He lightly glanced at Mengzhen next to him, signaling to the other party not to worry, calm down, and wait for Ren Xue to give them a signal, when the time comes, he will directly rush to the demon god, while Mengzhen will save the other party and protect him .

There are almost no masters in this place, except for this group of subordinates who are all in the Golden Immortal Stage, there is only one person named Mu Tian, ​​who has the cultivation base of the early stage of Da Luo, but he seems to be the clone of the Demon God, so I don't know No matter how strong she is, Ren Xue can always support her opponent.

Without making them wait any longer, Ren Xue and Mu Tian came out at the only entrance on the front, but the demon god who made Gu Zheng curious did not appear. Thinking that the other party lived in Gu Shu's body, it was obviously impossible to move, and No wonder an unhidden place was built here.

"Greeting Lord Timber Wolf."

After they took their positions, the Timber Wolf suddenly raised his hand and shouted. Immediately afterwards, everyone below raised their arms almost at the same time, and shouted. Everyone's face showed extremely fanatical eyes.

Gu Zheng and Mengzhen got the order and didn't show any flaws at all. After shouting a dozen times stupidly, the wooden wolf's arm fell down. The next moment, everyone was indulging in it again as if they had rehearsed, letting him Very satisfied, then shouted.

"The magic circle is on."

Seeing this, Gu Zheng curled his lips carefully, not knowing who the other party was giving such a high-profile performance to, or the Timber Wolf Lord, who just loves such ostentation.

However, as the figure of the other party fell, around the altar where there was no movement, a soaring black light rose instantly, and at the same time, the lines of the magic circle hidden under the altar also appeared one by one, and many black tentacles emerged from the altar, one after another. Inserted on two people.

At the same time, on the topmost layer of the tree trunk, a black phantom figure slowly emerged, and two unusually bright black lights lit up, watching the two people below.

Being strongly stimulated by the body, the two of Li Le followed carefully.

The two people who woke up felt their own situation and the surrounding scene. They didn't know that the other party started the final action, which would completely remove their body voices, and they would no longer be kept in captivity like before.

"It seems that we are really going to die this time. Fortunately, the other party didn't do anything stupid. It's just that Master, I'm sorry for you, and dragged you into the water." Feeling the weakness in her body, Li Huarui said to Li Le behind with a wry smile.

"It should be my fault. You must know that the apprentice is in trouble. As a master, you can't help but die. It's just a pity that you have been imprisoned there for too long, and the whole person is useless." Li Le looked at the tiny tentacles one by one, It almost filled her whole body, and the essence in her body was drawn by the other party, and she didn't even have the strength to resist, so she comforted her.

In any case, at least they still have descendants left in the world.

"However, before I die, I can still meet my master. God knows my wish. I really have no regrets in dying." Li Huarui closed her eyes and said quietly.

"This is also my wish, but I'm afraid there may be some changes this time. Are you ready to fight to the death?"

Deli Le looked around, suddenly stared blankly, glanced at the person directly opposite in front of him, through the careful look, recognized the identity of the pretender, suddenly said to the back with a somewhat excited voice.

"Why? What happened?"

Li Huarui didn't understand why Li Le said that, she really didn't understand what the other party meant at all, didn't they have any cards to resist?

Of course there is, but once they show their hole cards, not only will it be impossible to escape, but because of their own outburst, the other party will be able to see through Ren Xue's cultivation system, and it will be obvious that the other party and them are a family. The method of the stamen's final eruption is also hidden, in order not to hurt the other party, the plan is to be so careful.

"Ren Xue invited a good helper, maybe you have hope." A smile appeared on the corner of Li Le's mouth, as if he had seen the end of the wood wolf.

"Don't be kidding Master, the opponent is so powerful, they must not do stupid things." Li Huarui opened her eyes again and said while looking around, but in her eyes, all were enemies, ignoring what Li Le said You, not us.

"The time for the other party to act should be the moment when your body is about to die. They will never think that sometimes death is not the end for us, but the beginning, so you have to be ready." Li Le feels the situation in the body , said directly.

It's not that they can be resurrected after death, but the situation of their skills. The tough flowers are not so easy to decay. There is another power stored in their bodies. It is stored in a little bit during their daily practice, which is enough to make them in a near-death state. Among them, recovering their stored power and temporarily restoring them to normal, the price is that they will be in a weak state for the next ten thousand years.

"Get ready, the other party has already appeared." Li Le continued to speak without waiting for the other party's objection.

At this time, the black shadow in the sky was obviously more solidified, and countless black mist was sucked into his mouth from the tree trunk, and even the speed at which the tentacles below were drawn was much faster, causing the energy of the two bodies to drop rapidly.

On that fuzzy face, there was a look of enjoyment, and a greedy look swept over Li Huarui's body.

For him, this is just an appetizer, and the following is the big meal, and he is waiting for the time to come, when everything in the opponent's body is completely extracted, it is the time to enjoy it.

At this time, Gu Zheng had already seen the sight coming from the side, and he was slightly prepared in his heart. Once Ren Xue sent a signal, he would act immediately.

The last time it was the demon god who was helping him, this time he was about to slaughter a demon god.

After the black shadow solidified, the speed of extraction was greatly accelerated, and the aura of the two people below was decreasing rapidly visible to the naked eye, but they couldn't wait for Ren Xuelai's instructions, which made him a little anxious, and looked at each other I'm about to die, and if I don't make a move, I'm afraid it's too late.

But he wasn't so reckless, since Ren Xue didn't act, obviously he had his own considerations, after all, the other party cared more about the other party's life than himself, so it could only be said that there was something hidden in it that he didn't know about.

"Haha, play with your heart!"

As the auras of the two people below disappeared one after another, the Timber Wolf in the air didn't notice the slightest problem. On the lone tree in front of him, layers of pink flowers were blooming on it.

Tens of millions of fingernail-sized petals are attached to the outside layer by layer, and each petal also has a small layer of blooming flower pattern on it, even if it is only a washbasin-sized flower heart, but when you look at it, it looks like ten thousand flowers. Thousands of flowers are constantly blooming, as if you are in the world of flowers.

I don't know how the wooden wolf took out the painting heart from Li Huarui's body, but now it seems that everything is moving towards the track he expected, so he couldn't help but get up carefully, as long as he swallowed it, That broken body can no longer restrain his existence, so he can completely give up here, learn from the other demon gods, and take advantage of this catastrophe to seize some cultivation bases to improve himself, which can be regarded as charging for his previous self. Bit of interest.

"Bang" "Bang"

As the ground began to tremble, in the passage behind, there seemed to be something extremely cumbersome, and it was walking towards this side step by step. Only by further transformation with the body of the ancient tree can it be truly absorbed.

In no time, a huge tree with a height of more than 100 meters has two relatively huge wooden legs and countless forked branches on its head, like a huge green hat on its head. The arm is swaying and walking like a human being, but there are no facial features on it, and it is approaching here step by step. It is much smaller than before, but it is still the most shocking one here.

When everyone's eyes were focused on the ancient tree who had come, Gu Zheng suddenly saw the signal Meng Zhen gave him, and immediately stopped hiding it, his body suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared beside the demon god in midair, with a scorpion in his hand. A raging flame slapped towards the opponent.

How could the devil wood wolf think that there would be an ambush here? In fact, when Huaxin first appeared, he was subconsciously full of vigilance, because only this time is the best time to make a move, and there were two strange men before. The figure of the person, but he did not find the other party outside, maybe he has really left.

Now that I have protected Huaxin, it is impossible to suddenly appear in front of me and snatch it away from me.

As a result, the appearance of Gu Zheng was really too late to beat him. The instinctive danger rose in his heart. When the flame in the opponent's hand approached him, he didn't even care about the flower heart in front of him. The black mist formed by the whole person was like a ray of cold When the wind hit, it collapsed into the air and disappeared in front of Gu Zheng.


It's just that following Gu Zheng's cold snort, the front of his arm suddenly thrust forward, and then disappeared into the air, and then there was a miserable scream of a wood wolf in the air, and then there was no more sound.

"Where to go?"

Gu Zheng looked at the direction where the ancient tree was, and chased after him directly, and then disappeared in the sky, leaving behind a lonely flower heart, still blooming with his own beauty, swaying slightly, but there was already a tinge of blood red on his body , appear more charming.

At the same time that Gu Zheng was attacking, Meng Zhen and Ren Xue also acted almost at the same time.

After Ren Xue gave Gu Zheng a signal, she took a step forward without any warning, and a green long sword appeared in her hand. The whole long sword was dark green, like an ordinary branch, with a snake-like snake in the middle. He twisted his body in the same way, but it was silent, and Mu Tian next to him only had to hold up a defense, and then directly broke through and stabbed into the opponent's abdomen.

But at the next moment, Mu Tian exploded into sawdust all over the sky, turned into a green glow and fled towards the back. Meng Zhen grabbed the long sword with black liquid and chased him directly.

On Mengzhen's side, he rushed directly to the altar in the middle. Although the altar itself had some defenses, under no one's control, Mengzhen broke open three times and five times, and rushed up.

Originally, she thought that she didn't need to come up at all, after all, she just saw them lose their breath of life with her own eyes, but she thought that it was impossible for Ren Xue to let them die, maybe there was a fraud in it.

Sure enough, when she came up, the two of them had already been regarded as corpses. At this time, their complexions began to turn red again, and the breath of their bodies was carefully removed. It was really a fake death just now, but the degree of realism deceived everyone.

"Are you all right? Do you need some pills?" Meng Zhen stepped forward to cut off the other party's restraints, put the other party together and leaned against the wooden pillar behind him and asked.

"No need, we just need to take a rest, and please help us protect the law." Li Huarui knew that the other party was Ren Xue's helper, since the other party chose to do something, they would not take this opportunity carefully, no matter what struggle a bit.

If Ren Xue didn't make a move, they would just follow carefully and not cause any trouble to each other.

"No problem, with me here, the other party will never appear here." Meng Zhen said with assurance, then stood up and stood guard in front of them.

"Thank you!"

Li Le swallowed a burning blood pill, and the aura of the whole person, which had slowed down, rose rapidly again, and Li Huarui had a thought. , but it was still slightly damaged, but it was not a serious problem. On the contrary, because of Huaxin's concentrated fire, the aura on her body became more intense.

Delaying the blessing of the other party, if the timing is not right now, Li Huarui can even advance to the middle stage of Da Luo at this time, and the supplements of the other party save her a lot of effort.

"Go, kill them."

It wasn't until this time that the puppet subordinates below realized what had happened, and all of them gathered around here for a while. Of course, only Mengzhen and the others were in front of them, and everyone else left here.

"Is it up to you?"

Seeing a group of people below rushing up desperately, Mengzhen would not be polite to them. There were dozens of self-righteous golden fairy puppets in the area, so that she didn't have any psychological pressure in her heart, and she didn't even go down. , some crystal clear mirrors appeared in the air, and then fell to the ground and turned into mirror monsters one by one, rushing towards each other.

Outside the valley, the surrounding white mist has all dissipated. It can be seen that the countless forests nearby should be a leisurely and quiet place in the past, but now it is obvious that there is a feeling of sunset in the vicinity, and everything is a little dead.

"Come out, what are you doing hiding?"

In the middle of the journey, Gu Zheng avoided the opponent's sneak attack several times and counterattacked the opponent once. The opponent seemed to disappear completely in midair, and even he could not perceive the opponent's figure.

"Who the hell are you? How do you know the attack methods of our demon gods? Are you someone they sent someone?"

The ethereal voice from Timber Wolf's side resounded around, making it impossible to find his exact location.

The demon god's tone was full of anger, because almost no one fought with them in the prehistoric world. Except for our own people, it is basically impossible for outsiders to master their fighting methods. Obviously someone told him specially, and coupled with the opponent's cultivation base, it is even more obvious. It can't be compared, it's to deal with yourself.

"That's right, I didn't expect it. You should be honest and get caught. You thought you would resist." Gu Zheng didn't know who the other party was talking about, but he said lightly, with an inscrutable look, to deliberately disturb The mind of the other party.

"It's no wonder that the other party betrayed me. It turns out that you are also eyeing that Huaxin. Adding this thing has increased his success rate by 10%. Before that, you pretended to let me rest assured that you were waiting for this day, but Why didn't he come, you think you can do it alone." The demon god seemed to have expected it, and immediately said something that Gu Zheng didn't understand.

"I can deal with you alone. Naturally, I have my strengths, so die."

Before Gu Zheng finished speaking, the palm of his hand suddenly slapped forward. The flame that was originally attached to his hand was not extinguished from the beginning to the end. At the same time as it was stretched out, it exploded, and the entire arm was covered by the flame. , above the palm, a looming dragon head has quietly risen, following the flow of fireworks on his arm, it seems that his entire arm has become a fire dragon that can take off at any time.


As Gu Zheng drank, the void in front of him trembled even more, and ripples visible to the naked eye swayed towards the surroundings, and the fire dragon on his arm jumped up from his arm, turning into a size of more than ten feet, panting in the air Xuan Xuan, after noticing that the ripples on the left rear were a little unusual, he opened his mouth, and a ball of scorching flames spurted out towards that side.

The flames in the sky are like a rake, covering all the space in that area, forming a huge sea of ​​flames in the air.

In less than two breaths, a fire shadow flew out of the sea of ​​flames and flew towards his old lair at high speed. He couldn't leave the range of the old sojourner tree.

The figure of Gu Zheng followed closely behind, leading the fire dragon towards the opponent.

The opponent's strength is not that exaggerated, I imagined it to be about the same, in terms of strength, at most he has the cultivation base of Da Luo in the middle stage, but some of the opponent's actions are very strange, elusive, very difficult to deal with.

If he hadn't dealt with him before, he wouldn't be able to deal with the opponent so easily, and he might be suppressed by the opponent instead.

Even so, it is even more difficult to kill the demon god, especially if the opponent is hiding in the void outside, even if some means can hurt the opponent, it will be greatly weakened. The only thing to worry about is that after mastering the opponent's trajectory After that, at least you don't have to worry about the other party being able to hurt yourself.

Seeing the other party going back, Gu Zheng's eyes also became cautious. Once the other party returned to the ancient tree where he lived, he could connect to the ancient tree and destroy the other party, but the combat power of the other party, under the blessing of the demon god himself, It has a huge enhancement, not to mention that the opponent's level has killed a big Luo peak, obviously has its own killer, be careful of capsizing in the gutter.

Thinking of this, a pure white light began to emerge from the entire right wrist's ring, and then soaked the entire right wrist, and an extremely arrogant breath carefully came out from above, and white flames gathered on the entire surface of the ring, Outside, there are constantly beating red fireworks, to cover it up a bit.

"No matter who you are, even if your cultivation reaches the peak of Da Luo, you are dead."

Looking at the opponent's back, Gu Zheng's eyes reflected Lihuan's red flame.

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