Although there is no change between day and night here, everyone still has an extremely accurate timetable in their hearts.

Early the next morning, Mrs. Xue had already invited Gu Zheng over to go to the fourth floor together.

It is not necessary to gather in order to go to the fourth floor. In every place, there is a temporary reception platform that can send them up.

At this time, Mrs. Xue changed the white dress that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, and put on a layer of close-fitting armor. She looked handsome and handsome, and she could vaguely see her scenery back then.

"It seems that you are ready." Gu Zheng said with a smile.

"Whether to prepare or not, it's just an extra defense. I'm afraid of death." Mrs. Xue said with a wry smile when she heard Gu Zheng's praise.

"Is your child settled?" Gu Zheng asked as he saw that Pan Xuan was not holding the little guy as usual.

"Miss Pan has already settled down. Wait until everything is over before going to bring her back, otherwise it would be too dangerous to be outside." Madam Xue glanced at Pan Xuan before saying.

"Don't worry, that place is protected by a secret method. Even if it is discovered, if you want to break through and face Da Luo's peak, you can persist for a day." Pan Xuan also explained to Gu Zheng, and it looked no different from before.

"Well, why don't you go back and rest. Seeing that your state can break through at any time, and you can stay stable for two days, maybe you will be promoted directly." Gu Zheng glanced at Pan Xuan and said worriedly.

"It's okay. I can break through at any time. I'm just doing this on purpose now. I might teach the enemy a lesson at a critical moment." Pan Xuan was taken aback, looked at Gu Zheng's concerned eyes, smiled slightly, and then said nonchalantly.

Seeing that Pan Xuan insisted, Gu Zheng didn't try to persuade him any more, but now he feels that Pan Xuan has a special feeling, which seems to be more agile than before, unlike before when he felt that there were some worries in his heart. It seems that the other party probably figured out something. Let go of revenge, but also happy for her.

When they rushed to the second floor, on the second floor, those subordinates who had been staying below also rushed towards the fourth floor. There was only one passage, and it was even more crowded, and the voices of cursing resounded throughout. It went on and on, but no one stopped to argue with the other party, they were all pushing forward, trying to find a more favorable position.

When waiting for Gu Zheng to come out from the inside, he found that a simple transparent shield had already been raised, and the original four arenas were gone, replaced by a huge space recessed below, and raised one after another around the surroundings. The simple seats just made are enough to accommodate all the people, more than enough.

Some of the subordinates who arrived earlier were waiting outside, bragging about who was the best with the people next to them, arguing endlessly.

They arrived at the top of the Guzheng side, and there were specially arranged people over there to take them to the special viewing platform, where most of them were already waiting there, so they were late.

"Mrs. Xue, you are late." City Lord Bu said with a smile when he saw Mrs. Xue and her party.

"I thought I was early enough. I didn't expect everyone to be earlier than me." Mrs. Xue swept around, except for that Ruochen, there was another one who hadn't arrived, and the others had already arrived. Sitting on the side, she also said with a smile .

"Everyone is bored too, I guess President Luo is coming soon." City Master Bu said enthusiastically.

While Mrs. Xue was exchanging greetings with each other, Gu Zheng also looked around and frowned when he saw the gladiator-like arena below. Although the space below was hundreds of feet in size, it was spacious enough. But it still gives people a feeling of being watched by others, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

While watching, Ruochen and another person also walked towards this side by side, and after looking at Shang Guzheng, they also nodded slightly, as if they were nodding to Mrs. Xue to say hello.

From the eyes of the other party, Gu Zheng felt that the other party was ready, but he didn't know how the other party could leave here quietly.

The two of them had just sat down with a dozen of their subordinates, when City Lord Luo flew over from a distance with his trusted assistant Wang Cheng.

"It seems that I came early this time, and I'm also late." Lord Luo watched everyone making a small joke, and when he saw everyone echoing and laughing, he also started to talk about business.

"Although this time is only a battle in the early stage of Jinxian, there are still necessary measures. A detection protection has been set up below. Once you use more than that power, you will be kicked out automatically."

The words of City Lord Luo are reasonable. After all, they are in the nature of exchanges. The meaning behind it is to let their respective city owners fight for a little face in the end, but this disappoints everyone in Gu Zheng, because in this case, the internal defense cannot be activated, and the kicking will also make the other party alert. , just stop talking,

No one raised any objections, the Lord Luo knew it naturally, and continued, "For defense, everyone can only defend in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal. Even if you are fine, once you are attacked, I will watch from above and forcefully judge the outcome. Everyone pay attention."

Here, while City Lord Luo was talking about the rules, the shield below had disappeared, and those subordinates rushed down to their respective high platforms one after another, occupying a good position, excitedly waiting for the start.

After all, the peace period is too long, and everyone knows how powerful the other party is, but they have never had the opportunity to see it. Even if there is a gossip this time, because of the venue, they can only compete with the early cultivation base of the Golden Immortal, which makes them more or less disappointment.

Even though the strength of performance has dropped a lot, you can still get some from it, and everyone can understand that it is an internal game after all.

"If you don't have any objections, after half an hour, everyone will be ready to go on stage. Here we happen to be fighting in twos. We can divide them into eight groups, and the winner will be determined in one round. In this way, there will only be eight people in the second round. These eight people Among them, after the draw, they will fight three games, two out of three games, and after two games, there will be four players left, and then each player will fight the other party twice, and the two with the highest number of victories will be in the final battle. What do you think? "

"In this way, everyone can pay a little attention."

City Lord Luo simply stated the order of the battle. It was a child's play that was unexpected, like a joke. The first round would be over soon, but the second round seemed a little ink-stained, obviously there was a delay.

However, no one objected, and instead nodded in agreement with City Lord Luo's proposal.

"Of course there are still rewards. The winners of the first round will all get a batch of high-quality black cores."

Hearing this, no one else reacted at all. After all, a group of black cores really has a great symbolic meaning to them.

"The second batch of rewards is more precious. In order to reward everyone who fought bravely, I took out four more precious magic weapons. As for what they are, you will know after the rankings fall."

This time, everyone was a little moved. They turned out to be four magic weapons. Hearing that the precious magic weapons that City Lord Luo said were probably not ordinary magic weapons.

But soon everyone calmed down. Although their faces were excited, they wanted to understand in their hearts.

Anyway, the rewards will be issued at the end, and maybe they won't last until the end, and new changes will occur.

"The final champion's reward is this crystal nucleus in my hand. Under certain conditions, you can find a way out of here."

City Lord Luo took out a crystal nucleus full of bright silver light, covered with a transparent shield, and could clearly feel that it was full of space power.

"Of course, this effect is the most suitable here. Once he is activated outside, he can form a layer of space shield, which can escape from some special places, and even consume the power inside to escape directly." Luo City Lord explained with some regrets. .

It is true that this thing can only be called a real life-saving thing by the outside world, but it is basically useless here, but it is also worthy of being the most precious magic weapon.

The crystal nucleus then escaped from the hands of City Lord Luo, flew towards the sky, and finally froze in mid-air, like a bright star, very conspicuous in the air, attracting the attention of many people.

Even if many people don't know what it is, they can feel its dignity.

"Okay, let's start the lottery next, relax a bit, and treat it as an entertainment competition within our Soul Alliance. After the lottery is over, please go to the first round." Luo City Lord said hehe.

Sixteen black rays of light fluttered in the air in an orderly manner, and the city lords grabbed a black light one after another, revealing small balls of different colors inside.

A total of eight colors, small balls of the same color, are the opponents of the first game, and the order of appearance has been filled in above.

"Third match red!"

Madam Xue looked at the ball in her hand, then looked to the side, and found that it was another city lord who happened to be looking at her, and also had a red number three written on it in his hand.

The two smiled slightly, and then turned their heads away.

The other party is neither from this side nor from that side, so it can only be said that the situation is neither good nor bad.

Gu Zheng took his eyes off the small ball above and looked around, thinking about how long it would take if everything was over.

There were originally four arenas before, and it was estimated that it would be over in a day, but it seems that something happened to the ghosts outside, and it still needs a little time here, which is also good news for them.

Perhaps speaking, if the first place on my side is one of my own people, I have a way to ask the other party for the first place reward. After all, for the people here, that thing is not as useful as the last prize.

The former can only be used for self-appreciation, but the latter can be used to reward subordinates a little.

The time for a stick of incense passed quickly, and the first battle that everyone was looking forward to finally came to the prelude.

Below, a subordinate of the city lord who belonged to Gu Zheng's side, and another subordinate of the city lord, were already standing below.

No matter what his previous strength was, now he has all restrained his aura. With only Jinxian's initial cultivation base, he began to prepare for battle. Above the mid-air, Wang Cheng was suspended in mid-air to act as the referee. After looking around, he ignored the messy surroundings. There was a sound of discussion, and he spoke to the two people below.

"In the battle below, there are no other rules except what the leader said. If you lose, you can admit defeat at any time. There will be no winner in three hours, and I will decide the winner."

The two people below nodded at the top at the same time, and then looked at the opponent solemnly. Although they could only display this strength, in a certain way, it was enough to test the strength of the opponent.

It was the first time for the two to fight each other, but they had heard each other's names before. After all, being sent down represented the face of their respective city lords. Basically, they were both good players under their respective subordinates. Even if they lost, it was impossible to lose ugly.

The two of them didn't have much nonsense, and they attacked each other almost at the same time.

During the battle below, the higher-ups were not idle either. Everyone took advantage of this to chat hypocritically with the people around them. Judging from the atmosphere, everyone was harmonious and cordial. There were no previous conflicts, and each other became a tight-knit group. , but no one can see through the small thoughts in each other's hearts, waiting for the opportunity that belongs to this side to come.

And the subordinates watching below are also arguing in full swing, because most of them don't know what happened above, thinking that the world will be balanced in the future, so they will naturally look down, occasionally arguing with the side with red faces, their own family is the strongest .

Those who know the inside story, while following everyone's booing, on the other hand, pay attention to the changes in the surrounding area at any time. Once they have their own city lord's order, they will start to cause panic, and they may kill these so-called "enemies" in large numbers in the first place.

Gu Zheng is also watching the battle below, but it feels a bit dull, even though the two people below have perfectly exerted the strength that Jinxian can display in the early stage, but the limitations of the venue and the restrictions of the rules really make them People can't bring up much emotion. Watching the game below, it is better to listen to the conversations of those city lords.

Everyone's acting skills are very realistic. From the surface, no one knows what they really think in their hearts, but Gu Zheng knows that they still have some advantages.

After all, everyone here is ready to go all out, and at most the other party knows that this side is a little vigilant, that's all. As long as they get involved, it will be the end of these people when the demon spirits from outside attack.

The first battle ended within a short period of time. The people here were using a flaw to attract the other party's risky attack, and won the first victory with a narrow margin.

In the cheers around, the winner flew up with a smile, and even slowed down strangely in the air, and turned around in a circle to accept the shouts. After all, in the last adventure, he was almost killed by the opponent. After being eliminated, it took a long time before he returned, standing proudly beside his city lord, provocatively looking at the loser on the side.

On the other side, the loser looked dejected, and fled back from below as fast as a mouse. Even his city lord was a little gloomy. After all, he lost, and he felt that his skills were inferior to others. Provocative, he just kept his face dark and started talking with someone he knew.

"Okay, get ready for the second game."

In the second match, Ruochen played against City Lord Fan's subordinates, and it was more fateful. Gu Zheng also looked over, wanting to see what the red-haired young man was up to.

Ruochen's subordinate is a demon soul. When he came down, his whole body was covered with a layer of black mist, blocking the outside view. This made the red-haired young man have no idea what form was under the black mist, but he I know that the body of the demon soul is sometimes ever-changing, but he is also proud. When he waited until the beginning, he transformed into a weapon and charged directly.

When the battle started here, outside Leiyin Fortress, some long-prepared plans also started to move.

In a temporarily abandoned city, most of the people in it have been taken to the main city for refuge, but there are still a few guards left behind. If there is an attack, they will follow the orders left by the city lord and carry out the final action.

Surrender to each other.

In fact, they did it very thoroughly. After a group of unknown people entered here, they surrendered wisely. Regardless of the identity of the other party, they were imprisoned in a side-by-side restriction. It was regarded as house arrest, and the entire city was taken over .

And they didn't have any fear in their hearts, they had previous experience. After all, even if the fighting between the soul alliances was fierce, they would not kill the captives in general. If one day the city lord returns, he will be paid an extra sum of money.

Just as they were still lying leisurely outside an open prison, those people dressed in black appeared outside them.

"Lord Hun, what should we do with these people?" A person standing on the side said to the man in black robe standing in front.

"Are these people?" Candle Soul lifted up his hood, revealing his face, looking at the tallest enemy who was only in the early stage of Golden Immortal, with a trace of disdain on the corner of his mouth.

"You can't violate the rules, or you are openly fighting against the soul alliance."

There were leisurely prisoners inside, feeling the strange atmosphere in the air, one of them also panicked, stood on the edge and said to Candle Soul, trying to dispel the other party's dangerous thoughts.

"Let's stay, what's the use of them, even if we know our identities now, it's useless to run out, if we stay until later, maybe the king of heaven will be useful." Open your mouth and say.

Although his own value is too low for the other party to look down on him, he still left a life, which makes the prisoners inside very happy. Fortunately, the other party still pays attention to the rules of the soul alliance, otherwise his death would be in vain.

Just now they thought that the scale of the battle had escalated, and even these unspoken rules would be destroyed, which would be ineffective for them every day and everywhere.

"Master Hun, news came from over there that the elders of the Huanzu left with a small group of people to the east, where we found traces of the opponent's battle, including some of our people, and people from Gai Jin's side , They all disappeared there! The initial suspicion is that Gai Jin took people to wipe out what you asked to investigate before, and now there is only a huge pit left there."

On the way back to leave, one of the men in black hurried out and said to Candle Soul.

"Those strange people? I don't know where they came from. From the perspective of those few people, I really underestimated each other, but it's fine if it's not found by Soul Alliance or Gufeng. You go to the side to add some people to go over there, completely The opponent is surrounded."

"Notice, the whole army is moving forward, this time we will hit the opponent with a net."


Following Candle Soul's order, the team was delayed for two days because of the disappearance of the Phantom Clan. From the cities abandoned everywhere, people in black robes came out one by one, and in some hidden underground, one by one The puppet, who had been asleep for an unknown amount of time, also began to roar and wake up.

A huge encirclement net surrounded Leiyin Puppet City.

There is no escape!

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