
The patriarch's body was suddenly pierced by the second elder directly from the middle of the body with a huge hole, occupying almost half of his chest, and the latter was also shot straight away, and the aura on his body fell rapidly like a roller coaster.

The black ground in the distance rolled over and over again, and finally passed out on the ground.

In order to ensure that Mengzhen was ejected, he had done his best, without any protection himself, under the angry blow of the second elder, he was directly beaten into a near-death state.

Even so, it cannot conceal the complete failure of their plan, and Mengzhen has been successfully drawn in by the other party.

"Damn it!"

The second elder scolded with an ugly face, and the seventh elder was also a little unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

"Haha, no matter how tricky you are, it didn't stop us from succeeding. You failed again this time. I'm looking forward to your failure again next time."

Crimson's rampant voice exploded in the air, and then his body stretched out and flew towards the black space, and the tentacles reached out to grab his subordinates, and of course the patriarch of the patrolling god who was lying half dead on the ground.

"I want to take him away, dreaming!"

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the second elder, and the tentacles reaching out to the patriarch of the god patrol were cut in two, but only after they were cut off, more tentacles rushed towards the bottom, but she stopped them one by one.

As for the other two tentacles, she also wanted to stop them. No matter what, she couldn't let Chi Hong rescue the culprit, so she simply ignored it, lest the other party take the opportunity to rescue him.

"I look forward to meeting you next time!"

Chi Hong didn't insist on going to the rescue either. Anyway, she tried her best. At most, she went back and said something good for their clan, so that there wouldn't be such a tragic thing.

Soon Chi Hong and his two subordinates also disappeared into the black passage.

"Second sister!"

As the second elder fell, the seventh elder also went up to meet him, his face very anxious.

"I'm sorry, I didn't stop the other party." Gu Zheng stepped forward and said guiltily.

He has tried his best, but who would have thought that the patriarch of the patrolling god, even if he died, would bring Mengzhen back. He even threw out the black tower, but it was still a step too late.

"I don't blame you. He would rather die than do this. Otherwise, if the mission fails, he won't be able to survive, and even his own group will be affected. In this way, at least the other group will have no major problems." The second elder took a deep breath With one bite, he said to Gu Zheng.

When the other party acted, she remembered the other party's purpose. At this time, apart from herself, even the Seventh Elder and the others could not stop him, and under Chi Hong's entanglement, she had no chance to stop the other party.

Next to it is Xun Shen's corpse, which has been completely divided into dozens of pieces, which shows the anger in the second elder's heart.

"What should we do now? Second sister, is there really no way for us to go back?" Ninth Elder also surrounded him from the side, and said somewhat unwillingly.

"In order to prevent us from going back, we have been completely prevented from entering here. After all, the elder said that everything is gone there. As long as we are still there, there is hope, so we can't get through at all." The second elder stabilized his mood. Said.

"Damn it, if we come here, Mengzhen will be captured by the other party. After a long time, maybe we will be able to find our weakness again, and then we will be passive." The seventh elder said angrily.

Although they are powerful, they can be proudly said by their peers that they will definitely make them ugly, but as acquired, they also have weaknesses. Even the new generation of backups also have weaknesses that cannot be ignored, but they are not the same as before. Same.

They didn't think of eliminating all the weaknesses, after all, there is no such thing as perfect, but the more concealed, the more secure it is for their safety.

"Then what can we do? Otherwise, go back and ask Eldest Sister first, and we have to take action." The Ninth Elder, who looked a little frustrated, said unwillingly from the side.

At this time, their situation has fallen into a completely unexpected state, and they can only continue to walk step by step according to the previous plan.

"However, it's not impossible at all, it just depends on whether someone is willing! We can't make it through, but what if it's not our clansman?" The second elder suddenly turned his head at this time, looked at Gu Zheng and said.

The two elders instantly understood what she meant. Although the patriarch here is the most restrictive, and their painting soul clan cannot pass through here, outsiders can, but the price is a bit high.

"Second Elder, as long as I can help, please feel free to tell me." Gu Zheng did not flinch, but met the Second Elder's gaze and said.

"How can he help? The strength is still so poor!" The Ninth Elder said with some disappointment.

"Second sister, everyone knows Chi Hong's ability, not to mention him, even we can't be the opponent of the other party. If he goes, he will just die." The seventh elder persuaded from the side, if there is a way, he will not would say so.

"I know you have misunderstood. In fact, it is not as difficult as you think. If I guessed correctly, it must be that the traitor provided some information, and there is a magic weapon in the other party's hands. You also know that thing, so to find us here."

Seeing the two elders nodding, the second elder continued.

"If my judgment is correct, our entrance is definitely a fictional space created by the other party, otherwise it would not be connected to us. Commander Mengzhen was pulled into it, and Chi Hong definitely cannot enter there. Waiting outside is our greatest opportunity, but we cannot be sure of the strength of the people inside."

"More importantly, as long as he wants to come back, I can pull him back immediately. The magic weapon was given to her by the elder. It was in my hands for a while. I still need to understand it. If the space inside is broken, He can also come back automatically."

Not only to the two elders, but also to Gu Zheng, so that he has no worries.

"If that's the case, please ask the second elder to help me. The later the time, the greater the chance that the other party will leave. If you really leave the connected space, I'm afraid Mengzhen will be transported by the other party." Gu Zheng said immediately after listening.

Gu Zheng originally thought there was no hope, but now there is still a glimmer of hope, how can he not be excited, not to mention the second elder's guarantee that he can pull himself back at any time, so that his actions can be more risky.

"Okay, you can do so much for Mengzhen, which is enough to prove that you are our friend. It is not too late now. I will open a channel for you. Remember, the opportunity may only be this time. After the other party leaves, he will definitely give this space to you. Withdraw, we have defenses here, and the other party has no chance." The second elder said appreciatively.

"Please, if you need anything, please bring it up." The Seventh Elder, who was on the sidelines, also had a good impression and asked.

"If you really can't save him, don't force it. After all, that's death." The Ninth Elder said softly, not wanting to put pressure on Gu Zheng.

After all, no matter how strong Gu Zheng is, he can fight against the middle stage of the human soul, but there will never be only one person who meets the dream, and it happens that the strength is not strong.

Judging from the prudence over there, there is at least a small team of masters to ensure the safety of Mengzhen. As for letting Gu Zheng leave there and continue in, they have no hope. The red guy will definitely be outside and escorted inside at last. Face to face is gone.

There are only restrictions on the connecting channel, and the maximum cannot exceed the late stage of the human soul. Even if the ancient struggle is in crisis, there will be no resistance, and the second elder can pull the other party back.

"I know, I will try my best." Gu Zheng said with a serious expression.

This is not only related to Meng Zhen's life, but also Xu Jia's life, so naturally he will not be careless.

At this time, the second elder came over, holding a ball of silver silk thread in his hand, which was as thin as silk, and then began to bind Gu Zheng's body in a certain way.

"These can ensure that I can sense your movements at any time and bring you back. No matter what, safety comes first."

After waiting for the second elder to finish all this, he said.

Gu Zheng felt the coolness on his body. Those silks had disappeared from his body and entered his body. It seemed that a clear spring was gushing out all over his body, and this feeling was fading rapidly.

"I can leave at any time." Gu Zheng said again.

The black tower has been put away. Although his health is not at his best, time has not allowed him to take a rest.

"Okay, since that's the case, then it's not too late. You close your eyes, and I'll see you all the way." The second elder didn't bother to speak, and directly ordered.

Gu Zheng closed his eyes immediately when he heard the words, and soon felt a warm current surrounding him. After a few breaths, he felt that the second elder hadn't acted yet. The warm current around him was passing away quickly, which made him open his eyes. Eyes opened.

Only then did he realize that at this moment, he had been silently teleported by the second elder, but the faint coolness on his body let him know that as long as he wanted, the second elder could pull him back at any time.

This place has the same essence as the black passage, it is all pitch black, and even the direction cannot be distinguished, beyond a certain distance, it is plunged into pitch darkness.

However, Gu Zheng wasn't too worried, he couldn't find Mengzhen's whereabouts, because not far away, a strange aura mixed with Mengzhen's aura kept moving away.

In this short period of time, the other party did not try to erase the breath, just like a firefly in the dark night, so bright that he followed without any effort.

But he also got monsters in the air. From this breath, he has already detected the breath of at least seven people, each of which is more powerful than him.

This made him feel a little apprehensive when he acted. If there were really only one or two, he was really going to resist their attacks and take Mengzhen away forcibly. He has the Black Tower, and with his sudden appearance, he will definitely Let the other party have concerns.

But there are so many people on the other side, even if they are surprised, I can't stand it, so I can only hide a bit, and I can't let the other party know that I am here. Once I have precautions, it is almost impossible for me to get close.

While thinking about his own strategy, Gu Zheng has been speeding up to chase the opponent. He doesn't know how big this space is. If the opponent leaves here, all efforts will be in vain, and it is useless to think too much.

After only an hour, Gu Zheng could already feel that the other party was not far away from him. He didn't check the situation over there, so as not to startle the enemy, he started to go around from the side and observe their situation first.

It didn't take long for Gu Zheng to cover up in front, anticipating the opponent's route, and lurking again.

It's not that he wants to do this, but that he is not absolutely sure that he can hide it under the vigilance of a group of people, especially the surrounding area is so bare, there is no place to hide at all, even if he crawls beside him now, it is still a big risk Danger.

Not long after he hid for a long time, a team of seven people appeared in the distance. Everyone was extremely vigilant and explored all around, as if wanting to find the enemy hidden in the distance. In theory, the painting souls here They couldn't get through at all, and they didn't care in the slightest.

Because the things they escorted are too important, in other words, if this character is lost in their hands, then they all have to apologize with death.

The only thing that makes them relaxed is that as long as they leave this place, the next thing is not their business. Originally, they were here and had been doing nothing, just waiting for orders, and never thought that they would really be used one day.

"Hurry up, everyone, pay attention to your surroundings, at most half a day's work, you can leave this ghost place completely." A cloud of black mist leading the way, whose identity could not be discerned at all, directed everyone.

"Of course we know, but this has seriously slowed down our speed, otherwise we would have gone out long ago, why don't we remove this layer of protection, anyway, there are so many of us, this little girl can't figure out any tricks. "Behind him, a similar black mist complained.

Mengzhen in the middle is still suspended in the air peacefully, her body is still the same as before, but it seems that there is some conflict with this place, causing her to not advance very fast, or else at the speed of these people, the time at this point has really passed out.

"No, it's not like you don't know the methods of the other party's clan. If the other party's new generation has something else that we don't know about, you want to make everyone apologetic?" Hei Wu, who was the first to speak, directly and categorically rejected it.

"Okay, don't say any more, at most half a day, we have survived for so many years, and with this time, we can also get some credit, not only can we write off the previous things, but also get a lot of benefits, everything is worth it It's over." Another black group directly interrupted their words.

"We have been so many years, no one knows who, so let's stop chatting now, and listen to my orders. I always feel that something is wrong. They can't come in, but their subordinates, the mirror demons, can come in. So can't you, careless." Hei Tuan, who spoke at first, spoke again.

After his words fell, no one spoke, obviously knowing that he was right, and his feeling was very accurate, which made everyone more vigilant, and even began to launch tentative attacks towards the surroundings intentionally or unintentionally, causing explosions all around constantly.

"Huh, it's dangerous!"

After the group of people passed by for a while, Gu Zheng came out from a hidden place nearby, and said in a somewhat thrilling manner, that he was almost attacked by the opponent's indiscriminate attack. After a glance, I almost noticed it.

But at this time, Gu Zheng really had a headache. The opponent was so strict, it was obviously a bit tricky, and everyone on the opponent was shrouded in a layer of black mist, and it was completely impossible to see the opponent's face, let alone judge the opponent's specific strength.

"However, you have to try!"

Gu Zheng looked at the dark distance, and finally decided to take a risk.

The defense of the other party directly overthrows all the previous plans. Only this method, if it succeeds, will be underestimated, and if it fails, it will have to leave.

He heard the other party's previous conversation clearly, and he also knew that the time left for him was very little, and there was no other way.

Gu Zheng ran wildly from the side, following the breath left by the opponent, preparing to detour in front of the opponent again, this time he will use the black tower to prepare for a strong attack.

If it is not successful, the only way is to retreat, and even if you are not careful, you may die here.

On the other side, the rhyming dream team, the whole team stopped suddenly, and the leader, Hei Wu, spoke at this time.

"If I'm not wrong, it's really possible that the other party sent someone to chase it, but we didn't startle it when we got a monster in the air. Just in case, we adopted the previous plan and couldn't let the other party snatch it. "

"The other party didn't show up, so the strength is not as strong as ours. It's normal. In a hurry, the other party couldn't transfer a few people. But just to be on the safe side, I still agree with the previous plan." Another voice also rose.

"I agree too!"

Others also agreed that although this would disperse their strength, it would allow the characters to complete a great deal, and the others would be able to leave right away as long as they delayed a little, relatively speaking, it was relatively safe.

"Well, if that's the case, let's separate immediately according to the plan, and then gather at the exit. As for Xia Xi, because you are special, let's attract the other party on the bright side. If you succeed, this time will definitely help you. .” said the leader of the black group.

"I understand, don't worry, I will try to delay the time as much as possible." A black group next to him vowed.

Regarding his mission, at the very beginning, he knew that only he could attract the other party to the maximum and protect himself.

"Then please."

Hei Wu, who spoke at first, didn't say much. He grabbed Mengzhen from the middle with his palm and grabbed Mengzhen by his side. A Hei Wu stood beside him consciously. The three of them disappeared slowly in the air, reclusive. Start rushing in the other direction.

And Xia Xi shrugged indifferently, a cloud of black mist sprayed out from his mouth, and fell directly towards Mengzhen's original position. When the black mist exploded there, a figure almost identical to Mengzhen appeared there.

He didn't stop, and sprayed out several sprays one after another, and soon the same four "Mengzhen" appeared again.

The other black fogs took one each, and left here soon.

"Let's go quickly, I really hope the other party doesn't come to me."

Xia Xi looked at Mengzhen beside her, stretched out her hand to change the track beside her, and saw that there were still six groups of black mist beside her that were silent, sighed, and continued to fly ahead at the previous speed.

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