"Old Wei, give him that thing. How can we contact the woodcutter? The woodcutter has said that he won't come again next time. If we need it, we will go to him."

After Elder Wei went back and heard that he had given the black stone to Gu Zheng, one of them couldn't help complaining.

"Yes, the other party is a fairy, different from us, without it, we have no last hope." Another companion also complained a little.

After all, although those creatures have no self-awareness, they still touch the surrounding houses during some actions. Now many places have collapsed. Although their place is secret enough, sooner or later they will be accidentally damaged by the other party.

"It is precisely because the other party is a fairy that I gave it to him. Even if we go there, what problem can we solve? We are all ordinary people with powerless intentions, and if the other party brings a solution, it is our only hope." Wei Lao looked at them. , couldn't help snorting coldly.

"Okay, what Old Wei said makes sense. What if he is our hope, none of us want to die here. Besides, no one knows what the other party is like. It's just a pity to give this kid a toy."

Another sister Fu Rong who is familiar with Gu Zheng is holding a chubby Xiaoxue. The girl is still holding the toy that Xiaoying gave her, and the flute and colorful stones are still shining, but the rabbit spirit is gone. .

Hearing this, everyone was silent. After all, seeing is believing. It’s just that Xiaoxue’s father has disappeared. He went out repeatedly to help everyone find the exit, but he didn’t come back for the last time. Since then, the girl who loves to laugh has become silent down.

"I know you guys are uncomfortable, but I'm doing it for everyone, so just trust me." Seeing the other party's appearance, Wei Lao spoke again.

"We believe in you, Mr. Wei. If it weren't for you, we would have lost a few more relatives." One of them said.

The others also nodded, acquiescing to Wei Lao's behavior.

"Go ahead and focus on the back. If the other party comes back, I'll inquire about it." Old Wei said to a person.

The man nodded, then walked to the side, ready to observe the point.

"Just wait, everyone, there will be good news!"

After finishing speaking, Mr. Wei stopped talking and sat quietly beside him.


At this time, a relatively low sound of the flute sounded in the air. Xiaoxue thought of his father, and couldn't help but let the flute sound again. This was his father's favorite music, and she said that she could think of her mother.

But she no longer remembers her mother's appearance, but she will never forget what her father said to her.

"No matter what, we must live bravely."

A little bit of time passed, and the sound of the flute did not know when it stopped, and the air became silent again.

"Old Wei, old Wei, the other party came out from there and is walking towards this side."

A voice of suppressed surprise came from the side, the man who Old Wei asked the other party to observe looked at everyone's eyes and repeated it again. It was obvious that everyone's eyes lit up, but some people were worried.

"The other party came back so quickly, did he fail?"

"What a failure, I'll go find the other party!" Old Wei stood up abruptly and said.

"It's dangerous outside, and many of those creatures have wandered back." The man said in surprise.

"Activate that device, attract their attention, and remove some threats for him. I know there is only one last chance, so do it immediately!" Elder Wei shouted at him.


The man quickly agreed, and then quickly ran outside, while Mr. Wei also walked towards the door, waiting for the opportunity.

"Boom boom"

Soon there was a sound of shaking from a certain place in the distance, and then a house collapsed without warning, causing a loud noise, and the messy things placed beside it also fell in a sporadic manner.

Compared with the sounds made by Gu Zheng, these sounds are nothing compared to the big ones, and there is no comparison at all, but they are also enough to attract some nearby creatures to approach there, and the surrounding area is much safer for a while.

When he was notified of the safety outside, Mr. Wei took a deep breath and opened the door directly. He was about to go out to find Gu Zheng when he suddenly saw Gu Zheng standing at their door.

"Looks like I'm not too late!"

In fact, it was relatively easy for Gu Zheng to come back. Although some of those creatures came back, their distribution was still relatively scattered, and it was easy to avoid their sight and come here.

Of course, compared to ordinary people like Wei Lao, it is still more dangerous. After all, the other party can only judge the other party's position through the naked eye and voice.

"It's not too late, let's talk first." Wei Lao didn't feel sorry for the last means of attracting creatures, and invited Gu Zheng to walk in.

Others were still discussing some things inside, and here they found that Mr. Wei came back with a familiar person.

"Big brother!"

When Xiaoxue saw it, she broke away from Fu Rong's body and rushed towards Gu Zheng.

"It's Xiaoxue! Long time no see." Gu Zheng had a good memory. When he saw the other party, he remembered her identity and squatted down to hug him.

"Can you get my father back? I don't want these things anymore." Xiaoxue raised her head, tears dripping from the corners of her eyes, while holding the toy Xiaoying gave her.

"His father recovered his cultivation and wanted to find a way out of here. Although he managed to avoid those creatures, he never came back after entering those fork roads." Elder Wei explained in a low voice beside him.

"I can't promise you to find your father." Gu Zheng stretched out his hands and wiped away Xiaoxue's tears, "But I will try my best to help you find it. Now all you have to do is follow Sister Furong obediently and take good care of yourself , or when your father comes back and sees you being wronged, he might still trouble me."

"No, I'll tell my father."

Xiaoxue said with a smile through her tears, and at the same time stood on tiptoe and kissed Gu Zheng on the cheek, and then walked towards Furong. It was obvious that she was in a much better mood.

"Since his father disappeared, I haven't seen him smile for a long time." Wei Lao looked at Xiaoxue, and then said to Gu Zheng expectantly, "You seem to have good news this time."

"Yes, are you all here? If there is no accident, everyone will leave in a short time." Gu Zheng looked around, and there seemed to be many people, so he asked.

"There are still some people resting inside, I will send someone to call them now." Wei Lao said hastily upon hearing this.

"Okay, but this doesn't prevent me from telling you." Gu Zheng nodded, seeing that everyone's eyes were on his side, and there was not much ink. He waited until Old Wei had done everything before walking to the middle.

"Everyone, I know your worries, now I tell you a good news, I have already contacted the woodcutter over there, as long as all of you come to the entrance over there, I will take you out together here."

Everyone couldn't help cheering when they heard the words of Gu Zheng, and some even wept with joy.

"However, there are two plans now. One is that I will send you over there first, and then set up a defense to help you hide there, but I am going to pick up the people over there. The disadvantage is that without me, I cannot completely Keeping you safe."

"The second plan is, you are ready to leave, I will bring the people over there to forcefully break through, and after meeting with you, go to the entrance together, only when everyone is there, the other party will help everyone go back, because the movement Some are big and you only get one chance, so you have to wait and you decide which way to go."

Gu Zheng waited until everyone's voices fell a little before continuing.

Because he had to take them all back, it was impossible to give up there, and he would not give up. Of course, he still preferred the first method. After all, in this way, he would have a lot fewer people to take care of, and a lot less accidents.

As soon as the people below heard it, discussions started to ensue, and soon Old Wei suppressed everyone again, made a decision, and directly chose the first one.

Because the risks of the two are comparable, the first one is relatively safer.

"If this is the case, then please go back and tidy up, at most a cup of tea, we will go, and when we go back there, the things here can't be used, don't take irrelevant things with you." Gu Zheng looked After a circle, he said immediately.

After a stick of incense, everyone gathered below, and nearly thirty people squeezed the small entrance so that it couldn't get through.

In fact, this time is also the best time. Gu Zheng observed some wandering creatures, and was attracted by the movement they made before. There were few creatures, just avoid them.

"We can leave at any time." Wei Lao squeezed to Gu Zheng's side and said.

"If you continue to order, you must not make any noise. Although I have a way to deal with them, I have attracted too many people and I can't take care of them. You have to listen to me for everything." Gu Zheng said to him.

"Don't worry, Young Master Gu, I've already given orders, they know what to do." Elder Wei said directly.

"So better, let's go!"

Gu Zheng pushed open the door and walked out first. This time, he didn't speed up, while carefully looking around, he led the people to walk forward slowly.

This time, there was no accident at all. After checking with Gu Zheng, they came to the last house near the entrance after avoiding those dangerous places.

Although the house is not big, it is more than enough to squeeze them in, and they don't care about the crowded environment.

There are less than a hundred steps away from the entrance, as long as Gu Zheng brings them over, they only need to run for a little time.

"You are here now, I will set up a magic circle outside, waiting for my arrival." Gu Zheng watched them all go in, and said to Wei Lao.

"Thank you so much, I really don't know how to thank you!" Old Wei said gratefully.

"You guys helped me once last time, and it happened to be clear." Gu Zheng laughed, and then retreated without waiting for the other party to speak.

Old Wei naturally knew that there was no comparison between the two, so he could only silently thank him from the bottom of his heart and close the door.

After setting up the magic circle here, Gu Zheng didn't stop, and rushed towards the opposite side. He knew that the real danger was on the way the other side came. He knew what the other side meant, so he couldn't lose too much without their supplements. , otherwise it might not be possible to take this space back.

However, he already has a plan in his heart, and he should be able to pass through the middle safely. The only thing that is uncertain is what kind of counterattack they will face when they leave. If everything is so easy, Naihe would have led them one by one. return.

This time, thanks to the blessing of Wei Lao, the sound they made before made a gap in the middle of the creature that wandered back again, allowing him to rush through without any danger. He knew that the other party was watching around. There are so many people in Qian Wei's side, the other party must be able to see it.

So when Gu Zheng came here, someone was already waiting for him and opened the door to let him in.

"Is there a way to leave?"

As soon as Gu Zheng entered, he saw Yuyi waiting for him below, and asked impatiently.

When the person on this side observed the movement on the other side, his heart was already concentrated, and he kept guessing that it was very likely that the other party would find a way.

"Yes, when you get to the entrance over there, someone will naturally come to pick you up, and I will be responsible for protecting you. You should inform everyone and prepare to leave." Gu Zheng said affirmatively.

"No need to notify. Everyone is ready and can leave at any time. I will notify them to come down."

Gu Zheng didn't expect the other party to be so sharp, and even disrupted some of his steps. Seeing the other party walking up excitedly, he opened the door to the side and said.

"When they come, let them wait for me a while, and I'll go outside and make something to attract them, so that we can get through this passage as safely as possible."

Seeing that the other party understood, Gu Zheng left the room. After an hour, he came back again. At this time, all the people here had already assembled and were waiting for him.

"Okay, I won't emphasize some things to pay attention to on the road. Everyone knows that once someone feels something is wrong, the people next to him will observe each other." Gu Zheng clapped his hands and said to everyone.

He just knew that the other party would send out that kind of weird fluctuation, and it could not be ruled out that the other party had other unknown forces, so it was better to be careful.

Everyone nodded in understanding, followed Gu Zheng to leave here quietly, everyone was silent, walking very carefully, for fear of attracting the attention of those creatures.

Gu Zheng monitored the distant creatures in the sky, adjusted his route to the predetermined location, and then stopped the team.

"Order to go on, there will be a violent explosion later, so don't panic everyone, but you will lose a lot of houses here."

"Master, you are joking, why do we care about these things?"

Hearing Gu Zheng's words, Yu Yi whispered.

Soon everyone understood that when they were ready, Gu Zheng triggered the explosion that he had prepared for a long time.

"boom boom"

There were two huge explosions in a row. Even if they were so far away, they could feel the tremor of the ground. If it weren't for the previous reminder, some people couldn't help shouting at this time, even now they were a little panicked.

In the perception of Gu Zheng, those creatures rushed over there almost immediately, almost most of the area was empty, which also let him know how many creatures were wandering here, there were hundreds of them , and even some of them were hidden, which were not perceived by Gu Zheng. All this shocking explosion attracted him, because Gu Zheng left some good things there, which are worth fighting for by the other party.


As the team moved forward again, they didn't encounter a single creature on the way, but they could hear the other party's shouts. After passing through the middle passage, the whole team speeded up again, and at the back position, there was another earth-shattering sound. The explosion, to ensure that the other party cannot perceive what is here.

Of course, not all creatures are attracted to them. In the process of advancing, a two snake-shaped creatures tossing back and forth in the room are not attracted. At this time, they may feel bored and wander out of it aimlessly. Sensing the troops in the distance, so many people gathered nearby, like fireflies in the dark night, so dazzling, they immediately accelerated and rushed towards this side.

At the same time as it came over, Gu Zheng also noticed the existence of the other party, said a few words to the side, and his whole body quickly swept up, rushing towards the two snakes, and could not let the other party come over.


A golden light flashed, and a snake that was one street away from here, hadn't reacted yet, was suddenly split in two like this, and Gu Zheng's figure just appeared beside him.

Even without full speed, it is still easy to sneak attack the opponent, but while killing the opponent, it was also discovered by another snake, and a strange wave spewed out from the opponent's mouth, and it almost came to Gu Zheng in the blink of an eye.

But that's all, a layer of faint gray light floated from his body, offsetting the opponent's fluctuations, and then Gu Zheng strode forward, and the snake turned into a cloud of black mist and dissipated completely.

After solving this sudden incident, Gu Zheng returned to the team again. Except for Yu Yi, no one else noticed that Gu Zheng had disappeared, and they still walked slowly.

Afterwards, it was very smooth to meet up with Wei Lao, and the people on both sides were even more excited. They wanted to hold each other to ask how the other party was doing these days, but they also knew that the situation was different now. After a simple greeting, the two sides followed Gu Zheng together Walk towards the gap.

Gu Zheng looked at the gap that was getting closer and closer, and wondered why the other party hadn't appeared yet, but found that the originally thick fog slowly opened towards the surroundings, and a clear road was reflected in front of everyone.

Needless to say, the power of the Nai River is affirmed.

Gu Zheng greeted everyone, and walked into this widened road one after another. At least two people walked side by side, which is relatively spacious, because there are still some looming black shadows in the white mist next to them. It's a little bit longer, and it's not close to the edge.

Just when the last person walked into the canyon, behind Wuyou Village, there was a series of chirping sounds of creatures, as if they had already discovered the disappearance of all of them.

In Gu Zheng's perception, after those creatures yelled in a daze at the same place, they all rushed towards this side in unison. Even the occasional sound from the side could not attract them. They already knew the location of Wei Lao and the others, and they all chased after them.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng calmly set up a defense in front of him, and then he prepared his ultimate move. He had thought about this scene, and he didn't just do that little thing in the previous hour.

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