At this time, as the huge blue pillar below suddenly lit up again, countless auras shot up into the sky, and then the magic circle below disappeared immediately.

Most of those who provided mana for these people had passed out, floating on the sea surface like dead bodies, and were taken by themselves as unconscious companions to swim outside.

Under the seabed, an undercurrent also brought them to the outside.

For them, their mission has been completed, and they will not be needed in the future, so they will evacuate here according to the plan.

It was a blow that drained almost all mana, and the effect was very shocking.

All the blue clouds in the sky gathered one after another, forming eight water spheres hundreds of feet in size in a blink of an eye. It was almost desperate, and the figure almost blocked the sky, like a huge mountain slowly moving towards the respective islands below. fall.


The water polo looked slow, and within a few breaths it landed on the light curtain below, making a loud noise.


The entire light curtain made an unbearable sound, and a huge and incomparably deep pit rose above the light curtain, and the curtain wave that was slowly calming down surged out like a sea wave.

But this time, it didn't bounce up again, but continued to be pressed down by the water polo. The entire light curtain had become flickering at an extremely fast speed, and it was about to collapse.

Suddenly, above the sky, a wave of vast abyss suddenly rose, causing everyone to look over unconsciously.

Above the sky, the original daytime scene has now turned into a night starry sky, with seven twinkling stars hanging in the sky, shining brightly.

At the same time as they just looked over, the seven stars above suddenly lit up, and seven thumb-sized light spots fell from above, flashed in the air, and landed in the water polo below.


A series of explosions sounded in the air, and the huge blue flames flew towards the surroundings along with the air waves, and finally fell on the sea surface, burning blazingly, even the island felt trembling.

When the air calmed down a bit, the huge water polo had disappeared, but the transparent light curtain outside was also completely destroyed in the explosion.


To the surprise of everyone on the island, with the damage of the outer shield, almost 90% of the silver light beams on the small island were shattered together.

The outer source of power was integrated with these silver pillars, and they were damaged together. What reassured them was that the power on the island was still there, and it seemed that only the outer power had been broken.

"The star map, you really got it." Neptune looked at the sky, and then a cyan light shot up into the sky, and exploded in the air, forming a cyan star point that fell from the sky, killing everyone on his side. shrouded.

The stars that had been continuously brightening began to flicker at this time, and it seemed impossible to determine the specific position of the people below.

"Taking advantage of interfering with the opponent's star map now, you can now force the opponent to force out the hidden island. The white souls below are already in place. When the time comes, the opponent's tortoise shell must be broken this time. It's gone." Sea King immediately ordered the fat girl to say.

She didn't answer, just nodded silently, and then the whole person flew forward, and didn't stop until she left her side and approached the opposite side.

She herself was standing in mid-air, looking down. At this time, she could see the opponent's island at a glance. The last barrier was still stubbornly blocking the outside, and her body suddenly turned into a stream of light in the air and fell towards the bottom.


A huge water wave rose on the sea surface, and the next moment, a huge figure suddenly appeared on the bottom of the sea, rushing up from below again.


With a huge dragon chant, a blue giant dragon with a somewhat illusory body rushed down and straight up, with a figure of several hundred feet, the faintly scaled armor, and the ferocious head, accompanied by the whole body. The bitter momentum, even with the outer defense, made most of the people below gasp for breath.

It's really shocking, is this the power of the opponent's Sea Clan Da Luo in the later stage?

On the main island, some people around Mori Lu looked at the four elders behind him, and there was no fluctuation in their hearts at all because of the appearance of the other party, as if the other party was really an ordinary person.

"The other party just got a trace of the inheritance of the real dragon, and even the real dragon has fallen, let alone her." Senlu shouted towards the surroundings, then stretched out his fingertips, and pointed towards a formation in front of him.

After several dizzying operations, large pieces of silver light suddenly appeared above all the stone halls, gathering towards the starry sky above.

Silver threads are connected one by one among the seven stars in the sky.

As the last star was connected into one body, a large piece of star power suddenly fell from the sky, among which were mixed with seven bright star phantoms. The dragon soared in the air and rushed directly towards the opposite side.

"The other party has activated the power of the stars in the array, but not in the back. Everyone, give me an indiscriminate attack."

Sea King watched the blue dragon and the silver dragon entangled in the air, and couldn't help but be delighted with the color. It seemed that the other party didn't really grasp the essence of the formation.

You must know that he has already inquired through his relationship. This holy market was in ancient times, and the seven-star formation on the periphery could block even the quasi-sage, and even hurt the opponent, which shows how terrifying its power is.

It's a pity that there is no inheritance left here, even if Lanyaomen gets such a good thing, it can't exert its full power.

The golden fairies behind them shouted loudly, and then a small group of ten people began to spread towards the air. After standing at their predetermined position, each individual began to blast towards the shield below with all his strength.

All of a sudden, a large number of magic weapons and various powerful spells rose from the air and sea, and hit the shield one after another, almost completely covering the entire sky.

"Can this hold up?"

In Yaoguang Island, Cao Xi saw that the shield in the air was like an iron wall, blocking those menacing attacks one after another, but there were also large ripples on his body, so he couldn't help but say.

"It's probably impossible to block it. If you are really confident, you won't let us come. It's just to maximize the consumption of the opponent. After all, there are too many people. Except for those well-known formations, it is probably really impossible to block them." Next to him, another invited Jin Xian spoke.

After listening to what he said, everyone couldn't help but nodded. He made a lot of sense.

They didn't expect to be able to completely block the opponent at the beginning, but they were very surprised to be able to block it at the current time. As expected of an ancient formation, they blocked the opponent's successive attacks one after another.

"I don't know what to do with Elder Gu. It feels like it's really not the right time to retreat and understand at this time." The other said suddenly looking at the distance.

At this time, all of them gathered around the stone hall, because only this place is the most important in the entire island, and there is another layer inside, which is the power of the Blue Medicine Gate itself, and Elder Qi led the people immediately. Enter the Stone Palace and launch it together with the main island.

"Wait a little longer, if it doesn't work, we can only wake it up." Cao Xi sighed when he heard that, holding the golden ball left by the ancient struggle in his hand.

And what is Gu Zheng doing at this time?

In his room, Gu Zheng and Xiaoying were looking at the scene outside through the formation left outside.

Gu Zheng didn't retreat either, he just found a reason to sneak out before. When he came from Neptune, he had been paying attention to the sky all the time. Although he could only see the top of his head, he could still see the whole picture from it.

"Those two dragons are so powerful, I can do anything like this." Looking at the attack gaps in the water mirror, the two giant dragons flashed past, Xiaoying said with some yearning.

"You? Don't even think about it. After all, it's an innate condition. Unless you want to reincarnate to block you, and now it's just a residual bloodline. I think the other party will come in soon. When the time comes, you can just hide in the picture scroll. Don't think about coming out, there is no occasion where you can't get involved." Gu Zheng glanced at Xiaoying, and then said angrily.

Xiaoying curled her lips and didn't say much. She also knew that there were so many people, and what role she played in them would make Gu Zheng worry.

This stalemate continued for another full day, and the defense in the air was obviously much dimmer at this time. If there is no other way, at most half a day, even if there is transportation from the main island, all the outer islands will be broken. defense.

"I'm going to let someone eat the prepared food. After the opponent's two hidden islands appear, I will block them directly. At the same time, I will also start to take action below to break the opponent's formation in one fell swoop." Neptune faced the back faintly. ordered.

On his palm, two tops that were only the size of a walnut spun silently, and soon formed a black whirlwind that stayed in his palm, as if waiting for something.

"The other party came prepared, I'm afraid the effect of the next formation is useless, and it's up to us." Mori Lu also said to his side at the same time.

As he said this, he wiped the array again with his hands. It was originally pitch black next to the prayer spot, but at this moment, the two spots suddenly began to brighten again.

Outside, everyone could feel a strong vibration at this time, and they all stopped attacking and looked towards the center of the fluctuation. On the main island, the shapes of two islands slowly emerged from it.

The two small islands are very small, less than one-tenth of the island under Gu Zheng's body, but when everyone looked there, their hearts trembled, as if some scourge was about to come out, it was very dangerous.

You must know that the seven islands outside are used as protection, and the attacks above are added by the Blue Medicine Sect, so the power is naturally different.

And these two hidden islands have been integrated with the formation map and refined into an attack magic weapon. It is also the only attack magic circle in the seven-star formation. People can survive.

"Shua Shua"

Before the island was fully active, two black rays of light emerged from Neptune's hands, turning into a black curtain to completely cover up the unactive island.

In the array above the middle island, two black mist clusters suddenly appeared, just covering the two stars.

"Prepare to fight, there is only one attack method under this formation, which can weaken the opponent's strength by 10%, and can further weaken the opponent as time goes by, there is nothing else to do." Senlu looked at the black fog above It cannot be erased at all, said with a blank face.

He already knew this situation, and more importantly, these two islands seemed to be murderous, but in fact he couldn't control them at all.

Everyone behind him nodded and said, as the main island, he must be under great pressure, and three of the four elders opened their eyes, and the robes on their bodies rose without wind, and a trace of dangerous breath emerged from them .

As they don't know how many years they have survived, they naturally know that the sect is at the moment of life and death, and two of them rushed back from the outside in time.

If they had known that the Sea Clan would attack earlier, they would have been more fully prepared. They had to know that there were still some elites of their own sect outside the Great Desolation, and it was impossible for them to come back in time.

At this moment, a ray of light descended from the sky at a high speed, and an unpretentious long spear suddenly landed on the shield of a small island below from the air.


There was an earth-shattering roar, and the shield on the small island was hit by the long spear, making a gap of tens of feet in size, and even leaving a huge gully thousands of meters on the island.

A silver light flashed across the entire island, and at the same time, in the passages on both sides, all the energy gathered rapidly, and the broken gap on the light curtain was wriggling rapidly, and it seemed that it wanted to heal.

However, the gap is very large, and it cannot be healed quickly at all.

The spear went up from under the island again and returned to the original owner, but it was Sea King who did it.

"You can't be wasted like this by the other party." Mori Lu said solemnly, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out in the air, evenly scattered on the formation in front of him.

"Seven Star Power, disperse!"

Mori Lu quickly placed a point on it in a certain order in his hand, and suddenly shouted.

What surprised everyone happened. At this moment, all the shields that were originally covering the outside collapsed silently, turning into stars that filled the sky and dissipated from the sky.

Even the silver dragon in the air disappeared, leaving the blue dragon alone in the air.

"hoo hoo"

A slight sound of wind rang in everyone's ears, and at the same time, in the huge star map above, strands of silver light like snowflakes fell towards the bottom.

Although they didn't know what it was, everyone below put up their defenses to prevent the opponent from falling on them.

But the blood-silver snowflake ignored all defenses, and even Huanqiao found that his defenses couldn't stop the opponent, it fell on him smoothly, and merged into his body the next moment.

Looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky, she began to dodge subconsciously. The speed of the snowflakes was not fast, and anyone could easily dodge them.

In an instant, she felt that her body was much heavier, as if she was wearing extremely heavy shackles, and her body became a little labored.

It is the power of the stars!

Huanqiao instantly understood the reason for the weirdness, but inside his body, he couldn't find the other party at all, as if the other party and himself had become one.

However, after almost ten breaths, her body became light again. The opponent lasted for a short time, but seeing the snowflakes flying heavily, she also smiled wryly.

Because during the battle, there is no time for her to dodge, and she feels that if the snowflakes gather in the body to a certain extent, the power may continue to increase, that is to say, the strength will further decline.

Not only him, but everyone else noticed this scene. After his body was submerged in those silver snowflakes, his overall strength almost dropped by a level, and those snowflakes couldn't stop him at all.

Although he can dodge temporarily to recover, but he can't fight with all his strength, it's better to let his strength decrease.

"Hmph! Don't ask about these snowflakes, hold your opponents up, the people below will naturally attack, and I will solve this star map." Haiwang yelled and swung his spear upwards.

An invisible energy burst out from his gun, flying towards the sky like a violent wind and waves, and those silver snowflakes collapsed from the air under the impact of this powerful energy.

"I'll support Sea King. All of you guard the island. The longer it takes, the better it will be for us. When I'm not around, Youzhu will be in charge of all the commanders." Na Senlu said quickly.

Before Youzhu could reply, the formation in front of him suddenly lit up, sucking Senlu into it, and disappeared in front of everyone at the same time.

And in the starry sky, a silver light fell from above in an instant, covering Neptune in an instant.

"Want to get rid of me? I'm still afraid that you will run away, so I can't ask for it." Neptune felt the fluctuations contained in it, and sneered.

"All of you act according to the plan. If something really happens, the four of you make a temporary decision. I will go and meet each other."

Neptune left these words in the air, and his whole body was sucked into the array by the silver light.

"Aquaman will be fine, right? Senlu is not a simple character, let alone in the opponent's formation." Yufeng looked at the top, except for two bright points of view, the rest could not be seen .

"Don't worry, I think there are very few people in Daluo's realm who can be dangerous to Neptune. Let's attack next, the people below can't wait." Huanqiao held a pink feather fan, Said to them.

"Full attack!"

As they issued the order, the golden immortals above rushed towards different islands according to the previously assigned plan.

And the strongest is of course on the middle island, almost 70% rushed there.

And the people below will not just watch the other side rushing towards them, countless human monsters fly from the island, with all kinds of light on their bodies, and greet everyone in the Sea Clan.

Those silver snowflakes seemed to know which ones were their own. When they approached them, they automatically turned and flew towards the Sea Clan.

As for the Sea Clan, although they were aggressive, they seemed a little more conservative due to Xue Hua's involvement. After the first contact with the attack, they were beaten back steadily by the opponent.

This side is even more imposing. If you want to take advantage of the current situation and chase after it, it would be best to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

At this time, Huanqiao and others from before also rushed forward.

"Four elders, please block each other, it would be best if you can kill one or two of them." You Zhu said immediately.

"No problem! Let the opponent regret attacking my Blue Medicine Sect." The last white-haired old man opened his eyes at this time, and said in a deep voice.

Four beams of light rose from the island one after another, and greeted each other.

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