"You should also be aware that if you can, you should not stay here too much. The longer the time, the higher the chance of you being assimilated here. This is based on the advice given to you by an elder."

The woman in red continued to speak with a more serious tone.

"Hey, boy, although you look great, don't force yourself to do some things, because no matter what you do, you can't change what has become a fact, and you can only waste your efforts in vain." The cold-looking man next to him Said, after finishing speaking, he walked towards the side corridor and disappeared in front of Gu Zheng.

"If you need anything, remember to come to me, maybe I can help you a little." The woman also smiled, and smiled at Gu Zheng, and floated away.

Gu Zheng was confused when he heard that, the other party seemed to think that he had discovered something, and came to tell him on purpose, but he really only discovered a little clue, and the rest is still confused.

While thinking, Gu Zheng returned to his yard here, still thinking about this question, but now he knows too little, and he doesn't know what's tricky here.

After a long time, Li Le held an ancient sandalwood box to wake up Gu Zheng from his thoughts.

There is a small lock on it, which is now in an open state. Judging from the medicinal fragrance leaking from it, it should be their last elixir.

"It's all here, these are all our pills." Li Le directly opened the sandalwood box in his hand, revealing the pills with a somewhat dull luster inside, and said bluntly.

Gu Zheng took a rough look and found that there were at least a dozen of them inside, all of which seemed to be of good quality, and should be the best pills.

It's a pity that even if it is well preserved, looking at it now, the efficacy of the medicine has been reduced by at least 40%, which is something that can't be helped, so upon hearing Gu Zheng's request, Li Le agreed without even thinking about it.

"There are quite a few of these, you can see if they are suitable." Gu Zheng thought for a while, then took out five medicine bottles from his arms and handed them over.

These five add up to hundreds of pills, ranging from high-end to low-end, and their medicinal effects are much stronger than them.

Li Le took it over and took a quick look, with a surprised expression on his face. Obviously, he didn't expect that Gu Zheng would give them so much, and they could use it for a long time.

"If there is nothing else, I still need to work on my side. I will send someone to notify you when the monster is coming. You may look around and meet those friends, but most of them may not have time." Li Le put away the vial Said to Gu Zheng.

"There is nothing else, except that I met two strange people on the way here. What are their identities?" Gu Zheng asked briefly describing the two outsiders on the opposite side.

After Li Le left, Gu Zheng also returned to his room, and he was not interested in going out, but was thinking about the identities of those two people.

The man turned out to be from the Dragon Clan, and the girl was from the remaining branch of the Wind Clan. Somehow, they finally fled here, but they didn't know how to leave here, and those monsters also attacked them, so Just stay here forever.

Their fighting power is also very strong, and apart from the two people fighting from time to time, they don't have any other behaviors. The only difference is that they don't seem to want to leave here, they just want to live here in peace.

"I really don't know what the other party means. It seems that I can only watch it when I have time." Gu Zheng thought about it, and even wanted to wake up the kitten, and then ask the other party what's going on here.

But there is no danger in my heart, but when I think that I will stay here for a while, a faint sense of crisis will emerge in my heart. It seems that, as the other party said, if I stay here for a long time, I really can't get out .

Shaking his head, Gu Zheng put all this behind him. The only thing he can do now is to block him with soldiers and cover him with water. No matter what, he should leave this evil place as soon as possible. That is the best way.

Gu Zheng simply placed a restriction at his door, then sat cross-legged on the bed, and took out his Yunhuang Sword.

At this time, the black mist above is still spreading on it, making Yun Huangjian seem to fall into a deep sleep, unable to move his arms and fingers at all, just like an ordinary soldier, and even the immortal power cannot be input into it .

"This damn black mist, I must find a way to get rid of it completely. After going back and forth like this, I will be played to death by the other party."

Gu Zheng murmured in his heart, then put the Yunhuang sword aside, and took out the small box that he had snatched from Gao Bo before. At that time, he only had a glimpse of the things in it, but he also felt that there was an amazing aura inside, and directly From the looks of it, this thing is an auxiliary function.

Soon, the restriction imposed by Gao Bo on the top was broken, and what was inside was opened.

Originally, Gu Zheng thought it should be a special magic weapon, or simply an extremely precious thing, but when he opened it, it turned out to be a blue liquid-like thing, only the size of a fingernail, with a crystal groove inside the box There was a slight shaking in the middle, and he couldn't feel any heartbeat at all, which made him extremely disappointed.

Although he didn't know this thing, and it must be a good thing in a well-protected place, it seemed like a waste in his own hands, so he could only bury it deeply and wait for the right time to take it out.

Just as Gu Zheng was about to put it away, he suddenly saw that the Yunhuang Sword standing beside him was shining with light. When Gu Zheng subconsciously closed the box, the light of the sword gradually faded away.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng opened the box again, looked at the Yunhuang sword, and found a gleam of light on the hilt of the opponent's sword, and under his gaze, the two balls, one blue and one red, shone brightly on it. , seems to be longing for something.

The sandalwood box in his hand was gently pushed forward, and the flat rate flashing on the two beads became faster. At the same time, a ray of light of two colors popped out from them, flying towards this side like a tentacle, and stopped on the sandalwood. The sky above the box, looking down eagerly, as if there is a delicacy in front of him, wanting to swallow it.

But there was no order to pay attention, so I could only salivate and look down, not daring to go down at all.

"Since you want it, let each of you have half."

Anyway, Gu Zheng didn't know what it was useful for, but even the Yunhuang Sword itself was attracted spontaneously, and it seemed that he underestimated this thing, but no matter how good it is, if he doesn't know how to use it, it might as well An ordinary piece of food, just give it directly to Yunhuangjian, maybe some unexpected changes will happen.

As his voice fell, the blue light "swished" into the sandalwood box below, while the red light was still foolishly staying in the air, and when the blue light receded, half of it remained inside.

It's just that the original blue liquid turned red now, and at this time, the red light also swept the rest, retreated into its own beads, and returned to the previous state again.

Looking carefully, in the depths of the bead, a red dot and a blue dot are shining in it. Besides, Gu Zheng waited for a long time, but there was no other movement. get rid of.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he decided to do it himself.

He took out all the elixirs that Li Le exchanged for himself, swallowed them in one gulp, felt the elixirs emanating from his body immediately, then took the Yunhuang Sword to himself, and began to forcibly regenerate the black mist Seal it up.

Time passed by, I don't know if it was because of being here, Gu Zheng felt that it was extremely difficult to get rid of the black mist this time, so he could only wear it down a little bit patiently.

I don't know how long it took, the Yunhuang sword lingering in black air regained its original radiance. Seeing the radiance of the past in the Yunhuang sword in his hand, it seemed that everything was back on track again.

"Good guy, in order to repair you, those pills are for nothing. Otherwise, I really can't force those black mist back." Gu Zheng felt a little regretful about the condition of his body. It's not bad to hit your own injury, as long as you can use more power.

Gu Zheng pushed his house away and prepared to go out. Now his estimated time is not accurate. He thinks it will be half a year at most. I don't know how long it has been outside, but it is definitely not the time he thinks.

Before he had time to go out of the yard, he saw Li Le coming in from the outside with a look of haste on his face. After seeing Gu Zheng, his wrinkled face relaxed a little, and he immediately said to Gu Zheng.

"You came out at the right time. I'm about to wake you up. It's been less than three years since those monsters attacked. Some scattered forwards of the opponent have come over, and they may attack at any time."

"So fast, what should I do?" Gu Zheng said in his mouth, but thought in his heart, it seems that the flow of time has accelerated compared to when he just came in. If he really stayed here, wouldn't he be the same as them.

"To the west of the town, they usually attack from there. Now that you've woken up, I'll go to other places to wake up the retreaters." After talking about the location of the assembly, Li Le left here.

Gu Zheng walked along the road all the way to the west. When he got there, he found that there were nearly 30 people gathered in the west of the town. There are also several buildings like arrow towers standing around.

The arrow tower was only made of ordinary materials, and the runes were also engraved on it. Now it has been activated, shining with dazzling light.

Seeing Gu Zheng approaching, most people looked at Gu Zheng, their eyes full of friendliness, after all, everyone now has a spare pill, all of which came from Gu Zheng's hands, not to mention that some of them were directly sent by Gu Zheng With the medicine delivered to the door, everyone can receive the favor of Gu Zheng.

"The old man is very good at being a man. He didn't covet any credit for himself. No wonder he convinced everyone." Gu Zheng walked into the crowd while thinking,

There, Ma Lao and Tong Nu were pointing at the sky and talking, and when they saw Gu Zheng approaching, they also said happily.

"Thank you for your hard work this time."

"It's not hard work, it seems that everyone is more relaxed." Gu Zheng nodded and gestured to the person waiting beside him, which was regarded as a greeting.

"I've been used to it for a long time. After all, the other party has so many tricks. I added your elixir earlier. This time, everyone is absolutely confident to pass." Mao Zhengyu next to him clenched the weapon in his hand and said confidently.

"Yes, it can be said that this time is the most confident time for everyone." Shura Jinlang next to him also stared at the red eyes, and said quite easily.

"By the way, you don't know the characteristics of the other party, right? I just want to tell you, to save you from being in a hurry. After all, some monsters on the other side are also very powerful, not weaker than us, so don't be careless." Ma Lao suddenly said Said to Gu Zheng.

"Listen carefully, I'm sorry." Gu Zheng listened with interest.

"First of all, it is the most common and the most numerous creature. We call it the fire bird, because the opponent is a monster made of flames, with three legs and two heads. Some firebirds exuding golden light are as strong as those in the early stages of Golden Immortals."

Gu Zheng listened to the other party and kept nodding his head. Some of the other party's countermeasures against monsters were mixed in, and they were the best countermeasures they had explored little by little.

As the people around gradually gathered, Li Le also returned here.

At this point in time, even Ma Lao told Gu Zheng that all the monsters had no characteristics. Above the sky, an unusual vision appeared. The sky that was originally filled with golden light suddenly turned red like it was being burned.

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Ma, the opponent's attack is coming soon." The virgin looked up at the sky and said to Mr. Ma.

Whenever the opponent attacks, this vision will definitely appear.

"Let's talk about this first, the opponent has already come, we can deal with those who are more powerful, the number is relatively small anyway." Ma Lao said quickly to Gu Zheng, then took a step forward, and the whole person flew towards the top, Stick it under the shield.

Most of the team rose together, as if they were waiting for something.

As the shield of the town suddenly disappeared, all of them rushed outside together. Gu Zheng had a thought, and the whole person flew up after him.

Soon the one below seemed to rise again, but compared with before, it looked much dimmer. Also below, some were above the ground, and they were people with relatively weak cultivation standing in different positions. The formation has brightened up, and some other people even got into the tower, as if they were manipulating it and dealing with the enemy below.

"Be careful, the other party is coming, kill them all."

As the crowd shouted loudly, at the end of the sky, rows of red lights suddenly appeared there, as if teleporting, and at the same time, the top of the head had completely turned red, as if a ball of flames were burning in the air, which looked very scary .

"Don't worry about the top. It looks scary. In fact, so far, it's just this scene. No creature has ever appeared from above."

Perhaps because of seeing Gu Zheng's worry, Li Le explained to Gu Zheng next to him.

Gu Zheng looked around, and sure enough, no one was paying attention to it. Everyone was looking at the front like a raging flame, flying towards this side like a line of fire, approaching here at a high speed from a distance.

At a glance, there are thousands of them, which is quite a lot.

But the number is really quite a lot, rushing over densely, it is really a bit imposing.

However, the vast majority of them are ordinary red flames. For everyone, even if there are a lot of them, they are not afraid at all. The enemies of mere celestial beings may not even be able to break through their defenses. The only thing that makes everyone scrupulous is that If the flame accidentally sticks to the body, it will not be extinguished in a short time. Although the damage is pitifully low, if there are too many on the body, it will also affect oneself.

Of course, you should also pay attention to the golden shape. Their strength can already threaten them. You must know that the enemy is not only them, but there are many others. This point will receive minor injuries, and that point will be relieved. In the end, it is easy to accumulate, and then find He was powerless to recover, and was entangled to death by the other party.

As the flames on the other side approached, some people here had already begun to prepare spells. When the opponent reached the limit, Mao Zhengyu was the first to attack.

I saw him holding the longbow in his hand, pulling it back suddenly, and five fluorescent feather arrows appeared directly on the bowstring, and then he let go of his fingers, and five small air waves exploded around him, accompanied by the sound of screaming, Five beautiful arcs were drawn in the air, and they flew towards the opposite side at a high speed.

In the blink of an eye, those five rays of light fell into the fire cloud ahead.

There were several loud bangs of "boom".

A few brilliant white lights flashed across, and in the advancing red cloud, five areas were suddenly missing, and the emptiness was clearly visible, but the opponent's tide-like attack did not stop at all, and they didn't even know what it meant to be afraid.

A batch died, and more would come up later. In a few breaths, the obvious gaps felt to have been filled by the other party.

"Kill these firebirds as much as possible, so that it will be easier to go to the back." Here Mao Zhengyu pulled up the bowstring again, and said to Gu Zheng, five rays of light lit up again, and when he let go, another five rays of light fell down. Sweep a blank again in other dense places.

Now except for him, the attack distance of the others is not that far away, so they can only wait patiently for the opponent to approach, but all kinds of lights have already lit up on their bodies, once the opponent enters the range of their attack, they will bombard them mercilessly past.

They are so proficient at this method that they can't be more proficient, and they can even slowly increase the power of their spells during this period, so that the next enemy will have a taste of what is called a violent storm.

After Mao Zhengyu fired five attacks in succession, he stopped attacking. Not only was the opponent's lineup now much thinner, but more importantly, he had to reserve enough strength to deal with the next battle.

As for the rest in front of him, he just needs to wait for his companion's performance.

At this time, the other party was already approaching this side not far away, and Gu Zheng could see the ferocious gaze in the other party's red eyes, staring at this side closely, as if some kind of enmity between life and death.

At this time, everyone who had been accumulating slight movements finally started to move.

The one who launched the first attack turned out to be the man of the dragon blood who once warned Gu Zheng. He took a step forward, and the light in his hand was ready to go. With a wave of his forward, a large piece of blue light was like stars and moons. The same, and flew towards a small area in front of him.

The blue light was still halfway, and with the flickering of the light spots, it turned into a monstrous wave, which set off a height of ten feet, and rushed towards the opponent wave after wave.

The firebird in front of him, no matter it was ordinary or golden mixed in it, encountered this wave, like a wisp of floating dust, failed to make any resistance in front of the huge wave, and was crushed and scattered by the impact.

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