Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 150: The Ancient Struggle Comes On (adding 2 for the lord Tianping 0nline)

Many chefs in the first venue complained when they saw such a powerful opponent, including those famous chefs who were recommended.

Why do all these big players come to them? This way, the competition in their venue will be even greater. There are only so many qualifying places. These few people almost firmly occupy one of them, and the rest can only compete for other qualifying places. .

They didn't know that the second and third venues of this meeting were no less surprised than they were.

"Zhou Peilin is here too!"

"Su Shaohua, I saw Su Shaohua!"

"My eyes are right, is that Mr. Ouyang?"

"Mr. Jiang is also here. This competition is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger!"

There are three venues, every time a very famous chef comes in, there will be a small burst of exclamation. Zhou Peilin is from Sioux City and one of the most famous chefs in Sioux City. He has also participated in the Chinese Food Competition, and Made it to the finals, but didn't make the top ten.

Su Shaohua, a master of Hunan cuisine, won the second place in the Hunan Provincial Food Competition last year and the top 30 in the 13th Chinese Food Competition.

Mr. Ouyang, a 70-year-old old man, Cantonese Cuisine Beidou, there is no problem for a person like him to be a judge. The previous Chinese food competition was not as influential or high-level as the latter, but it was a national competition after all.

Mr. Jiang, a master of Sichuan Cuisine, has never entered the final of the Chinese Cuisine Competition, but he has many disciples, and his most powerful apprentice was the seventh place in the last Chinese Cuisine Competition.

Famous teachers produce high-level apprentices, although apprentices are better than blue, but he is not far behind as a master. A person like him will definitely get a place in the finals.

In the three venues, there are basically people who can make it to the finals, which is what the organizing committee deliberately did.

In order to invite these people, the people of the organizing committee spent a lot of effort. Now it seems that the effect is very good, and the people of the organizing committee are very satisfied. With the joining of these famous chefs, the impact of this Hangzhou Food Competition The force can be greater.

Only when the influence is achieved, this competition can be held for a long time in the future, otherwise it may be only this session.

Food competitions have been held in many places, and many of them are held in imitation of Chinese food competitions, but not many can be held for a long time. At present, there are only three places in the country, Guangdong Province, Hunan Province and Xi'an.

The chefs from the three venues soon arrived, and all the judges were seated.

There are 30 judges in each of the three venues. For the organizing committee, now is the real competition. The previous three days were just screenings from the folks, to see if there are any folks who slipped through the net. .

They are not the first to start this model, but they are the ones who do the best.

Thirty people participated in the competition at the same time, which is a lot of people, five more than the 25 people on the first day, but this venue is bigger, and the people participating in the competition are more professional. confusion.

On the rostrum, there are wooden and glass partitions between the competition platforms, which can make them less affected when cooking.

There is also a host in this competition, which was not there before. They all entered with a shout. The host announced the start of the competition, and even introduced the most famous chefs in the first group. After the thirty people in the first group took the stage, , The venue became quiet, and most of the people who did not participate sat up straight to watch the game.

All contestants are their opponents. Observe others more, know yourself and the enemy, and you will be more confident in your heart.

In the first group of thirty people, only a dozen or so people really made it out of the preliminary round on the first day. too much.

Only now do they know what kind of masters the contestants have.

Some people still regret that they would not have signed up if they had known that the standard was so high this time. Now that it’s all over, they will definitely stop here, and they won’t even be able to enter the finals.

There were also people who secretly rejoiced that they were lucky to be here, and being able to compete on the same stage with so many seniors was also a kind of affirmation for him, and it would also give him an extra capital to show off when he went out in the future.

People with different attitudes treat the same thing with different views.

In the first group of competitions, everyone was paying attention to a person named Qin Fanghai.

Qin Fanghai is a famous chef of Fujian cuisine and has a high reputation in the local area. He cooks the famous Buddha jumping over the wall in Fujian. Originally, he didn't plan to cook his special dish in the first round, but he saw that there were so many chefs who were not inferior to him in the same round. Existence put him under a lot of pressure, so he directly took out his specialty dishes.

The judges of these two preliminary competitions will also be replaced. Tomorrow, the judges will be disrupted again. Although some judges have eaten dishes made by the same contestant in a row, such judges are in the minority.

The first group of games ended quickly, and only three people used the extended time, which finally took 75 minutes.

The judges this time were also different from the previous ones. There were 90 judges in the three venues, all of whom were food critics invited from across the country. The previous preliminary rounds used local judges. This time, for the sake of fairness, a large number of judges from other places were invited.

Of course, the number of local judges is still the largest, with a full third. After all, it is a local competition, so it is necessary to give points to local chefs and cuisines.

Among the thirty people, the highest score was Qin Fanghai, who scored 9.23 points, and the lowest score was a chef who was promoted yesterday, with a score of 7.87 points.

The scoring in today's competition is also different from the previous ones. Instead of scoring in whole numbers, you can score with decimal points. This is how it was done until the finals.

Thirty judges, remove the highest score, remove the lowest score, and the final score is accurate to two decimal places and rounded.

The lowest score is close to 7.9 points. It can also be seen that the level of the chefs participating in the competition is not only one, but five people with a score of 9 or above.

The second group finished quickly. This time, the highest score was 9.15 points and the lowest score was 7.99 points. The highest score decreased a lot, but the lowest score increased, and the lowest score almost reached the eighth grade.

After the two groups of competitions are over, the pressure on those who did not participate in the competition is even greater. This is the real competition, the real fight.

Gu Zheng was in the third group. He didn't think too much about it. When the list of the third group was announced, he went on stage. He didn't bring any assistants with him. He brought his things onto the stage and came to his own competition stage. .

"Is he Gu Zheng?"

"That's right, it's him, the first place in the preliminary audition, and the first place won by fried eggs!"

"I watched his fried egg video, and to be honest, I can't make it!"

"It's interesting to be so young!"

As soon as Gu Zheng went up, there were many people talking in low voices in the full contestant seats. None of the contestants who rushed all the way before did not know the existence of Fried Egg King, and most of the famous chefs recommended had heard of Gu Zheng. name.

For the recommenders, the previous three days of competition were auditions, and they didn't like the candidates selected by the audition, but the first place for three consecutive days was still attractive to them, not to mention, the first place One is so young, and he cooks fried eggs again.

Ninth update, there are more to follow!

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