, just as he was about to propose to Gu Zheng, he rushed up in one go, when suddenly a different change appeared in front of his eyes, making the two of them immediately stand in place and not move.

Around them, ripples appeared in the void, layers upon layers, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings, as if they had already been in a strange space.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand to block Mengzhen who was about to do something, and frowned and looked behind him.

Ripples also appeared in the space in the distance, making this passage feel illusory. The entrance they came in has disappeared, and the surrounding stone walls have also slowly disappeared from their eyes. It feels like the whole world is changing. .

"It's okay. When we came in, we had already stepped into the other party's trap, but I wanted to see what happened to the other party. Now it seems that the other party is very vigilant. It has only been activated until now. If we don't activate it, it will be really awkward for us to go out." Trouble." Gu Zheng said calmly from the side.

Meng really suddenly realized, no wonder I always felt a little strange before, or I have too little experience, and I don't know anything about the strange formations or other things in the prehistoric world.

"Then we'll be like this?" Meng Zhen looked at it calmly, holding the brush on his shoulder as if he was a dead body, and he didn't know if the other party could see through their plan, but with his IQ, he might not be able to do so until the moment he was betrayed. Know the truth of the matter.

"Yes, this is the opponent's lair. If you want to move forward, you must pass through here, so you must break through here first, otherwise you will always be trapped here, but it seems that it is not the same as the usual formation. ," Gu Zheng understood the true meaning of the dream, and immediately explained it carefully.

"We work together, no matter how powerful this formation is, it can't stop us, we will definitely be able to break this formation." Meng Zhen also nodded and said.

Just as they were talking, the ripples around them had slowly stopped and returned to their normal state, but this place had completely changed.

Although the area of ​​the soles of the feet is still there, outside, the place that was originally a rock has become pitch black, as if it were an endless void, and some bright spots of light of different sizes can be seen from a very far away, without the slightest trace. Arranged regularly, it vaguely looks like a human figure, which seems to be providing mana for this formation.

However, the void in front of him is really infinite void, even if Gu Zheng steps into it, he may be completely lost in it. If you want to be completely safe, you must at least have the strength of a quasi-sage to ignore it.

If you really want to rush over and kill those foolishly, I'm afraid it's exactly what the other party wants.

"boom" "boom"

Two huge shocks suddenly sounded in the distance, pulling the eyes of the two people back, only to find that in the distance, a huge monster with a height of ten feet suddenly appeared.

This monster has a pair of equally thick thighs, and the bare soles of its feet only take a step, causing the ground to tremble a little, leaving a clearly visible footprint behind it.

On it was a body like a carrion corpse, with two arms leaking white bones, waving only a black wooden stick in his hand, and the other hand was a bone claw, waving continuously in the air, leaving A frightening howl of wind.

This is naturally not the most peculiar. If it looks like a huge humanoid enemy, but the opponent's head grows tentacles like things, waving above the head, one of the thickest tentacles, holding the A head with a hideous complexion, double the size of the usual pupils was emitting black light, as if burning black mist, constantly emerging, with the dancing tentacles, looking at Gu Zheng and the others from a distance.

The other tentacles also bear heads of different sizes, but these heads have their eyes closed, and they look like they are in a deep sleep state, far less scary than the one in the middle.

On the whole, it looks like a person with a strange head, and more importantly, the breath of the other party is even more frightening, no less than a dream that really exists.

"It seems that this place is more powerful than we imagined, so be careful." Gu Zheng looked at the giant and said with a dignified expression. He could naturally see that this monster was only forcibly summoned by a formation.

"I hope we can break through." Mengzhen grabbed the palm of his hand, his weapon brush was already in his hand, and looked at the front and said cautiously.


The head in the middle of the monster opened its mouth and let out a huge roar. At the same time, the eyes of the other heads opened one after another. The red eyes seemed to be crazy, and then suddenly lit up, and then a series of substantial red lights pierced the void in an instant. Shoot towards them.

"I come!"

Seeing this scene, Mengzhen immediately took the initiative to take a step forward, and the writing brush in his hand suddenly glowed with a black light, and as the rapid dance in the air, a series of black lights that were not inferior also appeared in the void, no more, no less and The number of opponents kept colliding in the air.

There was no shocking sound, the two merged silently in the air, and disappeared at the same time, as if each melted the other.

He missed a hit, and the head in the middle obviously showed angry eyes. Although the two were separated by a large distance, the huge wooden stick in his hand was directly smashed down in the air, and it seemed that he could not touch this side at all.

But a black phantom entwined around the stick, and when the stick suddenly stopped in the air, it left directly from the body and turned into a black tornado, with the help of the huge wind generated, it roared directly towards this side Come on.

Facing the monster's attack, Meng Zhen didn't careless at all. With her white wrists all over her body, a picture scroll rose up in front of her in an instant, and then continued to expand until it fully extended to the edge, and then stopped expanding.

A picture scroll that was even bigger than a monster stood in front of them, completely blocking the space in front of them. A menacing black whirlwind rushed straight into the picture scroll, and then the picture scroll shrank and returned to its normal shape again, suspended in the dream. behind.

But at this time the monster has come in front of them, this time the wooden stick in his hand can be swept out towards them directly, and the other hand is grabbed towards Mengzhen. Originally, the whole space is a slender rectangle surrounded by Void, there doesn't seem to be any way out at all.

Seeing this, the two jumped up to dodge each other's attacks. With a swipe of the brush in Mengzhen's hand, some swirling black lights suddenly appeared in his figure. The whole person seemed to have no gravity, floating in the air without order, just Like falling leaves irregularly, the seemingly huge bone claws always deflected towards her body, just like a slippery loach, unable to catch Mengzhen at all.

Gu Zheng in the back was still falling in the air, suddenly under him, a dark round hole suddenly opened in the void, a huge suction came out from it, and Gu Zheng fell into it in the blink of an eye , as if swallowed.

"The ancient dispute is gone!"

The brush that was pretending to be dead on Mengzhen's shoulder suddenly reminded loudly.

With such an interference, Mengzhen was almost touched by the opponent's sharp claws, and once again dodged the opponent's wooden stick to sweep, seeing a good opportunity, the black light on her body shook, and her figure fell behind, just by chance Seeing the closing of the black mist in the void.

"Don't worry about the other party, you might as well worry about me, how can we deal with this monster." Meng Zhen said immediately.

"I can't beat the opponent, why don't we wait for Gu Zheng to come out and kill him together." Mao Bi immediately gave up when he heard Meng Zhen's complaint.

"There are still monsters that you can't solve, I don't believe it." Mengzhen stepped back, watching the monster in front of him keep approaching him, and trying to solve him.

The brush didn't answer the conversation at this time, the monster didn't seem so stupid, it stood still and kept attacking, trying to get close to Mengzhen, Mengzhen was forced to retreat, but soon it was about to retreat to the back, and there was no way to retreat You can retreat, behind is the void.

At this time, the monster strode out, occupying almost most of the area, and then stretched out its bone claws to pat Meng Zhen below.

While falling, layers of film-like black light suddenly lit up in the middle of the entire bone claw, which completely put an end to Meng Zhen's idea of ​​wanting to drill into the gap. Like before, he had to be pressed down with a slap.

When Meng Zhen saw it, he immediately rushed forward, even though the opponent occupied most of the space, there were still many gaps.

But how could the monster not have expected this? When she was moving, the wooden stick in her hand was inserted downward, and it expanded rapidly almost in the blink of an eye, completely forming a huge shield, sealing off all the paths in front of her, while the air was filled with It is a bone claw with great power.

Mengzhen's expression remained unchanged, and the brush in his hand quickly drew a few strokes in the air, and then flew out at an even faster speed, sticking to the shield that seemed to have extraordinary defensive power.

Those symbols quickly twisted a few times on it, and they were directly connected end to end to form a semicircular ring. Then, with a flash of blue light, the scene behind the shield could be clearly seen.

The next moment, Mengzhen's figure jumped, shrunk in mid-air, and rushed directly into the middle of the semicircle. When it reappeared, it was already behind the monster.

The ghost naturally knew the other party's tracks, but he didn't quite understand how the other party got out of trouble. Since this method didn't work, he tried another method. The ghost turned around and continued to attack Mengzhen.

While fighting outside, Gu Zheng calmed down instead, and was not attacked at the first time. Looking at the slightly majestic middle-aged man in front of him, he hesitated and then said.

"Tang Li, right?"

"It's me! Thank you for not killing my daughter." Tang Li looked at Gu Zheng in front of him and said with a smile. There was no such hostile atmosphere at all, as if two friends were talking to each other.

Taking advantage of these two sentences, Gu Zheng has already discovered that they are already in a special place, the space is not big, at most the size of an ordinary room, and the surroundings are all empty. place.

You can clearly see that Mengzhen and the monster are entangled and fighting.

"I'm not going to deal with a weak woman, let alone the other party has not done anything bad." Gu Zheng said with a cold snort.

He didn't lie, that's why he didn't kill the opponent, he could easily see that there was almost no killing on the opponent.

"So I am very grateful to you, and please stay here for a while, when the time comes, you will all be let go, and everything here will be destroyed, including the people you chased and killed, will die, you see if you are satisfied .” Tang Li continued to laugh.

"What do you mean? Are you not afraid that I will catch you here first, you must know that you are not my opponent." Gu Zheng looked puzzled, looked around carefully, there was nothing suspicious, and said with a cold look in his eyes .

"Since I dare to stand in front of you, I'm naturally not afraid of you. If it wasn't for the kindness of your little girl, I wouldn't be like this with you at this moment." Tang Li spread his hands, not caring about the threat of Gu Zheng.

"Why are you procrastinating? And why are you working for the Demon God?"

Gu Zheng glanced down, Mengzhen was still in contact with that monster, there was no danger, and he even had the upper hand.

This is not beyond Gu Zheng's expectations. A monster with only a little instinct, no matter how strong the opponent is, will still be unable to defeat the enemy under the same circumstances. People in the Golden Immortal Stage are still invincible.

However, he had a little interest in Tang Qing. The other party didn't seem to be seduced and became a puppet-like existence of the other party. Instead, he kept himself. Looking at the other party's appearance, he sincerely gave his life to the other party.

He didn't think that the other party didn't know who was above him in such a critical position.

"It's not impossible to say this." Tang Qing glanced at Gu Zheng before saying slowly.

"My daughter was seriously injured. Thanks to Lord Demon God, I saved my little girl's life, and even personally raised my little girl's cultivation to such a level. Such a great kindness, I can't even break my body to repay her. .”

"But you don't know, the birth of the demon god caused a bloody storm, don't tell me, you don't know anything about it." Gu Zheng stared at the other party.

"Of course I know that the lives in my hands are countless, and my crimes are heinous. I am willing to do all of this. As long as it is for my daughter, I am willing to give everything." When Tang Li said, his eyes were still clear, without any guilt.

"I knew that I brought the other party down, otherwise he would be very easy to deal with."

Looking at the opponent, Gu Zheng knew that the opponent was a person with a tough mind, who could be valued by the demon god, obviously capable enough, but the opponent's biggest weakness was his daughter, and the demon god rescued his daughter, so it is no wonder that the opponent died repay.

"Then what are you doing here? Why are you delaying time?" Knowing that he couldn't change the other party's mind, Gu Zheng uttered the last question in his mind.

The other party is so deliberate here, and still so low-key, the plan is obviously not small.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just refining the original energy for Lord Demon God. It's almost formed now. As long as it takes half an hour, I can teleport away. At that time, my mission will be completed and I will stay away from here with my daughter."

Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, he said it without the slightest hesitation.

"So as long as we have a good chat, I can even stop the monsters below from attacking. Except for me, everyone lurking outside here will die together in the end."

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