"Miss Xiaoqing, the other party is here again."

After a short day of hard work, amidst the torment of everyone, suddenly behind Xiaoqing, a woman who was also unable to betray, suddenly stretched out her finger, pointed to the front and said.

But no one spoke, because when she exited, everyone had already seen the figure of the other party, who had appeared in the distance again, and there did not seem to be any traces of fighting.

"Get ready to fight! With Elder Yu at this time, we won't lose." Xiaoqing shouted coquettishly, wanting to boost everyone's morale.

It's a pity that only a few people are catering to them, and the others are silent.

The difference between the enemy and ourselves is so obvious that people can't raise any resistance. If they can run, they will run away immediately. Why wait until now.

At this moment, the black palace behind, which had not changed, trembled again, and soon hundreds of guards in black armor reappeared in front of everyone, making everyone look much better.

But no matter what, I have to struggle a bit, in case there is a miracle.

This time the guards did not set off, but Ji Ji stood near the black hall, connected to them by thick black lines from inside, and the figures of the guards were still somewhat illusory, as if they could be pulled back at any time. Go on, these guards will not disappear at all.

Mr. Jin, who came here with his followers, obviously understood, but he also knew a better way, so just stay here. I'm afraid it won't take decades for these people to collapse, but those guards will still be there. exist.

These hundred and ten people can't play much role in the battle situation at all, especially many of them are not strong, and he doesn't want to waste so much time. Big credit.

But he is not stupid, he didn't come forward immediately here, but continued to wait and prepare his own plan.

Xiao Fang is already fully armed, and there are many weapons in his hand against the other party, all of which are dyed with a layer of green light, which is very lethal to demon souls. This is because Elder Gu deliberately contaminated them with the green sword's aura. .

"Why isn't the other party coming?" Xiao Fang looked at the other party's unmoving team, feeling very uncomfortable.

It's like a wise person dying, but he has to endure drowning like suffocation, and slowly watch himself die. Even if he dies once, he is bombarded and killed by the enemy before he dies, and he doesn't suffer too much fear. The things in front of him are really terrifying Yes, he also endured it to make his voice sound normal.

"I'm afraid we should wait for Ma Nan to come together. After all, the other party doesn't have a demon soul that is good at long-range attacks, otherwise we would have been bombarded." Xiaoqing is not so afraid. He is going to die anyway, so what is there to be afraid of.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, no matter how bad it can be, for your own sake, you must persevere." Xiaoqing continued to cheer everyone up.

"The people from Ma Nan's side are also here." Xiao Fang saw a large group of people approaching from the other side, and said pointing.

"Come here when you come, what are you afraid of, prepare to fight to the death!" Xiaoqing said pretending to be disdainful, and even took a step forward, standing completely in front, as if to protect everyone from the wind and rain.

Even Mrs. Jin, who had been looking at this side, admired the unyielding aura of a woman.

"If it wasn't for the enemy, I would have turned the opponent into a demon soul."

You must know that it will cost a lot of money to transform the opponent into a demon soul. In general, it is only worthwhile if the strength is above Da Luo, such as Ma Nan.

But with the other party's current cultivation base, it can make people's hearts move. It can be seen that Master Jin really loves talents, but that's all. Even if she inspires the other party completely, he has already seen the final result.

This time they brought only 2,000 souls, that is, rotten corpses, but they were enough to deal with them, and no more would be needed, not to mention the more than 1,000 people like Ma Nan, the other party and the others were more than enough.


Over there, the troops on Ma Nan's side were in position, and after receiving Master Jin's instructions, they immediately rushed forward and rushed towards Xiaoqing's side.

Especially in the front, it was the team designated by Commander Mi, and it was even more courageous. It only advanced a certain distance and approached the opponent. With a wave of the palm, a black ball the size of a head emerged from mid-air and rushed towards the opponent. .

Not only them, but the accomplices behind them also launched long-range attacks one after another. Although they were all single-target attacks, they were like a dense black cloud descending from the sky when they waved them.

The majestic power changed the faces of Xiaoqing and the others here. Although some people attacked because of the distance or other inconveniences, there were roughly six or seven hundred attacks in the air, and most of them were gold. The attacks from the post-mortem period and above came in such a swarm, even though there were hundreds of them at this time, they still felt powerless.

After this burst of attacks, those with weak cultivation could not block such a violent attack at all.

But before they all reacted, in the black hall behind them, a black air spread from above, hovering above their heads to form a seemingly weak defense, through the almost transparent black mist, one could see that the other party had already Hit it.

The defense seems to be weak, but it is also necessary to see who is in the hand.

Those attacks were understated in a defensive manner, and they easily blocked the opponent. Even the subsequent waves of attacks were also immediate, and did not cause any damage to the people below.

When they rushed up, most of the illusory guards had condensed into bodies and rushed up, and the rest remained motionless, and some were even replenished outside. Obviously, the final strength had not yet erupted inside.

"Obviously the other party still has back-hands, no wonder they are not afraid of the consumption of the front."

At this time, Commander Mi had already come to Mr. Jin's side, looked at the guard who appeared again, and sneered.

"This time I have to work hard for you. I will remember these sacrifices. When the opponent's last strength is drawn out, remember to retreat again. The next time the opponent comes up, it will be the opponent's death." Master Jin laughed, as if seeing victory scene.

They are the attackers, and the opponent is the defender. When to attack is their decision, which gives them a lot of room for maneuver. After consuming part of the opponent before, this time the seemingly all-out attack convinced the opponent , they will completely crush them.

In fact, it was to unleash all the last strength of the opponent, and only then did they retreat, which was the most desperate time for the opponent.

By that time, it is estimated that the opponent will be completely wiped out without any effort.

Of course, if you want to force the opponent's full strength, you can't avoid being serious. Ma Nan alone is not enough. You must make the opponent feel that kind of survival and death, and then they will raise their cards. At that time, they will retreat At that time, only in this way can their losses be minimized.

This was the result of a day of discussion between them. Both sides had agreed, but except for a few people, no one knew.

Thinking of the other party's helpless look at the end, he could only wait for death, Mr. Jin felt a burst of pride in his heart, he dared to go to the city and escaped successfully under his nose, this was a shame in his heart.

"Should we go up or not?"

Commander Mi didn't know what the smug-looking Master Jin was thinking, but seeing that his side was about to contact the other party, he proposed to let the army of demon souls also force them to oppress the other party together.

"Wait a while, when you really fight together, I'll make a surprise attack from this side. Only in this way can I deceive the other party. You won't be unwilling." Master Jin turned his head, the smile disappeared, and said flatly.

"Don't dare, follow Master Jin's orders for everything."

Commander Mi took a look and found that he was a little impatient.

"Well, that's good, wait for my order, go up together when the time comes, and then listen to my bright, go back together, don't have any hesitation, understand?" Lord Jin snorted heavily.

Commander Mi nodded, stopped talking, and looked in front of him.

At this time, the subordinates he led had already collided with the guards of the other side. Although there were a lot of people here, the other side only had less than a hundred guards, which was very weak, but under the first impact, their side was like waves Hitting on the reef, a layer disappeared in an instant. Instead, only a few guards fell to the ground, but quickly got up and continued to fight.

"Die, die, die!"

The original captain was a little bit broken. Although he knew that the guards were strong, he didn't expect that all his team members would die in the opponent's hands with just one hard blow, and he was the only one left. There are his companions for tens of thousands of years.

Thinking of how he had encouraged them before, saying that he would lead them to break through each other for Lord Ma Nan and build a huge Miyase, but all of them were gone, even the newcomer was gone.

If it hadn't suddenly flashed the sword light under the opponent's shield, it would also be inferior to their footsteps.

At this time, his eyes were red, and after passing through the opponent's second line of defense in a thrilling manner, he turned around frantically, and instead of carrying out the initial bright, he went straight to the Black Palace, but directly slashed at the guard behind him.


There was a sound of gold and iron clanging on the opponent's body, and at the same time, the huge force chopped down the guard with his back to the ground.

However, his hateful strike only left an extremely deep mark on the opponent's body, but it did not penetrate the opponent's protection, instead his weapon directly collapsed.

But he didn't care, he rushed forward, with a silver glow in his hand, and slapped down hard on the vest.

"Bang" a loud noise.

Behind the guard, there is a huge groove, and the vicinity of the groove has been completely broken, and the thick gray light inside can even be seen.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing that the other party was about to turn over, before the other party got up, he immediately slapped it down again with anger. This time, a big hole exploded from the back of the guard in an instant, and countless grays and whites emerged from it, dissipating in the sky, and the guard completely One was wiped out.

But he had just killed the guard, and a black light flashed beside him, directly passing over his neck, and his protection shattered as soon as he touched it, directly killing him as well.

A master at the peak of Jinxian is just like an ordinary person. He is understood by others without even struggling.

This is also the cruelty here. The extreme lack of supplies makes everyone feel naked. Coupled with restrained weapons and their own special features, it is basically easy to kill each other with a shot. This is why Commander Mi is unwilling to consume more s reason.

These are all filled with life. Everyone is similar, and those with high cultivation bases have the power to crush those with low cultivation bases. If they are similar, it is possible for them to die together.

In this place, except for the lucky ones, most of them are like this. When the long-range attack doesn't work, and there is no special soul tool, they can only fight with their lives.

Although nearly a hundred people died in the front row, it also opened a gap for the people behind. Most of them broke through the formation of these guards when they swarmed up, and the guards caught in the crowd were even attacked by them from all directions. with.

Even though these guards were very strong, they were no match for four hands with one shield, and they soon fell into a disadvantage. The guards were killed one by one by the opponent, but Ma Nan's losses were much smaller.

Commander Mi felt relieved when he saw this. These are the foundations that he and Ma Nan snatched from the isolated city bit by bit, and they are also their subordinates. Let him bleed.

Perhaps something was wrong, the second batch of guards did not step forward, but all gathered outside the gate of the Black Palace, surrounded Xiaoqing and the others to block the opponent's impact, and continued to create guards in the follow-up, as if Infinity is general.

Ma Nan and the others took the opportunity to come to the side, trying to smash them down from the side and break in.

But they were disappointed. These walls were as hard as diamonds. They couldn't penetrate them at all, and even the phantoms of the guards couldn't be destroyed. Instead, the opponent directly counterattacked them after solidifying them, causing many casualties.

Seeing all this, Mr. Jin felt very uncomfortable. You must know that the other party has robbed so much material, so that the other party has a steady stream of guards, otherwise it would be much easier.

Sighing inwardly, he took a look at Commander Mi who was concentrating on it, and then spoke.

"Commander Mi, get ready. When my demon soul army goes up, come up with me. At that time, we are ready to retreat."


Commander Mi turned his gaze away, nodded his head heavily, his eyes were full of excitement, it was the desire for fighting, far more important than his own life.

Lord Jin glanced at his subordinates, who nodded in the same way, but did not see any movement, all the ghosts seemed to have received the order at the same time, and began to run quickly towards the front.

Lord Jin and his subordinates also took off at the same time. Commander Mi was a step slower, but he quickly followed their figures and flew towards the Black Palace.

However, I was a little dissatisfied in my heart. With this appearance, I obviously didn't wait for the demon soul to go up, and I was about to start the second plan on my side.

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, but the sound transmission is still fast, so that the chief overseeing the battle over there will pass it on one by one. As for those who cannot pass it on, they will also sound a reminder when they evacuate.

With their joining, the speed at which the guards appeared over there was significantly accelerated. Even above the head of the Black Palace, a column of gray-white light soared into the sky, and spread out at an altitude of several hundred meters, like a shock wave, turning into Countless gray and white light spots spread out towards the surroundings, and it was unknown where they landed.

However, everyone's attention was no longer paying attention when they saw that the gray spot had dissipated and hadn't fallen. Instead, they looked at the three extremely huge cocoons hanging on it beside the beam of light, and the outside showed an extremely huge momentum. It is the finale of the opponent.

You must know that these guards in the early stage of Golden Immortal gave them a headache. This momentum does not seem to be lower than that in the later stage of Golden Immortal, wouldn't it be more difficult to deal with.

But before everyone had other thoughts, the three giant cocoons had been blown apart, revealing three guards with different appearances inside.

One was almost the same as the guard below, three feet tall in stature, but completely different in appearance.

The original heavy black armor has turned into red light armor, covering all parts of the body. It can be seen that the defense is not weak. The giant shield in his hand is also red, which is more ferocious than their hands. A beast's head protrudes from it. The scarlet eyeballs stared straight down, and the mouth opened and closed, as if to swallow the opponent.

The defense that originally covered the head has also been removed, and it has become a hair crown like a pair of horns, with red feathers inserted on it, making that beautiful cheek look a special heroic posture.

Next to it is an equally beautiful woman, like the beauty in the painting, with a weak face, wearing a white robe, but holding a wicker in one hand, and a bowl in the other hand, with a puddle in it. Silver-white liquid, looks a little strange.

The other one is a female Taoist priest wearing a silver-white loose Taoist robe, holding a book in one hand and a stick of white dust in the other, with a calm face, especially those eyes without any waves, as if they can see through time and everything, piercing others heart.

What's more, the aura of these people's bodies was astonishingly at the peak of Jinxian, which made Xiaoqing's people below who had not been exposed to combat even more delighted. This was a powerful guard that had never been seen before.

For them, the stronger their side, the better.

And at the same time as they appeared, a figure jumped out of the black hall and hovered in front of everyone's door.

It's not Elder Gu or someone else.

Even though there were three enemies who were not inferior to her at this time, there was no trace of fear on her face. She was dressed in an extremely simple blue Taoist robe and a long sword, but it gave people the feeling that one person was in charge and invincible.

"Elder Gu, this time is your complete death, don't you have anything to say? If you surrender, there is still time."

Before waiting for this side to speak, Mr. Jin over there said with a smile.

"Surrender? It should be you, then suffer death."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Jin originally wanted to delay Commander Mi's side, and the other party seemed to need more time to summon the guards, but the other party disagreed and wanted to fight.

But facing Elder Gu's figure, they didn't fight and retreated.

After all, the opponent's biggest hole card has come out at this time, and their goal has been achieved. As long as this group disappears again, they can say that they have no worries.

"Everyone retreat!"

Most of Ma Nan's people who were entangled outside the black hall, including Gu Zheng, who was not working hard inside, had been notified, and upon hearing that, they immediately lifted the fight and fled back quickly.

Gu Zheng looked at Mr. Jin who was holding the winning ticket in the distance, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The fun has only just begun.

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