
The gate on one side of the wall was violently broken open. After half a day's work, Xingba and his team finally came to the back. There is only one gate here, and there is another gate in the other direction, leading to different directions.

According to You Hao, there should be spirit grass and some rare spirit beasts in captivity over there. I don’t know how many years they have been raised by the black dragon. Thinking about the countless hundreds of thousands of years of elixir over there, even the star bully Heartbroken.

However, his own task is still important, so let's wait for another opportunity, because only in this way can we completely get rid of the intrusion of black air.

Success is also black gas, and failure is also black gas.

With the appearance of black energy, the number of human masters has greatly increased, but they are also trapped, and they cannot go to the wider world outside. If they can really succeed, all of them can leave here no matter what.

Completely free from the troubles of black air, even if everyone opposes him, he will take away those who agree.

Without his protection, human beings like them would not be able to survive here smoothly, and they had to leave if they didn't leave.

After opening the gate, a new path appeared in front of them, but the path was very special, as if it was a layer of cloud and mist, and there was an empty void on both sides, as if it was crossing the sky.

As long as you leave here, you will leave the Black Dragon Palace completely, as if you can't come back.

"Master Xing, this is the only way to throw it into the backyard. What you want is also in a secret room at the back. If Master Gu hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known." You Hao said in disbelief beside him.

"What exactly is it?" Ma Zhu asked curiously from the side.

"Master Black Dragon's" As soon as You Hao opened his mouth, he saw Xingba glaring at him, and quickly said, "You'll know when we get there, besides, we won't need it, so don't be curious about good things."

"Then let's go, it looks like it will take a while." Xingba said to everyone next to him.

Let's talk, Xingba stepped in, followed by Xingcai, and walked in one by one.

Under the reflection of the golden clouds in the sky, it got farther and farther away from the Black Dragon Palace until it disappeared.

At the end of their path, there is a huge courtyard, as big as a small country, it can be seen how large the area is, there are densely packed rooms in it, and in one of the hidden places, two groups of people are looking at each other with swords drawn.

"Candle Soul, you have already led everyone out by helping the other party, and now you have allowed the other party to enter the Black Dragon Palace. Do you know the consequences?" Among the crowd on the left, the frontmost person whose figure was completely blocked by a black robe pointed at him. He shouted at the other party.

"Of course I know. Otherwise, why would I be here? I didn't say that you diehards and my great messenger are really stubborn. I always wonder why I was like you before." Zeng and Gu Zhu Hun, who had met once, threw a gleaming throwing knife in his hand, and said with some disdain.

"You are really ashamed of the adult's adoption of you. Your soul has gone to hell. How could you face him." The messenger said a little excitedly, and took off his black robe and hat, revealing the same youthful expression. The face, but the face is full of indignation.

"I admit the lord's kindness to me, that's why I left when he was practicing kung fu and died. I tried my best, how about you? Otherwise, I would have left long ago. Disrespectful, my lord has been reincarnated a long time ago, and he won't wait for me at all." The flying knife in Zhu Hun's hand was held in his hand, and he said in a gloomy voice.

It can be heard that his heart is still full of respect for adults, and no one can insult him.

"You" the envoy wanted to say something, but he couldn't refute it, and finally said angrily, "No matter what, what you committed is worth dying for. You opened up all kinds of things in the middle for them, and even sabotaged our actions. If you are caught, we will never let you go, you traitors will die."

As soon as the messenger's words fell, the many black robes behind them looked at this side with murderous intent.

The opposite side was also dressed in a black robe, which looked the same, but there was a red flower embroidered on the arm, which was very conspicuous and made the two teams distinct.

"It's ridiculous, I'm calling you brother for the last time. Of course, I deliberately let you find this place. Only in this way can you attract all your attention, so that no one will make trouble. Let's take Master Black Dragon. The remaining body, when the time comes, the soul and body will merge into one, at least 70% of the strength of the black dragon, at that time, those wild places will not matter."

Candle Soul laughed and said, with a look of winning.

"What! You found that one." The messenger's face was constantly changing, and he didn't expect that the last opponent would also be found by the other party.

"Of course, your cover looks perfect, but under the search of the three Da Luo peaks, the defense was destroyed together. This time it's your turn, let's fight to the death." The dark illusion suddenly brightened.

Moreover, the far less solid ground also turned yellow like quicksand, and even the entire surrounding space became blurred, and soon turned into a desert area.

"Haha, I deliberately tricked you to come here. Of course, I won't let you leave so easily. This time without outside help, this place will not change within seven days. We have plenty of time." Candle Soul said with a cold smile, Then he waved his hand and said in their direction.

"Destroy them, and with adults backing us up, everyone will surely flourish in the future."



As soon as Zhuhun's words fell, everyone behind him shouted in unison and rushed towards each other.

And the envoy was not to be outdone, although he didn't recognize this formation, but he had to defeat the opponent first, and the people behind him also rushed towards the opponent.

The lowest level of cultivation on both sides is the early stage of Golden Immortal, and halfway through, a bright light emerged from each of them, and they bombarded each other.

When dry wood meets raging fire, a ferocious attack is launched immediately in this hot desert area.


The entire space exploded continuously, and attacks continued to explode beside the desert area. The yellow sand in the sky continued to fly in the air, but before it really rose, it was blown to the periphery by the violent and unnecessary wind in the air, but the ground The hole that was blown up was filled with sand again in a blink of an eye.

Dense figures flashed back and forth in the entire space, and from time to time people on both sides vomited blood and were sent flying. For minor injuries, they swallowed pills to fight, and for serious injuries, they forced themselves to hide behind and quickly recovered. At the same time, they were vigilant against those who wanted to The enemy to attack.

Here the envoy and Zhu Hun also fought together. Although the envoy had practiced for a long time, but Zhu Hun was very talented and his strength was not inferior to him. The two also fought fiercely.

However, the two belong to the same kind of kung fu, and it is really difficult to tell the winner if they know the basics.

"Your people, at most one day, will be completely useless. I'll see what you do then." During the battle, the messenger said to Candle Soul.

The people he leads are all elites, and their overall strength is far superior to the opponent's. It can be seen from the very beginning of contact.

"Hehe, do you think I care about them? Most of them are abandoned sons, understand?" Candle Soul smiled strangely, and just passed through sound transmission.

"What?" The envoy didn't think of this at all, and the person who wanted to tell the other party probably wouldn't believe it at all, so he could only step up his offensive and try to gain some advantage, so as not to change.

After just half a day, less than half of the people present were still fighting. At least a dozen people had completely fallen here, but more were still injured.

"Haha, I won't play with you guys anymore, just enjoy the rest of the time here." All of a sudden, Candle Soul and the other party suddenly separated, and then quickly retreated towards the back, and when they came to the back, three people were injured. In the crowd, he smiled at the messenger, and then crushed a pink spar in his hand.

With a layer of pink light covering the four of them, before the messenger could react, the four of them disappeared in front of everyone, with only a little pink light still flickering around.

Not only the emissary was stunned, but the other side was also stunned. His own coach ran away. Leaving them here, this group of soldiers, wouldn't it mean abandoning them.

"You people, just obediently continue to be nourishment. It is also an honor for you to become a part of the black dragon's body."

Just when everyone was still stunned, a crisp female voice suddenly sounded in the air, and said to them gloatingly.

"Master Ren, I have completed this mission. Some of the flesh and blood of these people is enough to activate the black dragon's remnant body, so let's take our leave first." At this time, the voice of Candle Soul also came from the air.

"Idiot, I'm driving a magic circle here, well, I know, these are enough, and I will tell you the credit." The voice called Master Ren sounded again.

Immediately there was a rustling sound, and soon there was no sound again.

The people who were abandoned by Zhu Hun over there looked ashen at this time, and they didn't want to fight with each other. They went back one after another and began to heal their wounded. Soon there were yelling voices coming from that side. They never expected this scene.

"creak creak"

When the envoys here also went back to gather together to break through the magic circle, suddenly there was a strange sound, and a large pink light suddenly rose on the ground, and as the surface of the desert began to surge, strange-shaped plants came from below. rising.

The most common one is a kind with blooming flowers on its head. Its body looks like a human being, but its height is less than half of the normal one. It only has two claws that look like crabs in its hands, and there are several dancing tails behind it. A budding flower bud.

The rest is a dark green caterpillar, which looks very disgusting. Most of them hide in the desert and rush out to attack at the right time.

This kind of creature is several times more numerous than them in total. Although it is slightly weaker in terms of combat power, if you kill one, another will emerge from the bottom, rushing out continuously, and soon there will be sacrifices there.

A person who was too seriously injured and unconscious, Qing Chong found an opportunity and dragged him away from below in an instant, which also made everyone more vigilant under their feet.

While a group of people were fighting fiercely here, a group of people also came over not far from here.

"Is this right?" Xingba looked at the ordinary room in front of him, and couldn't imagine that the ancestors lived here.

"Yes, don't look at the inconspicuous appearance of this place. In the past, at least elders could live here, but it's not a day or two to be deserted." You Hao said in his mouth. Then I helped him push the door and enter.

Inside is an ordinary family, and the old furniture is still placed, still brand new.

"You guys wait outside for a while."

Xingba left a sentence, and then walked in, looked around, watched You Hao start to grope in the room, as if he wanted to find the hidden secret room, while Xingcai and the others stayed outside.

"Let's look to the side. It's boring anyway. It's okay to rummage here." Xing Cai looked around, very interested. Although there was no magic weapon here, it had the customs left over from the past.

"Well, it's okay, this place has been abandoned for a long time. If it wasn't for the special place, it might have been destroyed by now." Ma Zhu replied to her.

"Why don't you guys come with me." Xingcai invited them to be together, feeling a little bored by herself.

"I'm here waiting for Mrs. Xing and the others. How about this, Ma Lian, you go with Ms. Xingcai and protect her, so that I can also know your position at any time through induction." Ma Zhu said after thinking for a while.

As a twin sister, she has a special sense, and can know the approximate location of the other party within a certain distance.

"Okay." Ma Lian also said happily, at least it's better than standing here, it's also the first time for her to come to this place, and she's also curious.

"We are near here, we will never go far, we can hear it in our lifetime." Xingcai said loudly to Ma Zhu. At the same time, he also let his father know his whereabouts.

After talking about Xingcai, she pulled the curtain of the horse and walked towards the side together. Speaking of which, her cultivation base is one level higher than theirs, and it is not certain who will protect who.

And here Xingba didn't ask Xingcai either, a dark room here has been opened by You Hao, and all the dark doors appeared in front of Xingba.

"Master Xing, it should be inside. If what Master Gu said is correct, the last bottle is inside." You Hao said from the side, without any intention of going in.

"Okay, it seems that the rumors are true. If you didn't lead the way, I might not be able to find it. Thank you so much." Xingba already felt a familiar and unfamiliar atmosphere inside, and couldn't help but said a little excitedly.

"Master Xing is polite, this is what I should do. Compared with what Mr. Gu is going to do, our position is insignificant." You Hao said flattered, anyway, the other party is at least a big Luo, thank him, It is indeed rare.

Xingba didn't speak, and walked into the dark room, just thinking about what Gu Zheng was doing, and they didn't say anything along the way, but it must have looked dangerous.

After a while, Xingba also came out from inside, feeling the small bottle of black dragon's blood in his arms, at this time his purpose has been completed.

Although it looks like a lot, in fact there is only one drop inside, sealed in this special vial, and kept intact.

This is not ordinary blood, it is almost similar to fine blood, it is estimated that this is the last remaining blood of the black dragon.

"Where are they? If there is nothing else, we are going to go out." Xingba said to Ma Zhu as soon as he came out with You Hao, looking around, he did not find any trace of them.

"They're in the block in front, very close to here. I'll take the adults there." Ma Zhu here closed her eyes, and with a little perception, she knew their location.

When the three of them found Xingcai, they thought they were still wandering around at first, but found that the two on the opposite side were standing on a roof, while Ma Zhu was lying on the roof with a serious expression as if listening to something.

"What's the matter?" Xingba stood beside them and listened intently, but didn't notice any movement.

"Ma Lian heard some voices. It seems that a large-scale battle is taking place somewhere, but she can't hear it clearly alone." Xingcai whispered.

Ma Zhu here also flew up quietly. Seeing her younger sister like this, her palm lit up with a slight white light, and she put her hand on the other's shoulder.

The Ma Lian who was frowning here suddenly relaxed, his head tilted forward slightly, and his eyes were closed tightly, as if he was confirming something.

It took half a cup of tea, Ma Lian's eyes opened suddenly, a gust of blood spewed out of her mouth, and the breath from her body descended extremely quickly, not only her, but also Ma Zhu behind her was bleeding from the corners of her mouth, her body He leaned softly to the side, and Xingcai hurriedly grabbed him, so he didn't fall.

"What's wrong?" Xingba looked around, but found nothing, and didn't know who hurt them.

Ma Zhu panted and pointed to Ma Lian, signaling that she knew everything.

After Ma Lian swallowed a elixir, he waited for a while and said anxiously.

"I saw Master Heilong's remnant body, and Mu Shishi, who are being trapped by the other side." Ma Lian opened his mouth and said, blood was flowing from his mouth, and he didn't care to wipe it, and directly knelt on the roof facing Xingba down.

"Master Xing, please help us. The other party is a member of the demon clan. He must use the remnant body of the black dragon to do some conspiracy. Don't let the other party defile the body of Lord Black Dragon, please."

The black dragon remnant!

Xingba had never heard of it at all, and thought that they would all condense into the Black Dragon Avenue in the end, but thinking of his father's teachings to him when he was a child, he would still agree even if the other party didn't tell him.

It seems that when the other party snooped, he was discovered by the other party and suffered a backlash.

"Okay, what is the opponent's strength?" Xingba looked at the two next to him, also beseechingly, and said immediately.

"The other party's cultivation base is the same as yours. There is only one person. Just try your best. If you can really get back the black dragon's body, then you are the benefactor of all of us." Ma Lian said quickly.

"Okay!" Xingba directly agreed.

In an empty backyard, Ren Xue was suspended in the air, looking through the ground to see the fight in the dark room below, as if enjoying a performance.

Everyone below who dies will be silently integrated into the nearby desert, everything will be decomposed, all will be absorbed by a black magic circle on the ground, transformed into clouds of black mist, and flow towards the hill-like body in the middle. enter.

With the influx of black mist, the surface of the originally dull body also had some blood, and everything was moving in the expected direction.

Since I took the elixir given by the lord, I have recovered at least 80% of my physical strength. I am so lucky. I never thought that the lord is still here. This time, I may be able to realize my original wish.


Ren Xuexia raised her head suddenly, and roared into the distance.

"You dare to pollute Lord Black Dragon's remnant body with blood. You deserve death. Stop immediately and let the people below come out." Xingba looked at the other party, and from his own memory, he knew the other party's identity and this A fierce battle is inevitable.

"Oh? It looks a little familiar, maybe a descendant of an old man? Leave quickly, or you will be rude." Ren Xue took a closer look, but she felt a little familiar.

Xingba didn't speak again, the black knife had already been taken out again, and he pointed at the other party with one hand to express his intentions.

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