Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 169 What kind of craft is this?

Wang Dong has been taking care of the cauldron, but there is no need for him to do so.

Gu Zheng has fire control formula and water control formula. He knows the heat and soup very well. He even knows how the chicken inside is cooked. Wang Dong just went to look at the soup pot because he couldn't find anything to do.

The dough has been picked up by Gu Zheng, and it keeps flying between his hands. The speed of the dough is getting faster and faster, but Gu Zheng's hand is getting slower and slower.


There was a sudden loud noise, which startled everyone. Gu Zheng slammed the dough on the table so hard that the ground seemed to shake.

The dough had been kneaded by Gu Zheng, and the surface of the dough that fell on the table looked extremely smooth, shining brightly under the light.

The chicken was fished out of the pot by Gu Zheng first, and the shredded chicken noodle soup uses shredded chicken, not a whole chicken.

The tenderest and most fragrant part of chicken meat is the drumstick, but the most delicious and most sensual part of the chicken is the little meat under the chicken breast.

The meat in this place is the most fibrous, and the shredded chicken is also the best.

The chicken shreds used for chicken shredded noodle soup are not just cut the meat on the chicken breast into shreds, but only the thin row of meat on the chicken breast, and it is the middle part of the meat, and the integrity of the chicken cannot be destroyed sex.

If you want to do this, you can only extract the required meat, and it is extracted in a silky way, so that the chicken wire can be completely separated from the chicken, and you must not peel or pick it with a knife.

Extracting chicken shreds requires the cooperation of Xianli.

The whole cooked chicken was lifted off the table by Gu Zheng, and the other hand carefully touched under the chicken breast.

Wang Dong's eyes were wide open, the chicken was taken out of the pot just now, but Gu Zheng actually held it in his hand like this, although it was only holding the chicken's head a little bit, but the chicken was hot.

The chicken that has been boiled in the rolling pot for a long time should be cooled first, or cooled with water, or wrapped in something. If Gu Zheng grasps it directly in his hand, is it really not hot?

When Wang Dong was thinking about these problems, Gu Zheng had already successfully extracted two chicken wires.

As thin as a hair, with a bit of brightness, the white chicken wire was put aside by Gu Zhengxian.

These are only two pieces, but if Xi’an is successfully extracted, the next step will be much easier. There is a breakthrough, and the chicken wire below can be completely pulled out. Gu Zheng didn’t hesitate, and quickly moved his hand on the chicken. A few long thin chicken wires will be brought out every time.

Extracting the chicken shreds must be done within a few minutes of being out of the pot. Once the chicken is cold, the meat will become hard. The chicken shreds are very tender. When the chicken becomes cold and hard, it will not be able to be pulled out. Even if it is heated, it will not work. A chicken can be re-boiled and re-extracted.

This is also the reason why Gu Zheng began to extract chicken shreds immediately after the chicken was out of the pot.

As for Wang Dong’s question of whether it’s hot or not, it must be hot. Gu Zheng felt very hot as if he had immortal power. His hand holding the chicken head was actually moving rapidly all the time, but the range of movement was very small. Small and fast, Wang Dong didn't notice it.

If he stood opposite Gu Zheng, he could see that Gu Zheng's hand did move slightly.

The shredded chicken was finally pulled out by Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng heaved a sigh of relief. He put the whole chicken on a plate and rubbed his hands vigorously. If he had to stand up to extract the shredded chicken, he would not Hold it like this all the time.

This time the preparations are still not sufficient, and next time I make a shelf, I can free one hand, and I have to endure it without being so hot.

All the shredded chicken was placed on a plate, and it looked like a lot of shredded chicken was drawn out, but there were thirty judges in front of them, and there was not much for each judge, probably only one or two bites.

The shredded chicken is ready, the next step is the shredded chicken noodle soup, the most important thing is the noodle.

After washing his hands, Gu Zheng picked up the dough again, with a faint smile on his face. He dragged the dough with his left hand, grabbed a piece with his right hand, and threw it up into the sky. Zheng's hands were raised together, and the flying dough suddenly became longer and longer in the air, and finally became long and narrow, and fell into the pot.

This was more than that, the noodles that fell into the pot were still spinning in a circle around the pot, spinning quickly.

"What kind of craft is this?"

"No way, the dough can shape itself?"

"I know that someone can knead noodles very finely, and then make various movements, but throwing noodles in the air like this, it turns into noodles. I have never seen it before!"

"Isn't this another stunt?"

Everyone at the scene was discussing, and outside the venue, there were even more discussions in front of the TV.

Outside the venue are all supporters of Gu Zheng. It’s getting dark, and there are still 4,000 people who haven’t left. Gu Zheng is working hard to fulfill his promise. They are competing for the first place. They also have to keep their promises and wait here The ancient battle triumphed.

Although these people support Gu Zheng and are considered die-hard fans of Gu Zheng, they have never seen him make pasta. Seeing the way Gu Zheng threw noodles, many people's mouths opened wide again, and they haven't closed for a long time.

After Gu Zheng threw out a ball of noodles, he didn't stop his hands. After a while, more than a dozen balls of noodles were thrown up by Gu Zheng, and all of them turned into long and thin noodles and fell into the pot by themselves.

The noodles that fell into the pot revolved around the edge of the pot, and from time to time a noodle jumped out of the water like a naughty little fish.

This kind of following method, not to mention the audience, even the well-informed judges have never seen it before.

After a while, Gu Zheng threw out 60 pieces of dough, which seemed like a lot, but they were divided among the 30 judges. In fact, each person only had two sticks of noodles, which was only enough for two mouthfuls.

But this is a food competition, not a restaurant, as long as you taste the taste.

Sixty noodles, like a school of fish in the pot, swimming fast, jumping up a few from time to time, Gu Zheng's water control formula and fire control formula have not stopped, plus the low-level fairy art of "Nu Wa made a man", Gu Zheng Fighting for the present is equivalent to one mind and three purposes, manipulating three kinds of fairy arts at the same time, not to mention the consumption of fairy power, the consumption of mind is also great.

Fortunately, the shredded chicken noodle soup is about to be ready. After that, you can rest for a while.

"Wang Dong, bring all the bowls!"

What Gu Zheng said was a small bowl, but this time it was pasta. It is not suitable to put such pasta together first, and it is best to separate them when they are taken out of the pot.

The same is true for the noodles made by Master Wang of Komatsu Noodle Shop.


Wang Dong was in a daze, and when he heard Gu Zheng's words, he immediately went outside to bring thirty small bowls. These were tableware prepared by the organizing committee. It was impossible for the chef to bring so many bowls with him when he came to the competition.

Thirty bowls, ten out of ten, Gu Zheng directly picked up a soup ladle, first stirred it in the pot, then took out two noodles, and poured the soup into a small bowl.

The noodles are nothing special, the 30 bowls were all filled up quickly, Gu Zheng put the shredded chicken that he pulled out before into 30 bowls, Wang Dong then called the staff and put the 30 bowls of shredded chicken Soup noodles, delivered to the judges.

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