"You say, who is this person? I can only say that the other party is definitely not a human being. Although the human aura on the other party is very strong, almost exactly the same as a human being, it can still be seen."

As everyone gathered around, one of the men said.

"I think it's human beings instead. After so long, there may be some masters among human beings. It is also very possible." Another person took a closer look and said with certainty.

"Aren't you stupid? The other party obviously has our Asura's aura on him, maybe he is my junior." Cyclops looked carefully at the side, and said with uncertainty.

"Don't argue anymore. The other party must be a member of our dragon clan. None of you can smell the dragon fragrance on the other party, so there is no need to argue." Another fat man with two horns on his head said the same .

"I also said that the other party has the aura of our phoenix family, so he is still from our side." Not far from the side, there is a red robe, with traces of flames flowing on it, making people feel that The power contained in it, and the owner is a beautiful woman, when she heard the fat man's words, she said disdainfully.

Others also looked at the figure below, constantly guessing that such a strange person raised all their interests.

Anyone who faces these faces every day will have a day of boredom. Besides, everyone probably knows everyone, and there is really nothing to say except quarreling and arousing some interest.

"Okay, no matter what race the opponent is, he will know when he wakes up that even the star platform is completely damaged. I believe that this time, God gave us a chance to go out. Maybe our wishes in our hearts will come true. Get out of this damn place for good."

Ma Lao listened to the discussion of the crowd, and finally said to everyone.

Everyone seems to be indifferent to the damage of the star station, but in the eyes of some people

"Li Le, take him back for treatment. Even if we use up everything we have, we must wake him up. Everyone else is gone. This time the consumption is not clear. Go to rest quickly. If you make a mistake in the next battle You deserve it if you die," Ma Lao said to the woman feeding the elixir, and then to the crowd.

Hearing what Ma Lao said, everyone dispersed one after another, and the virgin and Li Le took Gu Zheng and the cat demon in his arms to another place.

When Gu Zheng regained consciousness from the coma, he saw a very ordinary room and felt as if he was sleeping on the same bed for a long time.

"I was saved by someone?"

Gu Zheng suddenly thought of the last scene, and sat up suddenly from the bed with a jolt.


Gu Zheng's face was painful, and he covered his heart with his hands. He vaguely remembered that ball passed through the kitten's body and finally hit his chest, passing through the edge of his heart.

In the blink of an eye, bead-sized beads of sweat appeared on Gu Zheng's forehead. It was an injury that was pulled into his body suddenly.

After a little delay of more than ten breaths, Gu Zheng felt better and had the energy to check his body.

It didn't matter after looking at it, and found that the injury in his body was not as serious as he thought, but he felt much better, as if someone had helped him.

Even now, there is still a faint power of the elixir in the body slowly recovering, slightly healing the injuries in Gu Zheng's body.

At this time, the five internal organs were damaged, and apart from the spiritual consciousness, there were different injuries all over the body.

But seeing where I am, I am afraid that the other party rescued me. It seems that I should thank the other party. After the other party's treatment, at least I still have the power to fight.

However, at this time, my injury has only returned to half. In other words, the power I can still use should probably still exist at the peak of Jinxian. If I force myself towards this limit, I am afraid that my injury will be more serious.

Gu Zheng sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to re-gather the scattered immortal energy in his body, and then suppressed those damaged places for the time being. Anyway, he is very safe now, and he will find a way to treat it after finding out what is around him.

After a stick of incense passed, Gu Zheng exhaled slowly, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then he got off the bed and walked towards the only door.

But as soon as he reached the door, his figure stopped suddenly, because there were obviously two people talking outside.

"Miss Li, now that his old injury has flared up, can you take out a Yunshen Pill and let him suppress it for now?" A voice said anxiously from outside.

"I'm sorry, without Ma Lao's order, no one can take it from here. Besides, I only have less than ten pieces left in my hand, and the last one has already been used up." A slightly apologetic His voice rose in the air, but his tone was full of determination.

"Did that damned stranger eat it? It's been 80,000 years, and the other party is still in a coma, and I'm afraid he will never wake up again. The other party's pet cat demon is also a waste, with no combat power at all. The last resources were wasted on him."

Hearing that, the man said in a somewhat annoyed manner.

Eighty thousand years!

Gu Zheng was startled when he heard this, had he been in a coma for so long? But I didn't feel that strong, as if the nap was so short, I didn't expect my injury to be so serious.

"Without Mr. Ma's order, don't waste your efforts. If the old injury recurs, I will ask you to suppress it. Or is it that at this juncture, you all want to preserve your strength and be more confident in the next attack? "

Miss Li's voice sounded again, still rejecting the other party.

"Okay, I'll go find Mr. Ma, now I can't lack any strength." The man said sullenly, left this sentence, and walked outside.

"Damn cat demon, get out of here!"

When the man saw Mai standing in the middle of the yard, he cursed, but he didn't do anything else, and he didn't stop. He left here towards the door. He wanted to try Ma Lao and see if he could do it. Can't be flexible.

After that person left here completely, Li Le turned around and was about to enter the house, but unexpectedly, the door behind him was pulled open from the inside.

"you're awake!"

Seeing Gu Zheng appearing in front of her, Li Le's voice obviously increased, and she couldn't help saying.

"Well, I just woke up, thank you so much." Gu Zheng looked at the bottle of elixir in the opponent's hand, and a faint medicinal fragrance emanated from it, as if he wanted to swallow one for himself.

However, this elixir seems to be of low grade, and it really doesn't have much effect on Gu Zheng's injury. It's better to let Gu Zheng rest quietly and recover quickly.

"It's okay, this is what Ma Lao ordered, but you have slept for 80,000 years, and everyone else thought you would never wake up. After all, your injuries seem to be healed." Li Huan calmed down his mood, slowly said.

"Thanks to you for saving me, otherwise I might have died unknowingly." Gu Zheng was a little puzzled when he heard the other party say that his injuries were all healed, but he didn't show it on his face, and said gratefully.

But Gu Zheng had already probed towards her with a ray of divine consciousness, wanting to see how the other party's cultivation was, and it was really strange that the other party was healing him, but he didn't know what was going on in his body.

The next Gu Zheng's expression became a little weird, because in his detection, her cultivation was not high, she was only in the late Jinxian period, and more importantly, she had a strange feeling on her body, which seemed to be the same as the kitten felt before. similar.

The other party is in front of him, but not in front of him.

"Is your bottle a pill? I just need to add it, thank you." Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, and when the other party didn't react, he directly reached out and snatched it.

"What are you doing! Deng Tuzi." Li Le said with a blushing face, and at the same time took a step back, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"Isn't it for me anyway? I just feel a little unwell." Gu Zheng felt the softness and delicateness in his hand just now, while speaking, he directly opened the pill in the bottle, and swallowed it in one gulp.

The faint medicinal power fell into the abdomen and spread towards the surroundings. Gu Zheng could feel the rapid release of the medicinal power in his body, which made the injury recover faster again.

"You're all well, and you still need to take it. It's too wasteful. I don't know how precious this pill is." Li Le was out of breath for a while, and his chest was constantly heaving, causing the small mountain to shake slightly.

"It doesn't matter, I still have it on me, and I will replenish it for you when I come back." Gu Zheng said indifferently, and at the same time he became more puzzled.

"Anyway, you ate too. I'll ask Mr. Ma to come over. Don't run around." Li Le had no choice but to give Gu Zheng a hard look, and then ran out quickly.

Gu Zheng watched the other party leave here, and put away the smiling expression on his face.

That weird feeling was exactly the same as when I was testing the kitten, but from my own point of view, the other party seemed to have flesh, and seemed to be an independent individual, and the pill was also fine.

And through brief contact, it wasn't that Gu Zheng wanted Kaiyou, but to take a look at the other party. It turned out that the main body was just a flower demon, but it was the same as Ren Xue.

"It's really strange, maybe some of these problems can be found in contact!"

Looking around, Gu Zheng always felt that it seemed real and illusory, but everything around him was so real, and he was sure that he had never fallen into a special formation, or was disturbed by others, he was sure of this.

Gu Zheng shook his head, raised his feet and walked forward. This is a simple courtyard, and there is an ordinary well in the middle. The kitten regained its shape, stood on the edge and looked down, even Gu Zheng He didn't even look back when he came out.

"Little cat, your injury is not healed, I'll give you this to eat." Gu Zheng came to it, felt its breath, then took out a precious pill, and handed it to Da Luo's elixir.

The kitten turned its gaze over, directly held it with its hands, and then shook its head.

"It's useless to you?" Gu Zheng thought of this question. After all, the kitten is special, and it's not considered a monster. Maybe the pill doesn't work for it.

The kitten nodded, and the whole body jumped onto Gu Zheng's shoulder again, but Gu Zheng found that the opponent's body no longer seemed to be in that illusory state, and touched the top of the opponent's head, and could feel the soft touch of the soft fur.

It seems that in the case of the injury, it can't keep the same as before, but Gu Zheng doesn't know how the opponent's injury is. Judging from the opponent's appearance, it seems to be much better, at least it can't be seen from the outside.

The kitten stretched out a paw and knocked off Gu Zheng's palm. Then, under Gu Zheng's astonished gaze, he stretched out a finger ahead, and a golden light shot out from it, and began to revolve around the mouth of the well.

A series of mysterious transparent golden patterns appeared out of thin air, and soon there was a layer of golden ripples on the mouth of the well, and then two small figures fell from the air towards the bottom, but they couldn't open the passage in front of them to the opposite side.

Looking at the kitten's movements, Gu Zheng seemed to understand what it meant, that is, they were trapped here and couldn't get out of here through its ability, but he didn't know why he didn't tell himself.


The kitten looked at Gu Zheng's suspicious eyes, then opened its mouth, and it took a full ten breaths to squeeze out two words from its mouth. At the same time, the movements of its hands became extremely slow, as if in slow motion. When the sound fell, it returned to normal.

Gu Zheng thought about it, it seemed that the kitten found something strange here, and once he opened his mouth to tell himself, it seemed that any problems would arise.

After the kitten finished saying these two words, the breath of the whole person became sluggish, as if it took all the strength of the whole body to spit out these two words, and now it is lying on Gu Zheng's shoulder, closing its eyes, and not moving at all. Do not move.

Gu Zheng watched the golden shadow in front of him slowly disintegrate, his heart moved, and the picture scroll in his arms was taken out, but the other party did not touch his own things.

I saw Xiaoying standing in the middle of the river, running towards the upper reaches of the upstream, with a trace of anxiety in her eyes, her mouth slightly opened, with a feeling of shouting.

What made Gu Zheng's heart sink was that the whole picture scroll was bound by a strange force, and his connection with Xiaoying was almost severed, and Xiaoying's figure was also unable to move.

The only flickering thing was the lantern that had already flown into the sky, and it continued to flicker with green light. Apart from that, the entire originally vibrant picture scroll seemed to have become an ordinary picture scroll at this time.

What the hell is going on, breaking into this place by myself doesn't look like some powerful space, and I don't know where this place is, why such strange things happen.

"This is your relative? It looks very cute." At this moment, a voice from the door interrupted Gu Zheng's thinking.

Gu Zheng put away the picture scroll, turned around and saw a vigorous old man, followed by several people, a short girl who looked immature and only in her teens, a man with a bow full of frost, a man with one eye, There is also a beautiful woman in a blue dress, of course, who also came to call Ma Lao's Li Le.

"Yes, I'm just glad I didn't die on the road, and thank Mr. Ma for saving his life." Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and said the words of thanks again.

"Coincidentally, the place where you landed happens to be our place. If it exceeds the scope of our town, I'm afraid we can't do anything. It's God's will in the dark." Ma Lao laughed and walked in with everyone.

"My Gu Zheng, if necessary, will definitely give up his life to go." Gu Zheng introduced himself and said again at the same time.

After saying this sentence, they all had a good feeling in their eyes. After all, no one likes a white-eyed wolf. Although I don't know if Gu Zheng is, but at least his attitude makes people feel good.

"I'll live a little longer, so you can call me Ma Lao. The person who has been taking care of you is Li Le. I'm afraid you are no longer there. Let me introduce you to some of these people, who are all strong experts here. "Old Ma chuckled and introduced to Gu Zheng.

Mao Zhengyu, a man with a longbow, Rong Ziqi, a woman in a long skirt, a wolf from Shura, and a young and short girl.

Gu Zheng also knows their lives, and their strengths are all at the peak of Jinxian, and not only that, but Gu Zheng can still feel that there are several existences whose strength is no less than theirs.

The only thing that puzzles Gu Zheng is that there is not even a big Luo, and the minimum cultivation base is the early stage of Jinxian, and it can't be lower.

After getting to know each other one by one, Gu Zheng couldn't wait to ask.

"Where is this place? I was hunted down by the enemy, and I came here in a panic. It seems that you have been here for a long time. Are you not ready to go out?"

"Get out? That's everyone's wish. Unfortunately, they are all trapped here and can't go out at all. A rough calculation shows that there are at least a few hundred yuan clubs, and they have been lingering. However, the once huge number of people is now only Those of us are gone." Old Ma sighed when he heard Gu Zheng's question.

"Such a long time!" Gu Zheng couldn't help raising his voice, with a shocked look on his face.

After so many years, under natural circumstances, they had already died in the world, how could they still be fine.

"This place is different from other places. The time has been completely messed up. It seems to be at the last place. Otherwise, we would have died a long time ago. But being trapped here, what's the use of the same life." Ma Lao didn't seem to care, the others Also know this situation.

"That's right, but where is this place? It can maintain such a large place." Gu Zheng thought that if he was trapped in one place, he might as well die, especially if the aura here seems to be very, very low. Kind of barren land.

If you stay here for a long time, it's not bad if you don't retreat.

"Do you know about the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation?" Ma Lao finally popped out a word, which made Gu Zheng raise his eyebrows, and his eyes were full of shock.

"Then who doesn't know, since then they have completely withdrawn from the prehistoric world, you mean?" Gu Zheng said, suppressing his heartbeat.

"That's right, this was once a secret battlefield, but no one knows the details. At that time, after their battle was completely over, the ruins here were discovered, so a group of people flocked here, and now there are only a few dozen of us I am alone, and everyone else will die here completely." Ma Lao said with some nostalgia with a wry smile on his face.

When Gu Zheng heard this, he also knew why the other party’s cultivation base was generally so low. At that time, among dragons and phoenixes, some naturally powerful creatures, monsters and human races were nothing. Speaking of which, there should be no human races at that time, and even awakened his Hongjun saint Neither was sanctified.

However, Gu Zheng knew only a little about the previous history, so he immediately became interested.

"Old Ma, I really want to know what happened in the past, after all, it has been so long now."

"That's no problem. We're also curious about what the outside world looks like now. Are you a descendant of the first few natural humans?"

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