After Ziyi explained again, Gu Zheng finally understood the disadvantages of the power of incense and fire, which made him secretly thankful that he didn't open up cultivation again at the beginning.

"Is this also the reason why you don't want the power of incense?" At the end, Gu Zheng suddenly remembered what Ziyi said to himself at the beginning.

"No, I can't practice, but you look so injured, I'm afraid you won't be able to recuperate for several years!" Zi Yi obviously didn't want to talk about this topic, so he just stayed for a while, and instead asked about Gu Zheng's injury.

"I didn't expect it to be like this, I can only take one step at a time." Gu Zheng said with a wry smile.

"But there is not much time left. Your current injury, no matter how fast it is, will take decades to heal. Then how will you fight the opponent?" Zi Yi saw through the seriousness of Gu Zheng's body at a glance.

"That's true. Now we can only take one step at a time." Gu Zheng nodded. He really overestimated his recovery, and his body was too overdrawn, which greatly slowed down his recovery.

"Let's not talk about this, maybe when we get to the City of Hope, we can get some panacea in exchange for it, maybe it will be fine, you can help me eliminate the imprint in the body first." Gu Zheng said with a smile.

In Gu Zheng's view, the immediate crisis was nothing at all, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

"Why? Can't it work? Just now, seeing your self-confidence, I thought it could be eliminated!" Gu Zheng looked at Ziyi with a embarrassed expression, and said in surprise.

"I really have nothing to do with this imprint. This one is on the imprint of that magic weapon. If you want to remove it, you must use the same magic weapon. If I could try it before, I really have no way to do surgery now, but I have other ways to help you get rid of it." The injury will be healed." What Ziyi said earlier disappointed Gu Zheng, and the latter stunned him.


"It's true. I happen to have an elixir in my hand. Although it's not the kind of medicine that brings the dead back to life, it's enough to bring you back to your best state after taking it." The elixir appeared in hand.

"Girl in purple, if you have any conditions, feel free to ask, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it." Thinking of the other party's ridicule for him, Gu Zheng didn't want to hide here at all, especially if it was about whether he could do it or not.

And once this matter is over, I will wait until Ren Jie and the others come back, and then I will leave and head up, and I have to report my village before the time expires.

But if your injury is not good, even if you report it, how can you beat those elite ancestor gods.

Ziyi fell silent and lowered his head, not letting Gu Zheng see his expression.

"I don't have any other requirements. I will use it for you now. If there is something, I will tell you! I am going back to rest now." Ziyi threw the things in his hand to Gu Zheng, and then rushed out Yes, leave here.

Ziyi returned to his room in a puff of smoke, and he almost couldn't help but say it, but it seemed that it was not enough, next time, next time.

Someone from Gu Zheng watched Ziyi leave strangely. He clearly felt that the other party seemed to want to ask him something, but he flinched in the end.

Shaking his head, he looked at the elixir in his hand, which looked more like a whitening pearl, and it felt so smooth to the touch that he could feel that the recovery speed of the injury in his body was accelerated when he touched it.

It's a big deal to wait until later to make up for it. Gu Zheng thought of this, and after simply laying out a layer of enchantment, he put the elixir in his hand into his mouth.

As soon as the elixir was taken in, it automatically turned into a puddle of water and flowed towards Gu Zheng's body, and then exploded in Gu Zheng's body.

Strains of powerful medicine began to rush towards all parts of the body like a tsunami.

Two days later, Gu Zheng finally opened his eyes, shook his palms, and with his body shaking and snapping, Gu Zheng stood up, feeling that his body was full of strength again, and laughed a little easily.

But these are far from enough. Thinking of the magic weapon in the opponent's hand, although he forcibly broke it open and damaged a lot, its power should not be underestimated.

For those who violated me, if I didn't teach them a lesson, I couldn't swallow this breath in my heart.

However, the number of opponents is indeed quite large. Thinking of this, Gu Zheng stopped thinking of leaving the room and came back again.

A magic weapon has already been taken into his hands, and it is the imitation Nine Dragons God Fire Cover that he picked up at that time.

I happen to refine this, even if it is broken, I don't feel bad, this thing is not suitable for Gu Zheng at all, it has been so long, although Gu Zheng has no reason to refine it.

However, Gu Zheng felt that the power of the incense in the demon grass in his body was empty, and he didn't seem to be absorbing the power of the incense, which made Gu Zheng worry for a while. Before that, he tried to transform some of the power of the incense from the statue.

In the past, the demon grass had already swallowed it in one gulp, but now there is no reaction at all when it is put in the mouth, but fortunately the worst thing did not happen, and the power of incense can be controlled through the demon grass, otherwise Gu Zheng is really a desire No more tears.

After hearing what Ziyi said to himself, Gu Zheng wouldn't touch it even if he was killed.

Clouds of yellow mist kept appearing in this small room, and soon covered the entire manor.

For He Sheng and the others, they thought that the ancient battle had returned to normal, and let go of the last worry in their hearts. Seeing that the opponent's actions became more and more ordinary, it seemed that the opponent had been in the past few days.

Now that He Sheng was sitting in the center, Cai Die and the others were stationed at the back all the time, guarding against the enemies in the north.

Qingxuan and the others are not idle either, they are within the village every day, looking to the left and right from high altitude, acting as the sharpest scouts, observing each other's movements.

As the yellow fog all over the sky subsided rapidly, Gu Zheng looked at the Nine-Dragon Mask in his hand with satisfaction. Although it looked similar to the previous one at this time, its power was indeed very different.

Nine flexible yellow dragons are constantly swimming inside, and the raging yellow flames are still burning inside, and the threat inside can be felt from the outside.

After a long time, the calm inside was restored.

Gu Zheng put away the Nine-Dragon Mask, thinking about the imprint in his body, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and strode out of the room.

"Everything is fine!" He Sheng, who was watching the final preparations at the front, suddenly heard a familiar voice, turned his head with great joy, and saw Gu Zheng standing behind him at some point.

"Everything is fine, just waiting to die with the other party!" He Sheng said confidently.

"Don't worry, our fighters are full of confidence now, there must be no problem." Mi Fei who was on the side also said, of course, the flame behind that can burn at any time is the biggest message for them.

Even ordinary fighters, without any worries, their unleashed strength is impressive.

At this time, Mi Fei's team did not need to be a backup this time, and He Sheng placed them on one side, so that the intensity of the attack they received was also low.

"That's good. After this victory, I will immediately apply to leave here, then we can go to the holy place in your heart!" Gu Zheng chuckled and said to He Sheng.

When He Sheng heard it, he seemed to see himself in the City of Hope, and a trace of yearning immediately appeared on his expression.

"Ahem" Seeing He Sheng like this, Mi Fei coughed twice, waking him up from his fantasy, he couldn't understand the obsession buried deep in his heart.

"But our population is still not enough!" He Sheng thought of a problem and said immediately.

"Does it depend on what Daoist Mi Fei once said?" Gu Zheng turned to look at Mi Fei and said intentionally.

"I, Mi Fei, keep my word. As long as you can win, I will join in without saying a word, and I don't need any incense power." Mi Fei looked at Gu Zheng's joking eyes, and said bravely, who made him realize at that time? The mouth is about to speak out.

Now that Gu Zheng said so, the bitter fruit that he has brewed, he has to bite the bullet and eat it.

"Look, the ready-made population is enough to pass the standard." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Mi, we will be a family by then. Come on, I think your position can be adjusted, so that the danger will be smaller." He Sheng smiled at Mi Fei, and then pulled him away Rearrange positions.

Gu Zheng shook his head, there wasn't much to say, and was about to turn around and leave when two figures in the distance flew towards this side at high speed.

When I looked closely, it was the little monkey and the old bird that had disappeared for a long time.

Before they returned to the village, they volunteered to stay outside, because they were not counted, and planned to search for some information for Gu Zheng outside, and at this time they finally came back.

"Old bird and little monkey, thank you for your hard work." Gu Zheng said first after seeing it.

"It's okay, this is what we should do. We have found out that the opponent will launch a general attack tomorrow, and there are a series of arrangements for the opponent." The little monkey moved over and immediately claimed credit.

"Very well, go and tell He Sheng the news, and then ask him to arrange a place for you, and you don't want to show up in this battle." Gu Zheng nodded and ordered to them.

He has already handed over all this kind of fighting to He Sheng, and he is not going to ask about it, because he has a premonition that the other party will leave a mark on him, and there may be some tricks waiting for him.

Gu Zheng looked into the distance, the aura on his body slowly descended, and he soon turned into the sluggish look before, but this time, he was pretending, and he wanted to see what the other party wanted.

After getting the news from Lao Niao and the others, He Sheng also took the time to arrange everything and waited for the opponent's final attack.

A day passed quickly, and as the ground trembled, densely packed human heads appeared before He Sheng's eyes again.

Behind this, there was also a weak vibration sound at the same time. Judging from the vibration, the opponent really attacked across the board this time.

Soon, the huge crowd on the opposite side approached here, and the blessings had already been refreshed again, but what surprised He Sheng was that this time those people and horses did not appear in front, as if knowing that Gu Zheng would not appear, they ran to I went to command later.

This time the opponent was not much different from the last time, only a group of people behind launched a long-range attack, and the soldiers in front rushed directly towards this side.

It's just that this time when the other party came, more than twice the number of people here rushed over. In the sky above their heads, dense long-range attacks passed over their heads, covering them and preventing Xifeng Village from launching long-range attacks.

This time, there was also no harm to Xifeng Village, but the fighters of the Mifei tribe next to them were not so lucky. Although they also opened up their defenses, many people fell under the wave.

This is still the other party's main attack on Xifeng Village, and what they receive is only some aftermath.

Because the combat power of Xifeng Village last time gave them a great deterrent, they subconsciously attacked the opponent.

It was just one round, and Mi Fei knew the gap from behind, but he was even more surprised later, but now he has to quickly command the people in the middle.

"Quickly! Pull those wounded out, and pull them to the back."

This time, according to He Sheng, some fighters with relatively weak cultivation bases did not come to the field to fight, but acted as the logistics department behind, so as to minimize losses as much as possible.

After the victory, these people are all their own people. Now every loss means that there will be one less villager in the future. Of course, He Sheng, who is careful and careful, knows how to make the most of it. After all, weak strength plays a relatively small role in the battlefield. .

The injured soldier here had just been pulled out, and the enemy on the opposite side was less than ten meters away, and within a few breaths, they were about to start fighting with each other.

And the people in the opposite back row also moved forward at this time, approaching the battlefield, but their routes were somewhat distorted.

The pressure on Mi Fei here is not very great, because the enemy knows that even if they are all dead, as long as Xifeng Village does not collapse, everything will be in vain.

In addition to a trial battle, the enemy's elite fighters were concentrated here, hoping to defeat Xifeng Village's fighters.

The two sides saw that there were no blocking traps at all, so as soon as they came up, the battle became fierce.

At the first moment when the war just started here, the Celestial Immortals on the opposite side came out in full force this time.

This time, they believed that they could absolutely beat the opponent to pieces, cut off the opponent's flag, interfere with the opponent's statue, and make Xifeng Village's blessings even weaker, and then the people below them The warriors breached their lines, chopped up the statue, and it was over.

Under the strength several times higher, they have this self-confidence.

Their fighter strength is very strong, but the strength of the Celestial Immortal Stage is as good as them, and Xifeng Village can't stop them at all.

The most powerful celestial peak in hundreds of villages, like a sharp spear, is bound to tear a hole, leading them to rush to each other, and kill them all.

They just came to the top of Xifeng Village, and the other party also flew over from behind.

"Huh? Their weapons seem to be different from before. They seem to be new weapons." The person in the front felt a kind of scalp numbness when he saw the sharp weapons.

"Let them taste our strength! Destroy the enemy!" Xia Qi raised the weapon in his hand and yelled towards the nearby area.

The people in Xifeng Village also roared in unison at the same time, the roar shook the sky, making the other party feel terrified.

But their speed was too fast. Although many people noticed the difference in each other, the two sides collided with each other in the next moment.

Countless streamers rose immediately, followed by countless meteors falling from the sky.

Just a face-to-face meeting, hundreds of people fell from the sky, and kept hitting the bottom, making the bottom jump for a while.

But if you look carefully, basically most of them are not from Xifeng Village.

The sudden appearance of the new weapon this time made the people of Xifeng Village unable to kill the opponent in a hurry, and a large number of casualties occurred in an instant.

Those who fell had just made contact with the opponent, and the weapons in their hands were cut off by the opponent, or they underestimated the opponent's magic power.

But at this moment, no one could stop, and the words delivered were not as fast as the opponent's stabbing.

The weapons in the hands of the leading Golden Immortal peaks were not bad, and they were not shaken by the opponent, but watching their own people making dumplings, towards people who were constantly getting injured or directly dying, in just this short round of effort, at least the loss one-tenth of the people.

Even if the people behind reacted, but the gap in the weapons left them with nothing to do, they could only try to add spells to the weapons, and try to fight the opponent.

Relying on their large numbers, they panicked for a while, and then began to stabilize their position, but they failed to achieve their goal and defeated the people of Xifeng Village like lightning.

Even some people who wanted to sneak past were blocked by them.

While fighting on the ground at this time, the soldiers of Xifeng Village were fighting and retreating, not because they couldn't resist the opponent's impact, but because they wanted to let the opponent in on purpose.

But these people didn't know, they thought their attack was effective, and even rushed up like chicken blood, but they didn't find that most of the ground was their people.

He Sheng has been paying attention to the situation in the back, but what puzzles him is that there is no one person commanding the other party, as if he thinks that these people will be able to break through their defense line.

No one even came to trouble Miffy.

Normally speaking, no one can stop so many people with absolute power, even if it is a group of people rushing up.

In such a short period of time, Mi Fei's team is almost unable to hold on now, and there is a big gap on the sides guarding them, which makes the soldiers in Xifeng Village very passive. If He Sheng didn't retreat slowly in advance, I'm afraid Casualties will be greater now.

And here, all the Xifeng Village fighters, including He Sheng, have been waiting, waiting for the new number given to them by Gu Zheng, which also allows them to unleash their strongest combat power.

But in the sky far away, all those people who He Sheng was puzzled gathered here.

"Are you ready? Since everyone agrees, then this time the opponent will definitely be killed!" Pang Li said solemnly.

"Then after you're done, leave here and leave the rest to us. This time, we must make him look good!" Seeing everyone nodding, Xu Lao opened his half-closed eyes suddenly and said to some gods .


A strange fluctuation sounded in the air, and everyone injected mana into a somewhat defective thing in front of them.

At the same time, since the beginning of the battle, Gu Zheng, who was standing next to the statue, had a red light flashing on his chest, and a trace of confusion appeared in Gu Zheng's eyes, and he flew out at a high speed.

But at the moment he left, a huge white light burst out from the statue, rose into the air at a high speed, and then turned into a violent halo and swept away towards the surroundings.

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