The slightly slender figure, with shiny black scales, and a body that is hundreds of feet long almost covers the entire sky, which is very oppressive.

"I want you all to die!" The black dragon transformed by the black god said angrily, a black fireball suddenly fell from the sky, and its target was directed at Gu Zheng in place.

"Everyone, get out of the way!" Gu Zheng roared towards the surroundings, and with a wave of his hand, the outer shield of Kuzhu Xiangxiang shattered, and the whole person flew towards the distance.

But Gu Zheng's whole figure was suddenly surrounded by Peng Bo's evil spirit, and he rushed to the sky in an uproar.

The whole figure slowly began to grow, and when it reached the mid-air, the figure had become extremely huge, but the whole body was covered with black mist mixed with some black evil spirits, and looked very unstable, almost the size of a black dragon .

The whole figure is constantly deforming, and you can vaguely see that the appearance of an ancient beast is rapidly taking shape. Before reaching the top, the limbs have suddenly protruded from the bottom, and a foggy head without eyes and nose is exposed from the front. A big black mouth looms in it

And before a huge fireball crashed onto the ground,

"Shua" the black dragon came down with a condescending paw, the paw was deeply immersed in the black mist, and flew Gu Zhengpai directly, hitting the nearby rock fiercely, causing a large piece of rock fragments to fall down, injuring him again. There are many people below.

"Bang" Gu Zheng, who had just crashed into the rock, rushed out immediately, an acceleration directly lifted the black dragon into the air, and flew towards the high sky.

In the blink of an eye, the two people disappeared in front of everyone. At first, two black dots could be seen, but at the end the two people didn't know where they went.

Under the messy valley, everyone gathered slowly. Xingcai, holding Xiangxiang's little hand, came to a slightly flatter place, and more and more people slowly gathered beside her.

Everyone knew that she was the Lord of the Star Alliance, and most of them simply recovered a little bit of cultivation, but everyone also understood that the current battle situation was beyond their control, and everyone's hope rested on that young man. If even he failed in the end, it would be useless for a group of them to return to their peak.

Because this place is already in the Yaoguang Realm, the entrance has been closed, and no one can get out.

The situation on the field was divided into four teams, among which Lian Rong and Feng Yi were hiding in the far corner, while the leader who was affected by the aftermath of the fireball explosion was lying on the ground, and the mysterious person who was still unconscious was not far from the explosion. , there was no injury at all.

"Ahem, lord, what should they do?" Elder Wu stood by and pointed at Lianrong and the others. He said that his already injured internal organs were simply suppressed.

"Don't ask them yet, just let them stay there." Xingcai glanced at them, thinking of what they had done before, and said.

They thought it was Xingcai who rescued them, but they didn't know that the real hero was the two of them.

"Where's that monster?" Elder Wu didn't know that Marco's monster was the previous leader, so he asked for instructions.

"Don't ask first, everyone is waiting quietly, heal the wound first if the injury is serious, and wait." Xingcai looked around before saying, the leader is no longer threatened.

He was already beaten to death by Gu Zheng, and with the aftermath of the explosion, now he is only half alive.

"I don't know if Gu Zheng can come back safely." Xingcai looked up at the top of her head, staring directly at the distant horizon, and said to herself.

"My brother Gu will definitely come back!" Xiangxiang whispered after hearing this, but the voice was so small that only she could hear it.

The whole venue quickly became silent, and everyone was waiting, waiting for the final outcome.

At this time, above the sky, two behemoths were engaged in a fierce hand-to-hand fight, which had lasted for a long time.

In the previous period, the black dragon discovered that his spells were devoured by the opponent to replenish himself, and he completely gave up the spells. With his superb body, he could completely crush the opponent, but what he never expected was that the opponent was stronger than he imagined. Be tough.

After the two huge figures collided again, they suddenly separated again.

"Damn it, what kind of monster are you?" Heilong said angrily, staring at the eyes as big as a small house. The other party's form is not a kind of supernatural power at all, it seems that the body is like this, and she has never seen or heard of it.

"Boom!" Such as the sound of an explosion roared from Gu Zheng's mouth, Gu Zheng would not take the opponent's words at all, and once again manipulated this huge body to charge up, taking advantage of the opponent's time to breathe, he came to the opponent's side in an instant.

In one part of the body, it suddenly condensed into a hammer shape, which was more than ten feet in size. In the blink of an eye, he hammered the opponent's side heavily, and even the solid body was obviously sunk into a big groove.

The black dragon let out a mournful cry, and was thrown away instantly like a shooting star, leaving only a few bloody dragon scales in the air, crashing into the huge mountain peak.

Only then did Gu Zheng stay in mid-air, take a breath, controlling this huge body consumes too much mental power, making him miserable, but during the short period of fighting, at least one-fifth has been consumed, and His figure had already shrunk by about five feet unknowingly.

Although it didn't show up for a while, he had no other way to supplement the reduction of blood essence in his body. He could only resolve the battle as quickly as possible, but the opponent himself was a dragon, and his tyrannical body almost made it impossible for Gu Zheng to attack.

More importantly, he still wouldn't release any spells. If he hadn't carried the opponent's spells hard, although he had absorbed a lot of energy, he would still have suffered considerable injuries.

But the opponent thought he could devour spells, causing misunderstanding, otherwise it would be even more difficult to fight.

"Roar" Hei Lang's huge figure appeared from the air again, and charged again with unparalleled power. A huge tail suddenly appeared in the distance, and it was whipped on Gu Zheng's body quickly, and a large black mist fell. In the next turn, Gu Zheng turned into a meteor and hit the huge mountain.

Immediately afterwards, Hei Shen didn't wait for Gu Zheng to come up, and rushed towards the opponent again, a pair of sharp claws that shone coldly, grabbed Gu Zheng's direction.

The two began to fight fiercely around the dining room, from the top of the mountain to the middle of the mountain. After the spell was eliminated, the two of them were all fighting head-to-head.

Countless black mist and blood-stained dragon scales fell in the air, and the two of them gradually turned red-eyed, attacking each other desperately like ancient beasts.

On the ground, after the battle situation suddenly became fierce, the entire valley felt shaking, and countless stones fell from the peak in front of them, looking like the end of the world.

At this time, they could all see the state of the fighting above, and they could feel that kind of power even in the ground, as if they had returned to the ancient times, when everyone was comparing whose body was strong and who could overwhelm the other.

Everyone looked up intently, and sometimes when they suddenly disappeared from sight, they looked worried, because from above, the black dragon transformed by the black god was in the upper hand, making everyone worry.

However, it took a long time to disappear this time, and there was no sound from above. Although it disappeared before, there were occasional roars, letting everyone know that Shangfan was still fighting.

But the silence seemed a bit too long this time, as if the two had stopped fighting suddenly.

It was as if the battle between the two was over, and the victor was digesting his war power.

Just as everyone was waiting anxiously, two black dots suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and they were quickly landing one after the other.

"Something's wrong." Xingcai said suddenly. Everyone looked over suspiciously, and didn't know what happened above. It looked like they were fleeing and chasing, and the black dragon was on the run.

"Attention everyone!" Suddenly Xingcai took out a magic weapon again, propping up a huge light curtain to protect everyone present.

And as the top got closer and closer to the bottom, many people also noticed that something was wrong, and the figures of the two shrank rapidly when they fell.

When they shrunk in half, their figures suddenly turned into human shapes, and both of them closed their eyes tightly, as if they had passed out.

This change made everyone puzzled, as if both of them were hurting, but the battle was so short, could it be that the two of them really worked so hard to cause this?

With doubts, the two of them landed heavily on the ground in no particular order without slowing down. Even the ground was shaken by three points, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

The two shock waves spread to the surroundings, causing Xingcai's temporary shield to flash wildly, almost shattering.

"Wait, Xiangxiang, don't be so anxious, just wait and see." Feeling the struggle in her hands, Xingcai persuaded Xiangxiang who wanted to rush out to have a look.

"However, Brother Gu seems to be in a bad situation. He needs our help." Hearing Xingcai's words, Xiangxiang replied with her head held high.

"I know, let's wait a moment, don't worry, everyone here hopes that your brother Gu is fine." Xingcai squatted down, gently stroking Xiangxiang's head with her palm, and said comfortingly.

After Xiangxiang heard it, she obediently stopped trying to move forward, but stood there with her head hooked and looked there, hoping that Gu Zheng could come out all the time.

When all the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone clearly saw two big pits on the ground, and Gu Zheng and Heishen were still lying in them, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

However, those close to the edge could clearly see that the black chains on Hei Shen's body were shining brightly, and a mysterious aura leaked from above. In flesh and blood.

But Gu Zheng lay there lying there, motionless.

After a while, Gu Zheng's body moved a little, and he woke up slowly, feeling an indescribable soreness all over his body, as if every cell in his body was screaming for tiredness and pain.

This unsuccessful transformation had drained every potential in him.

Lie down for a while, and after recovering a bit of strength, he slowly stood up.

I am very afraid of the truth of this ancient battle. Gu Zheng feels that he really needs to take a good rest for a while. If the ban on the black dragon was not activated in the end, the black dragon lost most of its combat power. At the critical moment, he could give the opponent a fatal blow. , I guess I can't hold it anymore.

Even so, Gu Zheng didn't have the strength to land safely. When he fell, he was already in a semi-comatose state.

After finally standing up trembling slightly, Gu Zheng felt a body suddenly crushing him from behind, and Gu Zheng fell into the pit below again, accompanied by an exclamation.

There was a soft "bang", and a very light body also fell behind him. Gu Zheng tilted his hands slightly outwards to protect Xiangxiang on his back, preventing her from accidentally falling.

"Ah, Brother Gu, I'm sorry!" Xiangxiang's apology came from Gu Zheng's ear at the first time, and she didn't expect that she would rush up, but Gu Zheng was so weak in the end, she just touched it lightly, Gu Zheng fell down.

Xiangxiang could feel the situation in Gu Zheng's body better as he got closer. Seeing that Gu Zheng didn't forget to protect himself when he fell, his heart was sweet, and he quickly jumped off Gu Zheng and started fighting with Gu Zheng.

"Are you okay?" Xingcai walked over with a relieved expression on her face, looking at Gu Zheng's appearance and asked quickly.

"It's okay, but I think we need to evacuate here." Gu Zheng took out a pill and quickly swallowed it, then said.

"This black god is only temporarily trapped by the seal. I'm afraid that the time here may lead to long nights and dreams, so I'd better leave early." Gu Zheng shook his head and said.

Even now, no one here has the ability to kill her. After all, she is a giant dragon. On their side, everyone is injured, and most people with physical strength probably cannot break through the defense.

"But, the way out of here is closed, how do we get out?" Xiangxiang interjected, because someone had discussed this issue before and she heard it.

"Maybe they have a solution?" Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment, because he didn't know how long he spent up there, and turned his attention to Feng Yi and Lian Rong.

"Let me ask, now they seem to have rebelled against the Black God, so don't do anything yet." Xingcai looked at Gu Zheng and hurriedly said aside what happened just now.

"Okay, then go ask." Although Gu Zheng didn't understand why the other party would do this, but he knew that the woman was the culprit who took Xiangxiang away, and he wanted to ask her kindly, there was no discussion at all. .

Of course Xingcai knew what was going on here, so she walked towards the other party by herself and asked.

And Gu Zheng looked at Hei Shen who was still lying motionless in the pit, as if he had passed out, the black chain on his body was still brightly lit, and almost his whole body was almost wrapped by the small chain of the black lock.

Gu Zheng would not be kind enough to help her, wishing she would die on the spot.

Xiangxiang really can't bear to see her like this, but she also knows that this woman is vicious and seems to be killing herself, so she won't pity her.

Soon Xingcai turned around and came back, looked at Gu Zheng and shook his head gently and said, "They don't know much more than us, and they came here for the first time, and they didn't know that this is the Black God before." habitat."

"However, it seems that the leader should know that it is the prawn." Then Xingcai quickly added.

Gu Zheng's eyes looked at the prawn on the other side. He didn't expect that it was the leader's body. Before, he wondered where the leader was, but he didn't expect to become like this.

"The other party looks like this, that's just right, I'll use the soul search technique to check later." Gu Zheng said directly, the other party's appearance really saved a lot of worry, feeling the immortal energy in his body recovering little by little, Said to Xingcai.

"Well, I'll tie him up now to save some accidents." Xingcai said, and before Gu Zheng could answer, a long silk with a slightly dim aura was thrown from his hand, forming a length of tens of meters , Bound the prawns layer by layer, and finally collected them hard, and bundled them together perfectly with the tongs.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, and gave Xingcai a thumbs up.

After they discussed the matter, Xiangxiang shifted her gaze to the black god at the bottom of the pit, carefully watching her appearance when she grew up.

Suddenly a burst of black mist came from Heishen's body, and quickly surrounded Heishen's whole body, Xiangxiang trembled all over, and a creepy feeling appeared in his heart.

It felt like I was walking alone on the street, there was no one there, and a man in black was following me not far behind, trying to take him away.

"Brother Gu, look!" Xiangxiang turned around and pulled La Guzheng's clothes and said, holding on tightly without letting go.

"What's wrong?" Gu Zheng looked back at Xiangxiang and asked in doubt.

"There is some black smoke on that woman, is there something wrong?" Xiangxiang pointed to Heishen, but found that the black smoke had disappeared, and she didn't have the feeling she had before.

"Obviously there was just now, I've been staring at it." Xiangxiang said anxiously, for fear that Gu Zheng would not believe it.

At this time, the Black Gods had been completely surrounded by the chains, and they were tightly bound together, and nothing unusual could be seen at all.

"Okay, okay, I believe, let's stay away from here." Gu Zheng took a look, and then inspected carefully, and found nothing abnormal, but since Xiangxiang said it, he should be careful.

In fact, Gu Zheng felt that the Black God wanted to break through this seal, so he really couldn't believe it. You must know that she has been trapped by the seal for tens of thousands of years. If it was that easy, she would have been out of trouble long ago.

Gu Zheng and the others left the vicinity of the Black God, and set up a simple barrier outside, which can also give Gu Zheng a warning time.

Before Xiangxiang left, she took another worried look, and found that the situation was not the same as before. She felt like she was dazzled, but she still only held Gu Zheng in her hands, and was inseparable from him, so that she felt safe.

But just as they left this area, a trace of mist emerged from Heishen's body again, and quietly penetrated from under his body, bit by bit, and slowly moved towards Xiangxiang's position silently.

Moreover, no one noticed this extremely low fluctuation. Even Gu Zheng Lianrong was severely injured in her body, her spiritual sense of inspiration had been suppressed to the lowest level, and she couldn't perceive this black mist at all.

And they were still standing there, discussing some details, but they didn't know that under their feet, more and more black mist slowly gathered together.

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