In a dilapidated village, near the edge, dozens of blue beams of light are still shooting straight into the sky, but the light and size have shrunk a lot. If no one asks, I am afraid that in a few months, the blood energy will be exhausted. Then it will completely dissipate.

As a figure flew into the air, and then quickly circled under the beam of light, all signs in the sky disappeared.

"Young master Gu, don't be angry. Although it took a lot of effort, we are not ruling out this place." Xingcai shouted at Gu Zheng in the sky.

Just now they stayed inside for some time, and after a little search, they found that this place is a place for retreat. It's just a coincidence that Ziyi has also been here before.

But Xingcai also understood the depression in Gu Zheng's heart. Who made this retreat place so well protected? At first, she thought that the place she was looking for was also here.

"I know, let's go back and find other directions!" Gu Zheng cheered up and got rid of those little emotions in his heart.

This is less than a day, and there is no waste of time.

The two quickly returned to the previous hall along the route. Since the middle position was ruled out, only two passages on the left and right were left.

"You choose, where we go this time, I think your luck is not bad." Gu Zheng looked back and forth among the four passages, but he still couldn't see which one was the correct one.

"Me? Well, let's choose this one!" Xingcai pointed to herself in surprise, looked at Gu Zheng's serious look, and then pointed to her right side and said.

"Let's go!" Gu Zheng didn't hesitate at all, and walked directly towards that side. Anyway, he walked through all the four passages, and he didn't believe he couldn't find it.

Walking in this long and narrow passage, Gu Zheng suddenly spoke.

"I wonder why you chose this side? Intuition?"

"No, because it's easy for me to remember where I've been." Xingcai glanced at Gu Zheng and felt that he was telling the truth.

The first one on the right hand side is really not easy to forget.

Gu Zheng paused, and then continued to walk quickly as if nothing had happened. Anyway, he was not sure, and it didn't matter which one, but he didn't think it was the reason.

This channel is not as long as before, but it also wastes a lot of their time.

When they came to this end, they saw a super huge hall appearing in front of them, but it was empty, and the height of the whole hall was also abnormally high. They knew what it was for, and there was no gate here, so the two returned itching.

"Look, my luck is not as good as yours." Xingcai whispered on the road.

"It's okay, you decide the next one!" Gu Zheng didn't care, so there were only three left.

"Then let's take the second one on the right, so that the exploration on the right side will be finished." Xingcai said.

After the two came out, they went straight to the second passage above, but just after going deeper, their figures stopped suddenly.

On the wall next to them, some dim blood that had dried up and stained the wall appeared in front of them. Although so much time had passed, Gu Zheng still seemed to be able to smell a bloody smell blowing towards his face.

"It seems that there have been a lot of battles here!"

The two figures walked forward again, but the speed was much slower. As they moved forward, there were signs of potholes on the solid wall next to them, and blood was everywhere, Xingcai said with a little fear.

With such a tragic situation, one can feel the brutality of the battle at that time.

You must know that the strength here is very strong. She tried it just now, even if she could only make a dent on it with all her strength, every wall was twice as strong as hers, and some of them seemed to be hit by sharp weapons, leaving deep holes on it. Take a bite.

"Be careful, who knows what will be left here." Gu Zheng said with a serious face, it seems that this time he found a place, and it is very likely that Ren Xue is deep inside.

With a cautious attitude, the two slowly explored towards it, and it took a full half a day before they walked out of this passage. When they came out, both of them were shocked.

In the hall in front of him, there are countless corpses entangled here, and there are even some ferocious strange beasts. Their bodies are not destroyed, and they maintain their postures before they were alive. They seem to be able to move at any time.

But what made the two of them feel a little relieved was that all these strange corpses had already died. No matter how hideous and terrifying they were now, they would not rise up to attack again now.

Opposite them, there is a half-open gate, the more corpses are on the way to the gate, there is almost no place to step down.

And the bones at the bottom are equally powerful as they get there. Basically, the people and demons who died at the door are almost all the existence of the peak of Jinxian.

The two approached carefully, and finally had to clear a path. Xingcai didn't want to step on their dead bodies.

Gu Zheng gestured to Xingcai to let her stay behind a little bit, and went forward to hold the door that was not opened.

You can still see the remaining restrictions on it, but it has been destroyed now. Gu Zheng touched the cold door with his hand, and with a slight force, with a bang, the whole door slowly opened towards the back.

The bright light gradually leaked out as he pushed away.

After the heavy door was completely pushed open, the scene inside was revealed.

A relatively spacious hall appeared in front of them, but it was also messy and messy, and the original appearance could not be seen. We could only make a general judgment. Although there should be fewer corpses than here, it can also be seen that it was a tragic battle.

But the one that attracted them the most was the one in the innermost one, whose flower diameter fully reached the top one, but most of them had withered, leaving only the last two weary flowers, unopened flower buds.

At the bottom, there is a corpse that has lost most of its bones, and it seems that it has been used as nourishment to maintain this state.

And this flower is the only creature with signs of life here.

"This is the demon clan who wants to help you? It looks very evil." Xingcai said with a look of disgust, obviously plundering other people's lives to sustain herself.

Needless to say, the bone below must be Da Luo of the human race, and only it can provide her with strength.

"However, this is her behavior. I only want our work to be completed, and we will not interact with each other in the future." Gu Zheng said to Xingcai.

Although he can't see such behavior, but these are not important at this time.

The other party had sworn to the soul contract that they would not attack all of them, or else they would burn themselves to death from the inside out without their hands.

"I know, I will hold back." Xingcai nodded, of course she knew the importance of this matter.

"But I have to find a way to wake them up." Gu Zheng found Ren Xue's remnant body at this time, but he couldn't contact her.

"Why don't you try getting closer? Maybe the other party will wake up naturally if they feel it." Xingcai looked at Gu Zheng with a sad face, and said again.

"It's a good idea, I'll try it!" Gu Zheng's eyes lit up, and he felt that Xingcai's words were right, so he strode towards that side directly.

Just after walking halfway, Gu Zheng noticed that the flower vine trembled, as if sensing something.

When Gu Zheng got close to the flower vine, he suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder. Zi Yi's body flew out by itself, and a wisp of purple air floated from above. This made Gu Zheng overjoyed, and Zi Yi came out on his own initiative.

Wisps of purple air soon walked in front of Gu Zheng, and a different figure was hidden in it, and the purple clothes had all come out of Gu Zheng's body.

After the purple air stayed in the air for a while, it seemed to be sensing something, and suddenly a shadow jumped out of it. into one of the buds.

And the cloud of purple air still stays quietly in the air, it can be seen that Ziyi's body seems to be unconscious.

Gu Zheng, who had already retreated outside, looked at all this and didn't know how to intervene, so he could only wait quietly.

It didn't take long for the Duohuabud to open slowly. Although it still looked so sick and drooping, it felt that the vitality above it was rising rapidly.

The entire flower vine trembled violently, and the withered branches on it fell from the body, and in the blink of an eye, less than one-tenth of it was left.

As soon as the little flower was sprayed, a large piece of pink aura emanated from it, surrounding the rest of the body in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Gu Zheng could only see the pink mist surging, and he didn't know what was going on inside.

After a full stick of incense, the powder mist all over the sky disappeared, and a figure familiar to Gu Zheng appeared in front of Gu Zheng.

Ren Xue!

It's just that now her face is pale, her footsteps are weak, and her breath is extremely weak, not as majestic as when she first saw her.

But even so, the opponent's aura is around the early days of Da Luo, stronger than Gu Zheng.

"So it was like this, did the other party die together in the end? But this time you lost. Although you paid a high price, you are still completely dead." Ren Xue stood where she was, looking at the skeleton under her, unconsciously said in a low voice.

"Ren Xue, you have enough time to vent, but I have fulfilled my promise, and I need you to help me cure her completely." Gu Zheng's face sank below, and he called her name directly.

"Don't worry, although I, Ren Xue, am not a good person, I have already made an oath, and you really brought me back to life, I will naturally remember this kindness in my heart, so I will definitely help you for myself." A bud appears, very similar to the one left before.

I saw that she threw the bud, and the flower flew towards Ziyi in the air, and it had already bloomed in mid-air, and her figure was getting bigger and bigger. When she reached Ziyi, the huge flower heart opened, He swallowed her in one gulp.

Immediately, his body shrank extremely quickly, but when he regained the size of his head, he stopped shrinking and stayed quietly in the air, with traces of purple air coming out from the gap.

"Don't worry, this is to help her recover better. In this way, when she fully wakes up, she will be completely stabilized in Da Luo. Of course, if you want her to wake up immediately, you can. It's not a difficult task, but the opponent is completely at the peak of the Golden Immortal." Ren Xue landed from the sky and smiled at Gu Zheng.

"What do I need to do if I want the other party to advance to Da Luo!" Gu Zheng said immediately, unable to hear the subtext of the other party.

"Don't be angry, I'm not threatening, because you understand my current situation, I can't do it at all, or my body will collapse completely, and if this girl in purple needs to advance, she also needs a huge amount of spiritual energy, and I help the other party all the way. If you do it, you will succeed." Ren Xue walked down unprepared.

She didn't lie, in her current state, once she was forced to fight, it could be said that her body would be completely destroyed, let alone Gu Zheng, even Xiao Ye could beat her if she came out, and she couldn't fight back.

"So?" Gu Zheng frowned, thinking that the other party was going to ask him for some pills.

"I need you to go to the opposite side and break open the Seven Spirit Formation. There should be enough spiritual energy stored there. As long as I insert this seedling on it, I can naturally absorb the spiritual energy inside." Ren Xue took a very weak tree like a flower The weed-like thing was handed over and continued.

"It's in the second aisle on the opposite side. You will know where it is when you go in. The first one has nothing, and the aura is full there. You can also take a rest there, don't worry about not being enough."

Gu Zheng looked at Ren Xue, then took the weed-like thing, and said expressionlessly.

"Then I will trouble you, Xingcai, let's go."

Xingcai followed Gu Zheng and left here, and she never looked at Ren Xue directly from the beginning to the end.

"Master Gu, the other party is obviously using you to restore her strength, it's too obvious." On the way back, Xingcai complained to Gu Zheng.

"I know, but I can't just watch Ziyi stuck there like this. Besides, the stronger the opponent is, it is still good for us. At least we don't have to worry about Uncle Gao outside." Gu Zheng replied.

This is also his idea. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As for the other party without his help, it will only take a long time. On the other hand, if he does not help, he will lose too much.

Soon they came to the hall again, this time walking towards the second passage on the opposite side.

In this passage, when driving halfway, some bloodstains were still found, which made the two of them more vigilant. No one knew if there would be any remaining enemies here.

After passing through this passage, there were a few corpses scattered on the ground, which were very few compared to that side. At the end of the right side, there was a vortex barrier emitting white light, and the blood on the ground all the way was also fleeing there. Go, those corpses also fell in that direction, as if they were escaping some pursuit.

"I'll go in first, you follow me!"

Gu Zheng and Xingcai were all ready, standing in front of the vortex, then Gu Zheng stretched out his hand towards it, and was sucked in the next moment, and then Xingcai was also sucked in together.

"Is this a blessed place?" Upon entering, Xingcai looked around quickly, but there were no enemies, only Gu Zheng was beside him.

However, the aura that filled the sky rushed towards her like a thick fog, instantly making her think that every pore on her body would automatically open when she was soaked in the spiritual liquid, and the pure aura poured into her body crazily. In an instant, Xingcai felt that all the fatigue and dark wounds in her body had been eliminated, and her mental state was at its best.

This feeling made her lost in an instant, and she even wanted to continue like this forever. If she cultivated here, it would be several times as good as the outside world.

But the next moment a protective shield appeared in front of him and her, completely preventing the infusion of these auras, making Xingcai, who just wanted to enjoy it, a little annoyed, and looked at Gu Zheng in confusion.

"Don't absorb too much, be careful to expand it." Gu Zheng looked at Xingcai and explained, "Although these auras are good, they seem to be pure and hide a deep hostility. If you absorb too much, it will easily trigger negative emotions in your heart. "

Xingcai was startled, carefully observing the aura in the air, it was indeed as Gu Zheng said, a trace of cold sweat broke out behind her back, she really didn't notice it just now.

Looking at Gu Zheng, he still looks like he came in, and he hasn't absorbed any spiritual energy at all.

"It's okay to be less, there are no enemies here, and it is estimated that the opponent has not been lying here for thousands of years." Gu Zheng put away the protection on his body. Since there is no trap at the entrance, there is nothing to worry about.

This place is filled everywhere, and the dense fog formed by spiritual energy seems to only accumulate and not release. Although they can't see too far away, the two of them can feel that there is something in the distance that is exuding a strong breath, like a cloud. Like a vortex, like absorbing around.

"Seven Spirit Formation?"

After the two of them walked for half a day, the white mist in front of them suddenly dissipated, and a layer of faint colored barriers stood behind them, blocking the intrusion of the white mist. rise above the ground.

Among them, there are layers of colorful jade on the ground, and a three-layer jade platform built with some high-grade spiritual jade on the top. Even the smallest layer on the top is about the size of a house.

Countless white mist turned into a thick and long tornado in the uppermost sky, and drilled down from the middle.

Gu Zheng stood on the periphery and sensed it for a while, and his face showed shock, because these auras entered this range together, and were transformed into truly pure auras every moment, without a trace of impurities.

And these auras were transformed into other places by the seemingly simple spirit stone in front of us. If there is no mistake, these auras are the cornerstones used to stabilize the space in various places. If this place is destroyed, the entire Black Dragon Immortal Mansion may be destroyed. All crashed.

But looking at the formation engraved on it, Gu Zheng smiled wryly, no need to look, this was built by the black dragon himself, don't even think about it if you don't have the strength on time, even if you have the peak of Da Luo, at least there is still a glimmer of hope. Grind.

"It is estimated that there is no other place that meets the conditions except it. No wonder she said that there is enough aura, come on, let's go up." Gu Zheng glanced around and found that there was no danger, so he said.

As for the potential enemies that Ren Xue mentioned, they probably disappeared or died long ago. This made it easier for them.

Gu Zheng took out the weed and was about to go forward.

All of a sudden, all the spirit jades in front of him were brightly lit, beams of beams gathered in the air, and the leading group of white lights dispersed first, revealing a white and clean long sword.

"Bold, you monster race, dare to break into the Seven Spirit Formation!" The long sword lit up, and a loud voice resounded in the air.

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