In a dark cave, there are old oil lamps around, illuminating the surroundings, and it can be seen that there are many intersections around, leading to different directions.

At this time, with a faint ripple in the middle, several people appeared in the cave instantly.

But at this moment, several powerful auras suddenly rose from the surroundings, and at the same time several figures quickly appeared from the surroundings, rushing towards the middle area, the fierce aura wanted to put the opponent to death.

However, when the figures just appeared, they all stopped, because they had already realized that the people who were teleported in were not enemies, but their own people.

"Master Hun, I heard that you were going to do something, but I didn't expect you to come back. I'm really sorry." A person walked by and said apologetically to Candle Soul.

"It's understandable. After all, the traitor has leaked too much information about us, but you don't need to guard here anymore. I have completely damaged the place where I came in." Candle Soul was not angry, and said to the surroundings.

"That's great. The guards here have started a new wave of resistance. They just lack manpower to suppress them. Those spirits are really impossible to kill, and they can't be completely suppressed. It's really annoying." The man said immediately.

"Thank you, I still have something to leave." Candle Soul nodded and walked in another direction.

"What are you Master Hun doing? There is a shortage of manpower here."

As Candle Soul left, these people gathered together one after another. Since no one will come in here, there is no need to guard anymore, one of the black shadows asked.

"Then who knows, but the girl on the other side may have gone to catch that special painting soul." Another guessed.

"That painting soul is said to be a special painting soul produced outside. Not to mention the special ability, as long as the unique talent is fused with a part of the jade plate, you can meet the other party's future. It's a pity that you didn't go back immediately. Taking it away, bringing it back this time may also be the re-emergence of the Painting Soul Clan." Another interjected, seeming to know a lot.

"Stop talking about it, and hurry up and suppress those spiritual creatures with me. Those guys outside are restless and want to find the entrance to enter here at all times, especially at the critical moment later. If you don't want to be missed by the king of heaven, then be honest. We were sent here, so we must not disappoint the trust of the Heavenly King."

The guy in the lead roared and said threateningly, which made the people behind tremble with fright, and immediately stopped talking honestly, and followed him towards other places.

Zhu Hun walked all the way to the back, and after reaching the core area, he suddenly heard a quarrel nearby, and the familiar voice walked over.

"Heiying, you still have the nerve to come. You failed this time. What are you doing this time? You're the one who troubles me as soon as you come. I dare not do anything to you?" A warm and angry female voice sounded in the air.

"I failed? Didn't you also fail? Pan Xuan, you have the nerve to talk about me. This time, Mr. Feng sent me over. What can you do to me?" Heiying said in a nonchalant voice.

"Pan Xuan, please don't say a few words. After all, this time I don't want you to quarrel. The loss of the sword spirit made us very embarrassed last time, so this time let us take the initiative to come here to take care of the millennium. When the time comes, we will each be on our own." Leave." Another boy persuaded from the side.

Candle Soul walked into the next hall and saw two men and a woman standing in the middle, he naturally knew them, and knew that the three of them came this time, nominally to make up for it.

At least the defense here can be strengthened. After all, the opponent's strength is still good. If there is something that can help, naturally he did not refuse.

Of course it was the woman named Pan Xuan and the person known as Young Master Yu. Later, the black shadow who was later in charge of Jianling came over.

After I left the sword mausoleum to them last time, although it was lost, it doesn't matter, because I have successfully found this place through the sword mausoleum. It was originally the product of their goodwill with the Shura clan. It doesn't matter if you go.

When the opponent was fighting with him, he actually took out the sword. When he saw it, he naturally knew the reason for everything, and he also knew the strength of the sword, but he didn't expect that it was still in the sealed state. , You must know that the opponent is not fully in control, and the battle may end earlier.

"Young Master Yu, are you helping me or helping him?" Pan Xuan looked at the person next to her and said immediately with Hengmei.

"It's not a question of whether to help or not. It's just that we are here as mascots, and things here don't need our help, so why fight for it." Yu Shao smiled wryly.

Although he has no idea about Pan Xuan now, by chance, after knowing Pan Xuan's identity, there are probably only a few people in the Shura clan who can match her, not including him of course.

"Hey, Mr. Feng asked us to gild and protect you by the way. Even if you let me go, I can't go. You also know that I can't offend Mr. Feng." The black shadow laughed.

That look of what can you do to me made her teeth itch with anger.

"I won't tell you anymore, I just tell you, don't bother me." Pan Xuan immediately shut up when she saw Candle Soul, and then walked towards Candle Soul.

"Candle Soul, you're back. I'm sorry about what happened last time. If I knew, I wouldn't have left early. By the time I got the news, it would be too late." Pan Xuan sprinkled black shadows again. Salt.

"It's okay, that doesn't hinder it, but I haven't seen you for many years, you have changed a bit." Candle Soul looked at the bracelet on Pan Xuan's wrist. There was a familiar breath on it, but he didn't know who it was, but Those Buddhist things are really annoying.

"I used to have a lot of evil spirits. This is not something my friend gave me for meditation. The effect is not bad. I still have something to do here, so I won't tell you first." Pan Xuan said a few words, then left.

Soon, Pan Xuan went back to her room after detours. After activating the enchantment, she immediately said to Zi Yi who was resting beside her.

"The soul boy of Gu Zheng was arrested."

And after Yu Shao and Hei Ye had a few words with Zhu Hun, Zhu Hun offered to leave first.

In fact, they also knew that when they saw the unconscious girl, they said goodbye and left without saying anything.

Candle Soul continued to walk towards the inside, and when he came to the innermost part, a black skeleton figure was already waiting there.

"Jin Yi, I'll leave this place to you, Heishi is in a hurry, I'll go back first." Candle Soul greeted the other party.

"What makes you go back so badly? Don't worry, with the loyal army led by me, they won't step here." Na Guyi said in a hoarse voice.

"I know, that's why I don't worry. Don't forget to look at the jade seal over there. Don't make any mistakes. I guess it will be completely transformed in a few decades. It's time to completely open the passage." Candle Soul nodded and ordered.

"I guarantee it with my life." Gu Yi said in a low voice, his tone full of firmness.

Candle Soul took out the black stone and walked straight to the middle, where there was a white floor that could only allow three people to pass through, with many mysterious runes engraved on it, obviously incompatible with everything next to it.

As he began to groan, he quickly disappeared here with Xiaoying and that lifeless man.

On the outskirts of an endless mountain range, there is a huge plain. This place is the same as the prehistoric world, without any traces of human beings.

But at this time on the plain, luxurious tents have been raised one after another, under the shadows of people, it can be seen that many people are temporarily stationed here.

Although there are not many people here, if you look carefully, everyone is extremely powerful, but the faint fluctuations around them make people frightened.

And above the high altitude in the distance, two black shadows flew towards this side at a high speed, as if they wanted to come to this side.

But before they approached, two sentinels hidden in the dark instantly rose from below to block them.

"Who are you? If you pass by, please walk around to avoid misunderstanding." One of them politely said to the two people in front of him.

Of course, the reason why he was polite was that both of them had Da Luo's strength. If it wasn't for that, it wouldn't be so easy. You must know that they didn't cover up anything here, and it was impossible for the other party not to know about their situation.

"What are you doing here? You still need so many people." An old man came and asked.

"You don't need to know this. If you have nothing else to do, please leave from the side. We don't welcome any strangers here." Another guard said neither humble nor humble.

Although they are only in the late stage of Golden Immortal, there are more powerful people behind them, so they are not afraid of the other party making trouble at all, unless the other party wants to die.

"Gu Zheng, don't be sullen anymore, we have arrived here and we will be rescued soon." The old man didn't answer, but said to the person next to him.

"I didn't. You don't need to tell me that we are here."

Gu Zheng said with a blank face, but he didn't have a gloomy face as he said, at most he looked in a bad mood.

Among the aura inside, I can already feel those familiar auras, and at the same time they came here, some spiritual senses had already come over, and the other party knew their arrival.

"What do you two mean? I can inform you if there is something to do. Please detour if you have nothing to do." Seeing the two people in front of them chatting like no one else, they couldn't help asking again, unable to understand the other party's intentions at all.

"No need, we are all our own people, you two should step back first."

At this moment, a majestic voice came from behind.

"Yes, Star Patriarch!"

The two guards looked back and found that it was Xingba and the others, they immediately responded repeatedly, and then retreated.

"I really didn't expect you to come here." Xingba laughed at Gu Zheng, obviously extremely happy.

"Young Master Gu!"

The few people behind Xingba also greeted Gu Zheng one after another, obviously they seem to respect Gu Zheng very much, even though they have the same level of cultivation as Gu Zheng now.

Gu Zheng nodded and didn't say much. Some of the people in front of him knew each other and some didn't, but they were obviously all tribes who left together at the beginning. However, it seems that they also got a lot of opportunities and broke through the current situation one after another. shackles.

"Patriarch Xing, Gu Zheng is not in a very good mood right now, and I'm afraid he is not in the mood to exchange pleasantries." The old man looked at this scene and said immediately.

However, he didn't know Gu Zheng's status here, so the explanation was obviously superfluous. Even if Gu Zheng didn't say a word, the people here wouldn't have any dissatisfaction. He didn't know anything about it.

"You are the Xie Wei that Xingkong said, I didn't expect Zhou Xuan to complete the task so quickly." Xingba turned his gaze to the dryad, and also smiled.

"Thanks to little friend Gu, otherwise it would be so easy, but the teleportation array plan you want to pass failed, and the other party has already rushed in." Xie Wei said beside him.

"As long as people have nothing to do, everything is easy to talk about. This is not a place for conversation. We happen to be talking about something, so let's go in and talk about it." Xingba looked at Gu Zheng's cold face, with a flash of worry in his eyes, and then said to them.

Gu Zheng and Xie Wei didn't object, they flew in with them and landed in a huge tent in the middle.

When they went in, there were more people inside, even if it was Gu Zheng, I was a little surprised in my heart. I glanced at them, and in total, there were at least ten early Da Luo and one middle Da Luo. Xingba is alone.

"Come on, Gu Zheng, you're here." Xingba moved directly to the side, letting Gu Zheng sit with him, obviously to show his importance.

Gu Zheng didn't think so much, and sat side by side with Xingba, but looked at the tree spirit Xie Wei a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect Gu Zheng's status to be so high.

But he saw that no one present showed any dissatisfaction, which meant that they had already believed in their hearts that this person with the same cultivation level as them was already standing on top of them, and he could order them at any time.

Xie Wei also found an empty seat beside him to sit down, but he didn't know that his shock had only just begun. He didn't know that Gu Zheng was so important in their hearts.

"Gu Zheng, you don't know that when we left in the first place, during those uncomfortable days, everyone's cultivation almost took a step back. Not only that, the heart-eating ants almost made us commit suicide in despair. It's been tough."

At the beginning, Xingba didn't talk about him, but instead talked about their past. When talking about those days, Gu Zheng could hear a wave of fear.

"Yeah, at that time, there seemed to be no other way than to commit suicide. After all, we didn't have black water, and even if we did, we didn't want to continue to swallow it, and we found that the black water has been swallowing our cultivation without knowing it. Because, it also makes it harder for us to make progress as we go forward." A person below heard what Xingba said, and he also received it with emotion.

"Thanks to some people in the sea, it seems to be the sea monster that escaped from the opposite side, but it seems to be a friend of Mr. Gu. He passed by us by chance. After learning everything, he went back and helped us find some special crystal stones. That’s the only way we can keep going.”

"Fortunately, most of us have survived, and we have completely repelled the discomfort of the black water. Many of us have the same cultivation base as the flying ones, and we have spent almost thousands of kung fu to come here. It is also a blessing in misfortune. However, some people still died bitterly, and after learning about their lair this time, we decided to avenge our people."

Another person clenched his fist and said fiercely, looking at the other person, it seemed that some close relatives also died in that catastrophe.

Gu Zheng also had a sad expression on his face when he heard that, because Xingba quietly told himself that at least one tenth of the people did not make it through, but unfortunately they have nothing to do, if it weren't for those crystal stones, it would greatly relieve some , at least half of the people couldn't make it through.

Even the elders died a lot, including Xingkong's parents. Even though their cultivation had reached the peak of Jinxian, they still couldn't get over it.

Not long after the incident, Xingkong appeared in the tribe. After learning everything, he was determined to find the other party's lair thoroughly, and now the other party's whereabouts were even more unknown.

The outside gathered most of their strength, each of them was above the mid-Golden Immortal stage, and some of them also had some friends that Xingba had re-acquainted with, and came to help them together.

"The only regret now is that we have been here for so many days. In this vast mountain range, we have never found the other party's entrance. We know that the other party is hidden in it, but we have nothing to do with them. It is a pity that the starry sky revealed it last, and then we can't do anything about it." There is no news, I'm afraid something bad will happen." Xing Ba said regretfully on the face.

At the same time, the people below were also indignant and helpless.

"We have decided this time that we can't continue to block here, and prepare to bombard one mountain after another. Even if it takes a long time, we must find the opponent's lair." Xingba said to Gu Zheng.

This is also what they discussed this time, otherwise there would be no progress at all, which would make people even more anxious.

"I am also together. No matter how long it takes, we must find the other party's lair." After hearing this, Gu Zheng stood up and said firmly.

"Young Master Gu, it's good that we come this time, you should rest well, this is hard work, you can't do it."

As soon as Gu Zheng's voice fell, the people below said it immediately, and immediately won a lot of agreeing voices.

Xie Wei was speechless, because he could tell that these people really wanted to do the coolies themselves and let Gu Zheng rest.

When the voice was a little quieter, Xie Wei stood up and immediately attracted everyone's attention. After looking around, he said in a slightly louder voice.

"Everyone should also know my identity. I have been suppressed by the other party for so long and have been used as a middle channel. Thanks to Gu Zheng's help, otherwise I am really doomed. But after so many years, I have not gained anything. At least I Knowing exactly where they are can really narrow it down for everyone."

Just halfway through his voice, everyone looked at him in unison.

"Great, thank you so much. In this way, the time and energy we consume will be greatly reduced." Xingba was a little excited when he heard it, and then continued.

"As long as you take us there, no matter what you ask, we will agree."

"You sent people to help me, plus I also have hatred with the other party, this matter is nothing at all, after all, I also want revenge, I only have one request." Xie Wei looked at Xingba and said equally firmly.

"Any request, as long as it is not excessive, anything is fine." Xingba said in a deep voice after listening.

"Although my injury is not fully healed, please give me a forward position, and I must not be allowed to stay behind." Xie Wei said his request unhurriedly.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Xingba looked at Xie Wei, and immediately said bluntly, and said to the others at the same time.

"Notify everyone and leave immediately."

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