Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 192 Continue to Roast

At dawn the next day, Gu Zheng and Chang Feng crawled out of the tent.

After the white cat ate the meat roasted for the second time yesterday, Gu Zheng was not in the mood to roast. He ate a bit of the leftover roast meat before going to rest. Chang Feng wanted to eat it, but Gu Zheng lost his interest, and neither did he. Method.

But fortunately, Chang Feng ate a lot of the barbecue before, and drank some broth. He was finally full and slept comfortably at night, but Gu Zheng woke up several times a night, afraid that the white cat would come back again.

Just before dawn, the two of them broke camp and set off. They didn't go back and continued to walk deep. This time they came here to get some useful treasures. They only came out for a day. Gu Zheng didn't want to just go back like this. What he wanted now was to leave The white cat's territory, if you can't provoke it, just hide, leave here, go to another place.

He was on the road almost all day, and Gu Zheng didn't look for any ingredients, but he picked up some on the way, there were seven or eight pieces, all of which were packed in bags.

It's a pity that they are all inferior ingredients, and there is no ordinary grade.

The last time I was able to find Yu Fuling, first of all, there was news and clues about Yu Fuling. If there were no clues, it would be impossible to find it if I searched blindly.

Gu Zheng was mentally prepared for this, and he didn't think that once he entered the mountain, he would be able to gain something quickly.

In the evening, the two stopped. This time they did not camp by the creek. They found a place with higher ground and camped in an open space. As for the water source, Gu Zheng took the initiative to find it, and Chang Feng was only responsible for the construction of the camp.

There is a water control formula in the ancient battle. In this primitive deep mountain, as long as there is a water control formula, there will be no shortage of water.

According to Chang Feng's calculations, they walked at least 30 kilometers in the mountains today, a total of more than 60 miles. This is not a short distance. The mountain road is different from the road outside. If Chang Feng hadn't accepted Professional training, Gu Zheng is not an ordinary person, it is impossible for them to go so far.

More than 30 kilometers, ordinary cities can pass through, Gu Zheng looked at the distance, the white cat's territory must have passed, don't worry about it anymore.

"Gu Zheng, shall we continue to barbecue tonight?"

After tidying up the camp, Chang Feng asked anxiously again, he had been on his way today, so he didn't hunt any game, but there was more than half of yesterday's roe left, and they threw the rest away.

It's not hot now, and Gu Zheng has processed the roe deer meat so that it won't spoil.

"Okay, then barbecue!"

After thinking about it, Gu Zheng agreed. In fact, Gu Zheng was also very curious about the taste of the roasted meat yesterday. He didn't eat it himself, and the white cat ate it all.

Now stay away from the white cat, bake it again, eat it together, and taste how he made the fusion ingredients this time.

Set fire, barbecue, and soon the golden color of yesterday appeared again. After a while, the fragrant and hot roasted deer legs were roasted by Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng cut them into slices. eat.


After taking a bite, Chang Feng's complexion changed. This barbecue is much more delicious than the first roast yesterday. The tenderness of the meat is all there, and the fishy smell is gone. It also adds a sweetness, and the meat is delicate. It is not old, and it is crisp when bitten. There is a little spicy taste in the meat, but it is not obvious. Whether it is sweet or spicy, it is wrapped in a mellow aroma.

This kind of barbecue is much better than the first time I ate it yesterday. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is several times better.

Chang Feng dared to say that this was the best barbecue he had ever eaten. It seemed that in Gu Zheng, the best food he had ever eaten was always broken.

The best omelette, the best chicken blood soup, and now the best barbecue.

Fragrant, sweet, tender, spicy, and delicious, the two of them ate very comfortably, and within a short while, half of the roe deer leg was eaten by them.

Just as Gu Zheng was about to continue cutting the meat, his body froze suddenly. He turned his head in disbelief, and then his eyes tightened suddenly. The white cat from yesterday actually appeared again, this time without anyone noticing. behind him.

Chang Feng felt the strangeness of Gu Zheng, raised his head, and was also stunned.

This white cat actually followed.

The white cat gave Gu Zheng a supercilious look, seemed to roll him a bit, and then jumped over, very unceremoniously biting the meat on the plate, Chang Feng was anxious, just about to chase him away, but was pulled away by Gu Zheng past.

Just kidding, let alone the two of them, there will be another ten of them, neither of whom is the kitten's opponent, and drive him away. It is the old birthday star who is impatient with arsenic.

"Gu Zheng, what are you doing?" Chang Feng was very surprised, not knowing that Gu Zheng was saving him.

"Shut up!"

Gu Zheng hurriedly hissed at him, he only hoped that the white cat would leave after eating like yesterday.

Soon half of the deer's leg was eaten by the white cat, and the white cat opened its mouth, looking up at Gu Zheng as if it still had more to say.


After a while, the white cat meowed again, and jumped to the deer's body, which still had an unroasted leg.

"You, you let me continue baking?"

Gu Zheng stared at it blankly, and as soon as he finished speaking, the white cat barked and nodded.

Chang Feng was dumbfounded. He felt like he was crazy. A cat kept stealing their barbecue, but the cat didn't have enough to eat, and let them continue to roast. The key point was that Gu Zheng understood the cat's words.

"Okay, I'll bake!"

Facing the white cat's request, Gu Zheng didn't dare to refuse at all, but he knew how powerful the white cat was, if he didn't roast it, who knew what it would do.

Set up a fire, grill.

Gu Zheng has baked it several times, and he is very proficient. It was done in a short time. Gu Zheng cut it up for the white cat, cut it into small pieces that are most suitable for the white cat, and put them all on the plate for it.

The white cat looked at the plate, and only took half of it away, and then ate there slowly. After eating, it let out a satisfied cry, and left slowly with its mouth full.

It seems that one deer leg can satisfy it. It ate one by itself yesterday and was full. When it came today, there was only half of it left, so it asked Gu Zheng to continue roasting it until it was full before leaving.

"Gu Zheng, what's going on?"

After the white cat left, Chang Feng asked. He didn't feel the power of the white cat, but he could feel Gu Zheng's nervousness. He had a strange feeling that Gu Zheng seemed to be very afraid of the white cat.

"It's okay, don't ask, I will tell you when it's time to tell you, there is still some barbecue left, let's eat!"

Gu Zheng shook his head. They just ate half of it, but they were not full, and the white cat came. Now that the barbecue is not completely cooled, at least it is still edible, but the taste is not as good as when it was just roasted.

The white cat didn't touch these barbecue meats, it just took away what it wanted to eat, otherwise Gu Zheng wouldn't dare to eat it.

Eat and sleep, this time Gu Zheng didn't think too much about it. With yesterday's experience, he knew that the white cat would not disturb them when he was full. In fact, even if he was disturbed, there was nothing he could do. It was better to sleep peacefully.

The second change, just after lunch, I squinted for a while, but I found it after searching, got up and continued to code

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