
The last few scarred monsters in front of them finally couldn't bear the blows from all around them. They exploded without even a death roar, and a few good black cores fell down. Just these few, the harvest is in the air get monster.

And cheers came from all around, and some people were even more tired and paralyzed, lying directly on the ground, their chests were constantly heaving, and the sound of panting like wind was rising and falling in the air.

But no one cared about it. One of the women with an enchanting figure, but her body was covered by a layer of ugly coat, she could also see the perfection of the other's figure, and she was also dripping with sweat, but she still stepped forward and took the fallen The black core was picked up, and then walked back.

"Captain, we have gained a lot this time, should we go back?"

The woman returned to the previous position, where a human man was sitting. On the chest, there was a huge wound, from the left shoulder to the waist, which was almost dismembered. Although it had been treated, it was still in the wound. A little blood oozes.

"Well, those trial guys have already left, so we'll go back early." The man opened his eyes, with a dignified face, and said calmly.

"The captain was well informed and knew that the other party was coming, so he didn't leave last time. This time, everyone can get a lot more." Another male team member beside him laughed.

"Okay, tell everyone, take a rest for half a day, and after half a day, go back directly, avoid fighting if you can avoid it." The captain said to them.

A man and a woman nodded yes, and then gave the order. In fact, they don't need to convey it, and everyone knows it.

This is a typical hunter team, and the team size is relatively large, with a total of nearly thirty people.

Among them, the leader is a human being, whose strength is at the peak of a golden fairy, and is also the peak combat power of this team. In the late immortal period, the man is from another Xiaoqian world, and the woman is from the demon clan left here.

Except for the three of them, the strength of the rest of the people is in the early and middle stages of the Golden Immortal. There are people everywhere. It is a well-known hunting group. After all, such a force gathered together can surprisingly maintain it for thousands of years. Zero casualties is simply a miracle.

They often go in and out of different small worlds, hunt those monsters, and gain a lot, but this time they stayed a lot longer than before, so they should leave here, take a rest, and then go to another world.

Everyone is recovering quickly, and some people are also on guard outside, lest some monsters attack them.

Half a day passed quickly, and no matter how they recovered at this time, everyone got up on time and prepared to leave here.

As the leader of this hunting group, Kaohsiung is actually under a lot of pressure, not only for these people from different places to let them go back safely, but also to earn enough property, which is also a black core, to ensure the life of their hometown .

In fact, when these people join the hunting group, they use their lives to earn money. It seems that every time they gain a lot, they are people outside who just sit and eat and wait to die, which can never be imagined.

But in the same way, the hunting group also has a great risk. If they are not careful, they may fall, and how many years of cultivation will be empty.

Of course, for some people, it is also a stable experience, and the risk is always less than the above, fighting those vicious prehistoric people.

"Okay, everyone gathers. According to the old rules, let's go back to rest first. This time, everyone has a year's vacation. Take a good rest. Next time we will go to the small world in the east." Kaohsiung clapped his hands and said to everyone.

"This time is so long, it seems enough to rest well. If you think about it, maybe the next time you see me, it will be different." A team member laughed after hearing it.

"Come on, I remember what you said. Except for the difference from the previous one, I have heard it three times." Another team member retorted immediately after his voice fell.

This caused everyone to laugh, and the atmosphere was very relaxed. After all, this time we went back without any damage. Thanks to Captain Kaohsiung, everyone was the same. When there is danger, he takes the lead and fights to save him. I don't know how many times he has struggled on the line of life and death, which makes everyone admire him very much.

"Okay, hurry up, do you still want to stay here and have some intimate contact with those monsters?" The enchanting woman said to everyone with a smile.

"Yes, vice-captain, you must follow your instructions." A team member below said mischievously.

The crowd burst into laughter again, but they still knew that they should not stay here for too long, or there would be monsters coming, and they had gone deep inside, and it would not be so easy to deal with each one.

A team began to move slowly, and a few agile people had already moved around to observe the surrounding situation for everyone, and if necessary, they would also lure some monsters away.

As for the rest of the people, although everyone has injuries, everyone is as powerful as a rainbow, and even at this time there is a proper distance between each other. If there is any accident, each of them will have two companions beside them to help them .

After these days of running-in, no matter whether they come in or leave, the hunting group led by Kaohsiung can safely hand over their backs to their teammates.

"My lord, why did you choose them?"

The team was still walking slowly and firmly on the way back. In the distance where they didn't pay attention, Wei Wufeng pointed to the picture in the air and said.

"Because they have a good reputation, they are in the opponent's team, so they can pass monsters in the air without being suspected by others."

Gu Zheng, who changed his appearance again, said to the same Wei Wuzhen, even if Bi Chen appeared in front of them at this time, as long as they didn't do anything, it would be impossible for the other party to discover their identities.

"Really? What should I do next?" Wei Wuzhen vaguely understood the meaning of Gu Zheng, and said immediately.

Before this, they had found several teams, and even secretly robbed a single person. They got the information here, and then they found it all the way.

"You don't have to do anything, just wait for me." Gu Zheng said meaningfully as he watched the team gradually go away.

After finishing speaking, Gu Zheng's figure gradually faded here, and Wei Wuzheng also raised a ray of light on the surface of his body to resist this damn dead air.

"Okay, everyone can relax a lot now."

After walking a certain distance, the female deputy team said to everyone.

Everyone also knew that now they had left the dangerous area. Although this side was more dangerous, it was already very easy for them. The people holding weapons in the periphery also put away their weapons one after another, and started chatting and laughing with their companions.

"Captain Gao, how many things do you need this time, make a list later, and I'll go and buy them." The male deputy team here said to Kaohsiung.

Because of the identity of Kaohsiung, it is not only expensive to buy some special things, but many of them are still unobtainable.

"It's still the same, but this time it's enough to bring back some bleeding bacteria." Gao Xiong blurted out, obviously thinking about it a long time ago.

"No problem, leave everything to me." The male deputy said, patting his chest.

"Hey, just stop working so hard sometime." The female deputy group said quietly, she was really tired of such a life, but there was nothing she could do.

"Don't worry, what's going to happen soon?" Gao Xiong wanted to comfort the other party, but suddenly he saw a huge black light explode in the sky in the distance from the corner of his eye.

Everyone saw the black light, which was the scout wandering outside, sending out a signal, which meant that there was great danger, and they were rushing towards this side, so that everyone could pay attention.

"Everyone gather in teams, be careful." The male deputy team has already shouted at the surroundings.

In just a few breaths, the people who were originally gathered in a group have been divided into several small teams and scattered around. Each team has different strengths, so that the strength of the people can be fully displayed, and it can also avoid fighting with some powerful monsters When the time comes, go up and attack with no effect, greatly avoiding injury and death.

At the same time when everyone divided, a figure in the distance could be vaguely seen, a three-foot-tall human shape with blurred facial features, and several blood-red cuts on it, rushing towards this side.

"It's the peak of Jinxian. Except for the first team and the second team, everyone has dispersed." The female deputy team shouted again the first time they felt the opponent's cultivation.

The sharp treble can be heard clearly by everyone.

Soon, except for those two small teams, the others had withdrawn to the rear, and those two teams took out their weapons one after another, waiting for the battle with solemn faces.

"How could I meet such a powerful guy in this place?"

In this short period of time, the other party has entered their line of sight, but they can clearly see the other party, with dense red fluff, the other party looks more like a hedgehog covered with human skin, which makes Kaohsiung feel a little tricky.

Not only him, but others also have the same idea, because fighting here all the year round, there are some kinds of existence that they don't usually want to mess with, and this monster with fluff is this kind.

Don't look at this layer of fluff, which dances with the wind and looks like it could be cut at any time. In fact, it has a very strong defensive power. Whether it is weapons or secret methods, at least 30% of the power must be subtracted, let alone this. Monsters are so powerful.

"Should we avoid it?" The female deputy team suggested from the side.

To dodge means to let the three of them drag each other down, let the others leave here, and then wait for an opportunity to get out of the battle. They have used it a few times before.

Before anyone could answer, the situation changed.


The monster also saw this side, and let out a low roar that seemed like a cow but not a cow, and rushed towards this side at a high speed. It was as if a piece of dandelion flying catkins filled the sky and quickly fell around.

At this moment, everyone's complexion changed. Those red fluffs fell on the ground, entangled and grew up one after another. In almost a few breaths, a huge barrier was formed, covering the two teams in front and the three of Kaohsiung. Besieged inside.

"What kind of enmity is there, what kind of resentment is there, and you don't hesitate to do this." Gao Xiong also gasped, and couldn't help saying.

They have also met the other party in this state several times, but they are all seriously injured, and they will only be used in desperate battles. If they want to go out without killing the other party, it is absolutely impossible.

It's like falling into a state of rage, the external headache defense is gone, but the attack itself is greatly increased.

They are a group of people who are a little uneasy. Fighting in such a place and place, if you are not careful, you may cause death or injury. More importantly, Kaohsiung, who is the mainstay of your heart, has not recovered from his injuries. The injury left by a golden fairy in a peak battle may not necessarily be the opponent's opponent in successive battles.

"Look, the other party seems to be injured. Could it be that someone injured it, then ran away and met us, felt threatened, and acted first?" The female deputy team pointed at the other party and said in surprise.

After the fluff was gone, it could be seen that countless red blood was coming out of those two pairs of eyes, and those frightening eyes seemed to be completely blind.

Whether the opponent's eyes are there or not is not important to the monster. What is important is that the opponent is in a state of injury, and must be heavy in the air, otherwise it will not escape.

These brains are not working well, and only when life is threatened, will the little instinct of the body be awakened.

"Team one and team two, you hide outside and wait for an opportunity to launch a long-range attack. You two follow me, be careful." Kaohsiung took a deep breath and immediately arranged for everyone.

At this time, the monster had already rushed up, and slapped Kaohsiung directly with its hand. Who made Kaohsiung pose the greatest threat to him.

A huge bloody hand, fully ten feet in size, with clearly visible lines on it, formed instantly with the monster's actions, just like enlarging his own palm, with a gust of blood, ruthlessly towards the monster. The three pressed down.

"You avoid the edge first, and I will stand up first."

Kaohsiung directly pulled out a red long knife. The wide blade seemed to be one-third wider than ordinary broadswords, and even doubled in thickness.

Roaring towards the side, he casually rolled up his arms to meet him, grasped the handle of the knife with both hands, and pulled it horizontally in mid-air, a red light rose instantly, and when the falling palm passed by, it was directly cut in half by everything. Restore the mighty power just now.

The two deputy regiments also understood, and quickly moved away from both sides without saying a word, and also took out their weapons, waiting patiently aside.

They all know that if they want to attack each other, they must let Kaohsiung entangle the opponent first, otherwise they will attract the attention of the opponent, and they can still resist one or two. Others may not be so lucky.

After cutting the giant palm, Gao Xiong rushed directly to the monster with a big knife, with a huge momentum, and slashed down on the top of the monster's head.

The monster had one arm across its head, and the other arm swung towards Kaohsiung like a fly.


With a loud clanging sound, Gao Xiong's attack slashed on the opponent's arm, and it was impossible to continue just one blade deep, and he also took advantage of the backlash to draw out his weapon and escaped the opponent's attack.

The monster roared, and threw its whole body up. It seemed bulky, but it was actually extremely flexible. It only took a big step in the air, and it was already in front of Kaohsiung. It was still his arm, which was more powerful than an ordinary magic weapon. He clapped his hands towards Kaohsiung in the air.

This shot is really going to be real, even if it is him, there is no guarantee that it will be a pool of blood and mud.

The attack power of these monsters is not that simple. Under the same level, they will die if they are injured, and they will die when touched. Of course, the disadvantage is also very obvious, just like those beasts without any intelligence, and they don’t have any natural talents. , and no magical weapons, only this world gave him an extremely strong body.

This is why they emphasized three times and five times not to get close to them.

The speed of the opponent varies, but Kaohsiung was well prepared, his whole body stagnated in the air, and then quickly fell down, avoiding the opponent's slap just in time.

However, the huge impact on the top of his head still made his body shake for a while, and Gao Xiong could vaguely feel that the injuries that had been suppressed in his body were faintly showing signs of recurrence.

He knew that he must be careful. Once he was injured once, he might not have any chance to kill the other party. Those people who were surrounded would all become the other party's tonic.

Feeling that the upper part is clenched into a hammer, Kaohsiung's whole body accelerates obliquely, passing by the opponent's side, the weapon in his hand leaves a deep mark on the opponent's body, and as the blade leaves, the upper wound is still fast recovering.

"Concentrate attack!"

The two sub-teams outside began to attack the monster, and the surrounding teams did the same. They cooperated tacitly, so there was no need to worry about Kaohsiung's identity.

They also need to pay attention to this monster at the same time. Once the other party wants to get rid of Kaohsiung's entanglement, they must try to cover themselves and let Kaohsiung attract the other party's attention.

In this place, it can be said that it is the opponent's home court, and the recovery speed is very fast. If they can't kill the opponent quickly, they will be dragged to death.

Ordinary hunting groups would not choose such a powerful monster at all. If they encounter it by chance, if they fail to escape in time, it will be the cost of destroying the group, but once they kill it, the reward will be heart-pounding.

For thousands of years, Kaohsiung has only killed less than five by relying on him, and one harvest can resist them for hundreds of years, but they are unwilling, the danger is too high.

Especially after killing one with all their might, if this monster hadn't been injured as well, they would have been in despair. Even if there was little hope now, at least there was hope.

Here, Kaohsiung was surrounded by all kinds of attacks, and he knew it at this time, so apart from occasionally leaving enough attacks on the monsters to make the opponent hate him, the rest was to avoid the attacks of his own people.

"Hey, is there a monster in the air here?"

In the air here, Gu Zheng looked at the battle below and said with some surprise.

This monster came from a distance, and he even made some tricks on the opponent to prevent the opponent from being seriously injured, otherwise the opponent's lineup would have collapsed long ago.

The following cooperation is very good. If this is the case, the monster who was tampered with by Gu Zheng may not be the opponent's opponent in the end.

Therefore, it's time to make it more difficult for the other party, otherwise how can I appear properly in the end.

Gu Zheng laughed, and then gently pulled his fingers to strengthen the abilities of the monsters below, at least to achieve his goal.

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