After Gu Zheng waited for the exact news, the whole figure began to run. Since it is so obvious, as long as he has seen it, he will never miss it. He does not ask about the tribes on the way, but depends on the specific location of the other party. where.

Half a month later, Gu Zheng's hurried figure stopped suddenly, flew above the high school, and looked down with a heavy face.

Under him, there should have been a relatively prosperous tribe, but now most of the houses inside have collapsed, with broken walls and ruins, and there are messy tiles everywhere, and every completely undamaged building looks dilapidated. .

As Gu Zheng glanced over, among the collapsed houses, some dried blood stains could still be vaguely seen, and now it became a large black patch, and a disgusting stench emanated from the village below, making people feel sick. People want to vomit when they hear it.

Gu Zheng's eyes even saw some decayed limbs. It was obvious that the village had suffered a catastrophe before, and almost no one was able to escape.

Outside of this tribe, there was basically no major disturbance.

Carefully inspected the bottom, found no signs of life, Gu Zheng shook his head, raised his figure again, looked forward, but found nothing, but Gu Zheng felt that he was close to his goal .

Because when I came here, I didn't find this village at all, until it seemed to pass through an invisible barrier, and this village suddenly appeared in front of me.

It seems that I have entered the blocked area, and my mission goal seems to be here.

Gu Zheng stepped back a little tentatively, but after only flying a few thousand meters, Gu Zheng realized that he seemed to be hitting a wall like a ghost.

It seems that the token is also a means for him to escape. In case of danger, he can also escape here through this thing.

Immediately, Gu Zheng's figure flew towards the inside again. Since the opponent is trapped here, he doesn't have to worry so much.

Soon the island where Yunxia Village was located appeared in front of him.

Sure enough, looking from a high altitude, it looks like layers of clouds are spread on the ground, and the streams are shimmering, which makes the whole island come alive like a finishing touch.

But at this time, the island was in a mess like the previous ones, and it was even more miserable. The size of the island was twice that of that tribe, and it was estimated that at least 50,000 people had lived in it. Here, but now, there is silence.

More importantly, Gu Zheng felt the atmosphere of fighting from above. Although it has been a long time, the tragedy at that time can still be seen, because at the corner of the island, it has been attacked by some kind of external force and completely disappeared. There are still many traces of battles on the island, and there are big pits everywhere.

But it seems that the soul-devouring beast won in the end, otherwise it would not be his turn to accept this task.


Gu Zheng raised his head and looked at the sky. At this time, it started to get dark slowly, and finally he couldn't see his fingers. A strange feeling rose in his heart, as if he was cut off from the outside world.

Feeling a trace of breath from the sky, with a flick of his heart, he knew that this was forcibly cutting off the input of spiritual energy here. In this way, the spiritual energy inside would be less and less, which could gradually weaken the strength of the soul-devouring beast, allowing him to Inability to fully recover from trauma to the body.

Gu Zheng remembered the information that sloppy old man told him that the other party would try to break through here every once in a while, and that time was also when he was the weakest.

The whole sky was pitch black, and Gu Zheng didn't move, so he quietly restrained the breath in his body, listening to the sound of the wind all over the sky, as if he was secluded with this place.

Suddenly, he raised his brows, and looked down. In the place that was originally pitch-black, now several clusters of fires began to appear one after another, and they were as conspicuous as sparks ignited.

A moment later, Gu Zheng twisted his figure in the air, like a light bird, and went straight to the bonfires without a sound, and soon stood on a broken roof, the fire below couldn't shine here, The whole figure is completely hidden in the shadows.

Gu Zheng turned his head and looked around, unexpectedly there were hundreds of people appearing in this crowded open space, and in one place, more and more people poured out from the ground.

"Hurry up and boil the water, do you still have dry food, don't worry about eating, you idiot, hurry up and make some water, and then pack it up, who knows when this night will pass." A familiar voice sounded in the distance, and at the same time There was also a voice on the other side.

"Slow down, I tell you not to worry, and be careful, I'll throw you out to feed that beast."

The two figures shuttled back and forth among the different bonfires, and kept asking everyone.

There are also some people with relatively high aura who are also maintaining order. Although the ordinary people are still panicking, at least they have calmed down on the surface.

In a short time, an unattractive fragrance filled the air.

These bonfires seem to have a clear division of labor. Some are boiling water and putting it up directly after boiling it. thing.


So many people groaned their stomachs at the same time, but none of them ate the food to satisfy their hunger.

"Mother, I'm hungry." A little boy who was about ten years old looked greedily at the contents of the pot. There were only many different kinds of vegetables in it. Occasionally a diced meat popped up, which made the little boy drool. Straight up.

"Hurry up, wait for a while, we are eating when the Lord Zushen opens the meal, this time I will make you full, okay?" The mother hugged the boy tightly, and the exposed arm was already incomparable. The thin, loose skin showed that she hadn't been this thin.


After an entire hour, the water in the pot in front of the mother and son had been taken away, and after repeated addition three times, it was now indistinguishable from the original richness, as if the clear soup lacked water, and the ingredients inside were boiled pale, making people No appetite.

The flames of the bonfire were gradually weakening, and the surrounding temperature gradually became colder. Some people with weak constitutions were already shivering, but their eyes were still longing for the food in front of them.

"It's ready to eat, everyone slow down!"

At this time, the first two figures finally let out a low growl, making everyone happy.

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, thousands of people couldn't wait to grab the dishes in front of them, not afraid of being hot, and then rushed towards their mouths, and finally devoured them, fearing that they would lose them all if they were too late.

But it was true, just a dozen or so short breaths, and each person stretched out his hand twice at most, and there was nothing in front of him, and there was almost no residual juice left.

A small piece of diced meat accidentally fell on the ground in a person's hand. The person picked it up without saying a word, and filled it towards the end, not paying attention to the dirt on it.

"Mother, I'm still hungry!" The little boy before, after eating the last bite of food, looked into the empty pot and looked at his mother.

"Hey, come on! I have a little more here, enough for you to eat." The mother seemed to know this a long time ago, and smiled and took out half a bowl of food, which she didn't eat just now.

He wasn't the only one who wasn't full. As soon as she took it out, the eyes of the people around her turned over in an instant. Their eyes were full of eagerness to move, and they were about to grab it the next moment.

"If you dare to snatch it, the ancestor gods will not spare you." The mother's eyes turned hard, she stared around, but said in her mouth.

Maybe it was because of similar things before, anyway, when those people heard it, even if they were unwilling, they put down their figures and simply turned their heads away from looking at it, for fear that they would go up and snatch it if they couldn't control themselves.


Gu Zheng sighed softly, the most selfless thing in the world should be maternal love, regardless of race, no matter when and where.

Because of the name of the Soul-devouring Beast, Gu Zheng was a lot more vigilant, so he was sure that these people were not an illusion.


Although this sigh was very small, it was still heard by the two people who had been vigilant, and they shouted at the same time.

Gu Zheng's figure then fell towards the back and receded from the roof towards the distance.

"Huping, pack up your things and take everyone back quickly." One of the figures said to the people next to him, and then chased in the direction of Gu Zheng.

Soon he chased after him, and shouted when he saw the figure chasing ahead first.

"Old bird, did you find anything?"

"No, little monkey, is it our illusion? Maybe the power unintentionally emanating from that monster is affecting this place." The old man turned his head slowly and said worriedly.

"It's hard to say, the other party's penetration here is getting stronger and stronger, even if I dare not go outside, I am afraid that I will be trapped by the other party, otherwise I will not be able to find a lot of things, it is a pity that we wasted too much time ahead .” The little monkey walked to the old bird, and the strong camouflage on his face disappeared.

"Yeah!" The old bird's consciousness was constantly vigilant around, and said, "If the other party can really infiltrate here, then all the things we arranged before have been infiltrated, what should we do next, we really have to wait dead?"

His tone was full of despair, as if there was no other way.

"Don't worry, there is still some connection in my perception, at most it's just some aftermath coming in, and if we can hold on for a while, maybe someone will save us." Seeing the old bird's expression, the little monkey cheered up.

The two of them were vigilant, and then turned back to the way back.

"How to save? The darkness is becoming more and more frequent now. If one day, the darkness doesn't subside, this space will be completely peeled off from there and be abandoned. Who can save us in the cracks in the space!" The old bird winked Flushed, he whispered, his body trembling because of excitement.

"So here I am!"

Gu Zheng never thought that he could still meet the two of them, it seems that they are also trapped here.

Hearing their conversation from the darkness, I realized that the darkness is not only to prevent the other party from replying, but also to strip away this space. Is the soul-devouring beast in it so scary? They can't even kill the stewards, so they can only use this method.

But thinking that even if the other party issued a mission, he would also give him a token to escape at any time, so he knew that the other party didn't seem to expect him to be able to solve the other party from the beginning.

Seeing the negative look of the other party, he even started to leave here, and then Gu Zheng came out from the darkness and said.

"Who are you?"

Seeing a stranger suddenly appearing, the old bird and the little bird immediately became nervous and shouted at each other.

"I haven't seen you for a while, why don't you know me!" Gu Zheng said with his hands outstretched.

"Be careful!" The little monkey signaled to the old man with a look, and the weapon was already raised.

"Know you? Hehe, this ghostly place is no longer allowed to enter and exit. Who else do you want to fool, and we will be impolite if you don't talk about it." Although he was threatening like this, his body was still slowly retreating.

Gu Zheng looked at the strange eyes of the other party, and then realized that his disguise had not been removed.

Grabbing at his own face, he tore off his disguise and returned to his original appearance.

"It's that evil spirit!" The little monkey almost jumped up when he saw it.

"What the hell, what a fuss! The other party must have been created by the monster reading the memory in our brains. Go back quickly. They probably have gone back safely, so we don't need to wait for some time." The old bird didn't say anything Surprised, although he was also surprised when Gu Zheng returned to his original appearance, he still said calmly, and at the same time those eyes were fixed on him, for fear that Gu Zheng would attack them violently.

Gu Zheng looked at the other party's serious appearance, and couldn't help laughing in his heart, but he also knew how much shadow the Soul-devouring Beast had brought to them, although he was surprised at their spirit of protecting those people with their bodies.

When the two bandits who robbed others were so kind, but they couldn't recognize themselves so much, and they used themselves as the method of the soul-devouring beast, then it was unforgivable.

He was originally his own defeated opponent, and now he has severe injuries in his body. Seeing the disbelief on the opponent's face, Gu Zheng knew that if he wanted the opponent to believe him, he would have to talk a lot, and he didn't necessarily believe him.

Gu Zheng thought of a good way in his mind, and with a wicked smile on his face, his figure flashed and rushed towards the opponent in an instant.

"Be careful!" the old bird shouted immediately.


"Bang bang!"

Gu Zheng used his absolute strength to tell them how weak they were, who couldn't even show their strength in the early stage of the Golden Immortal. In just one stick of incense, the two of them lay on the ground without any resistance.

This is because Gu Zheng is merciful. If he wants the other party's life, the other party will lie down earlier.

"Whoever is afraid of death is a coward! Let's fight the old bird, and don't let the other party control our bodies even if we die." The little monkey who couldn't move on the ground shouted towards Gu Zheng not far away, It seems to be able to get rid of my inner fear.


Gu Zheng took a light step forward, causing the little monkey to speak again quickly.

"I said, can we have a discussion and let us go, anyway, you can't escape, leaving us with a companion."

He was talking nonsense in his mouth, but Gu Zheng noticed that there seemed to be something in the opponent's hand, and he seemed to want to distract himself from attacking him.

"Stop making trouble! The other party is really Mr. Gu!" The old bird with light hands grabbed the little monkey's arm, stopping his next movement instantly.

If they were really transformed by monsters, they would have been lying on the ground in good health, and they would have died long ago.

"Ah!" Monkey was a little dumbfounded, it turned out that Gu Zheng really came, just now he admitted his mistake, he was beaten for nothing, now his whole body is bruised and swollen, how can he see people.

"Get up, don't make a sad face, I won't do anything to you this time!" Seeing that they finally understood, Gu Zheng lifted the restraint in their bodies, it was still so simple and clear.

"No, Young Master Gu, how did you get in here! This place has been separated from the outside!" The little monkey stood up, slapped himself a few times, and those external injuries healed in a blink of an eye.

"Of course it depends on this." Gu Zheng took out the token in his arms and put it away.


"It's really rich, this thing is very valuable, no wonder I can come in with confidence." Although it was fleeting, the two of them also recognized that thing.

As long as this thing can feel the breath here, even if you are exposed in the turbulent flow of space, you can accurately locate it here, but there is no such thing as a coincidence.

"It's okay, this time I'm tasked with getting rid of the Soul-devouring Beast here, how did you get here? Aren't you from the south?" Gu Zheng also asked very curiously.


At this moment, there was a huge roar from far away, and behind the darkness all over the sky, traces of colorful clouds emerged from it, and the whole world began to light up slowly.

"Let's get out of here first, there is a disguise in the previous position, the soul-devouring beast you mentioned can't find us." The old bird's expression changed, and he said to Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng felt the infinite power, as if an ancient fierce beast was roaring, but he didn't try his best. After all, he could already see the danger this time, and he even prepared the tools to escape.

The three of them hurried towards the place where they had eaten. At this time, except for the mess on the ground, everyone had disappeared without a trace.

With a sweep of divine sense, no abnormalities were noticed nearby.

"This way!"

The little monkeys took the lead and led the way to a relatively open place, and then set off a simple camouflage one by one, and there was a dry well level with the ground underneath.

You can see the bottom at a glance, even if some sundries are piled up below, and the spiritual sense penetrates in, there is nothing unusual.

"I'll go down first!" The little monkey glanced at the increasingly bright sky, said hurriedly, and jumped down.

When the other party was about to fall below, a layer of ripples suddenly appeared in the midair, swallowing the little monkey and disappearing without a trace.

Even though Gu Zheng saw it with his own eyes, he didn't find any difference in his spiritual consciousness, just like an illusion.

But he didn't hesitate either, the figure of the little monkey had just disappeared, and Gu Zheng also jumped down.

As soon as he landed in mid-air, Gu Zheng felt that he had passed through a layer of cold membrane, and found himself standing in another place.

Before Gu Zheng could take a look around, the figure of the old bird appeared in front of Gu Zheng not far away, and the little monkey greeted him with a smile.

"Welcome to our last refuge!"

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