Gu Zheng watched Man Tian launch an attack, and retreated his whole body to the back again, leaving them enough space.

With the defense of the dragon cover below, coupled with his own care, it will never hurt innocent people.

The big one on the left is a huge ape-like creature, while the one on the right is a weasel-like creature. If you only look at the outside, you will only regard the opponent as a powerful monster. It is impossible to imagine that the lifelike body is actually made of different fabrics. , by mixing some special substances.

But if it is Xiao Qiao's opponent, it will be a heavy price to pay.

Xingkong and Mantian have fought together, and even discussed some cultivation experiences with each other, so they naturally know each other's strengths.

Throwing the gourd in his hand upwards slightly, two streams of black air continued to emerge from it. In the blink of an eye, two groups of dark human figures appeared in the air, and rushed towards the two cloth puppets respectively.

And this is not a game, more black air is coming out from the side, lingering around the top of the head and gathering quickly, it seems that it is waiting to strike later.

With a slight movement of Man Tian's hands, a series of phantoms flew up in front of him, controlling the puppets like invisible silk threads, and the cloth puppets above his head also rushed towards the opposite side at the same time.

The fox on this side turned around nimbly in the air, bypassed the side like lightning, and did not take over at all, while the huge ape over there let out a roar, and a huge fist condensed black light and hit heavily towards the shadow.

With the sound of a collision, the black air all over the sky scattered in the air, and the ape directly passed through the black air and continued to rush forward.

At the position behind them, the three cloth puppets also followed closely behind. From the beginning, they were ready to defeat the opponent with all their strength, and they did not hold back at all.


With a slight tremor, a black net shield suddenly rose in front of the starry sky, each small grid was entangled with thin black columns of thick and weak arms, and in the intersecting grid in the middle, puddles of black water Ripple in it.

The fox itself sprang forward at a very high speed. At the moment when the black net was formed, it didn't notice it at all, and it bumped into it in an instant, and its whole body stuck to it.


A series of corroding sounds sounded from the air, and before Man Tian controlled it back, the fox emitted a puff of white smoke with a bang, and a somewhat tattered fox fur-like cloth fell from the air.

It's just that there have been many finger-like holes on it, obviously the loss is too great, it seems that it can't be used at all, and the angry face on the sky is even more serious.

The phantom in the hand in front of him was even more connected into a ball, and those cloth puppets seemed to be separate and independent individuals, scattered slightly and attacked each other.

But the starry sky over there jumped into the sky, came to the back of the gourd, and slapped it lightly, black runes lit up on the gourd, and the next moment a large amount of black water sprayed from the mouth of the gourd, like a goddess scattered Flower-like splatters on black grid.

The next moment, the black water in the middle of the grid flashed, and quickly condensed into black water spheres that floated up from it, revealing the black cover full of holes behind it.

However, thousands of black water polos also appeared in the air, and accompanied by a sudden scream, they rushed towards Mantian.

The first to bear the brunt are the puppets on the road, all of them are shrouded in it, and they cannot be avoided.

The ten-foot-tall cloth puppet that looked like a stone statue suddenly stopped in the air. Its arms were suddenly raised to cover itself, and the two huge arms began to extend rapidly, forming a defensive line. The apes behind him and other cloth puppets were all enveloped.

"Boom boom boom"

Those black water balls hit the huge cloth puppet, and with the flash of silver light, they burst one by one, turning into balls of black water covering the body.

And more black water polos have already flown behind, shooting towards the sky densely.

Seeing this, Mantian didn't panic. He turned his palms into fists and punched out in front of him. A transparent shield of ripples appeared in front of him, ready to withstand this wave of attacks.

But at this time, Gu Zheng behind him suddenly moved, and he stepped forward directly, and the next moment he appeared directly on the side of Man Tian, ​​and then he stretched out his palm and waved it in front of him, a huge golden palm suddenly appeared in the air, With extremely domineering fluctuations, he walked towards those black balls.

"Da Luo!" Xingkong's pupils suddenly shrank, and he shouted in surprise.

The next moment, without seeing the attack at all, the whole person reached out and grabbed the gourd in front of him, turning into a black smoke and rushing towards the distance.

"Stay here for me!" Lu Tian, ​​who was hiding around, was waiting for this moment, when his figure suddenly appeared from the air, and a ten-foot-large sword energy fell across the sky, pointing directly at the path that the black energy must pass through.

As long as the other party delays for a while, the other party will definitely not be able to escape.

But the black mist didn't dodge or evade at all, it was directly split in half by the huge sword energy, and turned into two pieces of black energy and dissipated in the air. , looking in other directions.

In the other direction, there was actually a streak of black air, fleeing towards the distance in the opposite direction, and he had no time to stop it after such a delay, and he didn't even know how the other party had hidden it from his eyes just now, under his nose Forcibly being teased.

But at this time, the huge palm was like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, sweeping away those black balls, and even took advantage of the opportunity to completely smash the black net left in the air.

"Want to run?" Gu Zheng also yelled, and stretched out his hand to grab ahead, the giant palm suddenly accelerated, leaving a golden trace in the air, and grabbed the opponent at a high speed.


The black smoke trembled all over, leaving a black smoke with exactly the same breath on the spot, the whole thing accelerated again, and disappeared in the eyes of their crowd at the next glance.

And that giant palm held the bait he left behind in the palm of his hand, forming a golden prison to trap the opponent.

But what's the use? At this moment, the other party's aura has long been lost, and this method of embedding flowers and trees has not been distinguished even at the moment when the sky is full.

"Damn it, let him run away." All over the sky looked at the badly damaged huge cloth puppet, the small pits and holes on its body corroded by black water, and whether the other party had caused any damage, and said a little angrily.

"Forget it, after this encounter, the other party will definitely not come again, even if he comes again, he will just die." Gu Zheng comforted him, but he did not catch up.

"It's cheap for him. When we meet next time, I will definitely get back this face." Man Tian was unwilling, this time it could only be like this.

"When you advance to Da Luo, the opponent is definitely not your opponent, let's go back first!" Gu Zheng greeted Lu Tian to come back, and said to Man Tian again.

"Oh oh oh oh"

At this time, cheers soaring to the sky suddenly rose from below. Gu Zheng looked down, and it turned out that Hai Tiantao had closed the protection of the dragon cover, and he had been paying attention to the people above. Cheered, venting the joy in my heart.

And the team of thousands of people in the distance also slowly appeared in the sky, but even if these people come back, they will be despised by everyone, after all, their behavior is really shameless.

And at this time, Hai Tiantao's figure also flew up from below, bowing to the three of Gu Zheng from a long distance in the air, as if he didn't care about his identity, not to mention there were so many people watching below.

"Thank you, Senior Shangxian, for helping us. All the citizens of Yunmeng Country are very grateful. I have already prepared a banquet. Senior, please do me a favor and let us repay you a little."

The attitude was very respectful, and he still maintained the posture of prostrating.

Lu Tian didn't care, Man Tian also looked at Gu Zheng, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Okay, then lead the way." Gu Zheng didn't refuse, and agreed to follow the trend.

This time, the guests and hosts had a good time, and the city lords of other cities had already rushed towards this side with their troops before they started fighting. They all rushed over.

Everyone is happy, and here I also saw a Mantian living in seclusion in the back. As for Gu Zheng, they are even more flattering, the worldly way is really good.

Of course, Gu Zheng also understood what the other party was thinking, but he didn't say anything, and responded to the other party.

When Gu Zheng and the others came out and returned to the tower again, the guard had been waiting on the bottom floor for a long time.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting, what's the matter?" When the guard came, he sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng, asking him to come here after the end, and Gu Zheng refused the residence arranged by the other party. .

"It's okay, I have something to tell my lord. Now that you have awakened, my mission has been completed, and we will close the last stronghold here." The guard also shook his head indifferently, but what he said made Man Tian a shock.

"Didn't you say to keep it here before? Why did you start to retreat again? Did something happen down here?" Man Tian asked immediately.

"There are some things I can't tell you. I'm sorry, but before that, we will take out a huge amount of supplies, which is enough for this place to be completely self-sufficient. As for the magic weapon above, it can still be used. As long as there are constant believers here, we can still do it for ten thousand years." Arrived." The guard said slowly, it seemed that it was something that had been decided long ago.

"Forget it, this must be the meaning below, don't ask any more, do you have anything to explain?" Gu Zheng stopped Man Tian from continuing to ask, and asked instead.

"No, if possible, after I contacted the following, I started preparing to evacuate."

The guard's answer was somewhat beyond Gu Zheng's expectations. He thought that the friends below would give him a few words, but it seemed that he didn't have time.

"Then you act, I just need to stay here for a while." Gu Zheng said with a sigh.

"Mr. Gu, thank you for saving your life, but I have important things to do, so I can't stay here any longer." Just as the guard walked away, Lu Tian beside him said the same.

"Since you have something to do, then I won't hold you back, and see you later." Gu Zheng didn't say much, watching Lu Tian nod to himself, and left here.

"Master Gu, I'll wait for you to leave and I'm leaving." Seeing Gu Zheng looking over, Man Tian immediately said.

"Oh, if that's the case, you and I will renovate this tower together." Gu Zheng smiled lightly, thinking about what happened just now, he thought about whether to get involved.

I can only talk about it when the time comes. If I have nothing else to do, it doesn't hurt to go there.

"No problem, what do I need to do?" Man Tian here agreed.

In the next six months, as the huge amount of materials continued to be shipped out from here, earth-shaking changes took place inside the tower.

With the efforts of Gu Zheng and Man Tian, ​​the entire tower turned into a small cave heaven and blessed place relying on the dragon cover above. For the human cultivators here, it is definitely a place for cultivation.

As the guards bid farewell to them, Gu Zheng and the others stayed for another half a year. After they were completely finished, they left here without leaving a word.

There is only one holy place for these human beings to practice. In this difficult world, there is a visible hope.

In an ancient underground cave, there is a gloomy-looking room, and the mottled walls around it can be seen that there are many thoughts.

Amidst the flickering candles around, a man and a woman looked at each other in the middle of the room, and the fragrance in the middle had been cold for an unknown amount of time.

At this moment, one of the men suddenly spoke.

"You are also involved, what is it for!"

"Since you guessed it in your heart, why should I say it? We don't want to ask you what you think. We only need a part of the space to sharpen the warriors in our clan. I don't know if the adult behind you can agree. Years have passed, and our patience is limited! Otherwise, we will find another place."

A nice woman's voice echoed in the cave, but no one wanted to approach her because of the cold voice.

"My lord is very happy to cooperate with you in principle, but you also have to make sure that if the exit is opened this time, help us defend this place as much as you can." The man didn't care about the frost in the woman's eyes, and said slowly Said.

"This time we spent a lot of energy to activate this somewhat dangerous place. If we fail, we will not have the energy to go up for a long time." The man leaned forward slightly, as if to express his importance to this place.

"No problem, some time ago we were chasing and killing some defectors, and we got something by accident, which is enough for you to suppress this sword mausoleum, so that you have the energy to go over there and try your best to get the jade seal that you dreamed of."

The woman held Qianqian's jade palm, and a pure white jade pen was hanging on a red string, but at this time, a layer of colorful blisters wrapped tightly around it, imprisoning the other party.

It was just a jade pen, and the aura exuding from it made the two of them hold their breath, and they didn't dare to look directly at it, and this thing was just a decorative item on the sword.

"Enough, with it, we can completely suppress the rioting Sword Tomb again, so as not to attract others' attention. In this case, it doesn't matter if we can't find the sword when the jade seal over there is completely found. With yours Help, we don't need that sword to cut a gap and continue to send people out." The man's eyes became a little fanatical, but he quickly forced himself to suppress it, and then he said.

"Then do you need to put him in? You must know that once you put it in, the mechanism that you used to fall asleep with tricks before will be reopened. You are very restrained here, and you haven't seen the imperial tomb yet." Done, there is simply not enough manpower."

At this time, the woman picked up the tea that had been cold for a long time, and with a glimmer of light in her hand, the firewood water began to steam again, and then she continued to take a sip.

"It's not that there are you, so we are very relieved, Miss Pan is so happy to cooperate." The man stood up with a smile, and stretched out his hand towards the other party.

"Then Master Chi, we are happy to cooperate." Miss Pan's Wannian Frost's face also showed a smile, like a spring breeze, but she didn't reach out her hand, which made the other side slightly stunned.

"Then let's prepare. All our people will evacuate here and put them in together at that time." Master Chi didn't care, took his hand back and continued.

A month later, in the depths of the cave, there was a place that looked no different from an ordinary cave, it was empty, only in the middle there was a granite color that was different from the others, and there were relatively large brown rocks on top.

The whole rock is covered with red patterns, and on the top, a small crack runs directly from it to the bottom, as if something was originally inserted here.

Miss Pan and Lord Chi were standing in front of this stone at this moment, looking at this simple stone without any intention of despising it.

Because they are so expensive that they can't lift this stone, let alone smash it, the counterattack hidden inside may cause them to fall even if they are not careful.

"Be careful, you'll laugh if you get hurt." Over there, Pan Xuan watched Master Chi walking towards the front, ready to put the jade pen in his hand on it, raised a shield, and said involuntarily.

"Don't worry, I'm a little different from them, this magic-breaking power can't hurt me."

While Master Chi was talking, he slowly put down the colorful bubbles in his hand, but his body was already overflowing with light, and he was well protected, so it could be seen that he was still a little worried.

Here, when the air bubble landed in a groove above, the light on the body of the jade inside suddenly shone brightly, and the red pattern on the rock below also shone brightly. Under the mutual reflection of the two, the air bubble that besieged it burst instantly. , and Yu Fan also just fell into the groove.

"Swish Swish Swish"

All of a sudden, around the rock, streams of murderous sword energy suddenly appeared in the air, and the slightly transparent blade trembled slightly in the air, illuminating the entire cave to be snow-white, as if falling into a strange state. Down.

"Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved. I really want to see if the power of the real fairy sword is as strong as the rumors. It is not inferior to the Xiantian Lingbao, and even stronger!"

The two who had left the cave a long time ago, looked at the fluctuations in their hearts that made their hearts tremble, Master Chi couldn't help praising.

"Maybe we have surrendered that sword before you fully come up, so don't regret it then." Miss Pan said still coldly.

"Haha, how come, as long as you don't use that sword against us, we are allies after all, but you have to be careful here, don't lose too many people."


The whole bottom began to vibrate slightly, and breaths began to rise slowly

Seeing this, Master Chi turned around and walked outside, and disappeared after a few turns, leaving the other party alone here.

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