"who is she?"

On the other side of the island, Gu Zheng found Xiaoying who was playing at the beach, because in just three days, she had searched most of the island, but she couldn't find the place Gu Zheng explained.

At first, I was very happy to see Gu Zheng come to see me, but then a woman who looked like a fairy appeared from the forest, especially the temperament of the other party, and she was like a virtuous wife, following behind Gu Zheng , she couldn't help asking.

"She's a friend, she just woke up from a coma, so don't make a fuss." Gu Zheng looked at Xiaoying who looked apprehensive, and said a little bit dumbfounded.

"This is Xiaoying's friend, don't worry, I'm just following Mr. Gu for a while, after I get to know the outside world, I will naturally be powerful, and I won't waste much time by your side."

That Li Le seemed to see through Xiaoying's heart, that kind of habit of staying with Gu Zheng, and suddenly came out to stay with Gu Zheng, not used to it at all, as if her things were taken away by others, a typical child's temperament.

On the way here, Gu Zheng has already briefly introduced the basic situation on his side, and let her understand it. It's not that she doesn't understand the world, so of course how to deal with it.

"I'm not driving you away, I just mean that." Hearing what Li Le said, he said hesitantly, but didn't know what to say. Seeing Gu Zheng smiling beside him, he immediately stepped forward and held handed over the stone.

"My lord, I have searched all over this island and found nothing abnormal. Is it possible that what you want is not here?"

"It must be here. I came to ask you to go back this time. You two have shown me the island. You cannot allow any creature to leave here. I need to retreat for a while and sacrifice my magic weapon. It will take a few years. alright."

Gu Zheng was not disappointed, the other party was able to hide so deeply, there must be some ability that he didn't know, but as long as the other party didn't leave here, he could find the other party no matter what.

"No problem, leave it to me. From birds to worms, it is impossible to leave my perception." Xiaoying said confidently. You must know that her cultivation level is even higher than Li Le's now. Consciously put the daunting task on yourself.

"That's good, I leave everything to you."

Gu Zheng laughed and walked towards the open space again with Xiao Ye. The star formation can be used again, otherwise he would not have made great efforts to get it out.

After returning there, he gave a simple order, sat directly in the position where Li Le had been before, and then swallowed another elixir.

Feeling the power of the elixir, like a galloping horse, Peng Bo charged in his body, Gu Zheng slowly closed his eyes, and then activated the star array outside again.

There was no silver beam of light before, only starlight rising in the sky again, gradually engulfing Gu Zheng's figure.

Gu Zheng let out a low cry, and the five rings on his left wrist immediately emitted rays of light revealing his own body in the air, which happened to surround Gu Zheng.

At the same time, five golden lights protruded from the five rings, directly linking to Gu Zheng's body.

As the five golden lights continued to flicker, a red flame rose suddenly under the five jade rings, enveloping them all, and the Li ring on Gu Zheng's right was also emitting a faint light at this time.

Five tyrannical auras began to rise around Gu Zheng, and five rays of light of different colors began to slowly revolve around Gu Zheng, also shining in the world full of silver light, very conspicuous.

This time, not only did he have to completely remove the imprint left by Uncle Gao, but he also had to refine it. When it was for himself, it was enough for him to reach the peak of Da Luo, as long as he continued to deepen the sacrifice.

Not long after the beginning, Gu Zheng opened his mouth and spewed out five streaks of blood, which fell directly into the five jade rings. The flames outside made a "boom" and rose to a height of ten feet. The scorching heat quickly removed the marks inside.

A year has passed since the burning. From entering to now, the flame has finally been extinguished. By this time, it should be the end, but Gu Zheng, who was about to stop, suddenly had the same expression, and his eyes showed deep thought. The body that was about to get up sat down firmly again.

At the same time, he began to play complicated spells in his hand, continuously sinking into the five jade rings.

And the five jade rings that originally exuded bright light now shone brightly like the sun, and even the light leaked out through the shield.

Such a strange sight also attracted the attention of the two guards outside.

"What do you think young master is doing? Isn't that magic weapon already his? It's so troublesome to do this." Xiaoying looked over and said to Li Le beside her.

In just these few days, she and Li Le have become close friends, and the initial estrangement has disappeared without a trace.

"Only in this way can you become stronger and stronger, and you can't be playful all the time. Do you need Gu Zheng to protect you for the rest of your life?"

Li Le also looked at the same, seeing that above the five rays of light, a liquid of different colors was flying up and gathering in the sky, as if it was about to form something, but it was just the beginning, and nothing could be seen at all. Asking this way, he took the opportunity to say it.

"Why not? I am the young master's maid. Of course I have to follow the young master. If there is any danger, the young master must protect me." Xiaoying said as a matter of course. take care of her.

"But have you ever thought about it? If Gu Zheng is in danger, what will you do? Can you just watch, not to mention that you are stronger than the other party, at least you can't drag the other party back, you have to know how much you are inside this time. It's dangerous, he almost died inside, but he didn't tell you."

Li Le said bluntly, after she knew that Gu Zheng's cultivation was Da Luo, she was very shocked, and she also knew why she was so powerful below, but even so, at the end of the last battle, she also felt that Gu Zheng was poor. A little dead there.

"There are people beyond people, and there are mountains beyond mountains. No one dares to say that they have been going smoothly. If you encounter a hurdle that you can't get over, don't ask you to help the other party, but you can't pull the other party back. If the other party falls into life and death in order to save you In the realm of death, let alone dead, how do you make peace?"

Li Le continued to speak aggressively, making Xiaoying's face turn pale, and she could only mutter to herself.

"No, the young master is so powerful, nothing can hurt him."

But the voice became smaller and smaller, because she also understood that what Li Le said was very correct, but Gu Zheng had never asked her these questions, and she had asked Gu Zheng similar questions, but at that time Gu Zheng would only He comforted her with a smile, took care of everything, and said that he was there for everything, so she didn't have to worry.

She really naively thought that as long as there was Gu Zheng, everything would be fine. As for the problems behind it, she didn't want to think about it, and she was afraid to think about it.

"Of course she is very powerful, and she is simply the most powerful person I have ever met." Speaking of this, Li Le took a look inside before continuing.

"However, it's still the same sentence. He is powerful, but there are also times when he is exhausted. At that time, isn't it the time for you to stand up, instead of silently standing behind him and watching him die."

"Young master will not die!" Hearing this, Xiaoying screamed suddenly, and said angrily to Li Le.

"Won't you die? I'll let you see what your young master was going through when you were in the picture scroll. Where were you at that time?"

Li Le knows Xiaoying's background, but the only thing she doesn't agree with is Gu Zheng's education method, which is too kind and slow. Although it is good for her to grow up slowly, the suffering in the future will make these look ridiculous, especially in the In this world where the jungle preys on the jungle, people are forced to move forward.

No matter when, strength is the only thing to pursue. Only in this way can you protect what you want to protect and pursue everything you want to pursue.

She also saw that it was impossible for Gu Zheng to take care of Xiaoying for the rest of his life, and he couldn't be cruel, so let her help him, no matter what, at least let this Xiaoying who lives in the obedient world know how cruel the outside world is. .


Li Le sneered and clapped her palms, a red light emerged from her palms, forming a picture in the air.


Xiaoying looked at the picture, a figure descended from a high altitude, she recognized that it was Gu Zheng's figure, and at that time, she also felt that Gu Zheng was not in good condition, and was about to come out, but was caught by a The mysterious force blocked her, and she came here in the blink of an eye, but she had no idea what happened in it.

As the task on the screen fell on the ground, Xiaoying couldn't help covering her mouth with Gu Zheng's dying appearance, and tears came from her small eyes. so heavy on.

The picture in front of her turned again, a super huge giant snake broke through the ground and appeared in the air, and everyone below fled. Even from the picture, Xiaoying could feel the desperate momentum.

Immediately, the giant snake had a black light in its mouth, which gave her a bad premonition.

Sure enough, in the end a familiar figure rushed up and was submerged by the black shadow. Before she could see clearly what happened, the picture suddenly went dark.

"What's the matter? Didn't the young master hit the other party?"

Although he knew that Gu Zheng was safe now and was still refining the magic weapon in front of him, he still couldn't help but say.

"Of course, Gu Zheng's strength is not comparable to that giant snake. Although that giant snake is also very powerful and has the strength of Da Luo, in the end it was finally killed by Gu Zheng." Li Le looked at the relieved Xiao Xiao Ying, said lightly again.

"But in the end, he met a person who can really control his life and death at any time. Are you still willing to watch it?"

"I want to see it." Xiaoying seemed to know that the next scene would definitely be uncomfortable, but she still said firmly.

Then the picture resounded again, unlike the clear picture before, but now it is in the wind and rain, shaking constantly, but you can still see a weak figure caught in the air, just a few breaths of stable picture, also Let Xiaoying see Gu Zheng's miserable appearance.

Next, Gu Zheng, who was almost powerless to resist, was ravaged by the enemy step by step in front of her.

Before she knew it, the tears in Xiaoying's eyes had rushed out of her sockets, falling silently downwards, gathering together under the last pointy chin, and dripping downwards drop by drop.

"I didn't know that he would suffer so much." Xiaoying said with some sobs.

You must know that when you come out, you can still see Gu Zheng's smile on yourself, and you can't see the suffering you have suffered before, as if everything does not exist.

"You don't know there are many more. Although I don't know what kind of exercises you practice, but after only two years of contact, I can see that you basically don't practice very much. You play all day long. If it's not my sister, I will force you to do something. If you are ordinary Forget it, just follow Gu Zheng, and you have the heart to let Gu Zheng encounter such a thing in the future? Think about it, if you are by your side, how can you fall into such a situation if you are strong."

Li Le said softly and forcefully, and did not continue to provoke Xiaoying.

"Yes, if I were here, my lord would not be so difficult." Xiaoying thought of the past, when she was much stronger than now, rushing to do everything, even if she encountered difficulties, she could help Ancient dispute.

But when did I gradually become so lazy, not serious about cultivating immortals, and relying on the young master for everything, you must know that you don't understand the grievances of Master Wuxiang, and your own strength can't play any role at all.

If it continues like this, will I be worthy of Master Wuxiang and the teaching of the Young Master?

Xiaoying's face gradually became firm, and finally she bowed deeply to Li Le and said.

"Thank you sister for waking me up, I know what to do."

"Everything depends on you. I didn't want to force you, but from the lines of Gu Zheng, there has always been confusion about the future, and even some fear. It seems that there is something that can threaten, but usually he is overwhelmed by his incomparable self-confidence. He doesn't know if he is suppressed, no matter what, when he encounters difficulties, you must stand up, only in this way, his road will be longer and longer."

Li Le nodded, looked at Xiaoying and said with relief, at least the other party was just greedy for a while, maybe she could wake up without herself, but it was too late.


Xiaoying was about to say something when suddenly she raised her eyebrows and yelled loudly towards the left.

Li Le was already here, and he also looked towards that side, but found nothing suspicious at all, but looking at Xiaoying's appearance, it was obviously not a false alarm.

"If you don't come out again, don't blame me for being rude."

At this time, Xiaoying had already flew up, and said to the other side again.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, we will come out soon, misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

With a flattering voice, a tall little demon came out of the woods outside, followed by an equally mighty black wolf, who also shrugged his head and followed behind.

The moment they appeared, the little fox who was sitting peacefully on Xiaoying's shoulder suddenly stood on Xiaoying's shoulder and neighed excitedly at them, as if he knew them.

"Isn't that the son's weapon? Why is it in your place?" Xiaoying looked over strangely, and suddenly found that the black wolf's sorrow was helping a familiar object. Looking carefully, it was Gu Zheng's weapon , can't help wondering.

"It's like this." Facing the two Xiaoying who were not as tall as him, the little monster bent slightly, really lowered his posture, and explained aloud.

"When that senior came here, my subordinates accidentally brought this treasure back. He was not yet enlightened, but he only knew how to bring back good things. Who would have thought that this was an unowned thing? But I also saw the vision a few days ago, and felt that this treasure must have been taken by mistake, so I sent it back immediately."

"So that's the case. I said why did the young master give me this thing, so he asked me to find it." Xiaoying took out the shiny white stone and suddenly realized.

"It's my fault. If you want to beat or punish any two seniors, I will definitely not resist." The little demon nodded and bowed.

"I don't care, you stay here and see how my young master will deal with you." Xiaoying didn't care so much, and said to them.

"Sure, sure, we're here, we're not going anywhere, we'll stay here honestly, we can't go anywhere, we'll wait for senior's disposition." The little demon immediately nodded and reprimanded the black wolf.

The innocent black wolf also lay down on the ground obediently, prostrating there.

With the presence of outsiders, it is hard for Li Le to say anything, no matter what should be said, he has already said, and no matter how much is left, he will not ask, otherwise it will be a bit out of bounds.

Everyone watched Gu Zheng continue to sacrifice his magic weapon inside. Even though he was isolated from the outside, he could still feel the turbulent aura inside. People are terrible, otherwise they wouldn't come here as if they were pleading guilty.

On the contrary, the black wolf and the little fox didn't feel any discomfort, and didn't feel that momentum at all.

But this time, the retreat of the ancient dispute seemed to have exceeded their expectations, and it lasted for three full years.

And they also stayed outside for three full years, and the one who suffered the most was the black wolf. Not to mention all kinds of troubles, eating food was even more uncomfortable. , even so, can only stay like this.

"seal up"

Following Gu Zheng's last yell, the power of the stars gathered all over the sky and flew towards the sky above the jade ring, and the sky above the jade ring that was not clearly visible at the beginning, at this time, the five clear characters were shining golden, exuding a wave The strange breath, like the power of heaven and earth, made everyone have the urge to worship from the bottom of their hearts.

However, as the five golden characters took shape, the five characters soon poured into the jade ring below and disappeared into the air, which also made the people who could hardly breathe come back to their senses again, gasping for air. Just now they thought they were They have to be sucked in together.

Soon as the light curtain inside dissipated, Gu Zheng's figure appeared in front of them with a smile that couldn't be concealed, and they immediately said apologetically when they saw Li Le.

"It's been a long time this time, and I kept you waiting for a long time."

"It doesn't matter, there is nothing wrong anyway, but these two people have been apologizing here, until now, I don't know if you will deal with them now." Li Le waved his hand, pointing at the flattering little demon over there.

When Gu Zheng came out, he saw Yun Huangjian, or when the other party came out, he went to the little demon and watched the two of them meditate.

"Senior, we really didn't mean it, there are a lot of adults, let's walk around us this time."

The little demon made a thud, kneeled down without regard for dignity and said, he knew that after he took this hot hand, it would be difficult for him to run away, so he just came here directly, hoping for a chance of survival.

"It's easy to say, you have to tell me how you cut off the connection between me and the weapon."

Gu Zheng smiled and said in a harmonious voice.

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