After a long queue, Gu Zheng and his party, who successfully passed the test, were finally able to go deep into the fortress.

Everything in it is very strange to Gu Zheng.

Because although the whole fortress looks very shocking from the outside, it seems to be divided into several halves by people, at least the top of the head is already a layer of walls, which feels very narrow, and there are layers of low walls on both sides of the road. Room.

Most of them are empty, no one lives at all, and there is a feeling of being in prison.

"The first floor here is almost abandoned. It is a place where various formations are engraved. As long as there are people inside, the defensive formations outside can be activated."

Seeing Gu Zheng's doubts, Fang Jie explained from the side.

When he said this, Gu Zheng immediately understood, but through the thick gray layer, he couldn't see the detailed structure inside.

"We are going to the third floor. The second floor is for our less important subordinates to live in. The second floor is for various city lords. Only very important people can live there. There is not much difference between the two environments. , after all, this is a defensive fortress, in fact, it has been abandoned for many years, and it was only used urgently."

"Gathering here this time is also a way for everyone to remember the original intention of the establishment of the Soul Alliance, and to adjust everyone's tension these days and ease everyone's conflicts."

Fang Jie saw that Gu Zheng didn't seem to know anything about this place, so he simply explained to the other party, and while talking, he led Gu Zheng to the second floor.

Everyone here knows what he said, and he doesn't know what he doesn't know.

Let me tell you, this side has already entered the second floor from the stone ladder on the side, and they still need to pass through most of the area to go to the third floor.

As soon as you enter, this place and the first floor seem to be two worlds. Although they are also monotonous stone houses, most of them have already been lived in. At least they are much cleaner than the ones below. The sound of shouting and arguing seemed to be buzzing.

However, it’s noisy here, but no one dares to make a move, even pointing at each other’s nose with blushing faces, and they are about to fight, but they are very restrained. After all, most of the cultivation bases here are very powerful. The elites really fought, and the damage caused was very serious.

This is a death order, and there must be no fighting.

What's more, Gu Zheng also discovered that among such a group of people, there are still many demon souls. Although the other party has transformed into a human, anyone can see the aura on his body.

These are the smartest of the demon souls, sneaking from there to this side. After all, the demon souls are not puppets, so it is impossible to listen to everything there.

"It's impossible to fight here. Whoever dares to make a move is doomed. However, the fourth floor above is where people can understand their grievances and grievances. It is also the place where everyone will compete next time." Fang Jie said, pointing to the side.

While he was talking, the two of them who were arguing seemed to have reached a consensus, angrily walked towards the distance, and disappeared here in a blink of an eye.

"They fight in private like this, and they won't die. At most, they are venting. Even serious injuries are not allowed. This is the rule of the higher authorities." Fang Jie pointed to the two people.

Gu Zheng nodded silently, followed the opponent's turn, and walked towards another place.

Although the space here is narrow, the area is very huge. After walking a lot of distance, we came to a different place.

Here is an empty bottom, illuminated by countless white crystals, much brighter than the previous space that was only illuminated by yellow light. , can't hide from the light.

There is a nearly right-angled stone ladder here, and there are only some indentations on it that are big enough for a toe, making it easier for some weak people to go up.

Next to it, there are several guards also standing here, the leader is a red-haired demon soul, whose cultivation base is even at the early stage of Da Luo, and I don't know why he ran here. There are four peak golden immortals guarding here together.


When the red-haired demon saw Gu Zheng and the others, he stretched out his hand and said to them without any nonsense.

Fang Jie stepped forward and handed over a copper-colored coin-like object. The other party checked it briefly, then threw it back and got out of the way.

He said the warrant in his mouth, but he didn't expect it to be this token, which was beyond the anticipation of the ancient dispute. It seems that it is even more difficult for anyone here to fool around. There is no password at all, and the entrance to the third floor is only this one.

After coming up easily from below, the scene is different from below.

The entire space is many times larger than the one below, even the height is more than ten feet high, and the surroundings are not those dilapidated and barely inhabited stone houses, but each one is spacious and large courtyards, one by one in two columns, although it is much smaller than the outside world , but it seems to have everything.

There is a powerful aura in many courtyards, probably from the city lords who have come here.

Gu Zheng believes that the place where this place lives must not occupy a large area, and other places are the real function of this fortress, but I'm afraid he can't see it now.

Here Fang Jie took Gu Zheng to the side with his familiarity, which made Gu Zheng feel too relieved. If he came in by himself and wanted to find Pan Xuan and the others, it would take a lot of time and effort.

After a few turns, they came to a courtyard that looked similar on the outside. Fang Jie went up and knocked on the door. The door was opened soon, and a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes poked his head out. When he saw Fang Jie When they were there, they were very surprised.

"You didn't go out to carry out the mission, why did you come back so soon, who is this person?"

"There were some accidents, but the task was completed. This is Mrs. Xue's friend. I can't come back without him. I need to see Mrs. Xue now." Fang Jie smiled wryly, and then said.

"Come in quickly, Madam and the others are in the living room, I'll notify you." After the man opened the door, he immediately ran inside.

"Come in, there is no safer place than here." Fang Jie said to Gu Zheng, and then told his sister.

"Fang Yu, you send them down to rest first, and I will go to the front hall with this ancient senior."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the back." Fang Yu nodded, and walked to one side with his companion.

At this time, in the largest living room in the middle of the house, Mrs. Xue was holding the sleeping child and sitting on a spacious chair, with Pan Xuan beside her.

Opposite them, a man who looked like a handsome man frowned, as if something was bothering him.

"What should I do? I haven't prepared enough here, and the other party is coming." Pan Xuan looked at the opposite side, pretending to be annoyed and said, "Even Mr. Feng can't solve it now."

"Am I that unbearable? All the sacrifices are ready, but there are still some key things missing." Mr. Feng gave Pan Xuan a blank look, and said with some annoyance.

"What's the matter, why don't you tell me, if I can help, I will do my best." Madam Xue beside her said softly.

Now she has completely controlled her husband's power, and the loss is very small. Everything depends on Pan Xuan and the others to achieve such a huge victory. If only relying on him alone, it would be good to be able to control one third.

That one-third is not enough to keep her safe, maybe it is still a sweet potato in the eyes of others, although she knows that everything the other party will do will be useless on her side after their plan is successful, but she doesn't care .

Because the other party has promised her that not only will she treat her strength well, but she will not disband her. At the same time, she will take good care of her and let her take care of her children safely.

After all, with the strength of the Shura clan, Madam Xue really didn't care about the power in Madam Xue's hands. During this period, Madam Xue gave Pan Xuan a huge boost, and even sent her subordinates to die. To strengthen the blood sacrifice, she would agree without hesitation.

That was the real confidant, after hearing the order, he took the order and went out without any hesitation, even though he knew it was to die.

"If you could help, I would have opened my mouth a long time ago. I wouldn't be polite to you. It's just that your strength is not enough to help. If it is possible, the entire soul alliance will be enough." Feng Gongzi said rudely.

"The whole soul alliance? I really can't do this, even the leader can't do it. After all, one-third of the soul alliance is a demon soul, and the other party is self-contained. Maybe only when it was first established, Only then can we do it." Madam Xue shook her head and said.

There is still self-knowledge in this point, not to mention the nearby, even Wen Tianhou's side, even the race that he created by himself cannot be completely controlled.

"Yeah, that's why I said it was too late. According to the information I inquired about, the other party will soon use this opportunity to attack you. Unfortunately, most of you don't believe it." Mr. Feng deeply regretted this, and couldn't help but Another sigh.

"Why is it too late? Everything is ready now. After they die, they can summon a lot of clansmen, and then start to arrange, and bring back their own people little by little. When enough power is accumulated, we can give our seniors Summoned, when the ancestor comes over, nothing will hinder, isn't it planned from the beginning, why did something happen?" Pan Xuan asked puzzledly.

Mr. Feng came here alone a few days ago, learned about the situation, and discussed some measures, but she still doesn't know the specific actions. After all, they were in single-line contact with each other before, and this is also the first time they met.

"You don't know this. The plan can't keep up with the changes. Let me explain to you in detail."

Mr. Feng listened to what Pan Xuan said, that was the goal at the beginning, but the situation has changed now.

"You also know that if the ancestor wants to come over by force, there must be enough power here to open the passage for him. We are not you, and we can temporarily summon the phantom of the ancestor with the help of some conditions, so we must gather enough clan talents right."

Pan Xuan nodded, she had to admit that she had an incomparably huge advantage, but after summoning once, it is estimated that she would not be able to use it again for tens of thousands of years.

"Then, we summoned little by little, corroded, and continued to summon. This takes too long, and accidents are inevitable. You must know that the person here will not just watch us scramble for his territory, although he uses The method is too simple and crude, and can only occupy a small center."

"If the opponent makes a move in person, our place is too dangerous. Even if there are other reasons, we can't make a move in person. Facing the attack of the demon soul, our energy will be greatly involved, and it is easy to be defeated by the opponent. Before this point, the Soul Alliance Gang It is a good way for us to attract attention, at least we can persist until we have enough strength to resist."

"But now, the other party is going to attack the soul alliance." Mr. Feng stood up and looked outside the door, "These human beings and demon races who came here for no reason at first, and those traitors among the demon souls who longed for themselves, the opponent It has already been shot, and during the investigation, the other party discovered our existence, but now they mistakenly think that we came from the depths of the black prison."

"Once they realize our true identity, the other party can't let it go. Without the soul alliance, we can't grow up smoothly at all."

At the end, Mr. Feng's tone became serious. As a rising star, he was valued by many people in their clan, including the ancestors, and he knew many things.

The prehistoric world at this time is no longer the original prehistoric world, and the Shura clan's behavior style in the past made countless enemies, so the ancestors rarely went out.

A pair of untainted weapons, for the sake of the Shura clan, has been silent for an unknown amount of time, but at this time, giving them some hope of resolving their grievances can allow the Shura clan to survive forever.

This is the wish of every Shura clansman in his life, even if he sacrifices his life.

They have seen races that are too powerful, even more powerful than them, and their backgrounds have all disappeared in the long time trend, and they are also in the mouth of this trend.

Their glorious days have passed, and they must hide and wait for their time to rise.

The situation is different now. If you really go on step by step, you are likely to fail. I am afraid that such a good opportunity will never come again.

"Is there a way?" Pan Xuan felt the helplessness of Mr. Feng, and was also surprised in her heart, as if this was the first time the other party saw him, that kind of unsure mood.

"Yes!" Mr. Feng cheered up, "That is to use huge power to forcibly tear open a hole, let all the people gathered over there come over, directly skip all the previous steps, and come to the last step, accumulate strength and ask the ancestor , At that time, even if the other party is trying to stop us, it is impossible for us to get on the horse and stop us."

"This time, the ancestor sent in a weapon first, with a clone of the ancestor engraved on it. Although it can only be used once and the cost is very high, it is enough to deter the opponent." Mr. Feng said word by word.

"But we can't gather such a huge force!" Pan Xuan thought of what he said before, and instantly understood the problem, and couldn't help but say it.

"Yeah, and we can't use the ready-made power." Mr. Feng sat down heavily again and said, "These demon souls are still human beings. Once they die, we can extract the power inside. The problem is that we don't have any magic weapons. We can collect these powers, if our own blood pool is placed here, it can be done, but blind people can know our plan, it’s a pity.”

This is the source of Mr. Feng's sighs and annoyance. Once the two go to war, the dissipated power will be wasted in vain. It's a pity such a good opportunity.

"No way, isn't the team under my command intended to help you attract each other and destroy the enemy that you are tracking first?" At this time, Madam Xue also understood something from it, and said in surprise.

She really thought that the other party sent her own people to die, and then gave the other party an address, so that the other party could gather and catch them all.

"Of course not. If my arrangement is correct, let you find a way to let the other party get the envelope on purpose. You don't need to ask about anything else." At this time, Mr. Feng gave the other party a strange look, not knowing what the other party said.

After all, the other party also made him feel some pressure in terms of investigation. If something was reported after the investigation, it would be a disaster. By the way, the other party became the cornerstone of the first reinforcements.

"It turns out that I didn't understand clearly, and this killed them."

Mrs. Xue knew that the other party would not lie in this regard, recalling what the other party sent someone to relay, it seemed to be the same, but she mistook the other party's meaning and said a little sadly.

This team is her confidant, and she is really reluctant.

But she didn't know that it was their desperate protection that made the other side feel no doubt.

Pan Xuan and Mr. Feng were also stunned. They understood what the other party meant, but they didn't expect the other party to do this. Before they could say anything, a servant came outside and shouted loudly.

"Mrs. Xue, Fang Jie and the others are back."


This time it was the turn of the three of them to have doubts at the same time, and they all felt that the other party's mission had failed.

"Come in, I just have something to ask him." Although it is a good thing that the other party is not dead, the key is whether the task is completed or not.

The attendant went down, and soon approached here with two steps from the outside.

Pan Xuan casually looked towards the door, wanting to see what news the other party brought and what happened during the period, but at the moment of looking, the whole person was stunned, and her body even stood up subconsciously.

Mr. Feng glanced at that somewhat familiar figure, and he had no other extra thoughts in his mind.

He had been personally instructed by his ancestor, so of course he knew that the other party had become an outsider, and that was the key. For him, Gu Zheng was just a friend he could use, and after the matter was over, the other party left consciously.

"Mr. Gu, I didn't expect you to come so soon. I was about to arrange people to wait for you at the door. Why are you together?" Mrs. Xue was also taken aback when she saw Gu Zheng's figure, and then asked.

"Mrs. Xue, it's a coincidence. On the way here, I happened to meet them being chased and killed, and then I helped them drive them away. However, the other party is really brave enough to leave this place Do it if you're not far away."

Gu Zheng glanced at Pan Xuan first, then shook his head slightly at her, and then saw Mr. Feng next to him. This was the first time he saw him. He was indeed a good-looking talent, but he was slightly inferior to himself. Turning his eyes, he came to Mrs. Xue, swept the child in her arms, and then replied.

"If it wasn't for Senior Gu, we would really be dying this time. Even so, Si Ruo would have already died, but our mission has been completed." Fang Jie said guiltily beside him.

"Don't stand at the door, let's talk after you come in." Madam Xue probably understood that although sacrificing one person is better than dying all of them, let's invite the other party in before talking.

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