No wonder I always felt that something was wrong, it turned out to be here.

How can such a long-standing sect only have these people, even though many disciples have already left the mountain, but where are the people of Daxueshan itself, and it is impossible that there will be no new celestial disciples from the snowy mountain over the years.

Gu Zheng didn't believe it, probably it was just a simple scene outside, and it was these new disciples or in other words, a special preparation place for them with low cultivation bases.

In that case, if there is still a hidden place, then it is probably the top hall.

Because it is the only building that only leans against the mountain peak, and the size of the hall is several times larger than usual. Gu Zheng thought it was just for the convenience of teaching, but now he thought that there is no need to expand it with so many dozens of people. Then, it can accommodate hundreds of people.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng waited quietly, waiting for the elders stationed inside to leave there before he had the chance to sneak over.

I don't want to be the enemy of that mysterious organization, it's better to keep a low profile.

But for half a month, that elder seemed to be living there, never coming out, only teaching once every three days, those disciples would gather together to go in.

At other times, it seems that they are free-range, and they are allowed to move freely.

Just when Gu Zheng couldn't help but want to go in and have a look, a Snow Mountain disciple hurried down and looked at the other party's tired face, as if there was something important.

Gu Zheng watched him walk in, waited for a while, and then suddenly, in his perception, the elder stationed there and his aura disappeared from there.

good chance!

Gu Zheng had been waiting patiently for several days, and saw this figure flying in from the outside quickly and silently.

The entire hall is not as empty as Gu Zheng imagined. On both sides of the entire hall, there are nine stone statues of human beings, whose heads are already close to the roof, and in the middle there is a larger golden statue, which is majestic and meditating. It seems that he should be the founder of Daxueshan.

There is a brown wooden table below, which is for placing some things. Three faint incense candles are burning, and a trace of smoke exuding Zen incense rises. Dozens of futons are regularly placed below.

The things inside can be seen at a glance, but Gu Zheng didn't find any secret doors or the like, which were well hidden.

But not long after the other party left, Gu Zheng followed the other party's breath behind the huge statue, looking at the edge of the flawless, Gu Zheng sneered.

Although I don't know the specific method of entry, as long as I am convinced that there is a mystery behind it, it is not a matter of time to find out.

And I didn't hear any unnecessary movement outside, so it is very likely that the switch is nearby.

Sure enough, after a while of careful exploration, I finally found the switch under the wooden table.

As the switch was activated, a hole opened quietly from the edge, and Gu Zheng walked in without hesitation.

As soon as he entered, a heavy pressure was pressed into his body from all sides, and a faint light flickered on Gu Zheng's body, and that layer of pressure disappeared.

But if you don't have the strength above that of a celestial being, an ordinary fifth-level person can't move at all when they come here, they can only be pressed on the ground and can't move. Ordinary people with no cultivation level can even be crushed into a pulp by this pressure.

There is a fist-sized night pearl inlaid on it at intervals, illuminating this small passage.

Following the crooked passage, he continued to walk upwards, after half an hour of dawdling on his way, Gu Zheng finally walked out of the passage, unable to collide with the two people in front.

A new place appeared for him, Gu Zheng took a quick glance, then dodged out of the hole, and came behind a larger stone wall around him.

This place should be the edge of the high mountain peak, and a relatively large open space was opened up. The entire semicircle is covered with a vast expanse of whiteness. The howling cold wind is hanging wildly outside, and the sky is always covered with raindrops of snowflakes.

The well-proportioned buildings are not far in front, all of which are white, and at the extreme behind, there is a faint blue lake wave, more than 20 breaths of angels and hundreds of ordinary people. The breath is mixed in it.

But Gu Zheng frowned, because there was no Xue'er breath among these hundreds of people.

Perhaps the people here are used to no one intruding, and the overall protection is not as good as the one below, so Gu Zheng is much more courageous, and is about to move forward. Before the lack of it, the fairy was rushing back, and it seemed that he had already escorted that person. Turn back towards the cave.

Gu Zheng looked at the white token on the opponent's waist, and stretched out his hand lightly. The moment the opponent entered the hole and opened the protection, he unknowingly took it down by remote control, and created a very realistic phantom that was almost indistinguishable from this one. , Even the weight of the ancient disputes is taken into consideration, to ensure that the other party will not take it, and there will be no difference at all.

Then Gu Zheng changed, and changed into the same clothes as that elder, except that there were a few golden silk threads on the white, making his complexion a little older, making him look like he was in his forties The middle-aged man swaggered in like this.

Even here, some people are needed to take care of it, so I saw many servants along the way, even the lowest servants have the strength of the second level, and they are clearing some snow.

Everyone will bow their heads slightly when they see Gu Zheng, stop what they are doing, and will not continue working until Gu Zheng is gone.

Following the breath, Gu Zheng came to a relatively remote room, where the Snow Mountain disciple was reporting some situations.

It's a pity that there is a layer of enchantment blocking the outside, so that Gu Zheng has no idea what he is talking about.

However, Gu Zheng had a way. When the other party finished speaking and was about to come out, Gu Zheng went to a nearby place to hide.

The disciple opened the door first and walked towards the place where the nearby disciple lived. He also had a room here, and he just went to rest for a while after reporting the task.

But just as he turned the corner, an elder appeared in front of him walking there, and he was caught off guard and bumped into Gu Zheng directly.

"I'm sorry, Elder, I'm sorry." The disciple hastily bowed his head and apologized.

"It's okay, I just happened to be walking here. Get up and go back quickly." The disciple heard the kind elder say this, and then felt the other's hands lift his shoulders. Wake up again.

"Thank you, Elder, for your forgiveness." The Xueshan disciple said gratefully, bowed again hastily, hurried around from the side, and walked towards his room.

When he returned to his room, it suddenly occurred to him that he seemed to have bumped into someone on the road, but he couldn't remember who he bumped into, or he had just made a mistake.

No matter what, Xueshan disciple decided to rest, after all, he was very tired after traveling for more than ten days.

And Gu Zheng over there watched him leave, but he already got the news he wanted. Gu Zheng used a secret method, which could forcibly read the memory of a person with a low cultivation level and back it up.

But it's too hurtful, and it can only deal with very weak people. If it weren't for being sure to stand with the Yaozu, Gu Zheng would definitely not use such evil things.

To deal with such a weak person, the moment Gu Zheng came into contact with him, he quickly browsed everything in his heart, remembering everything he knew clearly since he was a child.

The other party turned out to be an undercover agent of the Yaozu. He was successfully brainwashed by the people here since he was a child, and what he just reported was about Zhao Man some time ago. It seems that after defeating the other party, Zhao Man was invited to the Xu family in Fengcheng.

And that elder was himself a monster clan, the original person had already died, Li Daitao replaced him stiffly, Suo Ran only knew this elder in his memory, but Gu Zheng was sure, so many people must have other monsters The tribe lurks in, and there are many human beings who have been brainwashed by them.

Who let the founder go out tens of thousands of years ago, and he hasn't come back yet, judging from the spiritual seal left behind, at least he is still alive.

Otherwise, no matter how courageous the monster clan is, they would not dare to lurk in blatantly.

But Gu Zheng is not interested in this for the time being. Although she also wants to wipe out these monsters, she does not have the group of old monsters that Bei Chen mentioned in her memory, and the main thing now is to rescue Xiangxiang. .

It seemed that he had really wronged Lan Xing, because what he said was true, because Xueer was indeed detained here, because Xueer was caught by the people from Snow Mountain.

The place of detention is in the lake behind, and Gu Zheng's figure quickly swept towards the back.

At the back of this building, also at the end in the other direction, there is a huge blue lake, the water in the lake is the cold snow from the top of the founder, which is introduced drop by drop from a natural gap. Below, it took tens of thousands of years to have such a scale.

And besides the lake in the back, no one is allowed to approach it except certain people, that thing will freeze into a ball of ice lumps even if the gods don't pay attention, and those disciples will shatter into a ball if they touch the whole person.

Even in normal times, there will be a few people guarding here. In the past, every year, there were always self-sufficient arrogance, not afraid of death, and wanted to try, but without exception, they all died as unjust souls.

In order to prevent this situation, a special formation was set up later to prevent those disciples who sneaked in.

Only the tokens of the elders can be opened, because of the particularity of their exercises, sometimes it is necessary to lead them down for some tempering, because there is a small secret realm below.

"Elder!" When Gu Zheng passed, several disciples stationed nearby shouted one after another, and made way for the only passage, which was a wall built a long time ago, which proved to be of no great use.

Gu Zheng didn't make a sound, he took out the token from behind and input mana into it, a layer of faint white light shrouded himself outside, passing through that layer of invisible restriction, Gu Zheng came to this lake.

In fact, the old Yuan Guzheng saw that the entire lake was surrounded by dense ice grasses, but it was only when he came here that Gu Zheng discovered that he didn't know how to enter the secret realm below.

In the memory of that Xueshan disciple, although he had also entered, the elder who led them opened the passage only by casting spells.

If Gu Zheng jumped down so stupidly, even if he broke the sky, he would not be able to find the entrance.

Gu Zheng also knew it before, but with a glimmer of hope, the self-sustaining realm is too high. If he can catch the fluctuation at the entrance of the secret realm, wouldn't he save a lot of trouble.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng found out with regret that he had taken it for granted, and his divine sense could not even penetrate a foot below the surface of the water, let alone find the entrance to the secret realm.

Gu Zheng looked at the bottom of the lake, and didn't think about going down in person at all. If he wanted to search here for a day, even if he could resist the ice, he couldn't do it in a month.

So after Gu Zheng pretended to take away the two ice grasses, he left here again, and those who guarded here didn't suspect anything at all.

According to Gu Zheng's memory from that disciple, in less than a week, another group of elite disciples will go to the bottom of the lake to practice.

On the other side, when the immortal who was stolen by Gu Zheng was meditating in the main hall, suddenly the two statues suddenly opened their eyes, trembled all over, and shrank rapidly, turning into two normal human beings. After taking out a huge statue, it took their place.

If you look closely, these two statues are slightly different from their transformations, and they feel more suitable here.

Of course, such a big movement startled the immortals here.

But he wasn't surprised, instead, he quietly stayed aside, watching them finish all this.

"Left protector, right protector, what's going on?" the fairy stood aside respectfully and asked.

"The person hiding behind that witch came out, sneaked in after you just now, and even took your badge away." One of the Zuo Guardians with a bluish face said.

And the other right protector started to wave his hand continuously, and dots of stars appeared from the sky continuously, eliminating some traces left by the two of them

"What!" The immortal touched back in shock, and it turned out that what he touched was just a phantom. Although he felt that there was something, it was actually empty.

"Guardian Zuo, is there really someone?" The immortal said in disbelief, he didn't even notice anything, if the other party wanted to put him to death, thinking of this, his head was covered with cold sweat.

The blue-faced Zuo Guardian took out some things quickly, and said: "Of course, but don't say anything, we have this plan here this time, we have already set a trap for him, and we are waiting for him to come."

Soon the two protectors changed the clothes they took out. They were the clothes of the inner disciples of the Snow Mountain, but the pattern on the chest was changed into a blue three horizontal bars, representing the disciples with the third-level authority .

The two were simply adorning their faces, and as soon as their auras subsided, they became Snow Mountain disciples. Even the rings on their hands were exactly the same, and no detail was missed.

"Okay, you can still act as if nothing happened, and don't say anything about the loss of your token. We will talk about everything when we come back." Protector You instructed.

"Yes, my lord." After the fairy helped them open the passage, the two guardians quickly flew in, and when the wall returned to its original state, they still guarded the place as if nothing had happened.

A few days passed quickly, and the light snow in the sky was still falling non-stop. Following the appearance of the elder who thought it was here, soon more than 20 elite disciples of the snow mountain came out of their respective rooms. According to their courses, this time it should be It's their turn to go to the blue lake to purify the body.

But in a room, a Snow Mountain disciple was about to go out, when suddenly a figure appeared beside him, before he could make a sound, his eyes went dark, and he was already in a coma.

Gu Zheng stood behind him and smiled. These Xueshan disciples are treated very well. Each of them has a small house. There are only more than a hundred people in total, and there are twice as many people as them to take care of this place. It seems that not only one He is talented and lives a good life.

But this is cheap Gu Zheng, after targeting a slow-moving Snow Mountain disciple, he directly confused the opponent, and after ensuring that the opponent could not wake up within seven days, he put him on the bed, and Gu Zheng turned into his face in a hurry walked out.

By the time Gu Zheng arrived, almost everyone had assembled and were waiting for him.

Gu Zheng looked at everyone's strange eyes and looked at Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng didn't care, and hurried to the end, waiting for his teacher to lead the way.

On the Daxue Mountain, there is an elder who leads the students for nearly ten years at one time, with an average of about two students a year. If they perform poorly, they may be dismissed, so everyone works very hard.

"What's the matter? Cheng Yi, although usually slow enough, but this time it's so slow, even the teacher almost got angry." A person who seemed to be his friend next to him said.

"There is something, otherwise it wouldn't be the case." Gu Zheng didn't know what the other party's name was, so he said vaguely.

"That's it, try not to be late next time, the teacher doesn't like this." The person advised again and stopped talking.

A group of people marched towards the blue lake. Except for some movement at the beginning, the whole team didn't speak at all at other times, and soon came to the side of the blue lake.

It was not the first time for everyone to go down, so there was no curiosity, but Gu Zhengdong watched the teacher's movements with wide eyes, thinking about stealing a lesson from it, in case it could be used.

It's a pity that a unique frequency appeared from the opponent's air, accompanied by the dazzled gesture of the fairy, which made Gu Zheng give up his plan.

After the teacher changed several gestures one after another, a dazzling white light shot out from his hand and entered the blue lake.

The penetrating power of the white light was extremely strong, and a white mark appeared below the lake surface and shot into the bottom of the lake.

After waiting for a few breaths, the entire calm lake surface suddenly became rippling, and circles of blue ripples like waves appeared continuously. In the most middle position, the fluctuation was most obvious, as if spring water was bubbling outward.

Layers of blue light appeared from the middle, and soon formed a blue circle of light in the midair, constantly rotating above.

"Go quickly." The teacher took out a jade ruler and gently placed it on the bank. With the white light on it, the jade ruler suddenly elongated, forming a jade bridge together with the front of the light circle, just for Walk alone.

Needless to say, those disciples lined up one by one and jumped towards the inside of the aperture.

I saw a flash in the center of the aperture, and a person disappeared from midair and entered the secret realm.

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