"Master Gu, we are just ahead!"

After ten days of non-stop driving, Gu Zheng and Yan Yue finally sneaked to the Water Demon Clan.

"Is this the passage for you to enter?" Gu Zheng raised his head and said in shock, looking at the torrent waterfall that seemed to be left by a mountain peak in the distance.

Even though there is still a very long distance between them, under the surface of the water, one can feel the incomparable impact and the rushing water flow, as if he is being attacked by a golden fairy peak all the time.

But for Yan Yue, who was born in the soul river, there was no pressure at all, and her body swaying slightly in the water avoided most of the pressure.

At this time, they were between a huge mountain peak, and the source of the Soul River was in the distance, and there were tiny black cracks everywhere in the air, which meant that they were staying above the water.

The irregular spatial cracks appear quickly and are very dense, it is impossible to find a foothold on it, let alone rush over.

Of course, there are more stringent defenses outside, various warning formations, and a barrier that must be opened by the water monsters themselves, ensuring that no outsiders can come here.

However, under the leadership of Yan Yue, they came here without any danger along the way, and there will be no traps in the future.

"Well, when you get there, you open a gap for me, and let me do the rest. You can also go back to find your brother, and you are free." Gu Zheng said to Yanyue.

"Thank you, my lord!" Yan Yue's joy immediately came to mind, and then she said worriedly. "My lord, come with me, but I still advise you, the opposite side is by no means comparable to this place, please think twice, I can still help you in the past, and when you come back, although it is theoretically possible to come back, it is difficult. A thousand times the difference."

"You don't have to worry about this, just send me there." Gu Zheng said flatly.

"My lord, please come with me. You will only go in when I let you in." Seeing that Gu Zheng had decided to go, Yan Yue didn't say anything more, and continued to lead the way.

Gu Zheng followed behind, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

The threat Yanyue said, she naturally knew that it was nothing more than people living in the Xiaoqian world, but Mengzhen couldn't delay anymore, and now she didn't know what the situation outside was like.

I wasted too much time outside. Fortunately, I didn't waste too much time looking for Yan Ge. If I didn't bless him together, I might have to spend more time to find him.

Of course, the biggest threat in his heart is that red guy, that is the guy who makes him helpless, the only thing he can do is to believe that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the other party cannot always guard him.

He also thought of the worst plan in his heart, but he would never be reconciled if he didn't go there.

"Hope it's all in time!"

They soon came to the huge waterfall, and the rumbling sound resounded throughout the whole world, as if there was no sound other than that sound.

Yan Yue made a gesture towards Gu Zheng, and after seeing Gu Zheng nodded, a large area of ​​river water was continuously drawn out from the Soul River below, covering Gu Zheng's body continuously, within a very short time, Gu Zheng was surrounded by a water polo.

After doing all this, Yan Yue began to cast a spell, forcing a temporary passage in this place.

Of course, it is impossible to do it with her power, but there seems to be an invisible power here, when she starts to release it according to a certain trajectory, it will automatically start to work. In other words, she is just a key. After starting, Just maintain the input, and everything will be automatically operated by other formations.

A blue light suddenly lit up below the waterfall, and a very conspicuous blue light formed a tens of feet long blue light group in the blink of an eye, hanging above the water.

Seeing this, Yanyue immediately let out a soft drink, and then spit out a black water droplet from her mouth, which penetrated into the center like lightning.

The moment the blue ball entered the water polo, it exploded with a "boom", and at the same time, countless blue lightning burst out violently from the center, tearing a gap directly, and the gap expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. Breathing, a gap as thick as a century-old tree has been formed.

Looking through the center of the gap, the back is not the waterfall itself. A dark passage, only for one person to enter, has appeared behind, and a frightening aura emanates from it, as if it is connected to some terrifying area. His soul water was repelled around by an invisible force, unable to get close.

"My lord, the passage has been opened. Remember, as long as you keep going, there will be an exit eventually." Yan Yue who was next to him said at this moment.

Gu Zheng understood what the other party meant, and she never went in. This was just the way the patriarch told them, and she said all the monsters she could get in the air.

Seeing the other party's trembling body, drops of bean-sized sweat fell from the other party's forehead, even if Yan Yue was just supporting him, she could feel the tremendous pressure. She couldn't hold on for too long, but she didn't urge her, but persevere.

Gu Zheng didn't let the other party hold on for long, just took a look, and looked firmly in the direction of Miyagi, which was where Xiaoying was, and then he got in and flew into the black passage.

And Yanyue's side also let go of the air at the same time, and the propped up passage, as well as the blue light cluster, disappeared at a faster speed.

"It's time for them to come, let's go find my brother, see if I can help each other, and find a chance to sneak in later." Yan Yue murmured after swallowing the flying back water polo.

Such a huge movement will definitely attract the attention of the water demon. From the aura he deliberately left behind, maybe the other party can find out that they are the ones who came here together, so that their next actions will be smoother.

Saying that, Yan Yue dived into the water and left here quickly.

Gu Zheng has already rushed into the black passage. To his surprise, this black passage is actually composed of soul water, and the outer wall forms a layer of faint black light, as if wrapped in a passage. What Gu Zheng has to do is, Keep moving forward along this channel.

Without light, like a blind man, Gu Zheng just keeps moving forward, the further he goes, the wider the black passage becomes, and he also clearly feels that there is another undercurrent around him, he can easily leave his position , leaving here following the undercurrent elsewhere, but he made clear his route and did not leave his position.

I don't know how long it took, Gu Zheng was still swimming in it, and suddenly his whole body fell down unconsciously, as if he had reached the end of a waterfall. What made him even more frightened was that all the strength in his body seemed to disappear, and he was directly helpless. He fell into the abyss below, and before he fell completely, he passed out directly.

"Is the other party lying to me?"

Before he fell into a coma, a thought suddenly flashed through Gu Zheng's mind.

In a tall mountain range, there are a few green vegetation dotted scatteredly on it, and there are snow-covered peaks on the top, and snowflakes falling from the sky all the time. I have never seen anything Stop for a moment.

A meandering clear river is constantly flowing down from above, like a sign guiding, falling from the top of the mountain to the mountainside, and from the mountainside to the bottom of the mountain, forming a rushing river that continues to flow forward.

On the mountain peak, a huge wind howl blew past, bringing up countless unstoppable wind blades, and countless mountain tops burst into large flakes of snow, falling towards the surroundings. At the same time, on a mountain wall, a crystal clear snowflake grew. The ice crystals shook a few times, failed to withstand the opponent's cutting, and directly shattered into more than a dozen pieces, falling messily from the mountain peak, leaving only the thick roots.

One of the smaller ice crystals was blown directly to the hillside, rolled down, and happened to land in the turbulent river. Not only was it constantly washed by the river, but then it was engulfed and accelerated towards the bottom.

During the scouring, the originally slightly larger body was also rapidly shrinking. I am afraid that it will melt and merge with the river water before it lands on the mountain, and it will not be separated from each other.

However, when it just fell down the mountainside, its body was still the size of a small leather ball. It was a creature that didn't feel any danger, and it was already wandering slowly, not aware of the danger coming from above.

A small palm-like fish whose whole body is like crystal is swimming recklessly on the mountainside. Under the pure sunlight in the sky, its body is shining with crystal light. It looks extremely beautiful, and it makes it lazy and does not want to move. Feeling that something was wrong with the surrounding water flow, he raised his head suddenly, only to see an ice ball of the same color smashed down.

The moment the extremely hard puck was hit, it fell apart, and the seemingly weak fish was also controlled by a monster in the air.

Even though the small fish's hard scales didn't cause much damage to its surface, the huge impact not only made it faint, but also cracked gaps in its interior, and it went all the way down the river, toward It drifts away from territory it has never explored.

However, it was not alone. On the way, it also bumped into a figure floating in the water, lying on the chest of the opponent, and drifted downward together with the opponent.

And at the lower end of the river, also under the mountain peak, there are a few people dressed as ordinary humans, but with scales on their faces and cheeks, it can be seen that they are not human beings. There are four people in total, two by two, walking slowly along the river. Walking slowly, at the same time, his eyes kept looking to both sides, as if he was looking for something.

"Strange, normally speaking, the other party should have arrived, why haven't I seen the other party's figure yet." A figure complained as he walked.

"How did I know that on the altar, it was already indicated that there was a water demon descending from here, and the time is almost these days, but what is so strange about it, you forgot that once, when they came here to see them, they were full After searching for a day, I went back and borrowed the detection spirit stone, and then found the other party in a gap." Although his companion said in his mouth, his eyes were still looking carefully.

"That's not bad. At least that time, a water demon woke up early. If the other party wasn't familiar with this place, the ship would almost capsize. I hope our luck will not be so bad." The guy who spoke first also prayed,

"I hope so. Hurry up and look for it carefully. Don't let the other party find it first. The first contribution will be ours. We will get more rewards later."

The two stopped talking, and carefully scanned the two sides, trying not to let go of any gaps.

You must know that on both sides of the river, there are many big trees with some malnutrition, and some roots are even spreading in the river water. There are many grooves washed out in the river water, and it is really possible to get stuck in it. Careful to ignore the past.

"Boom boom"

At this time, Gu Zheng felt a little bit, he could hear his beating heartbeat, but his eyelids were abnormally heavy, like a heavy mountain, even if he tried his best, he couldn't open his eyelids a little.

At this time, I can feel that I am floating on the surface of the water, following the soft current, as if I am in a baby's cradle, slowly floating downward, but when he wants to move, he realizes that the whole body The fatigue suddenly surged up and down, as if all his energy and spirit had been consumed, and even at this time he began to feel a little dizzy again.

I want to recover, but my body doesn't listen to me, as if I lost control. The only thing I can do now is to insist on letting my increasingly drowsy head persist.

The only thing that made him fortunate was that the passage Yanyue opened for him led to this place. Maybe he was not a water demon, and something went wrong in the middle. In his opinion, as long as he regained some strength, he would be able to go back to the city after a while. Find a place to recover.

But at this moment, a small voice suddenly came from his mind, it seemed that something was approaching the shore, and he was still wondering who was here, and there were several cheers from a distance , and then the footsteps approached quickly towards this side, and almost a few breaths had come to Gu Zheng's side.

Afterwards, Gu Zheng could clearly feel that his body had floated up, and then quickly fell towards the shore. He felt that he was about to fall on the shore, and he was prepared for pain in his heart, but he felt that his body was only slightly shaken. There seemed to be something extra on his body, which relieved him from falling.

"Maybe it's my own appearance, making the other party think that it's my own, and it's a blessing in misfortune."

Gu Zheng thought it was the other party who relieved himself, and then realized that his appearance seemed to be that of a mirror demon. Although it was only a few days before it would expire, it was undoubtedly the best disguise at this time, but this Thoughts just flashed through his mind, and the words that suddenly came to mind in the air gave him a chill.

"Why is it the subordinate race of the painting soul, the water demon?"

"It's not only the water demon who can come here, what's the matter with this mirror demon?"

"Control the other party first, and see if the water demon is coming, is there any accident?"

"Could it be that the painting soul clan has already started to act over there? If not, we have to go back and inform?"

A sound of surprise, doubt, and a hint of puzzlement continued to sound.

"Catch him, take him back first, and then talk about how this blue crystal fish is on the other party's body. Let the steward decide later, and we will go ahead to see if we can find the water demon that came over."

Every time it sounded, Gu Zheng felt more and more wrong in his heart, and wanted to find some useful information from the other party's conversation, but his figure flew up again, and flew towards the distance rapidly.

And the feeling of dizziness and drowsiness in Gu Zheng's head became more and more serious. Even though he told himself repeatedly in his heart not to fall asleep, he still couldn't resist his body's instinct, and finally fell into the darkness again.

This time, I don't know how long it took, and the somewhat confused Gu Zheng finally opened his eyes, and then looked around in a daze, not understanding his situation for a while.


Suddenly a blue light flashed from the side, stayed in front of Gu Zheng, and hummed twice at Gu Zheng, making a pleasant sound, but after seeing that Gu Zheng ignored it, he flicked his tail, suddenly accelerated, and headed towards Gu Zheng. The front shot away.


A purple mask suddenly emerged from the void, with countless grid-like black bright lines interspersed in it, blocking the little fish back.

Even Gu Zheng could clearly see that when this little fish that came out of nowhere collided with it, a black lightning bolt also shot out from above, coming from the point of contact, that is, the mouth of the little fish. After connecting, when the little fish was bounced off, a large black electric arc flickered on its body.

But as the blue light flashed on the surface of the little fish, those powerful electric arcs disappeared without a trace. After that, the little fish turned around again and appeared in front of Gu Zheng's chest. He let out a low cry of grievance, as if he was complaining about something.

Gu Zheng also came to his senses at this time, and remembered what happened to him in the end. He seemed to be arrested, and the time should not have passed, and he still looked like a mirror demon.

But what happened to this little fish, he really didn't have the slightest impression.

Of course he didn't know that the state in his body was caused by the little fish hitting him, otherwise it wouldn't be so miserable, but luck and misfortune sometimes come together, because the supplies from Gu Zheng make Xiaoyu mistakenly think it's for Saving it caused this, and it was regarded as a savior, so it was so intimate.

Not only did he have no impression of this, he even forgot how he got here, he just knew that Yanyue opened the passage, and then he went in, and then he lay on the water, waiting for the other party to catch him here.

Feeling the situation in the body, it was finally not as empty as before. Although it was a bit empty, at least he had the power to act, so the first thing he did was to take out a pill and swallow it without hesitation, and began to recover quickly.

Of course, on the surface, he still looks weak. After all, where he is, it can still be seen that the person who brought him back did not treat him differently because of his identity, but received "exceeding specifications" reception .

At this time, he was in the center of a magic circle, or in other words, the room where he was imprisoned was a huge prison as a whole, and he was the only guest, if not counting the little fish.

The entire room is engraved with countless lines, and some purple light makes this room look a little strange, there is not even a single exit, the protection is tight, just a little feeling, you know that even if he wants to break through it silently It's impossible to leave!

It's just that he doesn't know who is imprisoning him, and why the other party wants to trap him here. If it is convenient, wouldn't it be safer to seal himself?

In other words, the other party doesn't seem to have the malice he imagined.

Just as Gu Zheng was thinking wildly, a wall in the distance flickered twice, and a light door appeared from there, as if someone was about to come in.

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