Merchant Li understood the urgency of the situation, so he quickly called all the guys together and told everyone what happened to him.

Everyone wailed, and even a few guys wanted to sneak out and mix into other caravans, but they were all beaten up by the guards who had prepared for it before being thrown back.

Seeing this, everyone also knows that there is only one way to go now, and they can only spread out and pack up things, but they all have their own small thoughts in their hearts.

Merchant Li couldn't care what his subordinates thought, and hurried to the luxurious carriage. Now everyone is a grasshopper on a rope. As for going back alone, he might die of thirst and starvation on the way.

How can Gu Zheng keep an eye on the outside all the time, but now he is looking at the three of them, they are at a critical moment in their cultivation and cannot be disturbed.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps, and Gu Zheng sensed that it was Merchant Li, with a worried expression on his face, he hurriedly got out of the car.

"Mr. Gu, this is troublesome, and it may have brought you into trouble." Merchant Li quickly told what happened just now, and then took out all the money that was given to him before.

After listening to it, Gu Zheng's mind instantly flashed the face of the cold-faced young man from before. Could it be that he offended the other party so unintentionally, which caused such a big reaction.

Looking at Merchant Li's disheartened face, he didn't know that the problem might be caused by the person in front of him.

"Forget it, take the money, it's useless if I want him." Gu Zheng didn't take the money bag, and pushed it over again.

"Be careful. If there are other people you know, you can also leave us. There is no need to get involved in this." Merchant Li was not in the mood to shirk the money, and it might be snatched away by others in the end. Gu Zheng said, and he left here.

There is still one night, at least make good use of this night to see if there is a turning point.

It's a pity that everything he did was in vain. It seems that several caravans around had already got the news and did not help them one after another. One of the Sea Gods made trouble and said that they would transfer all their things to avoid being If the bandits outside were robbed, it would be better to keep it for our own people.

Merchant Li was so angry that he had no choice but to meditate so hard that even a small pinch of his hair turned gray, but there was still no good way.

Early the next morning, everyone started to take action, but there were still a few guards around them.

These people could only watch helplessly as their previous positions were robbed and quickly disappeared from their eyes.

"Listen, you guys, don't get close to the caravan, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude." A guard surrounded by black scales gathered his team together and shouted at them.

Then a sharp long sword was thrust into the ground by him as a warning to them, and then all of them rushed towards the caravan.

When Gu Zheng came out, he saw a group of people standing there in a daze, but they didn't seem to know what to do. They were surrounded by packed things and could leave at any time.

Seeing Gu Zheng coming out, Merchant Li greeted him bitterly, and said weakly, "Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, I have troubled you."

"What should we do next?" Gu Zheng didn't show any frustration on his face, as if he didn't care about it at all, but from Merchant Li's point of view, it was just that the other party was happy and angry, and he must be blaming him in his heart.

"I decided to continue to follow the big caravan. I can spend seven days safely. Then there will be a small town. We will rest there and wait for the next wave of caravans to arrive. It will be safe to walk together when the time comes, because we will go back The distance is about the same as this time." Merchant Li said vigorously.

"That's okay, I will definitely help if necessary." Gu Zheng glanced around, then said, and then returned to the carriage again.

"Get up quickly, do you really want to wait for death? Keep up with the front, maybe everything will be safe along the way." Seeing everyone like this, Merchant Li shouted dissatisfiedly. Now that things are up to now, he can't just sit and wait for death.

Only then did everyone feel a little more energetic, and began to continue to carry more than a dozen carts of goods, and continued along the road to prepare to move forward again.

Under Merchant Li's puzzled gaze, two children, one big and one small, came out of the carriage, ready to help them.

"Yoyo, my two little ancestors, what are you doing out here? Go back, this is not the place for you to stay outside." Seeing this, Merchant Li hurried over and said.

This girl is cute and soft, and the boy is full of vigor, how could they be allowed to do such a thing, besides, at their age, they shouldn't have done it.

"Uncle Li, it's okay. We used to do things by ourselves before. We're not the kind of people who don't know anything. Besides, my master said that it's just for us to exercise." Xiaolan raised her face and said sweetly.

"Yeah, I'm very capable, let us help." Ah Shao bulged his arms, and a little muscle emerged from them.

They were not wrong, because it was indeed Gu Zheng who arranged for them to come down to help and send some people away by the way.

According to Gu Zheng's perception, a small number of bandits were following up far behind, and when they didn't notice, someone had already come here to spy on them.

It seemed that the group of people would rush over in a short time.

Seeing them like this, Merchant Li didn't say anything. Anyway, there is not much to pay attention to now, just pay more attention to the goods, and the direction of the carriage.

Following the traces of the caravan ahead, they followed.

Merchant Li is a very experienced businessman. Based on the traces left in front, he can judge the speed and distance of the opponent, which shows that he commanded the convoy to accelerate for a while, and then moved forward at a constant speed.

"Everything must go well, and you must rest for a few years after you go back." Seeing the scene around him slowly receding, Merchant Li kept thinking.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it. Half a day later, when they were stopping to rest and eat, a guy in charge of security suddenly changed his face and shouted.

"Someone is coming from behind! It's a bandit!"

Because the sound of fear was a bit shrill, the whole person climbed down from the roof of the car quickly, but he didn't step on the foot halfway, and fell directly, falling to the ground and unable to get up.

Needless to say, with the sound of dense horseshoes in the distance, everyone knew that an uninvited guest was coming, and hurriedly put down the lunch in their hands, subconsciously wanting to flee.

"Everyone, hurry up and prepare to fight. There are only a few opponents. Don't be afraid." Seeing that one guy was injured immediately, Merchant Li sighed secretly. There were only a few people on the other side, and they immediately shouted overjoyed.

You must know that there are more than a dozen people here, and the other party is probably just a group of scouts guarding behind. If all of them unite, maybe the other party will not take the risk to attack them.

Hearing what Merchant Li said, the group of them backed away in panic, quickly took out the swords and shields on the side, and then quickly blocked the carriage around, leaving only a gap in the middle. They are very skilled in such situations, It is very useful when encountering a small group of robbers.

By the time the bandits arrived in front of them, they were ready to defend.

"Aren't you going to take a look?" Shuang'er said to Gu Zheng in the carriage. "The opponent is so strong, I'm afraid that if there are some casualties."

Although there were only five people on the other side, the leader had the strength of Tier 3 and had a fierce aura on his body. He could tell at a glance that he was an elite who had fled from the army.

Others are the most taboo and have the strength of the second level. Although the number is small, for a group of ordinary people like them, there is almost no one and no way to deal with each other.

"I knew they were behind me a long time ago, so I sent the two of them away before. This time it happened to be their experience." Gu Zheng squinted his eyes and said lying comfortably behind.

"But they only study for such a short period of time, will there be any danger?" Shuang'er raised the side curtain, looked at the tense scene, and asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm here for everything, and no one's life will be in danger." Gu Zheng said calmly, and at the same time his body was recovering rapidly.

I was teaching them with all my strength a few days ago, and my recovery speed was a little slower. As a result, I barely have the combat power of the early stage of Jinxian. Move this trend.

Because the other party will definitely prevent this. There will definitely be enemies who hide deeply there to escort their plans. Opportunity to rescue Xueer.

Feeling Xueer's state at this time, the news that nothing happened is still safe, which made Gu Zheng feel a little more at ease.

Outside, Merchant Li felt helpless looking at the little ancestors who were following him. He had already persuaded the other party to go back, but the other party was unwilling to live or die and insisted on following them, even saying that he wanted to protect them.

Seeing that the people on the carriage still didn't come down, and didn't take care of their children, Merchant Li had no choice but to give up on them and go back, came to the front, and said to them with his hands folded.

"My friends, if there is anything that needs help, I will definitely not stand idly by."

His hidden meaning is obvious, which is to buy the road money and ask the other party to give a price.

"Haha, it's refreshing. I like your personality. That's good. I want all your goods. Take the most basic dry food and go. At least your lives will be saved." The captain at the head comforted the following Some restless war horses laughed haha.

Now Merchant Li was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless and want all their assets at once. Everyone turned their eyes to Merchant Li to see how he would choose.

"Why don't you agree, do you want to resist? Just relying on you kittens and puppies, do you really think that you can hurt us." A little slower for a second, the leader changed his tone and said in a sinister manner.

At the same time, he pulled out his weapon, and his strong killing intent was instantly released, and the subordinates behind him kept shouting, threatening the opposite side.

They were just ordinary people, and when they were rushed by the opponent's battle-tested killing intent, they immediately turned pale. Although there seemed to be only a few people, they were like thousands of troops.

Several people didn't even hold the weapons in their hands, and fell to the ground with a "clang".

"Agreed, agreed, thank you for your kindness of not killing, we will leave now, we will leave now." Merchant Li's cold sweat broke out in an instant. Compared with life, money is really a thing outside of the body.

"Well, that's good. Throw down all your weapons and give you some time to burn incense. If you don't leave when the time comes, then don't blame us for being ruthless." The captain snorted coldly, as if to make them Rest assured, their team retreated a short distance back again.

"Don't worry, we'll pack up our things and leave right away, put down our weapons quickly." Merchant Li wiped his sweat, and hurriedly ordered to the back.

"Wait a minute, Uncle Li, don't do this." Suddenly there was a loud shout from behind, and everyone was stunned, only to see a little boy leading a little girl walking out from behind.

"What's the matter?" Merchant Li was taken aback again, not understanding why the two little ancestors came out.

"Everyone, don't be fooled. The other party doesn't want to let us go. What they said before was just to make us give up resistance so that it would be easier to slaughter us." Ah Shao stood at the front and said loudly to everyone again.

He has been crawling outside since he was a child, his eyes are extremely vicious, he can see through the opponent's tricks at a glance, and hastily came to stop the opponent.

"How is it possible, little baby, I advise you not to talk nonsense, what if you offend the other party." A guy behind said dissatisfiedly, most of them thought like this, thinking that they didn't even want things, why? They will also kill them. You must know that most of the bandits are just asking for money.

"I'm not talking nonsense. Look at the distance the opponent retreats. It's not their kindness, but the opponent's best charging distance." Ah Shuan pointed to the opponent.

Merchant Li looked at the opposite side, and it was indeed the case, but suddenly there was a sense of uneasiness in his heart. Could it be that what Ah Shao said was true?

"Haha, where's the little doll? He's really smart. He can see through it at a glance. It's amazing." The captain over there laughed, without any explanation, but admitted it openly.

Seeing the other party getting together again because of his own words, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes. A small group of rabble, a charge can break through the opponent's assembly, at most it is just a little injury, no hindrance.

"You, you..." Merchant Li didn't expect that to be the case, and felt a sense of despair, not knowing what to say.

"All of you are going to die, and none of you can escape. How about this little baby? If you hang out with us, your sister and you will be safe." The captain said to Ah Shao, he admired him a little Yes, with such a keen observation, you must know that many of their guards who have been away all the year round have been deceived by them.

"Bah, I won't be with you thieves." Ah Shao also said with disdain, and he despises this kind of people the most.

Even Xiaolan who was next to her glared at each other angrily, holding her little hands tightly. She knew about these bad guys. The husband of a kind aunt was killed by them.

"Okay, since you don't eat or drink fine wine for toasting, I'm going to arrest your sister and sell her to someone else's house as a servant." The captain's face suddenly sank, and when he was about to order to charge,

When Ah Shao heard about his sister who dared to threaten him, his eyes turned red instantly. That was his Ni Lin, and then he rushed towards him with all his strength, and he wanted him to be punished.

Although he was very angry, he was not stupid. He knew that he couldn't let the opponent charge, otherwise he wouldn't dare to say it, and he would be able to block the opponent's charge.

"It seems that Ah Shao has a good sense of combat, but I didn't even notice it." She hid aside and watched Shuang'er in admiration.

"Yeah, that kid doesn't seem to be careless at ordinary times, but once he concentrates, he can indeed display 100% of his strength." Gu Zheng praised beside him.

Although he still squinted his eyes to restore the immortal power of his physical strength, his spiritual consciousness kept paying attention to that side, and if there was any danger, he could get out with just one thought.

In this level of fighting, he didn't even bother to make a move.

"Wow, good boy, I didn't expect to have such a cultivation level at such a young age. It seems that I can't keep you. I blame you for being too showy. You should keep a low profile in your next life."

The captain looked at the opponent's speed like a sharp arrow, and only then realized that he had a second-level cultivation base at a young age, which was indeed an extraordinary talent, but it was a pity that he was about to die in his own hands.

Regardless of regret, the long sword in his hand pulled out a sword flower in mid-air, and he was thrown out by him in an instant. The target was Ah Shao who was rushing over on the ground.

Ah Shuan made a sudden stop on the ground, just happened to go around the opponent's side, and at the same time stamped his feet suddenly, a soft sword appeared in his hand, and stabbed at the opponent's horse.

"Go and kill those people. I'll deal with this kid and that little girl. Don't accidentally hurt me. The new Mr. Qian seems to like this."

The captain pulled the horse's head and made his beloved mount take a few steps back. He drew out the black iron spear on the side, turned over and got off the horse, and with the help of the momentum from the sky, he stabbed the opponent in the face.

He doesn't show mercy at all, he doesn't have the slightest sympathy for the enemy, no matter the opponent is young or weak, the enemy is the enemy, only death can make him feel at ease, this is why he has almost never been out as the scout captain The cause of the error.

Seeing this, Ah Shao successfully forced the opponent down, dodged the opponent's attack with a backflip, and the soft sword in his hand gleamed under the sunlight, pointing directly at the opponent's chest.

Looking at the stern gaze on the opposite side, he didn't show the slightest timidity.

"Hey, your sister wants me to be caught by his subordinates, are you relieved? Or is it that the relationship between your brother and sister is not good at all." The captain said with a smile on his face, not forgetting to provoke their concern , to distract him.

Although his own strength is one level higher than the opponent's, his feeling of wandering between life and death tells him that the little boy on the other side is a fatal threat to him.

"I think it's your subordinates who should suffer." Ah Shao snorted coldly. Of course his younger sister knew that even though she was young, her fighting ability was stronger than her own.

"Ah" "Pop"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of several people screaming and horses falling to the ground came from behind.

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