"I know how you feel, and I am equally angry. The other party is like a cunning fox, turning around and running away when something goes wrong. Only if you can confine the space around the other party, so that the other party has nowhere to escape, can we catch him To the other party." Ling Feng also said angrily.

"It's not impossible. I once learned an incomplete formation by accident, but my strength is still not enough at this time. I need to burn my own blood to use it. If I use it successfully, all the spaces within a radius of ten thousand miles will be imprisoned." No one can cast spells in the space."

Ke Qi said slowly while raising his palm on the other hand, with a faint silver light floating towards his chest to heal his wounds. The remaining sword intent on his chest quickly disappeared, and at the same time, the trauma was also healing rapidly.

"Well, if I use this method, I'll see how the other party escapes. Let him continue to live for a while." Ling Feng said excitedly when his eyes lit up.

"However, after I cast it, it consumes a lot of my spirit, and I may not be able to help you deal with him anymore." Ke Qi said hesitantly, after all, the opponent is indeed very powerful, and his two golden immortal peaks can't do anything up to now The other party, the other party does have two brushes.

"It's okay, don't worry, it's not that you don't know my abilities, you just need to block his escape route, and leave the rest to me. I'll let him see how good I am." Ling Feng With a flash of evil spirit in his eyes, he said confidently.

"Okay, no problem." Thinking of these few battles, Ling Feng was always on the upper hand, and within a few moves, when he just cast a spell on his side, the other party couldn't wait to escape from here, plus he had the upper hand against Ling Feng. The wind was full of confidence, and then he agreed.

After finishing speaking, Kou Qi closed his eyes and began to heal his wounds quietly, while Ling Feng was guarding the vicinity for him to prevent Gu Zheng from sneaking in again.

But at this time, Gu Zheng didn't have that thought at all, his whole figure turned into a light and shadow and moved forward, whether he still needs to feel the situation behind him, and whether the opposite side is chasing him.

The punch the opponent gave me was simply beyond my imagination. I thought that if I blocked the opponent's strongest attack with evil force, it would be fine. The next sneak attack will be easier.

Who would have thought that the defense he was proud of would be defeated so easily by the opponent, and it was only the other hand, whose attack power exceeded his imagination.

Now all my viscera and six internal organs have been displaced, and the pain is constantly coming from the abdomen. I don't even care to wipe the blood from my mouth, and keep running forward.

If I was really blocked by the other party, I would really want to cry, because I became like this because of my own carelessness.

But fortunately, he also severely injured the other person. It's just a pity that the other party's thing that tracked him was strictly protected by him. He would rather protect it if he was injured. Otherwise, his final explosion would definitely make the other party track his own thing. life.

Seeing that the opponent didn't catch up, he seemed to be protecting his companion, for fear that he would turn around and attack him, Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief deep in his heart.

However, he still didn't stop, but slowed down a bit, trying to control the injuries in his body a little bit.

One day later, in a huge lake, a blurry figure suddenly emerged from the air and fell down. The whole figure seemed unable to control itself, and could only let its body fall naturally, falling towards the lake.

There was only a loud bang.

In the middle of the lake, as the figure fell, a ten-foot-high water column was blasted out. The fish and shrimps below were stunned to death by the huge impact force, and a huge wave was set off on the lake. Flocking around constantly.

However, after only one percent of the lake was affected, the wave of surfing had been gradually lost, but the lake surface continued to show its existence with waves of ripples.

The figure that smashed in, although he had withstood such a big impact, he still didn't wake up, and his whole body slowly sank and floated towards the bottom of the lake below.

If you look at it from the sky, the Hubo here covers a very large area, and the surrounding forests are also continuously covered. Only a few occasionally undulating peaks are scattered in various places. It is the vast sea.

As the lake calmed down again, it gradually returned to its previous state.

In the depths of the lake at the bottom, there are no living creatures living here.

The moment the figure came in, a profound aura rose slowly from below, as if it had been startled, and with the vibration of the lowest rock, countless soil began to roll, stirring up the bottom of the lake into a mess, A huge shadow rises from below.

Those eyes, the size of a house, reflected the bottom of the lake as if it were daytime. The moment it came out, all the creatures in the surrounding area escaped completely, and even other places were trembling. hide aside.

Even if the prey was about to be obtained, he gave up without hesitation and immediately hid aside.

The entire Great Lake was filled with fear, and there was a dead silence.

Looking up with that eye, a figure is continuing to fall unhurriedly. If it continues like this, it will land on this huge creature in half a day.

However, it didn't make any other moves, but quietly looked at the figure. Although it was not as big as a hair on him, it gave it a special feeling.

As the figure slowly descended, the creature, which was waiting in battle, felt that the other party had a hint of its own kindness, which made it a little restless.

A trace of doubt, a trace of puzzlement, seven points of excitement, and a trace of excitement.

Suddenly it sensed that familiar breath from the other party, which turned out to be her leftover breath.

Opening his mouth slightly, a stream of air bubbles emerged from his mouth and rushed upwards. When one of the air bubbles passed the figure, it wrapped him in it, and brought him slowly to the front of the creature.

Feeling the turmoil in the figure's body, the creature spewed out a stream of white water without any hesitation. After circling twice in the water, it rushed into the figure's body to help him ease the turmoil in his body.

The pain on the figure's face gradually eased, but there was still no sign of wanting to wake up.

Just when the riot in the figure was about to be suppressed, suddenly a puff of black air spit out from the figure's mouth, forming a hideous face in the water flow, threatening the huge creature, as if blaming him for his carelessness No business, let it leave quickly.

That huge aura forced out the surrounding water flow thousands of meters away, forming a vacuum zone.

The pupils of the huge creature shrank slightly, not because he was afraid of this menacing aura, but because the master behind this aura was Da Luo Jinxian, which made him hesitate a little.

But after seeing the figure beside him in a blink of an eye, his face froze, and a cold light shot out from his mouth, the diameter of which surrounded the black mist, and gradually compressed it to the size of a grain of rice.

The black mist was struggling inside, but it couldn't break free at all. As layers of orange light lit up outside, it finally stopped moving inside and was sealed.

It's just a breath, it's not afraid.

With a thought of the creature, the seal flew towards the top of the lake at a very high speed, but only a moment later, the rice grains that hadn't left far flew back at a very fast speed again, and fell into Gu Zheng's body.

The creature was stunned, and then carefully checked the figure, the huge eyes showed a clear color, and then stopped asking him, after putting his figure on his back, the whole body appeared to be slowly diving downwards.

Following a shock, the rocks flew from nowhere and restored the area to its previous state. After the creature finished all this, it continued to sleep deeply.

As the creatures fell asleep, the lake returned to its previous state again, and there was no difference at all.

A day passed quickly, and the eyelashes of the sleeping figure began to tremble, and suddenly a pair of clear and clear eyes opened, looking at the slightly dark environment, Gu Zheng's eyes were confused for a moment, but he recovered in an instant, and the whole People do it all at once.

"This is..." Gu Zheng only saw a layer of bubbles around him at this time, as if someone had protected him.

After feeling that the qi and blood in his body had returned to calm, he was sure that someone had treated him during his coma, otherwise he would not have felt so relaxed at all.

Gu Zheng's divine sense swept across this huge area in an instant, and there was no one there, but he could still find that his area was very chaotic, as if there was a small battle.

After finding no trace of anyone else, Gu Zheng had no choice but to silently thank the person who helped him. He was relieved to find that he had only been in a coma for a day, at least he still had enough time to heal his injuries.

The injury I left on the other party, I estimate that the other party will not want to get up for at least half a month, and it will not get better completely within half a year, after all, I have added a little material to it.

There is still more than enough time left for myself now, and I must quickly get rid of that trace of black mist in my body.

Gu Zheng also thought before that the black mist was inconspicuous in appearance, but its power was so powerful that it was formed by the condensed breath of Da Luo's mid-term.

On the way to escape, it erupted directly in the body. I didn't expect it at all. After all, the aura of that little thing was at most at the level of a fairy, so I didn't take this cloud of black mist to heart at all.

Moreover, as soon as the opponent entered his body, he disappeared. At that time, Gu Zheng thought that the power was too weak, and he thought it was automatically eliminated by his body, so he didn't care at all.

Therefore, when the outbreak broke out, after barely resisting for a while, he fell into a disadvantage. He only had time to protect his heart, and passed out directly.

However, because of Gu Zheng, Ye knew that the head of the Qi family was also a character in the middle period of Da Luo. Thinking of this, this cloud of black mist might also be able to provide the other party with his location information, so he must hurry up.

After seeing that there was no danger again, Gu Zheng didn't break the bubble, and just held his breath and began to enter the state of meditation.

Ten days passed quickly, and Gu Zheng woke up from the sedation, but Gu Zheng's face was ugly, because during this period, he had nothing to do with that thing, even though it had been severely injured by the person who rescued him, It was sealed again.

But it was extremely strong, and I had been in a stalemate with him for five days, but there was nothing I could do about it, and in the end I temporarily sealed him.

But I can only do this in the end, because now my own strength can't refine him at all, and I feel that I can completely destroy the opponent with only a little bit, and now I can only trap the place in my body , Even to force it to come out is not enough.

Gu Zheng is going to adjust his breath for a few days to restore his physical condition to a better state in order to cope with the opponent's offensive. It is impossible for the opponent to wait for his injury to heal before chasing him. At that time, Gu Zheng had no idea where he was going. , Let them look for them and they can't find it.

But only two days later, Gu Zheng's eyes suddenly opened, because above his head, the other party appeared in the lake without making a sound, or else he didn't even notice the movement made by the other party on purpose.

The eyes of the two people were shining brightly, as if seeing the bottom self through this infinite lake, especially that Kou Qi, who didn't look injured at all, which was beyond Gu Zheng's surprise.

However, although the other party knew that he was hiding in the lake, he didn't seem to know his exact location. This made Gu Zheng's heart move, and the bubbles outside his body burst apart soundlessly, and then Gu Zheng's body surface turned and turned into a piece of harmony. Surrounded by exactly the same stones, they quietly swam towards the other side.

At the same time, Gu Zheng threw out the good spar from his elder brother. At this time, Gu Zheng didn't hesitate at all. He took out a large green spar by himself, and took out the green energy in it regardless of the loss. This way, at least enough Half of it is wasted, but Gu Zheng must prepare for the worst.

With such a large area, Gu Zheng felt that it was impossible for him to escape quietly.

However, Gu Zheng's figure suddenly stopped when the other party entered the water, and then quietly recovered, hiding in a remote corner.

At the moment when the opponent entered the water, Gu Zheng obviously felt that there was something wrong with Ke Qi's figure. After thinking about it, he realized that the opponent's injury was not healed at all, but was just being suppressed by force. Maybe he was worried that he would escape until they couldn't chase him down. place.

You must know that you are still familiar with it underwater, thanks to Xiangxiang's pointers, at least when I was observing them, they didn't notice it at all.

My own advantage is that I am more familiar with the bottom of the water than they are. Of course, it is nothing compared to the aquarium, and it is not worth mentioning, but for them, this is their own advantage.

Since the opponent is so confident in chasing him, even ignoring the treatment for his injuries, why don't he take advantage of this opportunity to finish off the injured enemy.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng picked up a piece of gravel at hand and threw it towards his previous position. In a blink of an eye, he turned into himself, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, as if he didn't know what happened above.

On Gu Zheng's side, he hid his side and continued to refine the energy of the green spar, waiting for a chance to see if he could make a contribution.

At this moment, Ling Feng's two figures were swimming towards the bottom clumsily, but the speed was not slow, and they were almost reaching the bottom of the sea in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the 'Ancient Zheng' who was closing his eyes below seemed to have discovered them at this time, opened his eyes suddenly, and ran outside in a little panic.

At the same time, Ling Feng and the others also saw the figure of Gu Zheng, and Ling Feng's slightly excited voice

"Ko Qi, as you expected, the other party was severely injured under the aura of the Patriarch."

At this time, in his eyes, Gu Zheng's face was pale, his body breath was messy, and there was a trace of black mist around his figure, which was almost the same as the black worm's breath. The black worm itself was the owner's thing, used to control the black beast Of course, it contains a trace of the Patriarch's consciousness.

At that time, when the black worm was in danger, it automatically counterattacked. Kou Qi saw it clearly, so he took Li Yi directly to chase after him at about the same time, and there was that black mist in the opponent's body. To the location of the other party's radius of several kilometers.

Unexpectedly, when he went there, he saw Gu Zheng who was exclaiming in a panic, which made him overjoyed. Seeing that he wanted to escape, he pulled Kou Qi to speed up and chase him.

"Wait..." Kou Qi looked at Gu Zheng who had a frightened expression in front of him, and frowned. The other party had never shown such an expression before, why was it so strange this time, and felt something was wrong.

But before he finished speaking, Ling Feng directly pulled his whole figure down together, interrupting what he wanted to say.

It's a pity that he can't speak loudly underwater, otherwise he would have to shout.

"Go there!"

In the next moment, he came behind Gu Zheng, punched Gu Zheng directly in the back without any fancy.

There was a "bang".

Under Ling Feng's horrified gaze, the ancient dispute in front of him turned into a sky full of stone dust, making him realize that it was just a fake to confuse them.

It's a pity that while this fake ancient battle was crushed by him, the ancient battle over there has also activated the formation that he left just now, even if his position is exposed, it doesn't matter, anyway, he won't be able to hide for a long time before he will be found by the other party .

A huge blue shield rose from the bottom of the water to hold them inside.

Gu Zheng looked at the spell that was about to be completed in his hand, so he gave up the control shield, as long as he held on for a while, it was enough, anyway, it was just a defensive spell, the lethality was pitifully low, and he concentrated on preparing the surprise for them.

But with this change, Ling Feng and the others felt a blur in front of them, and the surrounding scenery immediately changed. The surrounding dark lake water disappeared, and they were in a space full of faces.

A blue shield held them firmly in place, reflecting the blue of the water.

Groups of small whirlpools swirled in the water, and a wave of suction attracted Ling Feng and the others in all directions, making their bodies a little heavier and their moving speed slowed down.

Ling Feng stretched out his fist towards the whirlpool in front of him, and suddenly exploded.

An obvious wave suddenly appeared in the water, and countless water currents rushed towards those small eddies, without causing any disturbance to the vortexes at all, and countless attractive forces continued to appear.

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to grab a vortex in front of him, but his gleaming palm went straight through. Those vortexes seemed to ignore any attack.

"Don't waste time, unless there is no water, otherwise it is impossible to destroy it easily." At this time, Kou Qi, who was circling around, already understood the mystery of the formation, and said when he saw Ling Feng's useless work.

"This is the opponent's defensive formation to block us. It has almost no power and can't hurt us at all. Just break through it violently."

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