On a spacious continent, a carriage was carefully advancing from above. Some civilians around were walking on the road. After seeing each other, even if there was enough distance, they retreated from the road, so as not to accidentally bump into each other. , Wait until the other party has left before continuing to move forward.

The scorching sun in the afternoon is the hottest time now, especially in the sky, there is not a single white cloud, so that the sun shines down unscrupulously, and there is no heat on the ground to make it a little distorted, and the travelers on the side are constantly wiping their foreheads Sweat, occasionally stop, drink a sip of water from the kettle to dispel the heat of the body, and then continue on the road.

More people continue to move forward in the scorching heat until they reach their destination, perhaps before they have time to drink some water.

This is the life of ordinary people, difficult but full of hope.

"Our next step is to go to the nearby Fuling Mountain? After checking, we only need to go southwest for more than a hundred kilometers to get there. It happens that there is a simple dirt road near a village. .”

In the carriage, Meng Zhen looked at a very simple map in his hand, pointed on it for a while, and then said seriously.

"That map can still see the time of a stick of incense, if I know the other party's position in the blink of an eye." Maobi couldn't help but said in shock.

There is no way, on that map, there are only three patterns, the middle of which is the city they left, a big circle represents, a line extends from the west gate, and then there is a square directly in the southwest direction, which represents a village , Beside the village, there is a rectangle, which represents Mount Fuling. Mengzhen only knew what each represented when he got on the bus and said this information, or else the devil would know what it is.

If it is said that it is a child's random graffiti, I am afraid that some people will believe it.

"You're smart, well, no matter what, this is the information I got from someone to ask, if you have the ability, you can ask." Meng really didn't take it seriously, and said carefully.

In any case, this is the information she obtained after spending half a day asking many people.

This is also Meng Zhen's true solo action. She asks ordinary people on the street alone, most of them don't know. Doesn't work for exercise.

As soon as Mao Bi heard this, he suddenly became wilted again. With his appearance, he couldn't change his body shape, and he was beaten to death as a monster when he went out.

"You did a good job this time, and I don't have to worry about you being sold out." Gu Zheng said carefully from the side.

God knows what he has experienced in the past year. A super curious Mengzhen is simply a troublemaker. Now he is finally much better. Unlike the wild girl who just ran out of the mountains, she was abducted at the beginning , Now you don't have to worry about putting it outside.

"Hehe, I know, but there is still a lot to learn. Sure enough, Baimeng did not lie. This prehistoric world is so exciting. If I were in their position, I would find a way to get out." Meng Zhenxie Floating his cheeks, he said without hesitation.

"You said that this expert has some eccentricities, and you have to go through his apprentice if you want to find him?" Yan Yufei next to him said with a slight frown.

"Yes, that person told me, otherwise the other party would not come out to see you at all, and there is a defensive circle outside, most people can't get in." Meng Zhen nodded and said affirmatively.

"It's really strange. Although some of the experts we met before were a little strange, there is no reason for others to inform." Gu Zheng also felt strange.

During this year, they have been to many so-called high-level people, some of them have gone to the building, some knowledgeable and some people who are trying to gain fame, but there are still some capable people. An advanced Luo, but he still helped him to observe carefully, but he was powerless.

After all, their cultivation base is limited, even if there are some methods, they will not work. After all, it is a relatively professional Da Luo expert treatment, and even the other party is helpless, let alone these people.

However, Gu Zheng did not give up, and was going to pass like this, at most it would only delay some time, but he knew that at this time, even if some people's cultivation was not high, they still had some unique means to help Mengzhen solve the hidden dangers in his body.

In fact, it is not a delay. At this time, Gu Zheng is working overtime and is working hard to cultivate. His strength is getting higher and higher every day. With sufficient spiritual energy and elixirs here, his strength is becoming more and more stable. The Jinghuo, it's good when I'm so leisurely, just come to stabilize it.

"Perhaps the other party is a little strange, and the other party dares to do something to us." Meng Zhenxin was not afraid at all, "Besides, with a brush, anyone can handle it, right?"

"That's right, I'm unique. There's never been a pen before, and there will be no pen in the future. As long as the other party is not as perverted as you, like those people in front of me, it's still easy to clean up." After the brush stopped, he said immediately, The tone is unbelievably humble.

After all, he also knows that each of the three people in front of him is extremely powerful, and he is still a little weaker.

"You can't beat us, so you don't have to be afraid at all, but I also admit that there are absolutely few brushes better than you." Meng Zhen said with a smile on the side.

"That is, you still have a unique vision. Of course, I have to admit that there are always some people who are better than me, but in terms of the day after tomorrow, I am definitely the strongest." Brush said with a good feeling about himself.

However, they also have to admit that even if the writing brush that incorporates the power of Yuxi has no power, it is not something that ordinary people can deal with. Even the other party has decided that when he returns, he will also prepare to practice and strive to become an even more powerful writing brush. .

Gu Zheng looked at Mengzhen over there and continued to tout the brush, even though the other party's touting skills were terrible, but it still made the brush laugh so hard that his hair was about to split. He naturally knew the other party's intentions, but he didn't even ask Yan Yufei. Will not ask.

The relationship between the two has been incompatible from the beginning, but now it has become gluey. The most important thing is that Mengzhen deliberately lowered his posture. For Maobi, he is the best listener. It feels like a confidant who finally met.

Yan Yufei basically doesn't ask about things here, and spends most of the time admiring the scenery outside, as if he can never get enough of it.

As for the white horse pulled outside, it is like an old ox pulling a cart, ignoring the things inside at all. At this moment, it carefully walks from above to its intended destination.

Three days later, they came to a standard rural village. Most of the houses were made of wood and thatch, and there were even houses built with stones. There was a simple fence around them. They could see that they were planting a low-yield plant nearby. food.

At this time, the sun was setting and most of the people had come back. Some were chatting, some were packing up, and some were chasing their children. Under the smoke from the kitchen, there was a harmonious scene.

"That person should be the head of the village here, and the only stone house is where he lives."

The carriage stopped outside the village, Mengzhen got off first, then stood on tiptoe and glanced inside, then said.

The only stone house is very eye-catching, just on the edge of the only entrance to the village, and you can see it clearly without going in.

"It seems that the other party is at home, so there is no need to go to him."

After Gu Zheng came down, he knew that the other party was eating in the room with a little perception, so he nodded and said.

"Do you still want to see the other party today?" Yan Yufei asked looking at the sky that was about to set.

It was so late, it might not be good to bother the other party.

Their arrival attracted the attention of the village, especially after seeing them, it caused a riot. Who made them not only outstanding, but also very beautiful, completely different from those who usually come here.

The noise outside also caught the attention of the man inside the stone house, and before Gu Zheng and the others retreated, he had already walked out. After seeing their group, he also showed a surprised expression and walked towards this side.

"Everyone is also here to see the first teacher? I don't know what your identity is, it seems that you are not from this side,"

Although this man was a little shabby, he was clean, not to mention that he was a good-looking man, and he made people feel good about him at a glance. Even though his cultivation base was only three stars and he was very weak, he spoke neither humble nor overbearing.

"Exactly, it's just that it's getting late, we'll wait until tomorrow to come again." Gu Zheng also replied, it's somewhat impolite to visit at night.

"I'm afraid I'm really sorry everyone. I, Enshi, went out a few days ago, and I don't know when I will be back." The man hesitated, and then said to them.

"What a coincidence." Meng Zhen was a little disappointed when she heard this.

"Why don't you leave a contact information and I'll notify you when my master comes back? But I can't guarantee when, it could be as short as a few days or as long as a few years." The man said politely.

"Forget it, we have other things to do. We just passed by here and heard about Master Yuan's deeds, so we came to pay a special visit. Since he is not here, it is a pity that we are not here." Gu Zheng said with regret on his face.

"In that case, we'll take our leave first and stop disturbing you." Yan Yufei said softly from the side.

"Don't bother me at all, why don't you take a rest here for the night and be on your way tomorrow?" the man asked politely.

"Don't bother you, traveling at night is no problem for us."

Gu Zheng also walked carefully from behind to the white horse and was about to leave.

"Then I have something to do, so I won't send you off."

After the man finished speaking, he also turned and left, ready to go back.

"I didn't expect that this place also has such a task, but it's a pity that the aptitude is a bit too low." Yan Yufei looked at the other side and said with some regret.

"Yeah, the master of the other party should also look good." Meng Zhen also said in admiration.

In front of Yan Yufei before, she didn't feel anything, but after seeing the other party, compared with the other party, she was like a crazy girl. She was envious of the other party, but she didn't plan to change anything, and felt that she was pretty good.

Mengzhen watched that name and that word return to the entrance of the village. It happened that two villagers came back from the outside. After seeing the other person coming, they hurriedly stepped aside, bowed slightly, and made way for the other person.

"It seems that the prestige of that person is quite high."

Meng Zhen thought so, but when she was about to turn around and leave, she saw the two villagers standing up and looking at the man's back, but there was a look in her eyes that she was familiar with, anger mixed with fear. stunned.

"Mengzhen, let's go, don't stand there."

Seeing Mengzhen standing there, Gu Zheng thought that the other party was admiring the afterglow of the setting sun. Taking a picture in this small village, the elongated shadow really had a flavor.

"Okay, here we come." Meng Zhen shouted, turned her head and got into the carriage.

The white horse pulled behind and slowly accelerated towards the road.

"What's the matter? I feel like I'm out of my mind as soon as I come up, I won't fall in love with that kid." Gu Zheng looked at Meng Zhen who was silent at the side, and said jokingly.

"No, I just don't feel right in my heart." Meng Zhen raised her head, looked at Gu Zheng's playful expression, and said calmly this time.

"It doesn't feel right? What happened?" Yan Yufei asked from the side. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that nothing happened, which was very strange.

"That's right." Mengzhen recounted what she saw just now, "Looking at the other party's appearance, how can the villagers be so frightened, that expression is almost the same as that of some prisoners when they saw Wen Tianhou. "

"So you think so too. In fact, I felt something was wrong at the beginning. Although the other party's performance and behavior are very good, I always feel that the other party's heart is very dark." At this time, the brush also appeared from the side, and said along.

"Really?" Gu Zheng naturally couldn't see the other party's heart, but the other party's appearance and behavior didn't look like it.

"Of course it is true. You must know that I have the power of the jade seal on me, and I am especially sensitive to some evils of human beings, so I guess that the other party must be the kind of guy with a human face and a beast's heart. I have seen many such people before, and they were all taken away by the master. I was killed." Maobi said affirmatively, and in order to increase his credibility, he even asked Yan Yufei to endorse it.

"Miss Yufei also knows this. People's hearts are sinister, no matter any creature has them, this is not surprising."

Gu Zheng ignored the opponent's last emotion and made the white horse stop slowly.

"Do you want to go and see?" Yan Yufei saw through Gu Zheng's decision at a glance.

"Yes, this person is a bit strange. Although we can't count on demons and demons, we should take a look if we meet them. It's better if we guess wrong." Gu Zheng said.

He won't do this kind of thing on purpose, even if he is exhausted, he will never finish it, but if he meets him, he doesn't mind taking action, and he will make the sky clean.

But now it's just their guess. After all, there is also a possibility that the other party is domineering in the village, but respectful outside. Although it seems to be a two-faced person, it is not impossible, and they will not make a move at all.

Some things, when you come to them, you can't just do what you want, unless the other party provokes you, or you are not afraid of the karma at all, the wicked will have their own retribution, but it doesn't have to be you.

With the way of heaven above your head, you will remember everything you do. If you don't see the more famous people, you don't take action yourself to do something.

"Leave this matter to me. It is absolutely impossible for the other party to discover my existence." Maobi said earnestly from the side.

"Okay, but you are not safe, let Mengzhen accompany you, so that safety can be guaranteed." Gu Zheng will not let him alone, if that person does not run away, in case there is something behind him Things, it's better to be careful.

"Don't worry, I will only follow you at a distance, everything is up to you." Meng Zhen said immediately when she saw the brush turn around.

"Why didn't I find that you are considerate before, but for the sake of the empress, I will let you follow." Maobi agreed immediately after hearing the words.

After talking about the brush, he broke through the window and left. Mengzhen also slowly got out of the car and followed the other party at a certain distance.

Speaking of which, if they were just investigating, the brush guy could do it too, and Gu Zheng was happy to take a break.

"Do you think there will be a big problem here?" Yan Yufei asked cautiously.

"How is it possible, the other party has existed here for thousands of years, and I haven't heard of any major events, or else they would have been wiped out by chivalrous men, at most, people with evil intentions, and then I can teach the other party a lesson. "Gu Zheng closed his eyes and leaned back, not feeling how serious the matter was.

In the city, he also knew a lot of things from the people passing by. He knew the situation of the hermit here earlier than Mengzhen. The brush complained all day that he had nothing to do, so he happened to find him a job Let off steam.

Yan Yufei wasn't talking, and she thought the same way, with them around, no matter who the other party was, they couldn't make any splashes at all.

"so coincidental?"

The brush here came to the outside of the village, and saw a figure coming out of it, it was the man who had dealt with them before.

It was just getting dark at this time, and the moon was also covered by a dark cloud that came from nowhere, and the enemy was completely dark.

Under normal circumstances, the fall of night means that the scope of human activities has been greatly reduced. After all, most of the outside world is not their business. When night falls, all kinds of monsters, monsters, and ferocious beasts will come out, and the danger is greatly increased.

The brush followed the other party, watching the other party run towards the front with ease, and suddenly stopped along the way and looked behind to see if someone was following him, but he didn't know there was a brush behind him, so he walked carefully and floated Above the sky, looking at him.

Not far from the village is the location of Fuling Mountain, or a relatively high hillside. The small peaks are higher than it, and the top is bare. Only there is a large house on the top, which looks cautious in this place. from.

When the man approached the foot of the mountain, he held a silver necklace in his hand, which emitted a faint red light, and ran directly towards the top of the mountain.

Brush looked outside for a while, and found a hidden phantom array, which had no attack power in itself, but made people feel like a ghost hitting a wall, and couldn't get up at all.

But let alone him, anyone with a little background can pass.

This foundation is at least a fairy.

With a flash of golden light, the brush disappeared outside, while Mengzhen stayed outside, looking at the house above, with a trace of anger in his eyes.

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