Gu Zheng looked at the mirror in Pang Po's hand at the end, did he ever think that he brought it here.

"Mr. Gu, this thing looks like a good thing. Wouldn't it be more convenient if we use it to travel or do something with it?" Pang Po said with a chuckle, and then handed over the mirror with both hands.

Gu Zheng understood what the other party meant in an instant, and it was true. This thing is simply a sharp weapon, and it can completely pass through some obstacles. Thinking of this, Gu Zheng also took it.

The light flickered in his hand, and the somewhat large mirror quickly shrank to the size of a palm, and was put away by Gu Zheng.

This mirror is obviously a magic weapon, but you can't feel any breath from the outside, and you can't feel it unless you hold it in your hand.

And there is still a small depression in the back, it seems that it can be hung somewhere, but this thing alone is very useful, I don't know why it is hung there, it seems that it was deliberately separated by someone.

"This teleportation array is broken, it can't be teleported at all." Kun Yu over there came here and ran directly to the teleportation array, but returned disappointed.

"As expected, they will definitely destroy the teleportation circle here. I'll go and see the flames over there." Gu Zheng glanced around and walked directly towards the flames over there.

The raging flames completely blocked the only passage, and even the nearby air was distorted, which was very scary.

Before getting close, the scorching temperature made Gu Zheng frowned. He looked at the side and walked over to cool his heart. He couldn't get close to that side and was forced to stay outside, trying to see if he could destroy it. However, seeing Gu Zheng When you come, stop what you are doing.

A ball of golden light emerged from Gu Zheng's body, and then he forced himself to get closer, but he had to stop. If he was getting closer, he couldn't bear it, and he was still three feet away from the flame.

A ball of golden light emanated from Gu Zheng's hand, but it was a pity that it was burned into nothingness by the scorching flames after only half the distance. It can be seen that the flame is not weaker than the white flame in Gu Zheng's hand.

Gu Zheng thought for a while, and cast several spells one after another, but still couldn't bear the high temperature, and even a spare weapon of Gu Zheng melted into nothingness.

Soon Gu Zheng withdrew, his whole body was a little red, it was burned by the scorching heat, even he couldn't bear the temperature, which shows how powerful the flame is.

"How about using that bead?" Kun Yu leaned over and suggested to Gu Zheng.

He watched everything inside, and he also knew that the bead had the power to cause cold, maybe it was the only way now, and the bead was still suspended in the air, it seemed to be

As for the mirror, there is no place for him to hang it, and Gu Zheng also knows that the ability of the mirror can barely blur a wall. If the wall is too thick, it will be powerless.

Gu Zheng looked at the blue bead, grabbed it in his hand and immediately flew towards him. While holding it in his hand, a gust of frost erupted from the bead, and in the blink of an eye, Gu Zheng turned into a group of lifelike ice sculptures .

When other people saw this scene, they were immediately startled. Fortunately, they didn't touch it privately. They didn't expect that the seemingly harmless Lan Zhu could explode with such terrifying power at this time.

A trace of cracks quickly appeared outside Gu Zheng's body, and soon a small part of the frost outside Gu Zheng melted away, giving him a little freedom.

The next moment, Gu Zheng didn't stop at all, and directly threw the blue palm into the red flames, and then continued to remove the frost from his body.

Just when the blue bead got close to the flames, a layer of blue light spontaneously emerged from the blue bead, exuding a chilling frosty air.

As it quickly approached, the color of the frosty air also turned dark blue, continuing to block the increasingly hotter temperature.


As the blue beads sank into the depths of the flames, it was obvious that large pieces of blue hail rose up in the air. Although they melted into water mist in an instant, they still collided with each other after hitting the fire.

Accompanied by the sound of water mist continuously emerging from the inside, half of the area became foggy, and everyone could feel the temperature around it dropping rapidly.

After waiting for a whole stick of incense, when the flames that filled the sky were still halfway left, they suddenly shrank, and a small red bead stayed in the air, and beside it was the blue bead.

The two beads mirrored each other in the air, flickering at a high speed, and finally stopped slowly, returning to a calm appearance again.

"These two beads will not be together in the first place." Xiaoying also came from behind and said.

Thinking of those two weapons, there is a round hole in the back, and after the black air was dispersed from the blue beads, they immediately helped them deal with the black shadows, and at the last moment, the blue beads gave up their habitat, just to destroy them .

As for the red bead, it seemed that it hadn't withstood the invasion of the black air before, so it was completely taken out by the other party and placed in this area.

Gu Zheng took a few steps forward, looking at the two beads, he always felt that the other party could not just be inlaid on the sword body, if it was really one body, Lan Zhu would not give up his body voluntarily.

A golden light came out of Gu Zheng's hand, and he was ready to grab the blue bead above, but this time, maybe the energy inside had been vented, nothing happened this time, it just fell into the blue bead like an ordinary bead. his palm.

Similarly, the other red bead was also successfully put away by Gu Zheng. After a little feeling, it was the same as the blue bead, but there was still a little evil on it. No matter what, put it away first.

"This place is probably blocked by the other party, and everyone should be more careful next time." Gu Zheng looked at the gathering behind him and said cautiously.

There was this flame before, so the Shura people must not come over.

Everyone nodded solemnly, knowing that they should be more careful next time.

After a stick of incense, Gu Zheng and his group reappeared in a hall, but compared to the one that looked intact before, the entire hall was clearly marked by battles, and the aftermath of the battle was everywhere.

However, in the quiet hall at this time, people were more careful, and everyone even lowered their breath.

Gu Zheng looked around and saw that there were also more than a dozen gates, which gave Gu Zheng a headache. Why are there so many passages built in this place? Could it be that all the countries have been moved in?

However, Gu Zheng can only search one by one, so there is no way.

"You are waiting for me here. I will take Xiaoying with me. I will let you know if there is anything to do. Let me rule out the dangers around me. If there is anything wrong, I will also crush a thing I gave you." Gu Zheng thought for a while. , I feel that it is better to be on the safe side, and I will do a quick search first.

Everyone nodded, and then retreated a little into the passage.

And Gu Zheng quickly moved towards Tan, and first chose the door on the left, but just after entering, Gu Zheng retreated, and it was just a separate room.

It didn't take much time, Gu Zheng quickly looked around and knew that there were three passages leading to unknown places.

The only way it can be sure is the way to Shura, because there is obviously the breath of the Shura downstairs, and it seems that they have just left here, but there is no breath here, and they don't know why the other party came here.

Fortunately, they came a little later, otherwise they would have bumped into each other, and this place is really open in all directions, it is likely to lead to more than one place, so you have to think about it carefully.

And the other two passages didn't know how to lead to Li. After weighing it, Gu Zheng made a decision in his heart.

"Let's go this way first." After Gu Zheng returned to the hall, he found the people hiding in the passage, and moved forward again.

This time they were heading towards the passage on the left, because relatively speaking, there were many people walking here, and there were even some traces of fighting in the passage.

The pair of marks like the sharp claws of wild beasts made everyone a little frightened. They didn't know what kind of monster could leave such deep claw marks on it.

A group of people walked forward, and there were more and more traces around, even some blood that had dried up and soaked into the wall, obviously after a big battle.

While everyone's thoughts were circulating, Gu Zheng and the others left the passage again after a cup of tea. Sure enough, as Gu Zheng expected, it was a very huge hall, twice the size of the previous one.

There are gates of different sizes around, but this time on the gate, there are some black plaques on it, watching where the gate behind the gate leads.

It's just that most of them have been damaged, and few can be recognized.

On the left hand side when they just came in, although the upper part is crooked in half, there are two vigorous and powerful characters written on the library.

Gu Zheng glanced at this huge space, and then walked in.

This library is not very big, and there are crooked bookcases everywhere, and the books in it have long been damaged and have no value.

"What shall we do this time?" Kun Yu asked from the side.

Because there are few passages in the last one, Gu Zheng can quickly check it, but here it is obviously a crossing place, and I am afraid that there are many other paths leading to it.

If Gu Zheng had to act alone, it would probably take a lot of time.

"It's still the same. Let's spread out. This time I'll go to investigate too. Give me the middle part. Xiaoying goes to the right, Kunyu you go to the left, and the rest will be handed over to you two." Gu Zheng listened He also said quickly.

"Remember, if you meet an enemy, don't act rashly, do you understand!" Gu Zheng said with a serious expression.

At this time, they are deep inside each other, if they are really caught by the other party, they will be caught in the urn if they haven't saved their own people.

Gu Zheng is confident to take Xiao Ye to leave here, but they have no hope.

"Understood!" Everyone nodded heavily.

As Gu Zheng flew forward, they also flew towards the places they needed to explore, and soon disappeared in the hall.

Every once in a while, a figure kept coming in and out, and soon every room was explored. Those passages leading to deeper depths, they didn't go in deep, they were marked one by one, and they waited until the end to explore.

But here, after Gu Zheng entered a passage, he only walked forward for a while before standing still, and then remembered this passage. When he was about to go back, a strange sound came to his ears suddenly, as if there were many People shout together.

Gu Zheng knew how stable this place was. Even in the previous battle with the shadow in the lobby, he didn't feel much vibration from one floor away, and he could even ignore it.

Gu Zheng stopped curiously, then advanced and approached cautiously again.

Soon the voice gradually came to Gu Zheng's ears with some clarity.

"Let the arrow!"

"The third team comes forward!"

There was a voice of obvious orders, as if there was an army fighting ahead.

Gu Zheng stepped forward, and soon a hall appeared in front of Gu Zheng. The first thing that caught Gu Zheng's eyes was a row of neat soldiers, wearing uniform cloth armor, and they were acting according to the password of the person in front. .

"Why are there so many soldiers here?" Gu Zheng was very puzzled and continued to move forward.



With a loud shout, the sound of bows and arrows passing through the sky resounded in the air, followed by the sound of many bowstrings trembling.

"Fourth team, the final blow!"

And the soldiers in the last row stepped out ahead, and then raised their bows and arrows one after another, waiting for the order to be issued diagonally above.

Gu Zheng walked towards the front quietly, only to realize that there were nearly a hundred soldiers in this small room, roughly divided into four rows.

And the one at the front should be the school lieutenant who was dressed up, commanding the place, and gave the order again, and soon the sky was full of black feather arrows again, shooting towards the front.

"Rest, this time we wiped out each other again, and defended my Jianling from being attacked." The captain said with satisfaction.

"Never invade, the emperor will win!" The archers shouted three times in unison, and then turned into wisps of black mist and disappeared in front of Gu Zheng.

On the ground, no more, no less, just left a set of cloth armor with the same number of people.

These archers turned out to be transformed by these weapons, which was beyond Gu Zheng's expectation.

However, Gu Zheng also saw what the enemy in front of him was. It was just some black evil spirit condensed due to the special terrain. Now the remaining evil spirit, even a little bit of cultivation, could not affect it. He did not expect these people to face him in the air. Evil Qi launched an attack.

"Who are you! Soldiers appear."

Gu Zheng was stunned, but the school lieutenant was not stunned, and when he turned around, he saw Gu Zheng outside, and immediately shouted.

As it finished speaking, puffs of black smoke rose from the weapons again, and in the blink of an eye one by one bowmen appeared, each of them had slightly pulled the bowstring in their hands, but there were no feathered arrows on them.

A big threat appeared in Gu Zheng's heart. These soldiers, like those black shadows, could not see any cultivation level, but Gu Zheng was sure that the opponent was definitely not a soft persimmon, and could even hurt himself.

"The sword intent of this sword mausoleum is so strong, combined with the strange black water, it can reach such a level." Gu Zheng thought silently in his heart.

On the opponent's weapon, there is obviously a trace of familiar sword intent attached to it, but it can also clearly feel the fragility of the opponent's body, which can even be said to be at the level of an ordinary person.

Thinking about this, Gu Zheng receded towards the back very quickly. The other party was just trapped here because of obsession, so there was no need to pay attention to them, and they would not take the initiative to come out.

"return the team"

As Gu Zheng left, there really wasn't a chase out there.

At this moment, Gu Zheng's expression changed, his speed accelerated again, and he flew towards the hall at top speed.

Because someone crushed Gu Zheng's golden ball, which means something happened outside.

Under Gu Zheng's speedy rush, Gu Zheng left this passage very quickly. As soon as he stepped out of the door, he heard a few angry shouts. A man who was three feet tall and shirtless was fighting Xiaoying and the others.

At this time, Pang Dao and Leng Xin are also besieging each other, but it seems that there is no way to take the opponent.

Although the opponent didn't have a weapon, his body was extremely hard. Gu Zheng saw that Xiaoying sacrificed the nine-storied pagoda and knocked the opponent away, saving Pang Po's life.

But the opponent just turned a few somersaults under the ground, stood up as if nothing had happened, and continued to rush towards them.

"My lord, help, this big guy is too difficult to deal with, we can't deal with it." Xiaoying over there was about to give him a tower, when she saw Gu Zheng rushing out, she shouted immediately.

When the others saw Gu Zheng, they also showed joy, and the offensive in their hands became more violent, making it impossible for the strong man to get close for a while.

Gu Zheng sprinted and rushed out immediately. In the middle of the journey, the weapon in his hand had already emerged. Taking advantage of the opponent's exhaustion to deal with the opponent, he slashed towards the opponent's head.


The opponent suddenly raised his arm at a critical moment, and Gu Zheng's weapon slashed on it, leaving only a shallow white mark. This made Gu Zheng gasp. He didn't expect the opponent's defense to be so amazing. The same magic weapon.

Then the other party roared, raised the other arm, and punched Gu Zheng without fancy.

Gu Zheng flashed quickly, and at the same time, the weapon in his hand shook, and a golden sword shadow swayed in the air, but people couldn't tell which attack was real, and stabbed directly at the opposite eye.

This time, the opponent did not rely on defense to ignore the attack, but took a few steps back, covering his eyes with one hand, while waving the other randomly towards the air, there was no trick at all.

Gu Zheng's heart moved, his figure moved, and then a figure who looked like Gu Zheng appeared in the air, and then continued to attack the opponent.

And specifically attack the opponent's eyes and mouth, where the opponent is afraid.

But Gu Zheng himself went back to the back, watching his phantom intentionally attacking the opponent with falsehoods, but not making contact with the opponent.

And the strong man didn't seem to notice at all, he was still fighting the opponent, protecting his eyes.

"Why did the other party appear here? Where are Kun Yu and the other two?" Gu Zheng asked suspiciously.

"I accidentally released him. The other party was imprisoned in a prison cell. Out of curiosity, I approached him. Who would have thought that the other party was not restrained and came directly to kill me." Xiaoying turned her head and looked at her shoulder. The kitten on the board is a little embarrassed.

"Help!" At this moment, a scream suddenly came from a distance, and then in a passage, Kun Yu and the others flew out of it, and immediately shouted when they saw Gu Zheng.

Before Gu Zheng asked what was going on, a figure appeared behind them again, making Gu Zheng gasp even more.

Compared to this strong man who couldn't see through his cultivation, that man's body revealed a real aura of Da Luo.

"It's really a leak in the house and it rains overnight, what a coincidence." Gu Zheng said a little speechlessly in his heart.

This strong man has not been dealt with yet, so why did he attract such a powerful person.

Didn't those Shura people clean it up? No wonder there are almost no people who see each other here, and they also set up obstacles on some key roads. Why are these filthy monsters here.

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