"Don't worry, Brother Gu, with me here, no one can disturb you." Xiangxiang said, patting her chest, and Gu Zheng was amused by that little grown-up appearance.

"Okay, then my safety will be entrusted to you." Gu Zheng said with a smile, then turned his back and looked at the blue stone in his hand.

After hesitating for a moment, Gu Zheng slowly moved the stone closer to his forehead. It was his first attempt, and it was only after Xiong Lao left a message for himself that he found out.

While waiting for the blue stone to stick to his forehead, Gu Zheng felt that his forehead was cold at first, and then began to heat up again. Under Gu Zheng's perception, a magic circle slowly appeared, spontaneously resisting things from the outside world.

Under the guidance of Gu Zheng, the stone suddenly flashed a slight blue light, and the whole body turned into a puddle of liquid, rushing into the seal in an instant.

Xiangxiang watched Gu Zheng's body start to tremble slightly, as if trying to suppress something, more like suffering from a demon, but didn't he say he was healing?

Xiangxiang watched Gu Zheng's body grow bigger and bigger, and she even heard his uncontrollable low hum.

When Xiangxiang couldn't help but want to go over to check it out, a strong aura suddenly emerged from Gu Zheng's body, as if the sun was in the sky, and people couldn't help but worship.

Even the surrounding black mist was forcefully forced by this aura, but Xiangxiang didn't feel such a great power, and felt happy for Gu Zheng from the bottom of her heart.

This kind of breath lasted for a full stick of incense before it slowly faded into Gu Zheng's body.


Gu Zheng suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood. He didn't expect this seal to be so powerful. Even so, Gu Zheng had to use up all his strength to completely wipe out that weak resistance. Of course, he was too weak, otherwise he didn't need to so difficult.

However, after lifting this seal, his strength has returned to the early stage of Jinxian. Even so, his strength has increased dozens of times, and more importantly, his many magic weapons can finally be used.

However, Gu Zheng first took out some pills and ate them quickly, feeling that the wound in his body was gradually getting better, and the immortal energy was also recovering quickly, so Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, what is this?" Gu Zheng looked at the thing in his hand, it turned out to be a piece of metallic material, although it is not a pure color attribute, but it can also be used by himself.

Gu Zheng thought about it for a while, and then he remembered, it seems that he got a piece when he was fighting with that local tyrant at Shura's side. At that time, he 'borrowed' it from the other party. He was so lucky, so he saved another heart. .

But whether it can be used or not, Gu Zheng is still not sure, but I will try it out.

When he recovered a little, Gu Zheng patted his forehead again.

To Gu Zheng's surprise, the material was completely consistent, and the current marks on Gu Zheng's forehead were almost visible, leaving only two faint spots of light on it.

This time it went much smoother than last time. Gu Zheng once again had a strong aura. Although it was not as strong as before, it was safe for Gu Zheng to crack the seal again and successfully break through to the middle stage of Golden Immortal.

Feeling the sea-like magic power in his body, Gu Zheng finally felt a sense of security, at least he had the power to protect himself in case of anything.

"Wow, Brother Gu, you turned out to be so powerful." Xiangxiang, who was stunned at the side, finally recovered and shouted excitedly.

No wonder Gu Zheng was looking for water-attribute materials, and she also saw Gu Zheng swallow another metallic five-element material before, and her cultivation level skyrocketed again.

If the guess is correct, maybe he himself is in a sealed state, and only the five element materials can help him unseal, but it is a pity that she doesn't have any other than the water attribute.

"Brother Gu, do you still have a seal on your body?" Xiangxiang came to Gu Zheng and shouted excitedly again. The quasi-sage didn't dare to think that it might be possible in the Daluo realm.

"How is it possible? I am in the best condition right now. Although I am far away from Da Luo, I will reach that level sooner or later." Gu Zheng lied, but his tone was full of confidence, as if he had no It is easy to step over the hurdle, which is the most critical hurdle for many immortals.

But Xiangxiang doesn't understand these things. Since brother Gu said he can, he will arrive sooner or later.

If others listen to this, they will not be laughed to death. You must know that this is embarrassing, and I don’t know how many people are embarrassed. Many people spend their entire lives, not to mention touching the edge of Da Luo, perhaps in the early days of Jinxian.

You know, even in such a period of abundant aura, the Golden Immortal Stage is definitely the main force, but most of them are in the early and middle stage, because the further you go, you can't just rely on hard work to get up.

"Brother Gu, when are we leaving?" Xiangxiang gently touched Gu Zheng's sleeve, and said coquettishly, she didn't want to stay here at all now.

"Let's go, let's go." Gu Zheng took stock of some things and said casually.

Now this black mist can no longer stop him, of course he can take her away, but he can only sneak away, if he is discovered, he will suffer disaster.

Even if dozens of ancient battles are tied together now, it is estimated that they will not be able to defeat a big Luo, but I have a gourd, and I am not too timid in my heart. If I fight to the death, the opponent will be seriously injured.

Of course, the premise of all this is based on the fact that the opponent is only in the early stage of Da Luo, otherwise it is better to surrender obediently, so as not to suffer.

At this time, at the bottom of the previous valley, blood was flowing all over the face, and the blood was soaring to the sky. There were at least fifty dead bodies lying on the ground, and some undead souls were hiding beside them.

In an open space in front of the outside, there are more than a dozen people besieging a few people in the circle, but from the scene, although they are besieging the opponent from this side, the actual damage caused is very little, because the opponent is defending with all their strength.

Occasional counterattacks can pose a great threat to them, and the situation remains stalemate for the time being.


Feng Yi saw the opportunity again, and shot a beam of light from his hand covertly again, directly piercing the opponent's shoulder, forcing the opponent to temporarily withdraw from the battle circle to relieve the pressure here.

"Why haven't the leader and Lord Heishen come back yet?" Seeing this scene, Lian Rong breathed a sigh of relief. She could relax for a while, and quickly got up from the ground to join the battle.

"Maybe they haven't decided the winner yet, but it doesn't matter. There are few people on the other side. It will be fine if you persist for a while." Feng Yi stuffed another pill into his mouth, swallowed it quickly, and passed it behind him. Past one.

"Yu Yi, catch it! Can you still hold on?"

"No problem, Mr. Feng, it's just that Men Honghui seems to be unable to hold on any longer." On the side, Yu Yi propped up a shield with both hands, and was struggling to block the opponent's attack. In it, his cultivation base was the lowest, and after After such a long period of consumption, everyone has stimulated their greatest potential.

On one side, there was a man unconscious on the ground. There was a blood hole in his chest, and now he was bleeding. The previous wound burst again, and he was so weak that his breathing was extremely weak.

"Help him first, let Lianrong replace you." Feng Yi just glanced at him and quickly issued an order. There is no time to do extra things now.


A new shield was formed again, and Lianrong took out a magic weapon like an umbrella in her hand, propped it up again, and protected everyone.

But Yu Yisong was not maintaining the outer shield, and after a few breaths, he was struck by a flying sword and smashed, but he took out a small bottle and poured some black powder from it on the wound , Finally, the wound was blocked, and the bleeding stopped.

However, Yu Yi had no choice but to feel the passing of the other party's life. He could only hope that Lord Hei Shen or the leader would come back quickly. Now in the whole valley, there were only three of them alive and one half-dead.

The other people have become cold corpses. Who would have thought that the other party could break through the cage set by the leader himself.

In the initial period of time, there was no reaction here, and everyone took turns waiting for the cage in front of them. Although it was boring, it was not dangerous.

But who would have thought that one of the cages would be cracked open without a sound, and dozens of people imprisoned in it would break through in an instant and attack them.

Fortunately, each of them was cursed by the leader, and everyone's strength dropped drastically. But as the saying goes, ants kill elephants, so many attacks come together, even if the attacks weaken to the ground, one of them is directly killed on the spot. Boom to pieces.

Others gathered one after another to confront each other, and killed more than 20 people from the opponent in a short period of time, but the opponent was still vicious, knowing that they would die anyway, they surrounded them desperately.

Feng Yi was afraid that this phenomenon would occur in other cages, so he directly activated the backhand given to him by the leader, and a new round of black mist appeared from the ground to cover the remaining cages, ensuring that the opponent could not break through again.

But in order to activate the formation, he paid a heavy price. Up to now, even Feng Yi has suffered serious injuries, and the consumption in his body is even greater.

Although the opponent also consumes a lot, if this continues, the first one who can't hold on is this side.

The opponent also knew this, and besieged them cautiously, and it was almost impossible to kill the opponent.

"Brother Feng, I can't hold on any longer." Lian Rong asked Feng for help again.

"Why is it so short?" Feng Yi felt that only a while had passed, but Lian Rong's face had already turned pale. The time to recover just now was too short, and the opponent's wounded joined the battlefield again, which doubled the consumption a lot.

"I'm coming, you go to rest quickly." Feng Yi glanced at Yu Yi who was still recovering, and immediately said, don't fight back at this time, just stabilize your position first.

When the opponent saw that the opponent's absolute main force was all on defense, he knew that the opponent was about to be unable to support, and even launched a violent attack, wanting to take advantage of this moment to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

The sound of explosions resounding non-stop throughout the valley, the sound of flying swords shuttling, and the sound of mutual encouragement.

Time passed bit by bit. Since then, Lian Rong has no ability to fight back, and everyone's rotation time is also gradually decreasing. Facing the enemy's attack, they are almost numb now.

"Come on, Brother Feng, the pill has been used up." After Lian Rong stepped back again, she wiped her hand, her expression changed suddenly, and she shouted anxiously towards Feng Yi.

"What, I don't have much, I'll give you one." Feng Yi was also surprised when he heard Lianrong's words, and found that he didn't have much, so he quickly handed over a pill.

Just when the lotus seed paste was about to be eaten, suddenly two figures descended from the sky, attracting everyone's attention instantly.

The one who descended from the Immortal was the leader alone. Although it looked a lot more embarrassed, it made the two sides feel differently. Following behind was the unconscious Xingcai, who was now firmly trapped together by a black rope. .

Lian Rong's heart brightened, but the other side was just the opposite. Even the leader of the Star Alliance was captured. Didn't the leader beat her before? Why did the leader lose this time?

This made the faces of the people here turn gray, and everyone scattered and ran around, but most of them still flew out of the valley.

After seeing this scene from below, the leader snorted coldly and stretched out his grasp. An invisible pressure enveloped the valley, and those souls who were outside burst to death one after another. .

Immediately afterwards, their figures flew again, and they returned to their previous cage at a very high speed. A black light flashed, and the cage was covered with black smoke again, and they were suppressed again.

It wasn't until this moment that Feng Yi and the others breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that they were about to be paralyzed. If the leader wasn't here, they all wanted to lie down directly.

"Master Feng, Men Honghui is dead." At this moment, Yu Yi who was at the side suddenly said.

Feng Yi and Lian Rong turned their heads and saw that he was no longer breathing. The two of them looked sad. He didn't make it to the end. Even if he lasted a little longer, he might be saved.

Now there are only three of them left in the entire Black God Sect. The others either died, disappeared, or were captured alive. They feel very lonely.

But this feeling just flashed in their hearts, and soon they left these problems behind, because they still had to go on and had to face this kind of strength, or they had already gotten used to it.

"Congratulations to the leader, we have defeated the opponent, now we have enough bargaining chips." Feng Yi led Lian Rong up and said.

"No, I want to sacrifice this person's blood to Lord Hei God, and use her blood to give Lord Hei God a hand." The leader glanced at Feng Yi, and instantly understood his thoughts.

"As long as Lord Black God comes out, those puppets will be vulnerable to a single blow. There is no need to make peace with them. As long as you disagree, we will go to hell together." The leader continued to speak domineeringly, and pointed at the unconscious star Cai Ling flew into the air and flew directly towards the altar.

At the same time, the black ropes on her body began to tighten slowly, causing Xingcai to groan in pain in a coma.

At this moment, a golden glow flashed past Xingcai's side in an instant, directly cutting through the rope outside Xingcai, and escaped from the control of the leader.

And the figure of Xingcai in the sky began to fall, but when it was about to fall to the ground, a figure suddenly appeared and caught her.

"It's you?" The leader said in surprise, he didn't expect the other party to appear here.

Gu Zheng didn't answer the leader's question. After using Xingcai, he felt the opponent's fiery body with both hands. He didn't have any thoughts in his heart. Xingcai's face became flushed, and finally Gu Zheng slapped her on the back.

Hearing a "poof", a mouthful of black blood spurted out from his mouth like a sharp arrow. After spitting out the mouthful of black blood, Xingcai woke up in a daze.

The first thing I saw was that the leader was standing opposite me, and subconsciously raised his hand immediately, wanting to launch an attack, but just raised his arm halfway, he groaned in a low voice, staggered, and was about to move forward .

She is too injured now to be able to fight anymore.

A hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, and directly pulled her up again, which made Xingcai startled. Turning around, she saw that it was Gu Zheng, and hurriedly said, "Go, here, I am not his opponent."

As he spoke, he still wanted to stand in front of Gu Zheng and help him delay for a while.

It's a pity that the wobbly station is not very stable.

Gu Zheng looked at this woman, although he was very moved, but he didn't want to say anything. With her appearance, her body was almost unsteady, and she was caught by the other party even if she didn't take two steps.

However, Gu Zheng still accepted the other party's intentions. No matter what, the other party really wanted to help him, and he was the one who founded the Star Alliance.

Xingcai looked at the opposite leader, knowing that now, she still couldn't accept that she had lost to the other party. She was even slightly inferior to herself before, but she didn't regret it, but she was a little regretful that some of her last wishes had not been fulfilled. There is him from afar.

But what made Xingcai a little strange was that the leader didn't take the initiative to attack with the magical weapon, but instead looked cautious, looking at this side, as if he was afraid of something.

"I said, Lord Leader, you should stay back, lest your poor body be injured again, and it will be much more troublesome to recuperate." A chuckle came from behind.

Gu Zheng took a step and walked in front of Xingcai, blocking Xingcai like a wall.

Originally, Gu Zheng wanted to sneak away with Xiangxiang, but when he sneaked past here, he happened to see the scene where the leader came back, and heard the leader's stern shout, how could he watch Xingcai die in front of his eyes.

Settled Xiangxiang down, told her not to come out, and then the scene at the beginning appeared.

"Gu Zheng, why, why do you have such a high level of cultivation." Xingcai discovered that Gu Zheng's cultivation level is now at the middle stage of Golden Immortal, exactly the same as her own.

But she clearly remembered that before coming here, he was only at the peak of the immortal, no matter how great the adventure was, how could he be able to achieve such a cultivation level in a short period of time.

"Who the hell are you, and why did you participate in my Dragon Palace incident." At this time, the leader said with a serious face, he has repeatedly confirmed that Gu Zheng is not inferior to himself now.

Trying to use Dong Hai's name to make him retreat, now is the most critical time for Mr. Hei Shen, and there is no room for mistakes.

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