Even Zhao Fu, who was already in the audience, raised his head and looked at the judges in astonishment.

The egg fried rice 'Golden Dragon Flying' made by Gu Zheng, in terms of appearance and meaning, even he has to admit that it is really good, but it is egg fried rice after all, the food with simple ingredients, the simpler the ingredients, the better the taste. The less, the judges actually gave this high evaluation, directly saying that this is the number one rice food.

Such evaluations are rare in Chinese food competitions.

It's fine if others say these things, but this judge also has a lot of influence in the Chinese Food Competition. After he said these words today, it is conceivable that Gu Zheng's egg fried rice 'Golden Dragon Flying to the Sky' must become famous in one fell swoop .

After the evaluation of egg fried rice, the judges talked about chicken blood soup.

"Speaking of chicken blood soup, we must first talk about the extremely fragrant transformation, Gu Zheng, this is the second shock you gave me today, the shock that shocked my soul!"

The judges said this, looked back, and continued: "I believe that many people at the scene, including many of our colleagues, think that the legend is exaggerated, fabricated, and deliberately fabricated by later generations in order to deify the ancestors. , The so-called top ten legends do not exist at all, but today we know that we are all frogs in a well, legends are not stories, they are real things, and the divine skills of our ancestors are not gimmicks, but real abilities!"

"Today, if Gu Zheng hadn't re-displayed this magical skill, I'm afraid all of us would still be frogs in a well, still not believing that the technology of our ancestors has reached the pinnacle. In this respect, I want to thank Gu Zheng!"

When the judges said this, they bent slightly towards Gu Zheng.

"Let's talk about chicken blood soup. In today's finals, only chicken blood soup was repeated. Both of them made chicken blood soup. Since there are two copies, we have to compare them!"

"First of all, let's talk about Sun Er's Chicken Blood Soup. The century-old Sun Family Chicken Blood Soup has a reputation at home and abroad. It has been praised by several presidents and has been named the first chicken soup. It has been passed down for many years. The time-honored brand did not disappoint us in the end, Sun Er's chicken blood soup tastes very good, we all gave high marks!"

When the judges said this, Sun Er's face was slightly smug, but soon the smugness disappeared.

"Let's talk about Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup. Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup is freshly cooked. When he saw it, I thought he would stop here. How could the soup cooked on the spot be better than that? People's century-old soup, once such an important race crashes, the taste will not be comparable, and it will only get a lower score in the end. With this score, it will definitely miss the promotion!"

"But I found out that I was wrong again!"

Speaking of this, the judges laughed at themselves: "With Gu Zheng, we can't think conventionally. What others can't do doesn't mean he can't do it. The soup will be different, but after tasting it, you will understand that this is not different, this is simply a fairy delicacy!"

The judges praised Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup to the level of a god, and Sun Er became even more uncomfortable.

"Although the soup was cooked for a short time, the aroma is very strong. I am not afraid of everyone's jokes. After drinking Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup, I don't want to continue to be a judge at that time. I want to go to Gu Zheng. No matter what method I use, go to Beg for his chicken blood soup, I want to drink it all at once!"

Before the judges finished speaking, the audience laughed, and the rest of the judges deeply agreed.

Not only one judge had this kind of thinking, but many judges did. Although Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup and Sun Er's chicken blood soup didn't really comment on which one was better, this reaction already explained everything.

Sun Er's chicken blood soup didn't make the judges have the urge to ask for it, which made Sun Er even more uncomfortable.

"That's right, Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup has endless aftertaste, and it's also the best delicacy I've ever eaten!"

In Shencheng, Boss Liang laughed. He had been watching the live broadcast, and the more he watched it, the more he missed Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup. He agreed with the judges' words even more.

After talking about the chicken blood soup, the judges finally commented on the chicken noodle soup.

"Chicken shredded noodle soup is the most inconspicuous of the three delicacies that Gu Zheng cooks today. We were also surprised at the beginning why Gu Zheng would put such a delicacy at the end. Fortunately, we have learned from the past and know Gu Zheng, a young man, cannot think with a conventional attitude, so we will wait patiently with anticipation!"

Full of expectations, this is a word that Liu Lin and Zhao Fu have never used before in food reviews. This judge is not talking about himself, he is a representative, representing the thirty judges.

No one objected to what he said, which means that everyone has such an idea.

"The result did not disappoint us. Gu Zheng gave us the third shock. Everyone knows that I am not a chef. I was originally engaged in food research. I have a deep research on our Chinese food culture. I used to be in three I have seen a record in this ancient book, saying that there is a kind of food, it may not look good, it may not have any characteristics, it may even be very inconspicuous, but when you see this food, even if you don’t smell any fragrance, you can feel it. Arouses your appetite and makes you want to eat, this kind of food is called the most natural food, and it contains the way of nature!"

Natural way, many people were stunned again, the judges gave a higher evaluation this time.

A kind of food can be described by the word Tao, which is simply the highest evaluation.

"Before, I thought these were groundless and baseless conjectures, but today Guzheng's chicken shredded noodle soup completely changed my previous views. This is not a conjecture, it is a fact. The reason why I think conjecture is that It's because I haven't seen such food before, and I finally saw it today!"

When the judges said this, their tone was a little passionate, and it could be seen that he was quite excited.

Outside the venue, the meeting was completely silent. The judges said that there is a kind of food, which is very simple and not attractive, but it can arouse people's appetite. People outside deeply agree with it, even those who have just eaten and saw Gu Zheng just now. Shredded chicken noodle soup, they couldn't help being hungry. At that time, they all felt strange, but now they finally understood what was going on.

The same is true for the people in front of the TV. They all have a sudden feeling. Many people feel hungry when they see the chicken shredded noodle soup on TV. Some people still find something at home and watch it while eating. So did those who ate, and now they finally know why.

"Only these are not enough!"

The judges stretched out their hands, waved them, and continued: "Gu Zheng's chicken shredded noodle soup not only directly brings people's appetite, but also carries a sense of nobility. Feeling, this is an even more difficult task, it can be said that today's ancient competition for the first place is well deserved!"

The judges finished speaking. In fact, he didn't say a word. What he wanted to say was that according to his thinking, he wanted to give Gu Zheng three kinds of food full marks, and Gu Zheng's three kinds of food deserved full marks.

Now it is live broadcasting. If such words are said, it will inevitably attract a lot of people's backlash. Gu Zheng's score of 29.02 is not low, and it is also a real score. People persuaded them to remove it.

This old judge represents all the judges, and they have discussed the food in Gu Zheng beforehand.

Thanks to the lord of the small pocket for adding the second chapter!

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