Gu Zheng was far away, feeling the power in mid-air, and his heart was twitching constantly. Every time this green spar was lost, he felt distressed, and this piece was the biggest one in his hand, and there were some scattered broken stones , but cannot exert such great power.

Under the random flash of light, it has long been impossible to see and feel the figure of the general.

I saw countless violent winds rising silently, sweeping away all the surrounding black mist, and even blowing away the black mist all over the sky, making this place look clear and bright, not the darkness it was before.

"Master General!"

"Master General!"

"Master General!"

Anxious shouts came from the surrounding air again, as if the soldiers were worried about their general, but no matter how much they shouted, the general could no longer respond to them.

Seeing the void vibrating, the purple lightning inside actually got a greater blessing inside, and the surrounding purple lightning raged, and the sound of thunder accompanied by the purple lightning continued to wreak havoc from the sky.

The terrifying power made Gu Zheng go further away, so as not to be affected.

"I didn't expect it to be so powerful. This purple lightning looks a little tricky, and it seems to be small." Gu Zheng murmured to himself.

At this time, the voices of soldiers came from somewhere outside, also shouting anxiously.

"Rescue the general!"

More and more voices resounded in the air, causing Gu Zheng to frown. He searched the vicinity, but found nothing.

At first, I thought these voices were the disturbance of the military formation, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

Before Gu Zheng could figure it out, when all the voices were left to rescue the general, black shadows suddenly appeared in the sky.

One holds various weapons, from spears, swords and spears, to two-handed shields and bows and arrows, with some simple protection on his body, just like soldiers in the army who perform their duties.

As soon as they appeared, they didn't even look at Gu Zheng, they jumped up, suicidally rushed towards the thunder and lightning, but before they got close, they were torn apart by the terrifying aftermath.

However, more and more black shadows appeared in the surrounding sky and earth, ranging from a few hundred to tens of thousands, covering the air with a large army.

However, after these people appeared, they just shouted and rushed towards the general below without hesitation. Although they were torn into a cloud of black mist in the blink of an eye, the scene shocked Gu Zheng.

The densely packed figures rushed forward without fear of death, using their own weak strength, trying to rescue the general.

If one is shredded, there will be ten more behind it; if a hundred are shredded, there will be tens of thousands more behind.

At the end, all the cavalrymen on tall horses appeared, and rushed in together with the horses.

There is only one obsession in their hearts, which is to rescue their own generals, and they will spare everyone for this.

Gradually, the external purple thunder was suppressed little by little, and countless black shadows were scattered, and continued to turn into black mist and move towards the inside. No matter what obstacles were in front, they could not stop them.

Nothing in the world seems to be able to stop them.

"woo woo"

A heart-numbing cry sounded in the air.

Listen carefully, it seems that the general is crying for these soldiers.

Gu Zheng had no sense of relaxation in his eyes for a long time, because his attack had already been extinguished by the sergeant who rushed after him, and now a big black ball was firmly guarding the general outside, as if guarding him for the last time.

Gu Zheng could feel an invisible pressure rising in the air, and the black mist that had subsided unknowingly reappeared around him.

Gu Zheng felt that all this had just happened, without the slightest hesitation, he raised the long sword in his hand and rushed towards the one in front of him.

Two rays of light flashed, and the huge black curtain on the outer layer was instantly torn into several pieces by Gu Zheng, revealing the black shadow huddled inside, judging from the figure and sound, it looked like a general.

When Gu Zheng saw this, two sword qi instantly shot out from his hands and penetrated directly.

Contrary to Gu Zheng's expectations, just a slight touch of sword energy tore the general's figure in half, turning into a large black mist and dissipating in the air.

Gu Zheng could sense that the general's aura seemed to have merged into all the nearby black mist, as if it could appear from one place at any time.

When the defense was strictly prohibited in Guzheng, and he wanted to find the figure of the general accurately, a strange scene happened in the sky.

In the air near the periphery, red bubbles the size of heads suddenly appeared, one after another, densely packed around, enveloping Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng turned around and saw such weird bubbles appeared all around, including the sky, and at the same time, a slightly sweet smell of blood appeared in the air, which made people want to vomit.

He held the weapon tightly, shielded his breath, and watched the changes around him, but the development around him was once again beyond Gu Zheng's expectations.

Under the red bubbles, it went down again, phantoms of the body appeared layer by layer. If you look carefully, it looks like a person has died, and even the wounds are illusory.

Different weapons were inserted into different phantoms, and drops of red mist continuously flowed out from above. Although it was only an outline, one could still feel the brutality of war.

"My poor warrior!"

A miserable voice sounded in the air, fluttering, and there were countless sorrows in the tone.

As soon as the sound came out, all the red bubbles lit up together, and all looked in one direction.

"For the general!"

"For the general!"

Shouts with firm voices resounded in the air, and as soon as the voice fell, those red bubbles quickly gathered in mid-air with phantoms.

A blood-red shadow flashed in the air, as if a figure was about to appear.

"go to hell!"

The general's angry voice rose in the air, and the silhouetted red figure suddenly had two red lights in his eyes, looking towards Gu Zheng's direction like angry eyes.

"hoo hoo"

Gu Zheng suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing from behind him, and his body tensed up, he immediately stepped on the void, leaving a wave of air in the air, and rushed to the side.

A giant hand with the size of ten feet skipped past him, and the gust of wind caused Gu Zheng to squint his eyes.

But before Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, another giant red hand appeared again at another place beside him, blocking his way, and stretched out five fingers, grabbing towards him.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng suddenly stopped in the air, turned around and flew in another direction.

But at this moment, the two hands were covered with red light, and two phantoms of red hands appeared again, and after one grasp, they chased Gu Zheng from another direction at an astonishing speed.

Gu Zheng was startled, a phantom had just flashed by, but another figure couldn't avoid it, and was shot by the opponent in an instant, and his whole body was directly sent flying to another direction.

Before Gu Zheng could react, he waited until the bloody hand in the air instantly grabbed Gu Zheng, held it tightly in his palm, and buried Gu Zheng's entire figure in it.

At the same time, the figure in the air has fully revealed its figure, a strong body that is a full head taller than before.

The whole body is blood red, with clearly defined muscles floating on the surface of the whole body, the entire upper body is naked, and the lower body is only surrounded by a heavy armor.

Its face looks like a general, but the whole facial features are much bigger than before, and it looks more ferocious and terrifying.

At this time, he stretched out one hand straight out, clenched it tightly, controlled the huge bloody hand above, and clenched it even more forcefully, trying to crush Gu Zheng to death.

Gu Zheng was squeezed in the middle, feeling as if he was being pressed in the center by a mountain, and his bones kept making crackling sounds like popping beans.

Gu Zheng shouted loudly, his face flushed red, his arm muscles on both sides swelled high, trying to prop up a gap outward, a black ball of light as big as a fist emerged from the propped up space, Hit it down hard.

With a bang, a three-foot-wide hole exploded in the palm of his hand, and before the hole healed, a figure rushed out of it.

Gu Zheng panted and looked at the blood shadow above, but he didn't expect the general to turn into such a ghostly appearance.

But before he was allowed to think about it, the two bloody hands floating in the air moved again as the general waved them, moving towards Gu Zheng from left to right, like slapping mosquitoes.

At this time, Gu Zheng was full of anger, and he could still feel the pain in his body. His whole body was covered in a layer of black air. Seeing the menacing bloody hand, he turned over and rushed towards the bloody hand on the left.

Facing the disproportionate number of bloody hands, he jumped up to the bloody hand in an instant, held a finger with both hands, and snapped it out suddenly. There was a sound of bone cracking in midair, and at the same time, the general also let out a muffled groan. He also bent down strangely, obviously the bloody hand was connected to him and suffered heavy injuries together.

But this is not over yet, watching Ji Suo converging towards him, wanting to grab his own finger, twisting his body and hugging the other finger next to him, his whole body suddenly exerted force, and instantly took this thick finger The fingers left the palm.


The general finally couldn't bear the pain, and let out a howl. On his hand, a finger was gone, and a blood hole was leaving a large piece of blood on it, dripping down like rain.

A layer of fire rose in front of him, and this finger was completely burned to ashes. Gu Zheng looked at the two bloody hands in the distance with a sneer, and was about to reappear, but found that the bloody hand clattered and turned into pools of blood. A siege was formed in the air, rushing towards this side violently.

Gu Zheng saw that he was not entangled with the opponent at all, and bypassed the place where he was going to go straight to the general.

But at this time, a strange sound suddenly sounded in the air, and the word "kill" faintly rang in his ears. The sound was not very loud, but it hit the depths of Gu Zheng's mind, even if Gu Zheng had already had the best protection before , but still let Gu Zheng's mind flicker, and found that the general in the distance appeared in front of him.

That pair of bloody hands firmly grasped his shoulders, those bright bloody eyes looked at Gu Zheng, his lips moved slightly, and before Gu Zheng could guess what it meant, a large wave of blood immediately set off behind the general.

The next moment, Gu Zheng's figure was surrounded by waves of blood.

After more than ten breaths, a black light suddenly descended from the outside, piercing into the blood wave.

In another place, it is only a few hundred kilometers away from here. The plain that was originally flat is now full of potholes. You can only see pools of blood mixed in the soil, and it will take many times to be blown into pieces. Minced meat, scattered on the ground.

Above the sky, the void is still shaking. Nearly a hundred golden immortals are fighting here, and the aftermath is just countless winds rising.

Powerful spells were issued one after another, and the clanging of swords and swords continued to ring out, accompanied by roars of anger, the battle had already entered a fever pitch.

Everyone has found their opponent, and at the same time they have to be distracted from the opponent's sneak attack.

In just half a day, nearly ten golden immortals have fallen.

It's basically the same thing.

However, among these dead people are basically those golden immortals who had been slaves. They had a deep-seated hatred for the people of the Freedom Alliance, and they couldn't hold back in the battle.

For example, Qingxuan directly supported the opponent's three golden immortals of the same level, and it seemed that he was still in the upper hand. He Sheng defended with all his strength, not seeking merit, but just supporting the opponent alone.

And at the edge of the battlefield, Xing Kong felt angry again when he saw that his spell failed again and was narrowly dodged by the opponent.

"Xing Liezhu, do you know that if you stole the holy object, the whole village may be in disaster. Without the help of the holy object, how can we still be as strong as before? What a crime you have suffered." Xingkong scratched his back, a pitch-black short sword appeared in his hand, and rushed towards Xing Liezhu, but said in his mouth.

"Dear one? It's ridiculous, do you consider me a relative?" Xing Liezhu said disdainfully after fighting him in the air.

"You have to know that each of us is involuntary, that's how fate is, every class can't escape, at least you are much better than many people." Xingkong was not moved at all, and continued to persuade.


Xing Kong punched the opponent's shoulder hard, Xing Liezhu flew out, and after listening in the air, wiped a trace of blood from his mouth, showing a hint of sarcasm.

"It's much better, but isn't it just a tool in the final analysis? A tool will die sooner or later. I won't give up my life for the whole clan. You raised me, and I know how to repay you, but now your kindness of raising me is gone. , and even worse to swallow me alive, then don't blame me."

Xing Liezhu looked around, although it seemed that the two sides were evenly matched, but for him, it was time to make a decision.

Seeing the starry sky approaching him again, a black gourd suddenly appeared in his hand, and he lifted it up.

In just an instant, Xingkong stopped in his tracks and looked up solemnly.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"Of course I'm not crazy!" Xing Lie Zhu chuckled, and tapped the gourd's mouth in an orderly manner with his hands, a black light appeared on it, and a trace of lightning kept flickering in his mouth.

When the explosion was approaching, a figure suddenly appeared beside him, and slashed at Xing Liezhu's head.

Xing Liezhu was shocked, and with a quick flash, the direction the gourd was facing suddenly changed to another direction, and a black ball instantly escaped from his mouth and disappeared above their heads.

For others, this is just an episode, because they have to pay attention to their surroundings after fighting, not just sneak attacks, the spells of other people in the battle are the most terrible.

"Damn it!"

Xing Liezhu saw that his shoulder was scratched by the opponent, half of his arm was already weak, and after looking at the starry sky, he turned his head back and fled towards the distance.

"Go and tell others that I'm going to chase after Xing Liezhu, and you are waiting for my return at Mr. Gu's side!" Xing Kong said to the subordinate who suddenly appeared, and then turned into a ray of light, chasing after him.

Under the blood wave, Gu Zheng has been trapped in the blood-colored space.

"Under my endless blood sea warrior, you will eventually be corroded!"

Gu Zheng propped up a black shield, guarding his body firmly, and didn't care about his words at all.

Holding the water drop in his hand, the infinite power of faith poured into his body continuously, trying to consume him to death, that is really wishful thinking.

But before he had time to check his surroundings, he found that the clam pearl in his arms moved, so he quickly took it out to have a look.

It wasn't that the black electricity in the clam pearl wanted to resist, but it gave Gu Zheng a feeling that it was about to move, as if something was attracting it, which made Gu Zheng a little puzzled.

But before he figured it out, Gu Zheng's face suddenly changed, and the force of the burning incense covered his body layer by layer, and in a blink of an eye, he was like a big yellow cocoon, covering himself layer by layer.

At the same time, a black object broke in from the outside instantly.

"This is?" A voice of doubt sounded, before Deng could react, a black ball suddenly rushed up from below and hit the ball of black light.


Black light suddenly burst out in the blood wave, and almost in the blink of an eye, the blood wave that besieged Gu Zheng exploded, turning into a sky full of blood and splashing towards the surroundings.

Countless black lights mixed with tiny lightning bolts frantically wanted to rush out from the inside, but only flew a certain distance, and a greater suction force rose in the center, as if an invisible hand was pulling the black light.

The black light lightning suddenly stagnated in the air, and quickly retreated back again. In the blink of an eye, there was no black light in the air.

Gu Zheng carefully came out from the layers of protection, looked at the clam pearl in front of him, and swayed slightly in the air, as if he was full and satisfied.

And the black electricity that filled the sky also disappeared.

Looking at the mess in the surrounding air, countless bloody waters floating in the air, it seems to have become a world of waves.

When Gu Zheng saw that there was no one around, he stepped up and collected the seemingly harmless clam pearl. At this time, it was equivalent to an ownerless thing, and it would be distressing if it was snatched away by the general.

However, none of his generals will die here, because the surrounding black mist still exists.


The surrounding blood waves suddenly turned into thick red mist, which filled the surrounding area, blocking Gu Zheng's sight.

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