
As the blue spar in Gu Zheng's hand was inlaid on the wooden door in front of him, the wooden door in front of him opened automatically, revealing a room made of wood.

However, this place is very different from what Gu Zheng saw before. It seems to be a real room, with bookcases, tables, chairs, and beds. In the candlelight lit all around, you can clearly see all the layout of the room .

While Gu Zheng was observing, a red stone slowly appeared on the originally empty table, and the red streamer kept flashing across the surface, making it impossible to ignore.

Other than that, there was nothing but the slight crackling of the burning candle.


Gu Zheng took a step forward, wanting to bring over the stone with similar effect, but as soon as he left, there was an obvious wooden moaning sound from under his feet, which made him frown a little, the sound was even worse than last time The sound, coupled with the same cultivation base being banned, I am afraid that I have to be more careful.

After picking up the red stone, Gu Zheng walked directly towards the only exit, and pushed the door open to reveal the scene outside.

This is a corridor made entirely of wood. There are several lit candles beside it. The candles are as high as half a person, and what looks like white candles are burning on them. Although the weak candles are not too bright, they are It's still enough to illuminate a small area around it, so that it won't be invisible in the distance.

In front of him is a sliding door that has been pushed open, revealing a room with the same sundries inside, but these sliding doors look very thin, like a layer of white paper, and a blurry scene can be vaguely seen through.

This should be the trace left by Mengzhen. When she enters the other party's place, everything she has done will remain.

But now that the other party has been arrested, it may not be correct to follow the other party's route. After all, although Meng Zhen is arrested, she will not stay in the place where she was arrested.

In other words, not only did he have to find the place where the other party was being held, but he also had to find the place to leave here, and he had to deal with such ghosts on the way.

This time there is no chance, once caught by the opponent, I am afraid that he is really dead.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng sighed, and then walked towards the side. No matter what, he must first touch the surrounding terrain, otherwise he will be blind.

Then he slowed down and moved towards the side.

Fortunately, the surrounding areas have been completely lit up by Mengzhen, and because of her actions, there doesn't seem to be any enemies here, and the whole world seems to be left with ancient disputes.

Accompanied by his own slight breathing, Gu Zheng continued to move forward to maintain his strength.

The last failure was due to the lack of physical strength. After all, these demon souls don’t need to eat and drink even if they don’t have a cultivation base, and they are not tired. However, Gu Zheng has no cultivation base here. It was frighteningly slow, and without supplements, his physical strength could only drop little by little.

Even if he is different from ordinary people, it is impossible not to consume.

Time is very precious to him.

The only thing that puzzled Gu Zheng was that all the rooms here were opened by the opponent, and he could see through several passages at a glance, because between the passages and passages, except for the wooden walls, there were these houses.

Some of the things that could exist in the cabinet and other things inside were all searched by Mengzhen, as if he was looking for something, which reminded him of the rope in her hand that forced him to bring him up. According to her, it was from the first Something dug out of the archway on the first floor.

But so many people have not found it. Is there really something that can help hidden here, or it is hidden too deep. After people outside cannot find it, fewer and fewer people will give up looking for it in the future, and it will spread over time.

Gu Zheng's thoughts circulated, and after he had figured out the scope of his own area, he began to walk towards the distance.

This place is not infinitely large. The place where the ancient battle appeared is actually an edge, and there is no way to find the back, and the shape is at least not square, because the location where he is, has already appeared. There are a few dead ends, twists and turns without any rules.


Gu Zheng had just left this area, and he heard bursts of fast running sounds in the distance, but the sound was not coming from this side, the other party seemed to cross the front sideways, and soon the dense footsteps disappeared .

"It's a meat ball!"

Gu Zheng waited until the opponent left before continuing to walk. He didn't expect that the environment here would have some advantages for him. At least this big guy could clearly feel the opponent's direction.

This meatball is the second type of enemy encountered in the archway below. It is fat and fat. When it moves, it is like a big ball rolling. Occasionally, it stops to look around and listen to the movement nearby. However, its eyesight is extremely poor. Her hearing is exceptionally strong, and she can hear even the slightest movement, so she immediately seeks it out.

Most of the physical strength of Gu Zheng was exhausted by the opponent before, but there was a heavy stone gate before, and the opponent seemed to basically not enter, but here.

Gu Zheng looked at the thin push doors around him, he was afraid that any attack from the opponent could break through them.

Soon, Gu Zheng came to a crossroads. It was on the left at this time, and the middle part was dark, but there were some lights flickering in the distance, slightly illuminating the surrounding scene. It seemed that this should be the direction Mengzhen was going.

But the front and the right are pitch-black, a place that no one has explored.

Looking around, Gu Zheng hesitated, not knowing how to go down, because not far ahead, the meat ball must have passed there, of course, with the speed of the opponent's movement, it is not ruled out that he would have left there long ago.

For them, it doesn't matter if it's complicated here, each of them is not an ordinary person, as long as they go through it once, it will be printed in their minds very clearly, like a map, and they can draw the route on it, so there is no need to worry get lost.

Even where there is something, what is the terrain nearby, they are all clear, and they will never take the initiative to walk into a dead end, but the premise of all this is to go through it once, if not, the devil will know where the front leads.

But before he could make a choice, someone had already made a choice for him. While he was still hesitating, the candlelight in the far left suddenly flickered, and then flickered flickeringly, as if there was something terrible To come, even the light cannot exist.

But for Gu Zheng, it was more like some kind of warning. He suddenly remembered the red spar in his hand that he had never used. Suddenly, the dark place around him brightened up.

Looking at the bright light around him, he closed the red spar in his hand again, and then quietly walked into the darkness on the right.

Even if it's pitch black and you can't see your fingers, Gu Zheng is not worried. At least at his own speed, it doesn't matter if he hits the wall. What's more, there is no debris in the passage except candlelight.

And he even walked backwards and forwards in the middle, with his eyes on the dim candlelight in the distance.

After Gu Zheng had just advanced a short distance, the candle suddenly went dark, and after a few breaths, a red light emerged from the passage in front of the candle, and soon a ghost girl he was very familiar with appeared in front of him.

She was dressed exactly the same as before, still slightly floating in the air, the only difference was that the bell in her hand didn't ring, as if she was resting.

Gu Zheng's figure didn't stop walking, and he hardly made any sound when he moved, as long as the other party didn't come over so coincidentally.

But it was such a coincidence that as soon as the ghost girl turned around, she walked in the direction of Gu Zheng. The kind of heart-pounding cheeks still had a smile that was not a smile, and seeing it made people feel creepy.

"Damn it!"

Gu Zheng cursed inwardly, then moved closer, stretched out his hand at the same time, and began to grope gently on the wall, but all he started with were cold wooden walls, and there was no door at all.

He planned to open the door quietly and hide in. If the other party didn't know his existence, they probably wouldn't break in. It was much safer than staying in the passage outside, but he didn't expect that there was no door next to him.

And the ghost girl over there is still walking towards this side unhurriedly, still patrolling aimlessly, to Gu Zheng's relief, the other party seems to have not found her yet, but her body is already tense.

It's okay not to be nervous. At this time, once caught, I and Mengzhen will finish playing together.

The other party seemed to be walking at a slow speed, but in fact it was walking at the same speed as a normal person, and soon came to the intersection where Gu Zheng struggled at the beginning, turned around, and was about to walk towards the original path that Gu Zheng came over. The candles were also extinguished.

This made Gu Zheng happy. It seemed that he was right to think that the other party hadn't come for a long time, and he didn't back down.

However, the opponent's figure suddenly froze, as if he had sensed something, the walking figure immediately stopped, making Gu Zheng's heart tighten again.


The ghost girl raised her hands, the bell in her hand also flashed red, she shook the bell in her hand suddenly, and made a pleasant bell sound, which was reflected by the surrounding wooden walls, with a hint of ending sound.

At the same time, the red spar in Gu Zheng's palm unexpectedly emitted a ray of light, illuminating Gu Zheng's body, covering him like a small shield.

And Gu Zheng found out through the faint light that strands of very weak ripples were rushing past him without any dead ends, as if he was searching for information around him, and this time the light that rose independently happened to give Gu Zheng Protect it so that the other party doesn't even notice the existence of Gu Zheng.


The ghost girl shook the bell and began to walk towards the distance, and the candles along the way gradually glowed again as she left, illuminating the surroundings again.

"Good risk, good risk"

Gu Zheng felt the cold sweat on his body, and the ringing in his ears was almost inaudible, so he breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't expect that the other party would still have such a move. If the spar in his hand didn't initiate it, he would definitely be given by the other party. Awareness, that time is dangerous.

Although he has survived this crisis, Gu Zheng knows that the next one may be even more dangerous. It is far from easy to leave, and of course it is impossible to relax.

Light up the surrounding light again, and found that there is a towering candlestick next to it, and immediately stood up, leaning towards the light in his hand.

The moment it came into contact with something like the candle above, soft candlelight rose from the side, illuminating the surroundings.

This thing not only drives out the darkness, but in a sense, it can also give Gu Zheng a warning of the enemy's movements, which is really a good thing.

And the ghost doesn't seem to be aware of it, and it won't destroy it at all, which is another layer of protection.

The candlelight illuminated the surroundings, and I could see a room appeared two steps ahead, but the door was still closed, and I didn't know what was inside.

Originally, Gu Zheng was going to leave here, but by accident, he opened the door and walked in directly, because he wanted to come in and search for Mengzhen. Get up and the room does not seem to have ghosts.

The difference from Mengzhen is that when Gu Zheng came in, the door was closed immediately. Although he couldn't see the outside at the first time, he also couldn't see himself from the outside.

With the help of the light in his hand, Gu Zheng looked around. It was an obviously large room, as if four rooms were connected together, but there were only four doors on the left and right sides.

On the side, there are many things distributed irregularly, including tables and cabinets, but most of them have been tilted on the ground, giving people a very messy feeling.

Gu Zheng walked a few more steps, his eyes lit up, he didn't expect that there was also a candle in it, he stepped forward and lit it again, filling the room with a faint light, although it was still very dim in the distance, it was enough for Gu Zheng to put away Check the light in your hand.

First of all, of course, in those cabinets where things might be hidden, some of them have been scattered, revealing some blackened clothes inside, and he opened the cabinets that are easy to open one by one, but there is either nothing inside, or some hair. Smelly clothes, and things that can't be seen, as for what Gu Zheng was looking for, there were none.

After a while, he opened all the things that could be easily opened outside, and he was not disappointed, there was nothing.

Gu Zheng didn't care, he couldn't find what he expected, and he didn't expect his luck to be so good.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a cabinet being pressed on the ground from the corner of his eye, but there was a heavy table on top of him, which he ignored just now, and he couldn't move anymore.

He glanced around again, and found that there was basically nothing missing. He thought he had found everything, but this one was left, which made him a little entangled.

"Forget it, I'm just delaying a little time."

Gu Zheng felt ruthless, and came to the table, ready to open the last thing. If he didn't open it, he would feel a bit at a loss, even if it was empty, he didn't have to worry about it.

"Zi La"

As the table was slowly removed by Gu Zheng, the sound of friction against the floor suddenly sounded, and the ear-piercing sound of friction made Gu Zheng stop a bit, the sound was a bit too loud.

"I can't stop. If the other party hears it, they will definitely come over."

Gu Zheng originally wanted to move slowly, but suddenly remembered that the other party's hearing is so good, he may have already noticed the situation here, and what made him more determined was that in the leaked gap, a golden light was unusually conspicuous .


Gu Zheng immediately gave up his scruples and tried his best to put the table aside heavily. Even the floor next to him shook suddenly. When it was pulled away, a golden key appeared in front of Gu Zheng.

Without further ado, he grabbed it directly, then quickly opened the push door, and then slammed a small wooden block towards the push door over there.

The flimsy door opened a big hole, and the piece of wood that went through bounced a few times on the ground, making a loud noise.

At the same time, Gu Zheng gently opened the opposite door, then extinguished the light in his hand, and then he didn't go any further, and sat down on the wooden wall, just less than a step away from the entrance. Husband.

He tried his best to suppress even his agitated chest, because at this time the rumbling vibration was about to come here.

The candlelight outside was flickering, and finally went out suddenly, making the last faint light in front of Gu Zheng disappear, and completely plunged into darkness.


There was a sound of breaking the door in Gu Zheng's ear, and then a bigger shock came from the side, and there was the sound of cracked wood, and even a few pieces of broken wood flew from the opposite side and smashed directly into Gu Zheng's door. There was such a loud noise in the room that he even held his breath subconsciously.

This scene lasted for half a cup of tea before the meatball exited the room and stood in the passage outside. Even Gu Zheng could hear the other party's heavy panting. He could imagine that anything in that room Neither will be complete.


He didn't know what the other party was doing standing there. The door far away from Gu Zheng shattered instantly, and a short arm came in from the void. His body stiffened instantly, and he even felt that the blood on his face stopped flowing.

But fortunately, the other party seemed to be just venting indiscriminately, and had no intention of coming in, and soon left here again rumbling, letting the ancient dispute that had been raised in his throat slowly fall down.

After the sound disappeared completely, Gu Zheng stood up slowly. Before he knew it, his back was soaked in cold sweat. If the other party came in, he probably wouldn't even have a chance to run away. It was too scary.

Until now, Gu Zheng felt his whole body swell up and his blood was boiling again.

Meatball is really desperate for people, because the opponent is too fast and powerful. On the first floor, Gu Zheng saw many stone gates being broken by the opponent, and even at some corners, the opponent even Break it apart.

But the ghost girl is very weird. With her appearance, there is a kind of cold aura that constantly affects you. Coupled with the effect of the bell, it can make you unable to think and fall directly under the influence of the other party.

In contrast, Gu Zheng is more willing to face the ghost girl. At least the opponent's speed is not too fast, and although the action is silent, the bell in his hand is a big flaw. Affected, it is still easy to avoid.

And once bumped into by accident, it is relatively easy to get rid of the other party. The other party's hearing is average and eyesight is average. Even in this place, Gu Zheng felt that as long as she broke through a few more doors, he would probably lose his trace.

After a short rest, Gu Zheng walked out of the room.

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