Of course, these ancient disputes were also selfish, because judging from the aura of the unicorn, he was very restrained about the black energy in his body. down.

And the aura of the unicorn seems to be more active.

If you help the other party solve the problem, you actually solve your own problem.

Before that, Gu Zheng used the power of incense in his body, and found that the power of incense also has an effect on black energy, but now the power of incense is too little, and it will take a long time before he wants to accumulate it completely.

Gu Zheng couldn't guarantee that the power of incense would be able to clear away the black air, so he had to prepare a preliminary plan.

Because I was only a little curious at first why the other party would absorb the power of incense, it was because the unicorn absorbed the aura and caused the unicorn on the forehead to mutate.

I didn't expect that he brought me a surprise, and the solution to the black air that caused me a headache was in front of me, but the trouble was how to help the other party.

Thinking about it, Gu Zheng fell into deep thought again, sitting on the chair with his eyes straight down, keeping the last posture motionless, and a faint yellow light constantly emerged on his body.

Time flies, and half a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

When a small group of people passed by not far from Xifeng Island, the captain in the head casually glanced inside. He remembered that he had lost here half a year ago, and all his friends were sent back as prisoners. It's really pitiful that I was punished to do some hard work to open up wasteland.

I remember that the general who led the team at that time wanted to challenge a wandering ancestor god. He deserved it if he died. You must know whether they should have died or not. Seeing that the other party hadn't changed much from before, he turned his head around and took himself The team continued to go back.

Normally, they would be regarded as a provocation if they drive so close without fear, and others can take you as a prisoner for no reason at all.

However, in view of the weakness of Xifeng Island, they didn't bother to go back the same way. Anyway, the other party didn't dare to provoke them, or they would have to embarrass the other party.

But when they had just crossed a certain distance, Xifeng Island in the distance was getting farther and farther away from them.

"Captain, look quickly!"

At this moment, a team member sitting in front of him suddenly stood up excitedly and shouted at him.

"What's the matter? Feihua, you are making such a fuss, does the other party dare to come out?" Captain Cai said jokingly, seeing that the other people did not move at all, knowing that it was not the enemy who came out.

Guan Yu on the top of the opponent's head trembled with the excitement of the opponent's figure, but it was a bit interesting, his body was a catching bird.

"No, I saw Your Highness." Feihua pointed to Xifeng Island in the distance.

"Stop the boat quickly, how can there be?" Captain Cai turned around quickly when he heard this, but he couldn't see anyone in a daze.

You must know that they are searching back and forth on the nearby sea to see if they can find the little highness who is alone. Of course, there is little hope, after all, there are very few vacant islands in the sea.

The disappearance of His Royal Highness is known to everyone, the island has been turned over several times, and some people have flown to land to look for him, but they have not been found for such a long time, making everyone think that His Royal Highness has been hidden somewhere stand up.

Of course, everyone suspected that His Royal Highness might have disappeared, and everyone knew a little about it, but the priest said that His Royal Highness was still alive, and asked everyone to continue searching, and made a big promise.

Even finding any trace of him has great rewards.

However, there are statues on Xifeng Island, and no spiritual consciousness can penetrate the invisible barrier above the island to detect the inside.

They just sent some priests to observe with naked eyes from a distance, but they found nothing.

Who asked Ren Ling to change Haiming into new clothes, and Gu Zheng even left a small illusion on his face, from a distance it was another person, Gu Zheng was mainly to cover up the difference on his head place.

Although the corners are small, the obvious bulge can still be seen.

Their big ship stayed on the sea, and everyone looked towards Xifeng Island in the distance. Among them was a person with excellent eyesight, but no one found the trace of His Royal Highness, not even a single figure, The entire island was empty.

"Aren't you too tired? You're blind." After searching for nothing for a long time, Captain Cai said angrily to Fei Hua who was the first to make a sound.

"No, how could I make a joke about this? I swear that I absolutely saw Your Highness just now. If I lie, I will die the next moment." Xian Fei looked at everyone suspiciously at him, and said immediately.

"Since you are sure, let's take a closer look and restrain our breath. If we really lure the other party out, we will have nowhere to run." Captain Cai told everyone.

Almost most of the people on this boat were not familiar with water, and if they fell into the sea, they probably died in vain.

The entire ship started heading towards Xifeng Island at an extremely slow speed, and everyone controlled their breath, feeling like a thief.

Perhaps the other party had no vigilant people at all, so they slowly approached Xifeng Island, but they still didn't find any traces, and they had a clear view of everything on the shore at this time.

But they dare not go to the island, because if they are caught by the other party secretly going to the island, they can only consider themselves unlucky if they are killed. If they are caught on the periphery, they can at least be treated as prisoners and exchanged back.

"We're going around for a while." Seeing this, Captain Cai ordered quietly, since they've come, they won't leave until they give up completely.

The boat began to advance quietly along the shore, and everyone looked at the shore intently, trying to find something.

Soon this small piece was searched, but still nothing was found.

"Captain Cai, why don't you go back? We're a little closer to the opponent's station." At this time, a team member whispered.

The further forward, the greater the chance of being discovered, after all, the other party can spot them as long as they pay attention casually.

But the keen Captain Cai has already found some traces on the shore, and even some footprints appeared on the shore. The footprints look very small, and they look like the footprints of children.

Although it is not ruled out that it is a child from this island, Captain Cai has a premonition that Feihua may not be dazzled just now, and his little highness is probably here.

As they continued to move forward, everyone was very nervous at this moment. Just as Captain Cai was about to give up and ordered the team to return, suddenly several silver bell-like laughter came to his ears, making him swallow the words he was about to blurt out immediately Go down, and waved quietly.

Seeing Captain Cai's will, the entire ship stayed quietly on the water without any movement, and everyone on board held their breaths and listened to the distant movement.

Now there is a tall reef right in front of them, and the place where the sound is made is behind this reef, and they dare not continue to pass, because once they pass, they will definitely be discovered by the other party, and any shout can attract the attention of the village, and even more so. Not to mention their new ancestor god is still here.

The voices of many children faintly came to this side, and everyone carefully distinguished whether there was a little highness.

There was a lot of chatter and chatter coming out, it was very noisy, and it was estimated that there were at least seven or eight people.

"Look, what is this?"

When they were restless, a familiar person appeared in their ears, which lifted their spirits.

"It's His Highness's voice!"

Zhu Fei opened his mouth to Captain Cai, his eyes were full of excitement, he couldn't help but everyone including Captain Cai looked happy,

"go back!"

The whole ship drew an arc quietly and left Xifeng Island quietly.

After leaving the range of Xifeng Island, the entire ship drove to the maximum speed and headed towards the distance.

Seven days later, looking at the priest who was dressed in the distance from the gazebo above, the brows between his brows faded a little when he heard the news from below. After nearly half a year, he finally received the news from His Royal Highness Boshuo.

"Launch a territorial battle and take the little Highness back!"

In the small courtyard inside Xifeng Island, Gu Zheng's motionless figure suddenly moved, and his dull eyes became focused and bright.


Gu Zheng patted the armrest next to him, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

After Gu Zheng thought hard and vetoed several methods, he finally came up with a method that could not only treat Haiming's symptoms temporarily, but also reduce the black energy in his body, a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

Gu Zheng stood up excitedly, but heard a 'click', the chair under him had been shattered into powder, smashed by Gu Zheng's unintentional force, and it was not completely shattered until Gu Zheng got up.

Gu Zheng looked at the floating dust all over his body, and it seemed that he had been in deep thought for a long time, but to him, it seemed that he was still at the time when Haiming left.

There is no time for cultivating immortals, a hundred years rushes by, and a thousand years is just a flick of a finger.

I forgot to turn on the magic circle before, and I am about to become a native.

After a while, all the dust on Gu Zheng's body disappeared immediately, and his whole body looked spotless again.

There was also a flash of light in the courtyard, and all the dust disappeared completely, and the clean and refreshing place was restored. Only then did Gu Zheng walk out of the small courtyard satisfied.

Hurrying through the bamboo forest, Gu Zheng entered the village again.

As usual, when everyone saw Gu Zheng, they would respectfully call out "Master Ancestor God". Fortunately, they didn't kneel down at any time, otherwise Gu Zheng would have considered changing his appearance.

For this small village, if there are no external changes, it is estimated that it will continue like this. It is peaceful and quiet, and people can't help but calm down.

Even Gu Zheng was infected by the implication in it, and his footsteps slowed down unknowingly.

But no matter how slow the speed is, the village is so small, and soon Gu Zheng came to the other side of the village, where there was a small classroom teaching simple knowledge in the village.

The main purpose is to let them understand the world, and some of the most basic knowledge, such as the description of the teleportation array, the use of some items, and some combat skills.

As for how to survive in the wild, I'm afraid they don't know, and they don't even know how to grow things.

Gu Zheng slowly came inside and outside. At this time, a group of children were having a class inside, and another female elder was explaining to them in detail.

Among them, the row of children in the middle is the most eye-catching, and they can't help but be the most eye-catching. They are all carefully selected pious people, and they can be said to be Ren Jie's successors.

I don't know if it's because of the cultivation method. Their lifespan is far less than that of the outsiders. It's okay for ordinary people to say that these immortals are less than one-tenth of the outsiders, and they will die and go to bed.

Even so, it is an unattainable life for ordinary people.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry, and waited for the other party to continue teaching, while he waited outside for a while, thinking about whether there was anything he needed to pay attention to in his previous method.

As the orderly shouts inside ended, a figure soon came out from inside.

"Master Zushen." The female elder greeted Gu Zheng who was waiting beside her as soon as she came out.

"Didn't that Haiming cause trouble for you?" Gu Zheng thought about it, and found that he didn't know her name at all, so he asked Haiming's situation directly.

"He is very smart. I didn't expect that he also came in from the outside. He told us a lot of interesting things. Now he is the king of children among the children. Many people listen to him." The female elder praised him sincerely.

"Oh, really? What did he do?" Gu Zheng asked with interest.

"Do everything, take a group of children, go up the mountain to fish, cut trees and build boats, basically children's stuff, but I am also very envious. I didn't have so much fun when I was young, and I wanted to join it when I saw it." The female elder He covered his mouth and smiled.

Perhaps it was because the girl stood here for a long time, and finally attracted the attention of the inside.

"Master!" Haiming here has already noticed Gu Zheng's arrival, and ran towards Gu Zheng.

"Lord Ancestor God, I'm leaving first!" The eldest daughter smiled when she saw this, and left here directly.

"Master!" Under the envious eyes, Ren Ling happily ran to Gu Zheng's side, her little head held up proudly.

As for the others, they can only stand in the distance and say hello to Gu Zheng. They are not qualified to approach Gu Zheng, not even the few remaining devout ones.

"Well, I have something to ask you when I come out this time." Gu Zheng said with a smile.

I haven't seen her for half a year, but Ren Ling's height has grown by a head again, and now she is only half a head shorter than Haiming.

"Is there anything else you want to give me?" Haiming yelled, looking from side to side to see if there was anything on Gu Zheng's body.

"No way, why are you such a small money fanatic?" Gu Zheng just opened his mouth, and then his face changed, and he raised his head to look at the sky, and there was a small black spot in the distance, flying towards this side at a high speed.

"Wait a moment." Gu Zheng said solemnly, before they could answer, his figure blurred, and appeared in mid-air the next moment.

The figure flew towards Gu Zheng at a high speed, and within a few breaths, he was already standing in front of Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng saw that he was still an old friend, the strong man who was scared away by him last time.

At this time, Kui Qiang looked at Gu Zheng in front of him with an angry face. He was actually bluffed by him last time, so he ran away in embarrassment. After he learned about Gu Zheng's strength from Mr. Feng, he wanted to find a gap Drill down.

It's just a human being in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. At that time, I thought it was in the late stage of Golden Immortal, otherwise I would definitely pressure him to save him.

"Why are you here again?" Gu Zheng looked at Kui Qiang and said.

At this time, Ren Jie and a group of elders below also flew up and stood behind Gu Zheng.

"It's great that you're still here! This time, I'm going to declare a territorial war to you on behalf of Feihe Island." Kui Qiang held a golden glittering thing like an imperial decree in his hand, but now it was rolled up and caught A golden cord was bound.

At this time, he entered Xifeng Island, and saw a group of children below at a glance, and also saw through Haiming's disguise. It seemed that he was really here all the time.

Without this scroll, he would not even be able to set foot on this island. With his ancestral spirit, without the other party's permission, he would break in illegally, and the consequences would be very serious.

"Battle for Territory!"

Ren Jie and the others behind them exclaimed in surprise, they didn't expect someone to knock on the door after being safe for half a year, did God want them to live in peace?

Gu Zheng knows that the territorial battle is actually similar to the previous battle, and the opponent will use the same strength as his own.

But at the high end, their number cannot exceed the attacked party, and seeing the color of his scroll, it is obviously the end of the ancestor god's participation in the battle.

"You lied to me last time, do you think you can escape this time?" Keng Qiang said viciously.

"How did I lie to you?" Gu Zheng said suspiciously, as if they hadn't even fought against each other.

Looking at Gu Zheng's innocent eyes, Keng Qiang was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he stretched out his hand to tear the scroll in his hand, but the little highness who was looking down, still resisted the urge.

If you can't fight, don't fight, just welcome the little highness over.

Thinking of what the priest said, Kui Qiang took another deep breath, and then said to Gu Zheng.

"Whether you lied to me or not, it doesn't matter. The important thing now is that if you hand over your Highness, then this battle will be over, and we will guarantee that we will not pay you any more attention during the day you are here."

Kui Qiang directly made the biggest condition on his side, with full sincerity, just to ensure the safety of the little highness.

Gu Zheng hadn't spoken to him yet, but he remembered a shout from below.

"I won't go back with you!"

Kui Qiang looked down, and it turned out that it was Hai Ming who was shouting at him angrily.

"Little Highness, everyone misses you very much. You have had enough fun, it's time to go home! If you are not found after Neptune returns, do you think of the consequences for you? Your father still doesn't teach you well?" Kui Qiang turned to Haiming and said.

"I'm not afraid, my master will help me!" Hai Ming choked, his face changed, it seemed that he was really afraid of his father, but after seeing the Gu Zheng above, he summoned up his courage and shouted again.

What he said made Kui Qiang's face change, and the little highness actually became an apprentice, who would dare to accept him without the permission of King Hai.

"Who is your master, you are quite courageous, and you are not afraid of getting into trouble."

"Of course it's me, why? Do you have an opinion?" Seeing the other party ignoring him so much, Gu Zheng felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. Seeing this, his eyes narrowed even more, and a little bit of coldness appeared from his eyes.

"It's you? I really don't know if you are ignorant or not, are the human beings in the outside world so rampant now?" Kui Qiang said coldly.

At this time, his injuries had already recovered. Seeing Gu Zheng like this, thinking that he had kidnapped His Royal Highness, he was even more furious.

"I'll give you one last chance. My people are already far away, ready to go. If you hand over your Highness to me, this matter will be over. Otherwise, you will be in servitude for twenty years." Kui Qiang took out the scroll in his hand, and the other hand had already grasped the golden thread. When he pulled it away, the territorial battle would begin.

"What if I say no!"

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