When the battle broke out on Xingba's side, two figures flew across the sky at high speed and came to the sky above the city of Jishi Village, and then stopped.

A beautiful girl and a handsome boy carefully looked at everything below.

"What's going on? Why did everyone disappear all of a sudden." The girl looked around a few times in mid-air, but she didn't find any figure, and said anxiously.

"Xingcai, don't worry. You can see that there are no traces of battle outside the city, and there are no wreckage inside. It's not that there was any war. I think it's very likely that they left here on their own." The man comforted him.

Xingcai took a closer look and found that it was indeed the case. Except that there was no one there, it was almost the same as when she left.

"Young Master Gu, it seems that I'm a little impatient." Xingcai finally recovered from her panic at this time, and when she saw that there was no one there, she was taken aback, thinking that everyone had suffered a tragic accident.

"I understand, let's go down first and see if there are any clues, where did they go?" Gu Zheng knew Xingcai's mood, so he suggested.

The two of them came to the street below smoothly.

At this time, the streets were deserted, and there was not even a single living thing in the entire city.

The two of them looked outside for a while, and after finding nothing, they searched the mansion.

"We have already entered Black Dragon City, if you see it, please look for us over there!"

In one of Xingba's study rooms, they finally found the note that Xingba had left for them in a hidden mechanism.

"They left here a long time ago. If the guess is correct, the other party has only been away for three months, that is, when we just escaped from there and the strange situation appeared." There is no time on the note, but it should be roughly guessed.

Otherwise, why did he leave here so well? Something must have happened. Except for the two beams of light recently, nothing major happened.

Until now, Gu Zheng didn't know what happened, but he felt that something important was about to happen.

Xingcai breathed a sigh of relief, then put away the note, turned around and said to Gu Zheng.

"They left, but they definitely won't destroy the black air. I need to go there and get some black air."

"Are you using it to strengthen your weapon? I suggest not to borrow external force, your set is already very good." Gu Zheng was taken aback and understood her thoughts.

"I know, I just took some and stored them, maybe I can use them in the future!" Xingcai explained what Gu Zheng meant.

The two came to the altar in the middle, but it was actually in the yard of an ordinary family. Most people probably would not have guessed that there is a world beyond the small pool.

With Xingcai on the rockery next to it, after turning on the mechanism, all the water in the pool disappeared, and a dark hole appeared at the bottom.

"Come in, there are no traps inside!" Xing Cai motioned to Gu Zheng, and jumped down first.

After they entered, with the reset of the mechanism, a pool of clear water filled the pool again.

When they just came down, in the mountain peak not far away, a blue figure turned over from the mountain peak and flew towards this side, and behind him, there were also three figures chasing after him.

One of the figures suddenly rushed, and in the blink of an eye, he stopped in front of the blue figure. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a ball of black net suddenly appeared from his hand, growing hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye, completely blocking the blue figure's path.

Just when the blue figure was about to go around, the two figures behind also accelerated, forming a triangular row to surround him inside.

"What about the people here, why is it an empty city?" The blue figure looked at the underground empty city, feeling a little depressed in his heart.

I originally wanted to use them, but I was misled by my cleverness. If I knew it, I would have fled into the cave to avoid them.

"The three of us, I didn't approach you on purpose. I didn't expect you to be so sensitive. What's the matter? I didn't hear anything!" The blue figure leaned against the three people around him, looking at him, and said helplessly.

It's a pity that the three figures on the other side only had one pair of eyes still looking at him coldly. They were all dressed in black, covered from inside to outside, and they didn't know whether they were male or female.

When the black shadow behind him was speaking, his hand was ahead of him, and the black net in front of him suddenly rushed towards him.

At the same time, the two figures beside them rushed towards them tacitly, blocking the blue figure's retreat.

Seeing the blue figure, the whole figure fell downwards, and at the same time raised his hands, three golden puppets appeared from the air, each with a very strong aura, holding a halberd with a blank expression on his face and pointing towards the three The individual rushed over.

The three black shadows rushed down almost simultaneously, as if they knew what the other was thinking. After thinking about it, the first black shadow waved upwards.

The black net made a slight turn in the air, and jumped directly at one of the puppets. At that time, it covered the other party inside. Countless tiny black hooks were firmly embedded in the puppet's body, completely ignoring the other party's tyrannical body.

And the other two also threw a black light one after another, and then turned into a huge net in the air to surround the other two puppets.

No matter how the opponent waved his weapon, he wanted to tear the black net, but only drew a series of sparks on it, and couldn't break free at all.

But the blue man knew this a long time ago. The three puppets, like three abandoned children, gathered in the air and exploded. The huge power instantly shattered the huge net that surrounded them, and the three black nets above their heads were blown to pieces. cut.

The figures of the three black figures swayed slightly, and the speed in the air slowed down a little. The blue figure took the opportunity to jump down and directly fell into the city below.

With a bang and a tremor, a luxurious mansion was instantly smashed into ruins. Under the dusty sky, more than a dozen blue figures rushed out from under the smoke and dust in all directions, making it impossible to know which one was the real one.

The three people above were also taken aback, and when they were about to judge with all their strength, a dozen figures below hid in the room and lost their figures.

The three of them glanced down one after another, and then two of them flew above the city at high speed, staring at the bottom with bright eyes, and the other rushed down directly, pinpointing the hiding place of a blue figure inside, and charged violently go in.

Soon there were several vibrations in the room, and two figures rushed out from the side of the room. The blue figure was rampaging in front of him. He rushed over when he saw anything along the way, and swayed his figure very quickly, changing different routes. And the figure behind is constantly sending out a series of black balls, rushing towards the back of the opponent.

Wherever the two of them passed by, there was a rumbling explosion, and the blue figure was concentrated by the opponent's black ball in less time than a cup of tea, and it exploded into a ball of blue light and disappeared into the air.

The figure flew straight into the sky the next moment, watched his companion shake his head at him, and rushed down again the next moment, starting to search again.

Houses were violently smashed to pieces by him, and they didn't care who it was. To them, it was just an empty city.

Soon a blue figure was found again, and a new round of hunting began

The two people on the top looked down carefully, holding a crystal-like gem in each hand and placing it on one of the eyes. If the other person is showing his head, you can tell if it is true or not.

In almost half a day, most of the city was turned into a mess, and six or seven blue figures had already been blasted away.

The figure was still looking for it, and once again collapsed a courtyard, a blue figure suddenly rose from the pool next to it, and fled towards the outside again.

The figure immediately chased after him again, but whether the other party was real or not, none of them could be released.

But just after he caught up, two figures suddenly jumped out from under the pool behind him, causing the blue figure and the black figure to stop and look at them at the same time.

"Who are you? Why do you want to ruin my city like this!" Xingcai's consciousness sensed her surroundings and said with an extremely ugly expression.

Even if they abandoned it voluntarily, her home was destroyed right under her nose, so she couldn't be angry.

Previously, they wasted a little time downstairs to break the seal left by the star bully, and they couldn't hear the movement above at all. When they came to the top, they heard an explosion and rushed up from the bottom.

"You two, they are from the Blood Rain Sect. They are cruel by nature and love to kill. I was chased here by the other party." The blue figure turned his eyes and immediately shouted at Gu Zheng.

This figure is clearly his real body.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Gu Zheng looked up at the two people in the air and asked without frowning.

"Call me Lan Yu, I'm very good at all kinds of puppets." Sapphire's handsome face smiled, and at the same time, he made a big circle and came to the side of Gu Zheng. He didn't dare to get too close, for fear cause misunderstanding.

"The Blood Rain Sect handles affairs, outsiders should not interfere, and be careful not to cause trouble." The person from the Blood Rain Sect looked at Gu Zheng and said coldly.

And the two partners above also rushed towards the bottom at the same time.

"What a big tone, and besides, I have never heard of a person like you in Yunmeng Swamp. How dare you come here to act wild!" The other party's attitude completely angered Xingcai.

"They are not from here, but just like me, they came here for the treasures here." Lan Yu said quietly from the side.

Hearing this, Gu Zheng's heart moved, thinking of the words of the heroic spirit before, and the two thin pillars still hanging in the sky, could something good be born in this place.

"I don't care who you are, don't meddle in our affairs, or don't blame us for being rude." The figure said in a non-polite manner when his companions arrived.

The vigor of the three people keeps rising. It seems that if this side does not move, the other party will definitely attack.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng's figure suddenly rushed up, and with a flash of three kinds of jade rings in his hand, three long swords of different colors appeared in front of him, and rushed towards the opponent respectively.

On Xingcai's side, at the same time that Gu Zheng's figure rushed out, a long silk in his hand appeared in his hand, extending infinitely and sweeping towards the opponent's sky, the sound of a wave of waves resounded in the air.

The other party obviously didn't expect that Gu Zheng would dare to take the lead. You must know that the three of them are at the peak of Jinxian at this time, and it is not easy to take them down.

In a hurry, a black shield rose in front of everyone, and at the same time, their figures spread out towards the edge again.

Gu Zheng disappeared slightly, with a hook in his hand, the light of the three long swords in front of him suddenly rose, and they turned into dragons and rushed towards each other, while he was the black shadow facing him.

There were three muffled sounds in a row, and the three black shields were smashed by the three dragons in an instant, but the figures inside were already prepared, and the three black long swords slashed towards the dragons in no particular order.

The seemingly mighty dragon was instantly smashed at the moment the opponent touched it. Before the opponent could react, the blue dragon in front of Gu Zheng turned into countless sharp green blades, and flew towards the enemy in front of him at a high speed. Everything in front of his eyes was covered by a strong blue light.


When the opponent saw that his eyes were broken, he realized that it didn't take a second. The black sword in his hand stood upright in front of him. As the black light on it skyrocketed, a layer of black curtain emerged from both sides of the sword and continued to extend towards the two sides. Before the green blade struck , blocking the front.

The green blades hit the top of the black screen one after another, making a popping sound.

The green blade trumpet here is exhausted, and the black shadow's eyes are empty. Before he can do anything else, he sees a golden fist, which is getting bigger and bigger in front of his eyes. over his shoulders.


The black shadow's body flew out obliquely, leaving a trail of red liquid in the air.

Not only him, but the other two also followed suit one after another. Under the interference of blue water mist and yellow flying stones, they also used their methods to resist, but they didn't notice that the long shot thrown by Xingcai Silk, when the patterns on it continued to condense, two five-foot-long water dragons jumped out of it silently.

After they had just resolved the attack in front of them, they slammed into each other's back.

Compared to Gu Zheng's berserk attack, Xingcai's sneak attack is not very powerful, it just makes the opponent's chest tight and suffers a little.

After all, the opponent still has a layer of defense, and in order to succeed in the sneak attack, it can increase the speed and reduce some power, but at this time Xingcai did not take out that set of equipment.

Even so, the two figures quickly flew towards the figure who was beaten by Gu Zheng, and then intercepted him in mid-air, looking at Gu Zheng with vigilance.

"Thank you both! There is no way to repay such kindness. The next time we meet, I will definitely treat you well!" At this time, Lan Yu suddenly said.

Gu Zheng glanced sideways, and found that the other party had replaced him with a puppet while he was fighting, and his body had gone somewhere for a long time.

Or he knew that what he did was a little dishonest. After saying this, Lan Yu turned into a puddle of water out of thin air and disappeared in front of them.

"This man is so bad, he ran away without saying a word after saving his life." Xingcai also looked at the same thing, and said a little annoyed.

"You are saying that the other party has already gone to nowhere, but I remember him." Gu Zheng comforted Xingcai, and his eyes were also fixed on the three people opposite.

After the three figures saw the disappearance of Lan Yu, one of them was slightly injured and suddenly jumped into the sky, while the other two watched Gu Zheng and Gu Zheng vigilantly.

The man above had black eyes flickering, as if he was inspecting something, and quickly came down and shook his head at them, as if to indicate that the other party had completely disappeared.

The person who suffered the most damage seemed to be the temporary captain, looking at Gu Zheng angrily.

"I remember you, no matter what, our Blood Rain Sect will definitely find you." He said a harsh word, and directly took his two companions, rushed to the sky, turned into three black lights and left here.

"What do you want to do!" Gu Zheng saw the light flashing in Xingcai's hand, and quickly stopped him.

"I want to teach the other party a lesson." Xingcai said angrily.

"Forget it, the other party has been vigilant here. Besides, if the other party wants to run away, it is still difficult for us to stop the other party. Even if we keep the other party alone, it will cause more trouble. With the other party's name, we want It's not easy to find the door." Gu Zheng advised from the side.

Hearing this, Xingcai put away the long damask in the air in dismay, she knew that what Gu Zheng said was very right, it is better not to make extra troubles at this special time.

"These things are lost, and it will be a big deal to spend some time when we come back. Let's go quickly." Gu Zheng looked at Xingcai still a little unwillingly, so he could only persuade him again.

Xing Cai nodded, and as Gu Zheng rose into the air, looking at the ruined city, she was still a little sad, after all, it was the place where she had lived since she was a child.

They paused for a while in the air, and then flew towards the Black Dragon City at extreme speed.

In the huge team on Xingba's side, after the Yaozu's sneak attack, the patrols have been stepped up again, and they have begun to move forward along the road.

During the break, in the middle tent, Xingba looked at the few people in front of him with a livid face, and said while suppressing his anger.

"It's been so many days, haven't we found out who leaked the news?"

After repelling the Yaozu, Xingba knew that someone must have leaked his whereabouts from the beginning, and even in the middle process, he continued to send messages to the other party, which caused the other party to know nothing about them.

But the past few days have passed, and the results of the private investigation did not find anything at all, which made Xing Ba not believe it at all.

The few people in front of him were absolute confidantes. Man Tian was the most suspicious at first, but the reinforcements later completely dispelled his doubts.

Even so, Mantian asked the other party to investigate, as if cooperating.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to answer, and in the end it was Elder Ye who spoke last.

"Patriarch, don't be angry. Maybe the other party hides too deeply. You also know that even if the tribes outside cooperate with us, it is impossible for everyone to investigate."

"I know, but I can't find out the person who tipped off the news. I'm sorry for the villagers who died in vain!" Xingba said with a sigh.

"Patriarch, Miss is back!"

At this time, a notification from outside came into the big tent, attracting everyone's attention.

"Haha, that kid really didn't disappoint me!" Xingba swept away his previous depression, stood up with a smile on his face, and was about to go out.

But as soon as he stood up, the outside of the tent was lifted up, and a beautiful girl walked in, followed by a vigorous young man.

She glanced at the tent, and after seeing Xingba, she couldn't hold back her heart anymore, with tears in her eyes, she rushed towards him.


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