A black picture scroll hangs above the sky. From the outside, it looks like a mountain range inside. There are peaks of different heights everywhere, forming a whole. Looking from the outside, it looks like thousands of mountains are layered on top of each other. Inside the layers of guardians.

Gu Zheng's figure slowly emerged from the outside, looking at Wen Tianhou's defense in front of him, he didn't know what tricks the other party was up to, but he knew in his heart that the more the other party wanted to do something, he had to stop the other party from doing anything.

Judging from the other party's situation just now, it seems that Wen Tianhou is creating some kind of tragedy. Everyone knows that the other party is in extreme despair and pain with that piercing scream. Soul, just like this, all went in without making any sound, I am afraid that all of them have already encountered accidents by now.

"I'm out, come and kill me!"

The figure of Gu Zheng appeared outside, holding A Bi and said to the other side, as for whether it is the real body, only Gu Zheng himself will know.

It's just a pity that the other party didn't make any movement, and seemed to ignore Gu Zheng, which made him feel even more strange.

"You're welcome if you don't come."

Gu Zheng flew forward and took out the Abi sword without hesitation and slashed down.

In his opinion, even if the Abi sword in his hand is just a projection, it cannot be resisted by Xiaoying's own defense, after all, it is too strong.

At this time below, everyone's attention is focused on Gu Zheng, even Elder Jin, who is suffering from the green flames in the sky, no one pays attention, and he looks up without blinking, it seems that Gu Zheng decided Whether they can win in the end.

The same was true for Pan Xuan, her hands were carefully crossed in front of her chest, as if she was carrying out this attack from above, her heart was extremely nervous.

"How could it be so slow!"

Pan Xuan looked at Gu Zheng's weapon, and when he was about to approach the picture scroll, he suddenly became cautious, like an old man, the Abi sword in his hand fell towards the bottom bit by bit, the speed was so slow, it felt like a bug It's like wriggling, the short distance of a slap, but it's so far away at this time, so far away that it seems impossible to reach it.


Gu Zheng's figure suddenly rose, and his body flew out directly. Then he paused in the air, adjusted his posture, looked at the shield in front of him, and his face became moved.

"What's going on?" Pan Xuan murmured, even the ancestor's weapon couldn't help the opponent, which was beyond her expectation.

We must know that it is impossible for Wen Tianhou to stop A Bi, otherwise he would not be so embarrassed and beaten like this one after another. Although part of his own strength is already out of ten, it is too much for the opponent to stop Gu Zheng Exaggerated it.

Gu Zheng also didn't believe in evil, and rushed up again, but still couldn't break through the invisible force of the opponent, and even took out the Yunhuang Sword together to strengthen the attack, the latter couldn't even get close.

"This time there is no problem."

In fact, Wen Tianhou was behind and could see the situation outside clearly all the time. After seeing Gu Zheng lose one after another, he was completely relieved. The opponent's weapon could hurt him, but Xiaoying would definitely not be hurt. After all, the opponent was The three spiritual weapons born here are combined into one.

Although there is really no comparison between the things in the own world and the outside world, but in this world, they are very powerful existences, which are comparable to the innate treasures of the outside world. Of course, their level may not be as good as some powerful treasures. But it is almost impossible to destroy the opponent in the opponent's home court, and it is not in vain for me to work hard for so long.

Wen Tianhou turned his head to look at the gray ball floating in mid-air beside him, which contained some original power in this world. Although it was very rare, it was enough for him to cast spells and wipe out the opponent completely.

Otherwise, with his current broken body, if he casts the spell of tracking the other party, if he is forced, it is really possible to capsize in the gutter. Whoever let him be careless, he will be overshadowed by the other party. Of course, the most important thing is the lonely peak, and he was almost killed. Killing his painting soul patriarch's split spirit, even a split spirit, is not something he can deal with in his heyday, who makes the opponent stronger.

Even if these people were lost, compared to his own life, he didn't care about it at all. Anyway, he just pushed everything to this side, and then he began to sit down. The gray ball floated above his head, and then carefully moved his mind , start getting ready.

As long as you give him half a cup of tea, it will be the end of the other party.

"What are you doing!"

Pan Xuan, who was watching the above from below, saw that the dream below really started to move, and walked straight to the outside, and hurriedly stopped the other party to ask.

"Of course I will go out to help him." Mengzhen said lightly, as if he was doing something insignificant.

"Don't make trouble, can you still pass through the black beam of light outside?" Pan Xuan said bluntly.

"Of course I can, I won't die." Mengzhen said something, and she was about to get out of the way, completely ignoring her own body.

"Did you find something?" Pan Xuan moved in her heart, blocked her again, and said hastily.

"Of course, I can feel that there is something wrong with the opponent's defense, but it needs to be deeply understood to understand. Is there anyone here who understands better than me?" Meng Zhen didn't hide anything, and said directly.

"You said earlier, we can remind Gu Zheng, but now you can't get out, the black beam of light has completely torn this place, and we are still repairing it, if you don't believe me, try it, of course you have the strength to break through Get out, then just pretend I didn't say anything." Pan Xuan said angrily from the side.

"I don't believe it. This side can still block me. You must know that when Gu Zheng left, I left a gadget on the other party. I really can't activate it now, damn it!" Meng Zhen said with an expression on her face. After a change, I tried a few times, but there was no response at all, and I was even more annoyed and threw a small thing to the ground.

If Gu Zheng looked carefully, he would find that this was exactly the same as what was given to him in Xiaoqian World, but it also failed.

"Then what should we do!" Meng Zhen looked up at the sky and said absentmindedly.

"We can only rely on him. I believe he can still create miracles! This time is no exception!" Pan Xuan looked at the sky and said absentmindedly.

At this moment, Gu Zheng looked at him with a dignified expression and was carefully taking a solution. He felt that a danger was coming. If he couldn't think of a way, there might be an irreversible disaster, and maybe he would really die here.

The huge threat made him tense up like never before, and he was more cautious in his mind, trying to find a better way, but every time he came up with a way, he rejected it.

Even the most powerful Abi sword in his hand can't cause damage to him, and the Jinghuo in his hand is all destructive, and it won't be as strong as the opponent.

But when he put his eyes on the picture scroll in front of him, the picture scroll facing him suddenly became a little different. Among the dense mountain peaks, a winding path appeared in the middle, which seemed to imply something.

After a quick perception, except for the picture scroll in front of him, nothing else has changed. Looking at the path in front of him, he hesitated.

Maybe breaking in is the best way, maybe it's a trap, deliberately luring him in, trapping him inside, and completely preventing him from obstructing his actions.

"Go in, the other party has not completely lost his mind!"

The dream below also found the difference above, and he understood instantly in his heart, seeing that Gu Zheng was still hesitating outside, he couldn't help but said.

"Go in? Could it be that someone deliberately left him a passage?" Pan Xuan was on the side, listening to the other party's soliloquy, her ears pricked up, and she turned her head and asked.

"Of course it's that Xiaoying. We were able to come out because the other party left a secret door behind. That's why we rushed here without the other party noticing. We suspect that the other party has a certain degree of self-control. It's just to hide, and usually only hides." Get up, lest Wen Tianhou notice." Meng Zhen also explained briefly.

Ever since they came out of Miyagi, the people with the outer souls have left. They don't have the ability to get involved in this matter. No matter who wins or loses, they don't care. They just want to manage their own one-acre three-point land .

"If that's the case, maybe I have a way to let the other party in, but I'll ask again, are you sure?" Pan Xuan said seriously.

"Sure, very sure!" Meng Zhen nodded with certainty.

"That's good! Help me see better."

Pan Xuan took a deep breath, then sat cross-legged on the ground, held the blood source beads on her neck between the palms of her hands, raised her arms, placed them a little outside her heart, and closed her eyes at the same time.

The blood source bead is the treasure that the ancestor gave her for self-defense. Although it can only be used once, it stores a careful blow, even if it is a random blow, which is powerful enough to kill the early stage of the quasi-sage, and it is very concealed. Before the explosion, it is like a relatively precious ornament, providing some additional protection to avoid mental disturbance such as confusion, it looks very ordinary and will not attract the attention of the enemy.

Once it is thrown out, it will explode directly according to the intention, and even control the scope of the explosion. It is specially made by the ancestor for her. It seems simple but it is difficult to follow carefully. It contains a trace of the other party's will in it. Without him It is impossible for anyone to contact.

Following the slight red light in Pan Xuan's palm, a trace of light carefully radiated from the distance.

Gu Zheng was still lingering, looking at the gradually shrinking path, he was also a little anxious. Suddenly, he felt that the red light of the Abi sword in his hand began to flicker, and at the same time, there was a small power in his hand, which seemed to be the Abi sword. yourself, guide yourself in.

Looking at this, Gu Zheng turned his head subconsciously, and through the black beam of light, he saw Pan Xuan sitting on the ground, and Meng Zhen who was looking at him beside him. It was lit in the air, as if reminding me to go in.

Feeling the power coming from his hand, the next moment Gu Zheng's figure turned into a stream of light and rushed directly into the scroll.

With a flash in front of his eyes, Gu Zheng was standing at the entrance of a small road. In front of him was the small road he saw outside. It was enough for several people to walk side by side. The next step was a dark void with no way out. And on the left and right sides are towering peaks, and there is only one road in front of you.

He didn't stay here for long, and ran forward quickly, because the left and right mountain peaks were being squeezed carefully, as if he wanted to close the sudden gap again.

He didn't try to fly up, but wanted to see how the mountain was. The first moment he entered, his perception of the outside world was cut off, and the Abi sword in his hand returned to normal, but a strange feeling arose in his heart, as if At the end of the path, something attracted him, and he rushed up cautiously.

Although I don't know how many passages there are, Gu Zheng can't feel the passage of time, the only thing I know is that I am still running wildly on the road, as if there is no end, and there are mountains that are constantly moving beside me, and there is a huge oppression It makes people feel that they will suddenly close together in the next moment, completely crushing people into pieces.

But the feeling in his heart was carefully followed, and the whole heart was quickly and carefully followed.

Suddenly, after passing through a layer of water waves in front, Gu Zheng's figure suddenly stopped, his eyes widened, and he looked around.

This is a green mountain and green water, like a secluded paradise, everything is so perfect.

What surprised Gu Zheng was that the scene in this place was exactly the same as that in Xiaoying's picture scroll, but he clearly remembered that the picture scroll had been destroyed in his hands, but how could there be an identical scene here, even On the eaves next to it, there was still a burst of lit lanterns.

That was the position he had hung up, without any mistake.

This made him alert, feeling that it was just a world created by relying on his own memory, but it gave him an extremely familiar feeling.


Before Gu Zheng took a closer look at this place, suddenly there was a very slight sound of pushing the door in his ear, and he turned his head to look for a moment, and the next moment he saw the weapon he just raised in his hand fell down in an instant, and he saw a peaceful face The pale Xiaoying actually came out from inside, with a long-lost smile on her face, exactly the same as the carefree smile she used to have.

"Young master, you are finally here."

There was a layer of golden light on Xiaoying's body, which made Gu Zheng feel a little familiar, and she walked quickly towards Gu Zheng.

Even though Gu Zheng felt that the other party was just imagining it in his heart, he did not lift his clenched hand repeatedly, reminding himself every time that the other party really existed, not a fake.

"My lord, don't worry, I am Xiaoying, or in other words, I only have such a small heart left in me now, and everything else has been taken away by him through refinement." Xiaoying saw Gu Zheng's doubts at a glance, and stood up. Not far from Guzheng, with a touch in the hand, the nine-story pagoda appeared in the palm of the hand in an instant.

"You're really okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm late! I'll save you."

When Gu Zheng saw the nine-story pagoda, he knew that what the other party said was true, and excitedly came to Meng Zhen's side, and touched the other party's shoulder, but was shocked to find that his palm was empty on the other party's body.

"Young master, I can't get out. Now I can only rely on the golden picture scroll you gave me and the nine-story pagoda that my master gave me to maintain my heart, and I can only hide in the deepest place." Xiaoxue looked at Gu Zheng's movements, and was moved at first. Then he said helplessly.

She has only her original heart left, and she can't even leave this body. It can be said that she is locked here, but if he is given enough time, I am afraid that she can completely fight for the control of the body, but I am afraid not At that time, she was completely discovered by Wen Tianhou. It can be said that there was almost no hope, and the main thing was that she was already prepared.

"I'm sorry, I'm late!" Looking at the other party's bitter smile, Gu Zheng couldn't help apologizing again. He felt very guilty for Xiaoying in his heart, and always felt that he was the one who caused the other party to behave like this.

"Young master, I don't blame you. The opponent's strength is not something you can deal with. When he comes, he is only here to die. Instead, he will sacrifice his life in vain." Xiaoying knows Wen Tianhou's strength. She really doesn't blame Gu Zheng, but only blames her own background.

"My lord, time is running out now. The other party is planning a terrifying attack. When the time comes, none of you will be able to escape."

"Relying on my defense now, I don't even pay attention to the outside things. You just need to go in, seize the opportunity, and I will contain the opponent. This is the only thing I can do. It is also a cup of tea that can control the body. If you fail, you and I will both die."

Xiaoying's tears flowed carelessly, and she still spoke to Gu Zheng quickly.

Because for this moment, how much grievance she has endured in her heart, only she knows.

Hiding in the nine-story pagoda, hidden in the depths, those devil-like whispers carefully tormented her, making her restless day and night, trying to make her surrender and completely integrate with her body.

Outside, she watched herself keep violating her original intentions and doing things that went along with Wen Tianhou's wishes. When she was fighting Gu Zheng, she wanted to stop at all costs when she saw the injuries on the opponent's body.

It can be said that she fell into pain and self-blame every moment, and she endured all of these, so that one day in the future, she could help Gu Zheng do the last thing well.

She never did a good job before, and she didn't receive any blame. On the contrary, Gu Zheng would carefully tell her from her, or simply say it carefully, and bear the price of her wrongdoing. Now she just wants to take the last thing Do it well, for yourself and for your son!

Gu Zheng didn't know what the other party was going to do at first, but when he saw the other party's appearance, he understood something instantly and immediately refused.

"Just put me in and leave everything to me. Don't you still believe me? I will solve the other party."

"My son, once you enter, the other party will immediately understand that I am still not completely controlled by him. As long as the other party has a thought, I will be killed. Can you kill the other party in an instant? And after I entangle the other party, the other party will lose any ability to resist."

"Young master, I have been out for too long. The other party seems to be aware of my existence and wants to continue to assimilate me. Time is running out. I beg you, let me really do one thing for you."

Xiaoying began to plead with Gu Zheng.

At this time, the clear water that originally flowed out of the waterfall had turned pitch black at this time, and at the same time, a crazy laughter sounded in the air.

"Come on, serve the Lord Heavenly King."

"Young master, come with me!"

The golden light on the surface of Xiaoying's body became more intense, and her whole body flew into the air, flying towards a distant direction, and a passage leading to nowhere appeared again.


Gu Zheng sighed, and then followed behind the opponent.

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