Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 165 Grand Master's Special Skill (add 1 more for the leader's small pocket)

Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup is different from Sun Er's. He doesn't have a century-old soup, so he can only cook the soup on the spot, which takes a little longer.

After half an hour, the chicken soup in the pressure cooker was almost done. Gu Zheng poured it out and put it in the small pot.

"Have you noticed that green thing just now?"

"I noticed it too, I don't know what it is!"

"His chicken blood soup has very few ingredients. Sun Er has a century-old soup, and he also puts a lot of high-end ingredients in it to get the later taste. He can't do this!"

"No matter what, just wait, you will know the result in a while!"

"I think the taste of this chicken blood soup is not bad. Although Gu Zheng is young, he walks steadily every step of the way. Making chicken blood soup here must have his meaning!"

The judges were all discussing in low voices. Most of the judges will focus on Gu Zheng. There are many topics about Gu Zheng, and it is difficult not to pay attention to him.

In fact, the judges themselves do not know the final scores of the contestants. After they score, all the scores are kept confidential. Afterwards, they can check to see if the organizer has written their own scores indiscriminately.

Generally speaking, such things as tampering with the judges' scores will not happen, and the judges are not stupid, and they will definitely review if they feel wrong. If it is found that someone has tampered with it, the competition will be over.

The chicken blood was divided into smaller pieces by Gu Zhengdu. This time there were not ten judges, but thirty judges. At least one piece of chicken blood was guaranteed for each judge. It was too big.

After the chicken blood is divided, all is poured into the small pot, and a layer of light white mist gradually forms over the small pot.

"what is that?"

"This white mist is so strange!"

"Has any of you seen such a white mist?"

Not only the judges, but also the guest seats, the press seats and the audience seats were discussing there. A cloud of white mist condensed on the pot and did not disperse.

Mr. Gao and Mr. Wu showed smiles. They have all seen this scene, so they naturally knew what was going on, but they didn't expect that the last time the extremely fragrant transformation did not appear by accident, but this time it appeared again, with the extremely fragrant transformation Shape, Na Guzheng's pot of chicken blood soup naturally adds a lot of points.

However, they were still shocked that Gu Zheng could continuously appear in the extremely fragrant form, which showed that Gu Zheng's cooking skills fully met the requirements of the extremely fragrant form, otherwise it would never appear every time.

Once in a while, and appearing every time, the meaning is very different.

Gu Zheng continued to stir the chicken blood soup in the pot, and the rich fairy power seemed to melt into the soup. When he made chicken blood soup before, he was still at the first level, but this time he has advanced to the second level. It is many times stronger than before, and the chicken blood soup made now will taste better and have a stronger fragrance.

Four points for ingredients, four points for cooking skills, and two points for Xianli. Xianli itself is a very important factor in food.

"Chicken, is that what a chicken looks like?"

The white mist on the small pot gradually condensed into the shape of a chicken, and someone with sharp eyes screamed out quickly.

The director also pointed the camera at Gu Zheng. He had a hunch that this time Gu Zheng would bring them another shock. Shocking them meant bringing the same feeling to the audience, which meant an increase in ratings.

"What he did was actually better than before!"

Mr. Wu and Mr. Gao looked at each other, and both could see the surprise in each other's eyes. In the past, the extremely fragrant form of Gu Zheng was just like a fog, and the shape of a chicken was very vague, but now, it can be clearly seen that it is a chicken. chicken.

You can see the shape of the ingredients, which is the real form of extreme fragrance.

"This is the extremely fragrant transformation form!"

Finally someone recognized it, and an older member of the jury stood up all of a sudden, looking very excited.

Extremely fragrant shape?

Many judges were stunned, the same was true for the guest seats, and many people were in a daze for the audience seats.

Many people have heard of the top ten rumors about chefs in history, but they all listened to them as myths and legends. No one has seen the real situation, and no one thought that these rumors are not myths and legends, but true Yes, it can really appear.

When it comes to the transformation of extremely fragrant, many people will think of Yi Ya, who is Yi Ya, he is the patriarch of the chef world, his status is like Confucius and Mencius of Confucianism, and Lu Ban of carpenters. Until now, many chefs still make sacrifices Easy tooth plaque.

In the Chinese Food Competition, Yi Ya will be sacrificed before each competition. Because the Hangzhou Food Competition has no such influence and the government is leading, there is no such step.

The rumored skills of the ancestors, or the divine skills of the ancestors, appeared again, and appeared in front of them, how could they not be excited.

The fog above the Guzheng small pot became more condensed, the chicken head, chicken body, and tail all appeared, like a living chicken, no matter whether they knew it or not, everyone saw this scene It all feels amazing.

"Quickly, find out what's going on with Jixiang's Transformation Form!"

"Prepare a new manuscript, and read it right away!"

"The director has been on the 13th, the host is ready!"

The director didn't know what was going on with the extremely fragrant form, but he was a smart man, and he could understand that this extremely fragrant form was not simple just by looking at the reactions of many people at the scene, so he asked someone to investigate it immediately.

On-site directors need to seize the opportunity and be flexible. This director is very qualified in this regard.

"Extremely fragrant and transformed into shape, one of the top ten rumors in the chef world, the famous stunt of Yi Ya's ancestor!"

Seeing the information obtained, the director's mouth almost dropped in shock. He had a premonition that the background of this extremely fragrant transformation must be quite big, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

The top ten legends, one of the ten legends that have long since disappeared, are also related to the patriarch of the chef world. The release of these two points is enough to attract attention. .

Outside the venue, 4,000 people had gathered, and they all opened their mouths, staring blankly at the projector screen.

The voice of the host's introduction was still ringing. No one spoke at all, and everyone listened quietly. No one thought that the white mist that made them feel so magical just now had such a big origin.

The top ten rumors, rumors that disappeared for a long time, Gu Zheng did not disappoint them, and once again brought them a shock, even the disappearing stunt of the patriarch Gu Zheng can reappear, what else can he not do?

In the venue, Sun Er was a little silly, but also full of jealousy.

He has been making chicken blood soup for so many years, and he has never had an extremely fragrant transformation, but he did not expect Gu Zheng to appear here, which made him a little crazy with jealousy.

Soon, his complexion changed again, and he had a very bad feeling about the extremely fragrant shape. With the extremely fragrant shape, the judges will definitely take care of the scores. At least in terms of fragrance and shape, Gu Zheng It will get a full score, and the legendary stunt of the patriarch has appeared, so it is unreasonable not to give a full score.

No matter how good Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup tastes, it may exceed the score he made for the braised chicken this time. If the total score of the two times is added, it may also beat him. If that is the case, he will lose.

Thank you for the reward of 100,000 yuan from the lord Xiaopocket, and thanks to 77 White Bear for the reward of the monthly pass. The leader’s reward needs to be added, and today!

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