Gu Zheng looked at the circle of light that dissipated around him at the same time, with an inconceivable expression in his eyes. He didn't expect that his teleportation array would be broken by the opponent. He didn't expect it at all before.

Before the astonishment on his face faded, he felt a murderous aura in front of him.

His complexion changed suddenly. In Gu Zheng's field of vision, a fist had already landed in front of him with a tyrannical aura. The next moment, it pierced his chest like lightning, straight to his heart, as fast as an assassin , the speed is incredible.

Gu Zheng's pupils instantly shrank into a needle's eye, his whole body shone with golden light, and his whole body immediately moved sideways.

How could he have thought that the teleportation would fail, he was not prepared for it, and thought he would throw them away like before.

Blood flashes!

Gu Zheng's figure appeared tens of meters away, but on his left arm, half of the flesh and blood had been lost. The white bones were directly exposed in the lake water, and countless blood gushed out from his arm frantically.

This arm is useless!

Gu Zheng's face was very ugly, and his whole figure continued to retreat rapidly, avoiding the opponent's pursuit, and quickly sealed the wound to stop the blood first.

And here the furious Ling Feng has chased after him again, and the same figure of Nursery Song emerged from the left and right, each of them still had the same pair of gloves, surrounding Gu Zheng from the left and right, and the three pairs of fists moved towards Gu Zheng in no particular order. Fight for the heart, head and belly.

Six small black shields suddenly appeared beside Gu Zheng, blocking the opponent's path.

At this time, Gu Zheng couldn't hide his evil power at all. He stretched out his other hand to grab it, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his palm, but he hadn't made any movements yet.

I saw three Ling Feng's figures suddenly staggered one by one, and the shadows of fists all over the sky appeared in front of Gu Zheng, making it impossible for him to distinguish which one was the phantom and which one was the real body.

The three figures joined together again, and the shadows of fists all over the sky formed a fist as big as a stone mill in the air, and rushed towards Gu Zheng.

A mountain-like pressure made Gu Zheng unable to move his body, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back, his whole body was a little out of breath.

At this time, Gu Zheng pulled out the long sword, raised his hand, and countless sword qi appeared in front of him. Originally, they were alluding to the Mantian Fist, but they all merged into one huge sword qi and slashed towards the glove in front of him.


Ling Feng, who had already become one, instantly fell off the black thorns on the glove in his hand, turning into small hidden weapons, and the black light flashed on it, and the speed suddenly increased several times. Layers of illusory black shadows appeared in the water, piercing straight into the heart of Gu Zheng.

But Gu Zheng was still attracted by the glove above, he didn't expect that the opponent would come out like this, he thought that the opponent would take the opportunity to step forward and pinch himself at the same time, he could only watch the tiny spikes piercing his heart .

At this time, everything nearby became extremely slow in the eyes of Gu Zheng, as if time had stood still, but the extremely fast spinning spikes were still moving towards the target, and Gu Zheng could even see Ling Feng. With joyful eyes, it seemed that he saw his heart burst and died the next moment.


Those two lightning-like spikes pierced Gu Zheng's body, and pierced out from behind him, leaving only a few blood holes the size of a thumb.

But it's not where the heart is, but it's a little bit off, piercing past the side.

Gu Zheng was shocked, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. At the most critical moment, Gu Zheng suddenly broke through the pressure, turned around slightly, and avoided this fatal attack.

But under this attack, the strength of the sword above was weakened, and it was instantly defeated by the glove above. With unparalleled power, it hit Gu Zheng's chest fiercely.


The sky full of lake water exploded out of thin air again, and several towering water columns continuously exploded on the lake surface. Under the interference of the aftermath of the battle below, the entire lake surface was in turmoil. All the trees on both sides were broken to the ground by the huge force, and some of them were even broken into several pieces.

Gu Zheng's figure shot out again, and a series of blood spurted out of his mouth, leaving a conspicuous red line under the water.

However, Gu Zheng received this heavy blow. Although his whole head was dizzy, his actions did not delay at all. Blood flashed all over his body, and his entire figure accelerated along the distance and flew away from Ling Feng.

At this moment, Ling Feng followed immediately, and he was bound to let the other party die on the spot, without giving him any time to breathe.

At this time, he has forgotten his mission, all black beasts, and only wants to fight to the death.

A small green ball floated behind Gu Zheng, blocking Ling Feng's route.

As for the power of this small ball, he certainly knew that Koki died tragically under it. Even Ling Feng didn't dare to regret it. With a thought, a dripping black spike appeared in the water and shot towards the small ball. and go.


The green ball exploded halfway back in an instant, turning into a thick green fog, dyeing the nearby large area of ​​water green, blocking Ling Feng's vision.

Delay strategy!

Seeing that the green ball was completely different from the one that exploded before, Ling Feng knew it was just to frighten himself and delay time.

"You thought you could run away!" Ling Feng gritted his teeth and said, the black worm was on him at this time, it was given to him by Koqi before, saying that he had a bad feeling, so put it on his side and rest assured.

Ling Feng simply walked around from the side, only to find that there was no trace of Gu Zheng in front of him, only a bloodstain dangling back and forth in the lake.

Ling Feng glanced around, but didn't find any traces, nor did he notice the other party leaving.

As for the extremely obvious trace, Ling Feng saw at first glance that it was just confusing himself.

I was only delayed for a few seconds. It is impossible for the other party to leave this area without leaving any traces. The other party must have some way to hide here.

Want to take some time to heal? Stop trying.

Ling Feng directly took out the black worm, and he knew at a glance whether the other party was playing tricks, and his entire consciousness quickly scanned the area through the black worm.

Although he felt that the black energy in the opponent's body seemed to be suppressed by something, he could still feel it vaguely, especially at such a short distance.

Sure enough, as I expected, after exploration, the other party's figure is still around here, so childish means to hide it from me, wishful thinking.

Ling Feng quickly put away the black worm, with a sneer on his face, and then slowly crossed towards the nearby area, as if he was carefully inspecting the nearby terrain.

But when his eyes fell on a very ordinary stone, the pupils of his eyes shrank suddenly, the corners of his mouth turned up even more, and he approached there calmly.

When there was still a hundred and ten meters away from there, Ling Feng's figure suddenly rose up, and he rushed over without saying a word, with a flash of black light in his hand, a huge black glove appeared in the air, aiming at the stone in front of him Smash it hard.

Where the fist was broken, countless lakes were forced out, forming a waterless zone in the vicinity again.

There was a loud bang.

The boulder in front of him was instantly shattered, and at the same time, a figure flashed out from behind the stone, and fled towards the back.

Gu Zheng's eyes were a little stunned. Just now, he wrapped himself up layer by layer, suppressing his connection with the outside world as much as possible, even stopped breathing, and sprinkled his own breath on the bait. How could the other party be sure that he was here? And he was almost sure of his position.

Gu Zheng didn't think much about it yet, as two figures appeared from the front, one left and one right completely blocked Gu Zheng's escape route, two Ling Feng raised their fists at the same time, a black light flashed, and two transparent fluctuations It suddenly appeared in the water, and rushed towards Gu Zheng.

In desperation, Gu Zheng could only prop up a shield in front of him, and stopped his forward posture.

With a muffled pop, the golden shield in Gu Zheng's hand trembled continuously, and his figure even took a few steps back. At this time, his state was extremely bad, and it was difficult for him to block even an ordinary attack from the opponent.

At this time, there was only one teleportation ball left in Gu Zhengshou. The number of times used during this period is probably beyond Zhu Fei's prediction. This thing is not easy to make. Originally, I thought that these five small balls would at least be enough for Gu Zheng to escape danger a few times. But now there is only one left.

After thinking about it, Gu Zheng didn't use it again, because he could vaguely feel the blood in Kochi's body, and it was very likely that he would be intercepted by the opponent again after using it. The key was that it was too wasteful.

A elixir was taken out by Gu Zheng, when not to take it at this time.

But before Gu Zheng could eat it, a roar came out from the bottom of the lake, and then the whole bottom of the lake began to shake violently, and countless dust also floated to the bottom of the lake together, making the bottom muddy.

On the ground not far from Gu Zheng's side, there were continuous cracking sounds, and as the ground continued to crack, a huge head rose from the ground.

Gu Zheng stopped his movements, and just like Ling Feng, he shifted his position rapidly at the same time, looking at this sudden creature, not knowing the identity of the other party,

The figure of the other party gradually appeared, and the hill-like figure slowly emerged from the bottom, and a powerful and frightening aura permeated the bottom of the lake.

Startled, Ling Feng stopped chasing and killing Gu Zheng immediately, and even stepped back a little.

At this moment, he could already see the figure of the other party, which turned out to be a giant turtle at the peak of Jinxian. Although he didn't know what species it was, but the tortoise shell was engraved with mysterious runes.

As soon as the opponent appeared, a wave of energy locked on him, that huge head turned around, staring at the huge black eyes, traces of blood kept churning inside, a strong killing intent rushed towards Ling Feng , as if he disturbed its sleep.

This made Ling Feng's heart skip a beat, and the fear he hadn't felt for a long time appeared in his heart. From this look, he knew that he was an old monster who had lived for countless years. Even if he had amazing force, he didn't want to face such a big biology.

Could it be that he was accidentally alarmed just now, or else why would he look at him with such murderous intent.

While thinking about it, Ling Feng slowly backed away, for fear of causing any misunderstanding, and he still had to deal with the enemy, so he didn't want to cause this huge creature to misunderstand.

But the tortoise in front of him was not what Ling Feng thought. The huge head poked forward without warning, opened the huge mouth, and the rows of sharp teeth glowed with a sharp cold light, towards the place where Ling Feng was. The location bites.

Those sharp teeth were bigger than big trees. Ling Feng felt that his small body couldn't stop the opponent from scratching at all. He glanced at Gu Zheng on the other side, and could only turn around and retreat towards the lake unwillingly.

I don't have any confidence that I can deal with this guy, and I may even die here if I am not careful. This is the opponent's home field, and I don't want to be entangled with the opponent here, so I should quit first and talk.

Ling Feng's speed was very fast, but the speed of the tortoise was even faster. Its huge body was like a huge ship walking on the bottom of the sea without making any waves, which looked very strange.

As it moves, the water in the entire lake is turbulently swaying back and forth, especially for Ling Feng, huge waves of water crazily impact his body from top to bottom, causing the aura on the surface of his body to vibrate constantly .

However, Ling Feng still ran towards the outside, and he had no strength to resist below.


After evading the dense water arrows several times in succession, Ling Feng had almost reached the surface of the lake.

Although the turtle was approaching at a constant speed, the depth of the lake was limited. Seeing that the other party was about to flee, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he took a sudden breath, and a huge current of water flowed back crazily towards its mouth.

Ling Feng's figure froze suddenly, and his body backed up involuntarily. When he looked at the back, he was so shocked that his soul would come out. If he was swallowed by the other party, he would die without a place to die.

As soon as his body swayed, three Ling Fengs appeared in front of him at the same time. Then, while the suction force was still within his own tolerance, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his body, and three figures exploded and rose rapidly in different directions.

The three figures made the tortoise stunned for a moment, and the movement of its mouth stopped unconsciously. The next moment, the figure of the other party directly penetrated the surface of the lake and rushed out of the lake.

The tortoise growled angrily, as if being teased by someone, the next moment its figure jumped out of the water and floated horizontally on the water.

Looking at the three figures running away in the distance, the obscure rune on the back lit up, and three purple lightning bolts appeared out of thin air, striking towards Ling Feng below.

As soon as the three purple lightning bolts appeared, they landed on Ling Feng's body, and there were three huge explosions in succession.

Three figures fell from the sky at the same time. Halfway through, the two figures on the left and right turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the air. The injury was serious.

However, Ling Feng forcibly twisted his body in mid-air to stop his fall. Looking at the huge tortoise that was as big as a hill, he gasped, wondering what kind of monster he had provoked.

The tortoise was hundreds of feet tall, standing in mid-air, its thick limbs were like huge stone pillars, and its sharp claws shone brightly in the sun, especially the opponent who was covered with traces of various runes. The turtle shell is full of the long history of the sky, and from time to time a ray of light swims on it, exuding endless majesty.

On that huge head, black eyes were looking at him with murderous intent, a big black hole was slightly closing, and some sharp teeth could be seen.


Ling Feng felt bitter, and this thought immediately popped up in his mind. This is not an ordinary Jinxian peak monster. If he can comprehend half of the runes on it, it is no exaggeration to say that he can retreat for a while. Time can immediately break through to the Da Luo realm.

This is a blessed creature that cannot be touched or killed.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng really wanted to slap himself. If he knew that the other party was resting below, he would never vent his anger so recklessly.

Without saying anything, Ling Feng's figure turned around and galloped towards the outside, but after only traveling a distance of more than a thousand feet, he bumped into a transparent shield, and the whole person was a little dizzy and bumped back.

At this time, Ling Feng looked along the shield, and found that the huge distance nearby was completely covered by the shield, and he was trapped here unconsciously.

When Ling Feng was thinking about whether he could break through a hole to escape, there was a loud sound of breaking through the air behind him, Ling Feng didn't even think about it, and flew towards the side at a very fast speed.

But the other party's figure followed him like a shadow, and Ling Feng's figure had just risen when a huge whip was drawn straight to his waist, like a kite with a broken thread, leaving a mouthful of blood on the spot Scattered in mid-air, the whole person flew to the other side with a swish, and hit the shield on the other side.

However, a gleam of golden light emerged from the torn clothes, and he was actually covered with a layer of gold silk inner armor. It looked like he was severely injured after being drawn, but in fact he just spit out a mouthful of blood and there was no serious injury. hinder.

But at this time, the tortoise had already rushed over with its huge body, and circles of invisible fluctuations continuously emerged from its body, constantly strengthening the surrounding shields.

At this time, Gu Zheng also floated up from below, standing far away, his eyes showed hesitation, because at this time he could take advantage of Ling Feng being entangled by the turtle and leave, but he had an intuition in his heart that the turtle It won't hurt me, and I even have a vague feeling for it.

Simply Gu Zheng took a few more ordinary pills again, and stood looking at this side from a distance, hoping in his heart that it would be best for this giant tortoise to deal with the other party, once and for all.

At this time, the giant tortoise had already fought with Ling Feng, and the lake below was completely boiled under the influence of the above. Countless vortexes undulated with each other, and were destroyed in the raging waves. Even if the shield was isolated, Gu Zheng could Feel the power of the stormy sea.

At this time, Ling Feng's small figure dodged back and forth in the countless winds around him. Although the giant tortoise simply attacked with its limbs and head, occasionally a light flashed on the shell behind it, and a bolt of lightning fell out of thin air, making Ling Feng dodge very well. Embarrassed.

It seems that it doesn't have nearly full strength, but relatively speaking, the giant tortoise is actually showing its own advantages, beating Ling Feng and complaining unbearably.

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