
As soon as the sword shadow in Minghu's body appeared, he automatically rushed towards the nearby Bai Yan, and when the two collided together, there was a huge explosion sound, and the two died together, disappearing one after another.

The "booming" explosion sounded continuously,

The sword shadows outside did not attack Minghu indiscriminately, but gathered in places farther away, and a sword shadow with a full tens of feet began to appear in the air, exuding a huge aura.

Of course, Minghu knew that the sword shadow was specially used by the opponent to deal with him, especially the fatal feeling brought by it, which made him want to destroy the opponent's spell before it was completed.

However, Gu Zheng stretched out his hand below and grabbed the hilt of the long sword. He pulled out an identical long sword again, but the slightly dim long sword was still suspended in the air, and the phantom of the flying sword was still there. Stopped and rushed out, the speed was still so fast.

This time, Gu Zheng aimed at the opponent's insignificant place. Although it seemed that there was no fatal weakness in the opponent's head, but Gu Zheng felt that there were other ways to cause damage to him.

As for the head, although the weakness is obvious, it is also the place with the strictest defense, so I can go up now if I don't have to. , I dismantled the opponent first, leaving only one head to see what he would do then.

Here, Minghu felt the threat under his body, his two eyes suddenly lit up, and the two white flame dragons, shaking their heads and tails, rushed out from inside, twisting their bodies in the air, moving towards the ancient dragon below. Fighting rushed over.

All the white flames that the fire dragon passed were sucked into the body, and even those sword shadows were already blurred on the way before they approached.

After feeling the power from above, Gu Zheng stopped attacking his ribs for the time being. Watching the fire dragon rushing towards him arrogantly, Gu Zheng showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. The fire dragon suddenly slashed down with a sword.


The huge fire dragon in front of him was instantly cut in two by an invisible wave from the middle of the head all the way along the tail, and then Gu Zheng leaped again, passing the other attack, and then Then he dodged sideways, dodging the opponent's sudden tail-flicking attack.

Taking advantage of the opponent's turning around, Gu Zheng went from top to bottom, trying to cut the opponent in half directly from the middle.

There was a sound of "boom".

When Gu Zheng just touched the fire dragon, the fire dragon under his body suddenly burst open, turning into white flames that filled the sky, engulfing Gu Zheng's body completely.

Under the extremely hot white flames, even with Gu Zheng's enhanced protection, he still felt as if his whole body was burning, but only in the next moment,

A stream of white fireworks spewed out from his wrist, quickly circling around Gu Zheng's body, and the hotness had completely disappeared.

Gu Zheng was overjoyed, this Lihuan was simply the nemesis of all kinds of flames, he had helped him many times, and he almost forgot about it.

Without external interference, he immediately raised the long sword in his hand and rushed towards a bone in the distance with great force. The jade light on the surface of this bone kept shining, and it was thicker than the previous one, but in the eyes of Gu Zheng, there was no such thing as a bone. the difference.

With a loud noise, a huge gap was cut in the middle of it, and it was cut into two abruptly.

Although not as exaggerated as shown before, the final effect is the same.

Then Gu Zheng rushed to another bone, and wanted to tear down this big guy.

On the island, there are already many people flying in the air, watching this side silently.

Although they really couldn't see the situation here, the terrifying aura blowing in the wind, together with the roar of anger that could not be suppressed, let people know who was in the upper hand and who was in the disadvantaged.

"It seems that little friend is really good. He can beat Minghu like this. It's not an exaggeration to be a dragon and a phoenix!" In another territory of the Yaozu, three figures were in the sky, but the expressions of the two old men were indifferent. There was even a sense of admiration, but the other person's expression turned ugly, and he just stayed aside.

"Yeah, I thought we were going to help each other, but the battle ended almost as soon as it started. It really developed too fast! I remember the last battle, which lasted for hundreds of years. It seems that our side It's a miserable victory." The other old man nodded in affirmation.

"I'm curious, I want to meet this little friend before I leave!" said the first old man, stroking his beard.

In another place, there is a slightly higher mountain peak. At this time, the escaped warriors of the Tiger King tribe gathered. On top of them, the cold-faced man and the rhinoceros man looked at the distant sky, as if they could cross this space and see warring parties.

After standing for an unknown amount of time, the cold-faced man finally sighed, and said in a somewhat silent voice.

"I'm not as good as him!"

This made it really difficult for him, who was so high-spirited, to say these words.

"Gao Fei is dead!" The rhinoceros man next to him looked at his body that still had scars, and said suddenly.

"We guess there is no hope, so we should be more careful!"

The cold-faced man was not answering, and only spoke after a while, and then the air fell into silence again.

In Sun Weixin's village road, many villagers have already started to save themselves, but above their heads, Sun Weixin and Gui Xifei looked into the distance in the air, with complicated expressions on their faces. The movement was shaken out.

"What do you think I should do?" Sun Weixin sighed and asked to the side.

"Master Sun, whatever you decide, I'll follow you." Gui Xi immediately said firmly to show his attitude.

"Maybe I should take it easy, don't be so anxious, maybe I" a barely audible voice came from Sun Weixin's mouth, making Gu Guixi next to him move his ears, but he couldn't hear the words behind, probably only he knew up.

At this time, Gu Zheng has already removed several important bones in a very short time. If the other party can't think of other ways, it will probably only become a mess, especially the giant sword that is about to take shape in front of him. He was a little frightened.

And Pluto roared again and again, but what made him a little helpless was that he couldn't stop the opponent with all his methods. As a bone on his body was about to shatter, his body suddenly became a little dilapidated, and even a little crumbling.

Pluto knew that if this went on, he would be really a skeleton head in a short time, even if he had a whole body of skills, he would not be able to use it.

Since the secret method is not over, he can only maintain such a big figure, which makes him quite helpless. If he is not injured, how could he become such a small state? It is too embarrassing.

The Tiger King blushed furiously, and his whole body suddenly glowed red, wishing that the skeleton, which was as white as jade, would also turn red like blood, especially the white flames coming from the skeleton, at this time, all of them turned into bloody flames.

Bai Yan, who was already floating in the air, also turned into blood red.

The sudden change made Gu Zheng startled, but the situation outside has suddenly changed dramatically. Originally, sword shadows appeared all the time, and it is no longer possible to die with the opponent. To break a blood flame, more sword shadows are needed. Okay, Gu Zheng, who was originally evenly matched and had a slight advantage, has been surrounded by blood flames around him.

Gu Zheng was trapped in a small space by relying on the sword shadow, relying on the constantly released sword shadow to block the attack of these blood flames!

At the same time, the broken bones are still being repaired visible to the naked eye.

"The other party is going to go all out!"

Gu Zheng knew that he had survived the opponent's wave of attacks, and the opponent probably did not pose too much threat, so he quickly pinched the magic sword, trying to drive the giant sword outside. Although it was not fully condensed at this time, it was powerful enough to defeat Ming. Tiger.

But as soon as I got in touch with the outside world, I found that the blood flames outside were suddenly linked together, forming a blood-curtain-like barrier, which not only completely blocked my spiritual control, but also continued to press down on me.

Those sword shadows hit the top, like hitting the middle of a pool, they penetrated in at once, forming bursts of explosions inside, but they couldn't stop the opponent's advance.

There was a loud "boom".

Even inside, Gu Zheng could feel a burst of strong sword intent erupting outside, and Pluto detonated the giant sword on his own initiative.

Although the power will not be reduced much, but for Minghu, the damage to him can be said to be reduced to the lowest. If you let yourself control it, Minghu would also be seriously injured.

But now, I'm afraid there is no extra damage except for a layer of skin.

But Gu Zheng didn't care about the outside at this time, the scorching blood flames had already pressed over, Gu Zheng quickly inserted the long sword in his hand into the mid-air shadow, and the sword shadow all over his body disappeared, turning into a gray shield handle Ancient disputes shrouded it.

Gu Zheng listened to the creaking sound of the gray shield, knowing that many sword shadows had been transformed into the shield before, and the energy inside was about to bottom out, and now he couldn't last much longer, so he thought about the solution quickly.

A soft "click" caught Gu Zheng's attention.

A trace of red liquid-like blood flowed in from a crack, making Gu Zheng feel hot.

"There is a way!"

Gu Zheng suddenly remembered that he didn't care about the growing gap, and just injected mana into his right wrist crazily.


A crisp chirping sound rose from the small shield, above Gu Zheng's wrist, under a flash of white light, a small white bird suddenly appeared inside the shield, with a pair of red eyes facing all around At a glance, a random small white wing and two thumb-sized white flames appeared in midair. After several times in succession, more than a dozen white flames surrounded her like a moon.

Just such a seemingly simple movement, the bird seems to have consumed a lot of energy, Gu Zheng could tell from his posture that he was a little tired, and at this moment, the crack was finally washed away, as if a dike had burst, and a large stream of blood flames It flowed violently from above.

A white flame next to the little bird here rushed to Gu Zheng in an instant, forming a white flame burning ragingly on his body, but Gu Zheng didn't feel any temperature at all, as if he was covered with a layer of flame coat.

But when those bloody flames rushed out of him, they slid down from the white flames like flowing water, as if the outside of him was a smooth mirror.

And beside the little bird, Bai Yan accompanied the little bird, rushing into the blood flames one after another, as if they had encountered food that had been skipped, they chewed and devoured them in large pieces, and the little Bai Yan turned into a giant in a blink of an eye. It was the size of a house, like a small sun, spinning back and forth in the air, and the countless blood flames around it were easily brought in, but the white flames would not continue to grow as before.

In a very short period of time, all the blood flames that filled the sky disappeared.

There were only a dozen huge white flames floating in the air, and even saw any difference inside, and didn't know what was completely absorbed by Bai Yan.

Gu Zheng also saw the little bird before. At this time, she didn't absorb the blood flame before, but hid aside, but now she plunged into a white flame. The white flame obviously began to shrink rapidly, and she was actually absorbing it. blood.

All these ancient battles were not manipulated, and the little bird acted spontaneously. She didn't need any orders, she knew what to do. If she gave him a simple order, she would also judge how to act according to the battlefield situation.

When I summoned it last time, I seemed to find that the core of Lihuan seemed to have a trace of spiritual consciousness of its own. It didn't look like a dead thing. It seemed that someone added something to it later. You must know that when you get it in your hand, you can be sure. At that time, I couldn't summon the bird at all.

Or a bird that condenses itself spontaneously.

The ancient dispute does not intend to stop anything.

However, the shock that this brought to Minghu was no less than before. He never thought that his trump card would be broken by the opponent so easily, and the opponent didn't even have a trace of injury.

However, because the bird was too small, and the huge white flames attracted Minghu's attention, he didn't notice her, thinking that these white flames were transformed by Gu Zheng's magic weapon.

However, Gu Zheng was not polite. He raised his head and looked at the huge shadow of the opponent, and then he condensed the remaining long sword into a ball, forming a gray ball again, and then quickly climbed into the sky, pointing at the gray ball in his hand , the gray ball flashed suddenly, and a gray ripple emanated from it, and it rushed out extremely quickly, sweeping across the thousand miles in a blink of an eye.


Strands of sword intent that had been dispersed long ago gathered again in response to the gray ripples, retreating towards Gu Zheng like a tired bird returning to its nest.

A ten-foot-long black long sword slowly emerged again under the gathering of countless sword intents.

Although most of the power has dissipated, but under the reinjection of Gu Zheng, it began to gradually recover part of the power.


Here, Minghu looked at the two sides, and gave up the seemingly harmless Bai Yan below, and dealt with the enemy in front of him first.


There was a red light in Minghu's eyes, and he opened his mouth suddenly, and a huge roar suddenly came out from the air. Igor's slightly miniature Minghu jumped out of his mouth, his whole body was slightly transparent, and rushed towards Gu Zheng.

When Gu Zheng jumped out, he felt as if something was staring at his body, and he stopped hesitating immediately, no longer forcibly controlling the sword in his hand, and threw it directly towards the opponent.

The moment he left his hand, an uncontrollable sword intent rushed out of his body violently, shooting towards the surroundings regardless of enemy and friend, and Gu Zheng had to raise a barrier to avoid accidental injury.

However, most of the power gathered together, and slashed fiercely at Minghu's head.

Among them, the miniature tiger, seemingly ignoring the formidable sword intent, rushed directly from the shadow of the sword without being hurt at all.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng's face changed, and then he pointed his finger towards his chest, a layer of golden light suddenly emerged from his body, and at this time, that miniature tiger also ignored Gu Zheng's protection and attacked the inside of Gu Zheng's body .

At the same time, Gu Zheng's body stood still, still maintaining that posture, but the golden light on his body seemed to breathe, flickering and flickering.

And the long sword over there also hit Pluto's head heavily, and countless sword shadows burst violently on it, leaving no circles of ripples visible to the naked eye, rushing out like a stormy sea, forcefully Pluto's huge body was knocked back two steps.

The originally smooth and jade-like head was also filled with many scars like sword marks, but Minghu was not seriously injured. He shook his head, and after getting rid of the dizziness in his head, he looked at Gu Zheng who was still still, There was a flash of joy in the eyes, and then the huge body was about to rush towards the opponent, but a huge bird song suddenly sounded in the air.

Just when Minghu followed the sound and shifted his gaze downward subconsciously, the speed at which the white flame diminished was more than exaggerated, and there was no movement at all. Until this time, when the bird absorbed the last white flame, suddenly A cry came out.

The whole body began to emit raging flames, and even the white flame outside Gu Zheng's body was also sucked in and flew towards the sky.

Hearing the sound, Minghu looked at the little one, and didn't care at all. He just wanted to look away, and continued to rush towards his enemy, only to find that the bird's figure swelled up like a balloon, and it almost turned into a number in the blink of an eye. The ten-foot-sized white giant bird is not inferior to him at all in terms of size.

Even he couldn't bear the scorching temperature, and felt as if his bones wanted to melt.

This made his expression change, but unfortunately he hadn't made any other moves yet. The giant bird flapped its wings, and with a "boom", it instantly hit Minghu's body.

I saw a large piece of white flames splashing all over immediately, turning into countless white sparks, covering almost the entire body of Minghu, making him seem to be the same as before, like a giant flaming tiger.

But it was not his own flames.

"Ah ah ah"

Feeling the pain that sent to the soul, Minghu couldn't even think, his mind went blank, and he began to howl instinctively. He couldn't even control his body, but he could feel that his bones, which were as hard as a fairy weapon, were being bit by bit melt.

I couldn't control my figure, and my whole body fell heavily on the surface of the sea. Many places interrupted by Gu Zheng had been melted away again. Seeing that my whole body was about to be completely melted, the white flames all over the sky disappeared completely. , changing back to the bird before, suspended in the air.

At a high place, Gu Zheng had already broken free from the opponent's attack, and it was he who ordered Xiaoniao to withdraw the attack.

At this time, he was standing coldly in the sky, looking down at him.

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