Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 178 What a Big Reward

Wang Wei came quickly and left quickly.

The three stores have a total of three million three-year use rights. The price is indeed not low, not lower than the market price. The double mine promised by Gu Zheng, Wang Wei will not cheat him, and he will pay a friend in one lump sum, and sign the contract. After obtaining the power of attorney, I sent the money to Gu Zheng's card, which was very refreshing.

Wang Wei was happy, and his friends were also happy. Stores in the bustling area by the West Lake are hard to find. This time, I was lucky. I met one, and Gu Zheng was also happy. Not to mention making so much money from changing hands, at least I can save my worries. Quite a lot, so you don’t have to worry about the store.

Three million, plus the one million in yesterday's competition, this competition has unexpectedly received four million. No wonder this competition has attracted so many people to participate. The reward for the first place is indeed generous. The next house will be fine.

The 1 million for the contest was given as a check, which can also be withdrawn at Shencheng Bank, but personal income tax has to be deducted, so you can't get the full 1 million.

Even so, Gu Zheng was very satisfied, and suddenly got a few million more. It would take half a year for his father to earn so much. It would take him to write manuscripts, and I don't know how long it would take to earn.

"Qi Ling, as you said before, shouldn't this big reward be honored?"

Going back to his room and locking the door, Gu Zheng immediately asked in his heart, he was concerned about his reward, and really wanted to know what his big reward was this time.

The scenery in front of him changed suddenly, and Gu Zheng really entered the prehistoric space again. Fortunately, he was prepared this time.

"Congratulations to Tiexian Chuanren, who completed the compensation test and rewarded the Immortal Art of Controlling Fire and the Immortal Art of Opening Mountain Palm. The two rewards have been received in advance, and only the rest of the rewards will be distributed now!"

Qi Ling spoke unhurriedly, and five light spots floated in the sky, three of which were Xianyuan Pills, and two of which were black and white. Gu Zheng didn't know what those were, and they were new gadgets.

"Yin Yang Dan, Yin Dan to Yin, Yang Dan to Yang, need to be blended with five common high-grade raw materials, put together before eating, Yin Yang Dan can help comprehend Yin and Yang, and integrate the way of nature!"

Qi Ling slowly introduced that these two elixir are actually good treasures that can help comprehend, comprehend, it is definitely a matter of great luck, if you are lucky, you may comprehend soon, or even comprehend a lot Zhong Lili, those who are unlucky, will look the same throughout their lives.

Just like Wang Dong, he just comprehended gossip and combined Yin and Yang with nature, so the fried egg fried rice tasted so good, but he didn’t know this, and he was just getting started, and he didn’t really comprehend it yet. thorough.

After he fully comprehends it, there is no problem with his culinary skills in participating in the Chinese Food Competition.

These two small pills are equivalent to allowing Gu Zheng to have the same ability as Wang Dong, and more powerful than the current Wang Dong, which is definitely an unexpected surprise.

"Good, good, good!"

Every test is difficult, and it is also difficult to complete, but it is blissful to get rewards after completing the test. Yin Yang Pill is definitely a top-notch good thing, but it needs five ordinary-level high-level raw materials to be fused. This makes Gu Zheng very happy. It is helpless.

Previously, only three kinds of rice marrow were needed, but five kinds of Yin Yang pills were needed. This also shows the importance of Yin Yang pills, which are even more powerful than rice marrow.

"The successor of Tiexian won the first place in this competition, and the reward is ten immortal pills!"

Ten celestial pills, so much was rewarded at one time, no wonder Qi Ling said it was a big reward, Gu Zheng opened his mouth and hadn't laughed yet, Qi Ling continued.

"Immortal Art 'Soil Control Art'"

"Immortal skill 'Misty Illusion Technique'"

"Tiexian Cooking Skill 'Nine Side Dumplings'"

Qi Ling's voice sounded again, and Gu Zheng was completely stunned. The reward of ten immortal pills was not over yet, and there were still rewards for immortal skills, immortal skills and cooking skills, which is indeed a "big reward".

The handsome young man from before reappeared, this time he was making dumplings, a very beautiful dumpling with nine sides, the cooking skills are not troublesome, and he finished it quickly, the same as before, the dumplings with nine sides Cooking skills are completely imprinted in Gu Zheng's heart.

Before Gu Zheng could recall the cooking skills just now, Qi Ling's voice sounded again.

"Additional reward, the three methods of food cultivation!"

There is even a reward. This time it is still a method of food cultivation. He was confused by the name Gu Zheng, but soon his eyes widened and he was very excited.

Primordial immortal cultivators, there are many auxiliary methods for cultivation, the most common one is alchemy, refining elixir to help increase cultivation, Gu Zheng's Xianyuan pill and Yinyang pill belong to this category, and the level of Yinyang pill is higher.

Lord Tiexian intensively studied cooking skills, so he wondered if he could use a method similar to dietary therapy to help immortal practitioners cultivate. After years of research, Rangfa really created a method called the method of food cultivation.

Food cultivation, as the name suggests, is to use food to increase one's own cultivation, so that food can act like a elixir.

After reading these introductions, Gu Zheng's eyes widened. This Tiexian is really a genius, and such a method can be created.

Food cultivation is the same as alchemy, making different foods can play the role of different elixir. The difference is that food cultivation is easier to absorb and has better effects. With the same raw materials, food cultivation can produce more than alchemy. Three-point effect.

For this alone, Tiexian is admired by countless people in the prehistoric fairyland.

Gu Zheng obtained a total of three methods of food cultivation, all of which are the simplest methods. The three are the cultivation of energy-increasing food, the cultivation of ice spirit food, and the cultivation of grass for food. The three methods of food cultivation do not require very much immortal power. High, just suitable for ancient war use.

Adding energy food cultivation can increase the immortality and cultivation base of the immortal cultivator. Ice spirit food cultivation is similar to the ice spirit pill, which can make the eater not afraid of the cold and walk in a cold environment. Grass-for-food cultivation is A method of healing.

Three kinds, each has its own function and is different from each other.

Moreover, the three food cultivation methods do not mean that fixed materials are required, as long as similar materials can be made, this is much better than the refining of elixir. For refining elixir, which materials are fixed, it is not possible Change, and if you change, you may fail.

The method of food cultivation also has a heaven-defying ability, that is, it will not fail. If it is done well, there will only be a difference in efficacy. If it is destroyed, all the refined elixir will be destroyed in one go.

"good, very good, excellent!"

After getting the method of food cultivation, Gu Zheng said three good words in a row. These are very practical things. This time Qi Ling did not break his promise. These rewards can definitely be called "big rewards".

It was so big that Gu Zheng didn't even think of it, but now Gu Zheng is completely satisfied.

"You have also received the reward, when will you go find that Sun Er?"

After delivering the reward, Qi Ling asked again, Gu Zheng couldn't help but twitched his eyes, this Qi Ling really held grudges, he didn't care that much anymore, Qi Ling still remembered it firmly. Poor Sun Er, it's not good for him to provoke anyone, he has to provoke himself, it's fine if he provokes, but he just went to say that his chicken blood soup is an insult, now he's all right, being missed by Qi Ling, no one can save him.

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