"Hold on! I've sent Firebird up, and there will be a new opportunity soon."

After half a cup of tea time, Gu Zheng looked at the salamander next to him and couldn't hold on anymore, so he said immediately.

At this time, the two of them are comrades-in-arms. Compared with hatred, the other party is more ruthless than Uncle Gao.

Hearing Gu Zheng's voice, the giant salamander gritted his teeth again, and a blue chill emerged from the ice layer, rushing upwards, and the branches of the whole half of the sky formed frost and shattered outside, giving Gu Give them a chance to breathe.

At this time, Gu Zheng also sensed that the fire bird had sneaked up to the sky, and was signaling whether he would act.

Of course Gu Zheng agreed, and ordered to destroy as much as possible.

Anyway, the little bird is not afraid of death, and after death, it condenses out of the ring.


Less than a breath after the Gu Zheng was issued, suddenly the whole world seemed to shake, and at the same time a large group of flames suddenly rose in the sky, and even they at the bottom could feel the scorching breath.

Along with the explosion, emerald green branches all over the sky fell from the sky with flames. From the trembling green screen around it, it can be seen that the spiritual bamboo was seriously injured this time.

"good chance!"

Of course, Gu Zheng would not let go of this opportunity, a golden sword shadow suddenly appeared from the air, and slashed towards the trembling green screen around him.

The golden sword shadow was still in mid-air, and the whole figure turned into a golden golden dragon several tens of feet tall.

The golden dragon is lifelike, especially every scale on its body exudes a strong sword intent, especially the thick golden arcs jumping on its body, with a thunderous noise, shaking its head and tail and rushing forward.

This time, the ancient struggle did not hold back at all, and a passage must be cut from here.

But just when the golden dragon was about to slash towards the green screen, the trembling green screen suddenly flashed a little light, and unexpectedly returned to its previous intact form, no longer trembling.

Gu Zheng, who followed closely behind, was shocked and stopped in a hurry.


The golden dragon didn't stop, without the slightest hesitation, it raised its sharp claws in front of it, and grabbed it fiercely in front of it. A series of explosions sounded, but it only caused ripples on it.

When the golden dragon turned around, the marks that were hit also returned to calm.

And at this time, blue spots of light suddenly appeared in the sky, falling towards the ground at a high speed, and above the sky, two extremely huge boa constrictors also suddenly appeared in the air, stretching out the one that was as long as three feet long. Long tongue, scarlet eyes looking down, as if staring at something delicious.

Drops of saliva left from the other party's mouth, pouring down like heavy rain.

Gu Zheng and their figures dodged back and forth on the ground, there was no way to stop those green light spots, and every drop of venom the size of a graphite plate could corrode a large pit on the ground.

The green light spots fell on the ground one by one, like a small sapling, growing rapidly on the ground, and in just a few breaths, they had grown to a height of more than ten feet.

Immediately afterwards, those saplings turned into sapling warriors with small bamboo heads and branches in the form of limbs, rushing towards Gu Zheng.

Before the people rushed over, the bamboo leaves on the limbs shook off their bodies, spinning and rushing towards Gu Zheng.

However, the leaves all over the sky were still flying in the sky, and a huge figure stood in front of them. The golden dragon hadn't suffered any damage before. In a flash, sword energy erupted from his body, almost forming a wall without gaps, and rushed towards the tree men.

"Shua Shua"

Countless bamboo leaves were cut into pieces in the air, and even the tree man was cut into several halves after being subjected to several sword qi.

The golden dragon with full strength blocked him, at least half of the threats had been eliminated, and the two pythons, one white and one black, also arrived below, each of them was full of terrifying aura, and they were actually peak golden immortals. The presence.

But before Gu Zheng could make a move, the green silkworm next to him swelled up, and the whole body also became extremely huge. At first glance, there was no difference in size from the opponent, and a mouthful of cyan silk was sprayed out in the air. It was as wide as ten feet wide, like the top pillars of some halls, forming a huge blue net with the light, and went towards the opponent's white boa constrictor.

The white boa constrictor suddenly spurted a mouthful of green venom from its mouth, and made a "sizzling" sound as soon as it appeared in the air. It wanted to corrode the net and silkworms together, but it flicked strangely on the green net a few times, and hundreds of black threads came out of it. It popped out, wrapped the venom, formed a cocoon, and completely lost the threat.

The blue net immediately covered the white snake, causing it to froze suddenly.

The green silkworm took the opportunity to spew out strands of blue silk again in the air, and spun around the huge white snake, turning into a blue silk cocoon in the blink of an eye.

The whole white is struggling violently inside, but the black threads are still entangled outside.

And the salamander here is no exception, especially at this time of life and death, it overdraws itself even more. Although its size has not increased, a blue bead spit out from the end.

The extreme blue color doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary, it's just that a very ordinary water sword shoots out from inside, but it's only several times bigger than usual, and shoots towards the opponent at extreme speed.

But the face of the black python changed greatly, the huge figure stopped in the air at a high speed, green light flashed in its eyes, and two extremely thick beams of light shot towards the water sword.

It seems that the imposing beam of light shot on the water sword had no effect at all, instead it was suppressed by the water sword.

The opponent's idea of ​​smashing was shattered, the water sword flashed in the air, and the speed suddenly sounded. It was startled, but it was too late to dodge, so it could only barely twist its head, and the water sword was inserted from its side, embedded in its body.


Layers of blue crystals spread rapidly on the surface of the giant python's body, and within the same breath, a huge ice sculpture appeared in the air.

However, the giant salamander who released this attack was swallowing the blue beads, lying on the ground as if paralyzed, gasping for breath, probably without any power to fight.

Gu Zheng glanced at the two sides, and saw that they supported the two pythons above, knocked down the bamboo leaves around them, and summoned the bird again, a ball of flames took shape in front of Gu Zheng's eyes, and the bird's body jumped again out.

Gu Zheng stopped the bird that was about to fly out, let it float in the air, then stroked his left wrist, and five jade rings appeared in his right palm.

As Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and threw it forward, the five jade rings were suspended in the air, exuding a faint light.

Seeing Xiaoniao staring at Gu Zheng in a daze, he flicked his fingers, and the five jade rings in front of him trembled and uttered a soft moan, and then the yellow jade rings turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Xiaoniao in an instant.

The flames on the bird's body immediately covered a layer of faint yellow phantom, like a suit of armor, covering the white flames all over the body.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining four rings rushed into the body, limbs and wings of the bird one by one, as if forcibly remodeling it, and the five rays of light shone brilliantly on it.

When the brilliance faded, the bird's entire body regained its calm, as if it hadn't had any effect before.

But the originally white eyeballs have now turned into colorful colors, spinning like a whirlpool.

The whole bird flapped its wings suddenly, and teleported to the treant on another floor. In a few flashes, the endless eyes spewed out from its body, and a large number of treants died. The speed and power almost increased again. doubled.

"Okay, it seems that you are really smart, it seems that I will die if I don't make a move!" Just when the little bird showed its power, there was an exasperated voice in the air.

As the sound from the sky fell, the surroundings of the green screen suddenly began to flicker sharply, and the green dots that originally landed also disappeared, and those treants turned into a ball of green light and rushed to the edge.

A large piece of green flame suddenly rose from the edge without warning, roaring towards Gu Zheng and the others from all directions.

Seeing all this, Gu Zheng's expression changed slightly, and he shouted at the two monsters beside him.

"If you don't want to die, relax your body and don't resist, I'll put you up first!"

Before Gu Zheng could say anything, the tripod tower at his waist emitted a ray of light, shining towards the two monsters.

The salamander turned into a beam of light and was taken in without the slightest resistance. At this time, it had no strength even if it wanted to resist.

And Qingcan thought for a while, and her figure shrank sharply, but her whole body leaned towards Gu Zheng at the same time, and was not put away by Gu Zheng.

At this time, the sword dragon bent over Gu Zheng's head, and suddenly turned into a golden shield, surrounding Gu Zheng. The green flames outside had already swept in and hit it, making a loud noise.


The frozen python was the first to unseal from the siege, looking down fiercely with its eyes, the green flame did not harm them at all, but it was about to charge over, when suddenly a small creature appeared beside it, full of He looked at himself hostilely.

It opened its mouth and bit the bird suddenly, wanting to swallow it in one gulp.

And the little bird flicked sideways, flapping its two wings in the air, and suddenly two golden rays of sharp golden light shot out from above, exuding an extremely sharp and sharp aura, and shot towards the boa constrictor.

The boa constrictor was startled, it could naturally feel the power of the two golden lights less than a foot long, its body twisted in the air extremely fast, trying to avoid this attack.

But the distance between the two is so close, and the speed of the two golden lights is very fast, and the surrounding green flames can't stop the other half.

"chi chi"

There were two crisp sounds, mixed with two big blobs of emerald green blood. The huge body of the boa constrictor was easily cut into three by two golden lights.

The boa constrictor screamed in pain, only one-third of its front part remained, and it hurriedly wanted to escape, but its head was shrouded in white flames, and within a few breaths, it was completely burnt to a mass of ashes.

The blue cocoon, which was struggling fiercely beside it, suddenly became quiet at this moment, as if it was also afraid of the monstrous arrogance of the little bird, and did not dare to come out.

And here, the figure of the little bird turned around again and came to Gu Zheng's side, but he didn't see any movement. A large piece of white flame suddenly rose in the void, and those green flames rushed over. Fan, let Bai Yan become more intense.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng was overjoyed, the pressure outside his body disappeared, his figure flew towards the outside, and Bai Yan, who surrounded him, also moved with him, but it was getting closer and closer to his body, so as to facilitate him Same.

"court death!"

With a loud shout from above, a white light descended from the sky, it was the rope that had besieged Gu Zheng before, at this moment, it rushed towards the bird at an extremely fast speed, and before it could react, the five flowers tied the opponent to the ground tied together.

The bird's figure suddenly stopped in the air, and even the white flames around Gu Zheng shrunk by half.

But in just an instant, five rays of light rose one by one on the bird, and the rope fell from it limply, as if it had lost its effect.

The escaped bird went straight to the sky and rushed towards Uncle Gao.

The whole body turned into the ultimate white, and a dreadful feeling emanated from the body.

"Damn it! What is it?" Gao Bo focused his attention on the little bird, which carried a fatal threat to him. If he didn't ask, something unexpected might happen.

And Gu Zheng below saw the surrounding green flames suddenly weaken, and his heart moved. The golden light that was originally surrounding the outside flashed again, transformed into the golden dragon just now, and rushed towards the edge.


With a loud sound, Jinlong's huge body spun back, and the green screen seemed to be invincible, still firmly blocking Gu Zheng's way.

Gu Zheng stepped on the void, flew upwards, and stretched out his hand, the giant dragon made a dragon shadow, and the figure flickered, and it turned into a golden giant sword again, spinning back into Gu Zheng's palm.

Gu Zheng held the big sword high in both hands, the muscles of his whole body were tense, and the infinite mana was instilled into the golden sword in his hand. With the sound of dragon chant, he slashed towards the green screen in front of him as if he had opened up the world.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise that shook the ground today.

The green screen in front of him suddenly shook, and a large piece of water rippled up on it at a high speed. The figure of Gu Zheng stayed in the air, and the golden sword in his hand was still pressing down hard. It seemed that it would not be possible to break this defense. give up.

The green screen ripples in front of him became more and more dense, and even the golden sword in Gu Zheng's hand had been submerged in it, as if a hole was about to be torn open in the next moment, suddenly, a strange spell sounded in the air.

The green screen in front of him suddenly lit up, and a green light shot out from above like a huge jelly, surrounding Gu Zheng.

"If you want to leave here, you have to ask me if I agree or not!"

When Gu Zheng was surrounded, a greasy bamboo fragrance rushed into his nose, even though he had already blocked the six senses, it still rushed straight into his mind, and he became confused instantly.

Hearing the faint voice of the other party, Gu Zheng tried his best to wake up, but his body seemed to have no strength at all, and he felt that he could fall asleep at any time.


A whispering sound came into Gu Zheng's ears, and Gu Zheng turned his head to look with some blurred eyes, and the green silkworm opened its mouth, and quickly swallowed the green ball in front of it, as if it was some delicacy in the world.

At the same time, Gu Zheng also felt that his brain was gradually waking up.

Seeing this, Uncle Gao on the top stretched out his hand and pointed downward, and a white light shot out from the fingertip in an instant, and flew towards Qingcan's body at a high speed.

But the precious light was only halfway through, when the line of fire suddenly struck from the other side and collided with it.

With a dull sound, the fire wire and white light disappeared at the same time.

The little bird suddenly appeared in front of Uncle Gao again, staring at him firmly, as if saying that your opponent is me.

Then the little bird opened its mouth, and a white line of fire shot out from it, and its body followed and charged towards Gao Bo again.

"Heh, you showed mercy just now and you were stubborn!" Gao Bo looked at the fearless little guy, a ball of white light flashed again in his hand, and then patted the gourd next to him.

There was a tremor on the gourd, and the bamboo forest on it slowly began to rise from it, as if it was about to come out.

"hoo hoo"

A large piece of white flame suddenly rose from the bird's body, and five colors flowed in it, forming a waterfall in mid-air, rushing towards Gao Bo.

Uncle Gao was caught by the bird for a while, and Gu Zheng below also broke free from the green ball. Looking at the green silkworm whose body was stretched to double its size, he didn't expect that the other party could even eat this.

Seeing Gu Zheng coming out, the green light on the green silkworm flashed randomly, and a green hurricane spewed out from its mouth towards the green screen. The hurricane was filled with dense blue wind blades, and hit the green screen instantly.

The originally peaceful green screen fluctuated again.

The golden sword in Gu Zheng's hand was clenched again, a trace of golden lightning jumped violently from above, and then countless golden runes rolled over it.

Gu Zheng took a deep breath, raised the golden sword in his hand again, and a ball of golden sun weighed in the air, slashing fiercely at the green screen in front of him.


A terrifying breath suddenly popped out at the contact point, and the entire huge green screen trembled suddenly, and the ripples in front of him were as fast as a rainstorm hitting the water.

"Open it for me!"

Gu Zheng let out a roar, and pressed down again, the thunder force on the sword suddenly increased again, and a large arc of electric arc rose violently.


Gu Zheng lightened his hand, and a gap was opened for the first time, but he was overjoyed in his heart. He immediately shook his hand horizontally, shaking quickly, and a narrow gap that only one person could barely pass sideways appeared in front of him.

Gu Zheng withdrew his weapon without hesitation, his whole body turned into a gust of wind and rushed out from the gap, followed by Qingcan also rushed out without hesitation.

Gu Zheng's figure didn't stop at all and flew towards the outside. As for the Five Elements Jade Ring, he didn't intend to take it anymore. It wouldn't be such a good opportunity if it wasn't for the relentless interference of Xiaoniao.

"It's naive to want to go."

A voice came from behind, and when he turned his head, Gao Bo's figure appeared behind him, holding the silkworm that had turned into a puddle of mud with one hand, and threw it up.

A branch suddenly fell from the air, piercing its body in an instant. In just a few breaths, the body of the green silkworm turned into a decayed body, and everything was absorbed.

At the same time, when Gu Zheng's vigilance had just risen, Gao Bo's body flashed, came to Gu Zheng's side, directly grabbed Gu Zheng's shoulder, and then threw it forward, and then followed closely behind A punch was punched out from behind.

Gu Zheng spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, his whole body lost control and flew towards the distant palace,

"Crash!" A piece of the wall was smashed, and Gu Zheng fell in the middle of the green steps inside.

"cough cough"

Gu Zheng vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and raised his head. At this time, Gao Bo had already flown in front of Gu Zheng.

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