"We didn't go the wrong way, why do we feel that the road ahead is getting more and more difficult!"

In the midst of the wind and snow in the sky, the two figures were advancing with difficulty, and Xingcai's somewhat helpless voice sounded in the air.

After they flew for half a day, the further they went, the bigger and denser the snowflakes in the air became. Accompanied by the whistling wind, the snowflakes were like hailstones, rushing and dense The fall caused ripples outside the two of them. They could still see a long distance, but at this time they could only see within a few feet in front.

Just like this, it is still vague, and even the spiritual consciousness is disturbed when it goes out, and it is impossible to detect too much distance.

But fortunately, the current body protection aura can still isolate the cold from the body, otherwise he would have to freeze to death here.

"I shouldn't have gone the wrong way. If you stick to it, we will probably go out soon." Gu Zheng encouraged Xingcai behind him, but he was a little worried.

This is just the outermost layer, and it has such power and influence. Wouldn't the organ be even more powerful when it gets inside.

He raised his head and looked at the blackness on his head, and the whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness.

"Huh?" Suddenly Xingcai was surprised.

"What?" Gu Zheng was startled and asked suddenly.

"There seems to be something over there, but I can't see it too clearly." Xingcai pointed to the right and said to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng looked at the past, and saw a mass of dark things standing in the distance among the overlapping white shadows.

"Come on, let's go and have a look!"

As Gu Zheng said, after seeing Xingcai nodding, he immediately led her to rush over there. In just a dozen or so breaths, he could already see the situation there more clearly.

It turned out to be a contiguous group of palaces, covering an extremely wide area.

Perhaps there is something special here, the closer they get to here, the smaller and smaller the snowflakes in the sky are, and when they land on the ground, they are about the same size as they wake up from a coma.


Gu Zheng and the others had just landed at the bottom, and the rescuers found that half of Xiao Xiao's calf hadn't penetrated the ground. Although the snowflakes were not big, the ground had already formed a thick layer of snow.

"Forget it, let's fly up, be careful." Gu Zheng took a look, and his figure flew out of the ground, flying against the snow.

Xingcai shook her legs and feet, and after shaking off the snow from her body, she also learned from Gu Zheng. Compared with this waste, it was much better than walking in a snow nest.

At this time, the main hall in front of them was not very big, and the gate had been damaged long ago. With a glance, the contents inside could be seen at a glance. A layer of snow.

The two continued to move forward along the side of the palace, wanting to see what else is here, and maybe find something. Of course, I hope there is a teleportation circle that leaves this area.

As the two walked, they watched their surroundings vigilantly.

They noticed that the walls of many of the surrounding halls were already a bit dilapidated, and there were still many traces of battles on them, as if after some kind of battle.

They went deeper, and suddenly there was a huge open space, on which there were more than a dozen scattered jade pillars, but most of them were broken in two, giving people a very dilapidated look.

There is a taller palace further up, and there are layers of stone steps leading to it. The shadow I saw before is this palace.

The two of them did not stop at this square for a while, but continued to walk forward.

When they got to the top, they found that half of the wall below the palace had collapsed with a bang, and there were only broken marks on the wall, and some black and dry blood could still be seen vaguely.

"Why is it so scary here? It feels like a fierce battle." Xingcai looked at some and frowned.

"If I'm not wrong, this place should be the last time those traitors attacked here, and then the resistance here caused all this. It is obvious that they all gathered here after breaking the formation outside, but it seems In the end, they were all slaughtered." Gu Zheng glanced at the hall, but there was nothing worth noting.

"So that's it. I thought someone came here before us to fight." Xingcai breathed a sigh of relief, and grabbed the orb again with her tense palm. She was in the period of fighting at any time just now.

"You can feel it when you look at the aura fluctuations around you. There doesn't seem to be anything here, and everything has been looted. Don't look at other places. Let's leave." Gu Zheng shook his head and said.


Xingcai also knew that when she followed Gu Zheng and was about to leave, a small voice suddenly came from her ear, and before she could react, she heard a bang from the side.

"What's wrong?" Xingcai turned around and looked over, and in the far corner, wisps of black smoke were on her upper body, and a puppet with a big hole in its chest was lying there.

"A puppet that has not lost its power, but it is already incomplete. It seems that it sensed our arrival, and then it made a sound. It's a pity that the energy in the body can only make the other party move a little." Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The sword came back from there with a "shua", and was put away again by Gu Zheng.

Seeing this, Xingcai also put away the reactivated orb.

The two of them were just soaring to the sky, and they were rushing forward.

And when Gu Zheng launched an attack, far away from here, the blood lord and the people behind him were on their way in Fengxuedi, but it was his first time here, and unfortunately he also lost his way .

"Stop!" The blood suzerain stretched out his hand suddenly, and said towards the back,

The people behind him ordered and prohibited them, all in unison, and then remained motionless in the air.

Sect Master Xue's eyes turned towards a certain direction, a gleam of blood rose in his eyes, and two small red swirls appeared, as if they had penetrated the endless snowflakes and looked into the distance.

"Ha, it turns out that someone has already rushed over. Judging from the other party's appearance, they should know how to get out. Let's go! Follow them and save some time."

After a while, the blood suzerain returned to normal, and said with a smile.

The whole team followed the blood lord and hurried towards one direction, which was the palace group that Gu Zheng had just left.

Here, Gu Zheng also began to continue to move in the previous direction. At this time, he understood that he was going in a good direction, because there were scattered palaces in front of him, which were said to be palaces. Gu Zheng looked more like a residence. There are some weathered daily necessities, which should be the place where the servants lived.

It's just that each building is so majestic, it looks like a hall.

There wasn't any ransacking inside, but there wasn't much to worry about either.

But fortunately, the wind and snow all over the sky did not show signs of increasing, as if they had reached the limit, which made them feel a lot easier.

Half an hour later, the originally flat terrain was significantly higher, and there was a towering mountain peak in the distance, and it was obvious that a special aura came from above, even if it was so far apart, it could be felt.

Gu Zheng and Xingcai looked at each other, and they rushed over instantly.

When approaching the valley, the wind and snow in the sky suddenly dropped to a certain level. There was only light snow falling in the sky, and even the dark clouds above were much brighter.

"Looks like it should be here!" Gu Zheng said to Xingcai, looking at the gradually rising mountain and a valley below.

The two fell towards the only entrance of the valley. At this time, the snow under their feet barely covered the uppers of their shoes, which did not affect their actions at all.

"What is this!" Xingcai looked at a figure on the wall leaning against the mountain wall, walked over curiously, and blew towards it, the snow on it was blown away by the wind, revealing a crystal puppet.

The whole body is made of a kind of blue crystal, which is one piece, and even the five sense organs are carved clearly. If you only look at the appearance, it looks like a real person, but at this time, your eyes are closed.

"It should be a guard puppet, but it also looks damaged." Gu Zheng glanced and saw that the humanoid puppet had a big hole in the hollow of its heart, and it seemed that it had lost its power source long ago.

"It's really exquisite." Xingcai got closer, and through the slightly transparent body, she could see many ancient runes engraved directly inside, which made her, a person who didn't understand anything at all, feel pleasing to the eye and wished to study it some.

Gu Zheng went to another humanoid puppet on the ground, and after sweeping off the snow on its body, he found that only half of his body was lying on the ground, and he was also motionless on the ground. All gone.

"Young Master Gu, it seems that this place is the same as the others. Someone broke into it." Xingcai turned around and gave up studying the puppet. She didn't understand anything, so why waste time.

"Yeah, we'd better leave." Gu Zheng followed her words, just when he raised his head, his face suddenly changed, and he rushed directly towards Xingcai, like a whirlwind grabbing Xingcai's shoulders and retreating.

Xingcai couldn't figure out his status at all, and was still surprised when he saw an ice spear passing by where he was originally. If it wasn't for Gu Zheng to pull him back in time, the ice spear would definitely pierce his heart .

The puppet who was originally leaning sideways on the mountain wall opened his eyes at some point, and condensed an ice gun from his hand and threw it towards Xingcai's back.

Moreover, there was no sound at all between these movements, and even the slightest killing intent was shown during the flight of the weapon. If Gu Zheng hadn't happened to see it, Xingcai would have been injured.

The puppet saw Xingcai dodging, and the blue runes on its body lit up again. Countless snow and ice blew up on the ground, and they came towards him. The next moment, a puppet in full ice and snow armor rushed over from it. .

With the whole body in his hand, the snowflakes in the air condensed on their own, forming a long spear again.

Gu Zheng looked at the other party with some surprise, even at this moment, the other party did not have the slightest breath, just like the stones next to him, a pile of lifeless stones.

"Stand back, I'll deal with him, be careful!" Gu Zheng said to Xingcai on his body, and at the same time he got up directly.

Looking at the opponent's long spear, he didn't care in the slightest. A long sword flashed out in his hand, and directly slashed at the weapon in the opponent's hand.


A crisp sound resounded in the air, and the strength of the two people was equal in the air. Even if Gu Zheng didn't exert all his strength at this time, he could still see the terrifying strength of the puppet.

Gu Zheng watched the other party throw down his weapon, and he rushed towards him directly in the air. A blue light condensed in the palm of his hand. The seemingly hard arm bent like water, and hit Gu Zheng on the head. Down.

Gu Zheng also raised his other hand, and with a flash of golden light in his hand, he greeted the opponent's blue crystal fist.


A blue light flashed on the opponent's fist, and the runes in his arm became more numerous, and a wrist-sized blue light shot out from above, slashing through the air with frost at a high speed.

At such a short distance, almost at the same time as he saw the blue light, the light had already reached Gu Zheng's fist.

"Just in time!"

Gu Zheng couldn't feel the pressure at all from that. It was certain that the opponent was interfering with him, and the strength in his hand was strengthened again. As the golden light on the fist flickered again, the blue light had not yet come into play, and it was blocked by Gu Zheng. It was broken, and hit the opponent's arm together.

There was a loud bang.

Gu Zheng's fist was crushed, accompanied by blue ice crystals, and finally hit the opponent's shoulder.

Xingcai saw the puppet that had lost half of its body, and flew out directly. In a flash in the air, it was inlaid on the side of the valley, and a large piece of snow fell from the top, setting off a wave of white waves.

Gu Zheng didn't go after him, but frowned and looked at the palms, a layer of blue light spread out from his fists, and a bone-chilling chill that was the same as the outside seeped out of his arms.

Layers of blue frost continued to freeze from his arms, and his entire arm felt a little stiff.

A layer of flame suddenly burned from the arm, and the blue frost was evaporated immediately.

"hoo hoo"

At this time, the wind and snow in the sky suddenly increased, and the wind and snow outside were attracted by a mysterious force. In Gu Zheng's eyes, they all rushed towards the position of the puppet over there.

The hesitant puppet has no living body, and Gu Zheng doesn't know the opponent's current situation, but thinking of the armor formed by the opponent's condensed snowflakes just now, he also knows that the opponent has manipulated the wind and snow to heal himself.

Thinking of this, the whole person rushed over again. He was still halfway, and the long sword in his hand was thrown directly in an instant.


In the middle of the snowstorm, a violent explosion sounded, completely blowing the snowstorm into pieces.

Gu Zheng waved his hand, and a gust of wind rose, blowing away all the splashed snow particles, revealing the situation below.

At this time, the puppet had been blown into several pieces, and its head was blown in another place. At the heart, a long sword with golden light was inserted into the ground, and half of the sword body was not in the ground. Shattered body fragments.

"The power and skills of this puppet are average. It should be the kind produced on a large scale. If you fight alone, you may only have the strength of the late Jinxian, or you may not even be able to beat the late Jinxian." Gu Zheng took a few steps forward, After crushing a few pieces of blue spar, he drew out his long sword and said to Xingcai.

"This thing should be a puppet used to guard the door. Maybe there are stronger ones inside. You must know that in the black dragon's lair, judging by his cultivation base, he will not have some low-level guards. We should be careful." Here Xingcai came over and said to Gu Zheng.

"I know, but I thought this thing was broken, but I didn't expect it to be able to move. It seems that you should be careful in the future." Gu Zheng agreed with Xingcai's point of view, and there should be no carelessness in everything here.

At this moment, Xingcai's face changed, and the orb in his hand flew towards Gu Zheng's back like a shooting star.


Gu Zheng looked along the orb, and a blue head appeared behind him unknowingly, its eyes lit up, trying to sneak attack him.

But he had no chance, before the opponent's attack came out, the orb directly hit it, and his whole head was smashed into pieces like tofu.


A blue crystal nucleus popped out from the opponent's head, and was sucked by Gu Zheng before it landed.

"Isn't this the same as the crystal nucleus my father took out?" Xingcai asked Gu Zheng curiously after recalling the weapon.

"It should be different, but this should be the driving core of the other party. It seems that if you control this body in your head, if you don't destroy the other party, you will never die." With a light swipe, there is a hollow behind the opponent's head, and the core inside has long since disappeared.

"Let's go, don't waste any more time here."

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, he walked towards the valley, and Xingcai followed behind him, but she had already taken out her weapon.

Her cultivation here is indeed a bit weak, even the lowest level of puppet has almost the same strength as her, which makes her a little nervous.

"If others want to hurt you, they have to pass my level." Gu Zheng could see her nervousness, without Xingba's protection, she was unavoidably a little uneasy.

Although the ancient struggle is very powerful, compared with the star bully, it is at least hundreds of ancient struggles behind, and the two are not comparable.

Even with Gu Zheng's comfort, Xingcai still couldn't completely calm down, but Gu Zheng's words at least made her feel a little more at ease, with a layer of safer protection, at least Da Luo felt much safer.

The more the two of them went up, the higher the terrain, like a very flat hillside.

Moreover, the densely packed buildings inside are all crowded together, but most of them have been damaged. Gu Zheng and Xingcai also picked up a few seemingly complete halls to enter, but there was nothing except some garbage.

Those broken magic weapons that can't even be remelted are disgusting to take up space on the body.

Seeing that this place was looted, Gu Zheng and the others also searched again, but they just took the time to continue on their way.

Soon the buildings behind were left behind and came to a road up the mountain.

"Is there any formation here that left here?" Xingcai looked at the back, and they looked at it again, and found nothing strange.

"I can feel a force on it, it should be a teleportation circle." Gu Zheng focused on sensing it, and could vaguely feel a tyrannical force. Judging from the breath, it should be a teleportation circle.

Here, the pressure of spiritual thoughts is so strong that it can almost abolish their spiritual consciousness.

"Then let's go up quickly!" Xingcai urged behind him.

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