Gu Zheng looked at the sudden man above his head, a seven-foot-tall burly man, wearing an embroidered blue brocade robe, with piercing eyes, looking at the group of people on his side through the shield in front of him.

Feeling the vigorous aura in the other party's body, it turns out that he is also an ancestor god in the mid-Gold Immortal stage, and he also came in from the outside.

I am not afraid of him, but the scale of this tribe is so long, and there are incense beads, the opponent's body must be full of incense power.

It's not that I don't know the power of incense, if I am at this time, I will definitely fall into a disadvantage.

With a thought, Gu Zheng floated the spar in his hand behind his shoulder, and continued to attack the last black mist, while he stood up and spoke.

"I don't know the names of fellow daoists, but this time I was indeed a little reckless."

"Duan Qing, it seems that there is something wrong with fellow daoists, do you want me to help!" Duan Qing looked at Gu Zheng with a half-smile, seemingly very enthusiastic, but looked at Gu Zheng with cold eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, you're being polite. It's still a bit inappropriate for us to bother you, Fellow Daoist Duan. After this matter is over, I will definitely show you this favor in the future." Hearing the other party's nonsense name, Gu Zheng didn't take it seriously.

However, Haiming himself got into trouble, and his own fault as a master admitted it for him, and Gu Zheng also said straightforwardly.

"It's a trivial matter, not worth mentioning." Duan Qing cracked his mouth and smiled, as if it was just like what the other party said, it was just a trivial matter, no matter what he said with a cold face in a blink of an eye.

"But the kid behind you must stay. The other party dared to touch my statue of the ancestor god. You should understand what it means."

"He is my apprentice! If you really accidentally bumped into you, just ask for your conditions!" Gu Zheng said to the other party with the same brow.

"Oh, the condition is that he will die here." Duan Qing's figure slowly fell to the ground, and said to Gu Zheng word by word.

Gu Zheng knows that being touched by someone is like touching his roots. If there is an accident in the statue, then he will have no way to transform the power of incense through faith, so no matter what he does here, he will be punished. Restriction, if you are yourself, you will fight hard with the other party.

But understanding belongs to understanding, but I am a person who protects my weaknesses. If Haiming does something heinous, I don’t need him to say, I will understand him and save myself from harming others, but even if the statue is placed In front of him, he didn't have the ability to destroy it, and he was willing to compensate for it, but he didn't want the other party to be so provocative.

"Is there no other way? One more friend, one more way out, why make it difficult for a junior." Gu Zheng also narrowed his eyes, not caring about the other party's threat.

At this moment in his body, all the black mist has retreated to the side, turning into the black worms he saw before, struggling desperately now, and the violent aura is still reducing the opponent, but the effect is not deep, if it continues like this, There is no way to completely wipe out this black bug in a few days.

"Of course, since you are his master, then if you defeat me, there is nothing I can do to prevent you from leaving, but if you fail, just leave your life here!" Duan Qing smiled slightly, and a paragraph suddenly appeared in his hand. The yellow mist, the light is constantly swallowing, like a sharp dagger.

"Then let me show you your master's brilliant move!" Looking at the cold eyes in the other party's eyes and the intimidation in his hands, Gu Zheng grabbed the crystal on his shoulder, looked at the other party's puzzled look, and moved towards his chest. poke away.


A large amount of blood sprayed out from the chest, and the purple spar instantly turned into a cloud of powder, and all the violent aura instantly moved along the chest, launching a final attack on the last black worm.

In a blink of an eye, the black insect was overwhelmed by dozens of times the spiritual energy, and with a cry of mourning, it turned into a small black bead and stayed in Gu Zheng's body. It had completely lost its efficacy, and was immediately forced out by Gu Zheng, and then Put it away.

Without the restraint of the black mist, the aura of Gu Zheng began to rise steadily, and the clothes on his body were even more buzzing under the impact of the escaping violent aura.

In a short period of time, the aura of the ancient struggle has climbed to the late Jinxian period.

If you only look at cultivation base, Gu Zheng is a bit higher than Duan Qing.

"Very good! Then don't blame me for being rude." Seeing Gu Zheng like this, Duan Qing understood his choice, but he thought that Gu Zheng used some secret method to forcibly improve his strength.

Immediately, his figure flashed and flew out towards the distance, so he would not fight the opponent here again. It would be sad if he accidentally destroyed his tribe.

Gu Zheng glanced at the two unconscious people. It seemed that it would take some time to wake up. The same figure flashed and appeared outside the shield.

The entire white circle of light shrank again, just forming a space to protect them, and Gu Zheng followed the other party to an open space.


Seeing that Gu Zheng's chest injury had healed, Duan Qing chuckled and didn't say much. When Gu Zheng stood still, he raised his hand and a white light flew out. Speed ​​hits,

Under the flashing light, the dagger that had just passed halfway suddenly swelled into a long sword, spinning and slashing towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng snorted coldly, stretched out his hand in front of him, and a golden mask suddenly appeared in front of him. The surface was like the waves of the sea rolling non-stop, blocking Gu Zheng behind him.

As soon as this scene took shape, the huge white dagger had already slashed on the golden light curtain.

There was a crisp sound of "Keng".

The seemingly soft and watery golden curtain was like an iron wall, the huge dagger was directly bounced off, and the fluctuations on the golden curtain were even more violent, but it was still firmly in front of Gu Zheng.

However, although the dagger was bounced away, after a roundabout, it roared from another direction and slashed towards the unprotected place again.

Seeing what Gu Zheng did, the golden curtain in front of him stretched out, enclosing Gu Zheng firmly in the middle like a golden egg, repelling the dagger attack again.

"clang clang clang"

In the blink of an eye, every time the huge dagger hits Gu Zheng's light curtain, it will be bounced off, but it will continue to cut back at a faster speed.

I saw a white shadow continuously spinning up and down on the golden egg, making continuous sounds of gold and iron.

Although the golden curtain was trembling constantly, amidst the sea roaring like waves, the golden curtain kept flickering violently, still stably resolving his attacks one after another.

Here, Duan Qing didn't care at all, the method in his hand changed again, the dagger that flew out again flashed, it was divided into two, two into four, and after the last division, a dagger with exactly the same handle appeared in the air, And there is actually a slightly transparent dagger standing in the middle.

The eight daggers spun around the middle, like a blooming lotus flower, and countless transparent vigor whizzed out from above as it rotated, hitting the golden curtain with a sharp and ear-piercing sound, Its surface trembled when it was hit.

And this lotus also slammed into the golden curtain suicide.

There was a loud bang!

The Golden Curtain finally couldn't bear such a huge pressure, and with the crackling sound of "click", it turned into countless golden lights and drifted away, but there was no figure of Gu Zheng in it, and under the golden light that filled the sky, only nine people were left. Stand the long sword in the void.


A golden light swept out from the void, turning into a huge golden long sword in mid-air, a layer of fiery red flame rose from above, and slashed down fiercely towards the dagger below.

The nine stationary daggers bloomed into a lotus flower again in a blink of an eye. When the flaming giant sword was about to slash down, there was a loud white light on its body, and all the tips were facing upwards. The giant sword above hit it.

Another earth-shattering bang.

A blazing sun emerged in the sky, and the platinum and gold rays swept towards the surroundings, dyeing the surroundings into a gorgeous canvas.

But after only a few breaths, the beautiful scenery disappeared, and a shadow flew back towards Duan Qing.

"Fellow Daoist Duan, why don't we stop, I still say the same thing, I owe you a favor, if there is a need, I will definitely help!"

As the fireworks fell, Gu Zheng's figure appeared on the other side.

"I'm sorry, I have to talk about this kind of thing." Duan Qing stretched out his hand to take it, and the dagger shrank back into his sleeve again.

Through a short contact, he knew that the other party's current power was actually a late golden immortal. It seemed that the other party had been hiding his power, but he still had doubts in his heart.

If it was outside, even if the other party didn't say much, he would not say such words to force the other party. The difference in strength here is not absolute.

Small grades are no longer absolute gaps.

Countless yellow mist sprang up from the whole body, and a familiar force appeared in front of Gu Zheng. As soon as Gu Zheng's face changed, he knew the reason why the other party was so confident.

The same layer of yellow mist appeared on Gu Zheng's body, but compared with the other party, it was nothing compared to the other party, and the thin layer barely covered the whole body.

But even if the opponent has more incense power than himself, Gu Zheng is not afraid. He has encountered many things in the wind and rain.

Here Duan Qing took the lead, as if wearing a layer of yellow fog armor, he crossed the long distance in the blink of an eye.

When he was about to approach Gu Zheng, the yellow mist in front of him exploded suddenly, turning into countless crystal yellow filaments, stabbing towards Gu Zheng like flexible tentacles.

Gu Zheng had been concentrating on the other party for a long time. Seeing this scene, his figure flickered, and he slid to the side, trying to bypass this group of filaments.

But at this moment, a white light flashed in Duan Qing's eyes, and two black ball-like things flew out from behind, appearing in front of Gu Zheng at a faster speed, and the bright light on his body flashed extremely quickly, and then exploded.

Gu Zheng didn't expect this, and was caught off guard by the huge wave of air generated by the opponent. The force was so strong that it seemed to be continuous like waves, even if Gu Zheng raised his shield immediately, but his figure Still going backwards.

However, after taking two short steps back, Gu Zheng had already stabilized his figure, a golden light flashed past, and a passage was opened in front of him, Gu Zheng was about to speed up and rush over, but the yellow silk behind him was already speeding up to take the opportunity to entangle come over.

The yellow mist on Gu Zheng's body was instantly broken through by the other party, and he began to circle around Gu Zheng layer by layer. The speed was so fast that he felt that half of Gu Zheng's body was already covered in the blink of an eye. At this time, when the body was covered with yellow mist, the yellow mist on the surface of Gu Zheng's body collapsed in an instant as his body tightened.

Soon Gu Zheng was entangled into a big yellow cocoon.

When Duan Qing saw that he had succeeded outside, the sky-filled yellow light suddenly began to retract, and at the same time, a ball of yellow light began to condense on the fist, blasting out towards the big cocoon in front of him.

What he said was good, but his subordinates were merciless.

The terrifying aura flashed in the air, passing heavily through the cocoon in front of him, but at the moment he succeeded, Duan Qing's face changed, and his whole figure retreated rapidly, but at the moment he just wanted to move, a The figure suddenly appeared beside him, and punched him with the same expressionless face,

Before the fist wind arrived, the terrifying aura of destroying heaven and earth came out, heading straight for Duan Qing's body.

Duan Qing hadn't retracted his fist at this time, and his body was in an uncomfortable posture, but he didn't panic too much. With a thought, a black long sword suddenly appeared in the air, and cut towards Gu Zheng's side. At the same time, a group of yellow mist quickly gathered in the place that was about to be attacked, forming a small cloud.

The black long sword had appeared, and it swept towards Gu Zheng with a fierce sword intent. A dark and cold sword intent had already entered Gu Zheng's mind, forming a small black long sword to cut at Gu Zheng's soul deep.

Duan Qing wanted to shake the other party's soul, so that he could retreat completely.

As a result, there was a trace of sarcasm on Gu Zheng's lips, a golden light flashed in his mind, and the black sword instantly shattered into pieces, disappeared without a trace, and was not affected at all.

And a layer of yellow light flashed on the surface of the body. Ignoring the long sword falling above, seeing the opponent's clean defense, a cloud of yellow mist also flashed above the fist, covering the surface.

Solidly blasted away the opponent's protection, and hit the opponent's ribs heavily.

A muffled snort came from the opponent's mouth, and his whole body instantly flew into the distance like a shooting star, sprinkling streaks of blood in the air.

Almost at the same time, the black long sword was also slashed on Gu Zheng's shoulder.

The defense formed by his human book trembled suddenly, and then returned to normal, but a more fierce sword intent passed through the shield, turned into scattered sword energy and rushed into Gu Zheng's body, and began to want to destroy it wantonly, The idea of ​​letting Gu Zheng pursue him failed, so he had to do his best to eliminate the sword energy.

In less than a breath, all the sword intent in Gu Zheng's body was taken out, and Duan Qing over there also stabilized his figure in the air, looking at Gu Zheng from a distance, with a shocked look on his face.

He didn't know how Gu Zheng broke out of it. You must know that he could clearly sense Gu Zheng's body, but in fact he didn't have much incense power. In comparison, it is so pitiful that I can't bear to compare.

Otherwise, the opponent wouldn't even have the time to block his filament for a moment.

Gu Zheng would not tell him that at the moment he was trapped, the demon grass in his body was like hunger and thirst for many days, and his instinct absorbed half of the yellow mist into the interior in an instant, and transformed into The power of incense that can be used by oneself.

Of course, Gu Zheng didn't know that the power of incense here couldn't be absorbed at all, no matter if anyone tried to absorb the power of incense condensed by others, it would instantly cause conflict with the body and explode.

At this moment, he looked at more than half of the yellow long cocoon left, and smashed it with a punch, turning into a cloud of yellow mist and collapsing in the air.

Because at this time, when the demon grass is absorbing a certain amount of incense, it seems to be full, and it is lazy and does not move, no matter how hard Gu Zheng drives it, it cannot absorb it.

Even so, Gu Zheng recovered a lot of incense power in his body.

Although Duan Qing didn't know what was going on here, he knew that he had to be careful. When the big cocoon was smashed by Gu Zheng's punch, a yellow light flashed on his body, and a large yellow mist suddenly gushed out from the air. In a blink of an eye, this large area was covered, forming a sea of ​​yellow mist.

Gu Zheng looked around and frowned. His spiritual consciousness could only perceive a distance of hundreds of meters in it. This distance is no different from that of a blind man. Although the other party is the same as himself, the other party can clearly perceive him. s position.

The best way at this time is to leave this place, but Gu Zheng thought of the unconscious Haiming and the other two, and was afraid that something would happen again.

Decided not to ink with the other party, after defeating the other party, I have to go back and leave here, I have been delayed for too long, at this time Ren Jie and the others may have rushed to the place.

Besides, with the pride in Gu Zheng's heart, he didn't bother to make such a cowardly move.

Therefore, Gu Zheng raised his vigilance and rushed towards the opponent's previous position, while guarding against the opponent's surprise attack.

Just as Gu Zheng left his position, he found that the yellow mist began to shrink rapidly, shrinking into a big yellow ball in the air, and then a proud laugh came from the air.

"Ha ha!"

Gu Zheng didn't understand, so he stopped immediately and looked at the other party in confusion. At this time, the other party was still standing there, laughing like a fool.

While he was in doubt, he saw the other party raising his hand, and suddenly the alarm bell rang in his heart, but before he could react, a huge yellow beam of light suddenly fell from above, instantly enveloping Gu Zheng in it.

This is a new move that he has devoted himself to research. The previous yellow sea of ​​fog seems to be to cover his actions. In fact, as long as the opponent does not escape immediately, then he can lock the opponent's position, and the opponent will not find any traces on his body. On the other side, all his energy was devoted to preventing his surprise attack, but he didn't move at all.

Even if he finds out that it is impossible to eliminate the marks on his body in a short period of time, he has already completed the spell and released it.

"My conditions remain the same. As long as the monster who touched my statue dies, I will release you immediately, and you don't have to suffer from the melting."

Here Duan Qing said with a look of winning, which seemed to indicate that he was sure of winning.

"Oh? This thing doesn't seem to have much power."

A mocking voice sounded from the air.

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