With a loud "boom", the entire stone tower shook again, this time so huge that even the ground cracked many gaps, filling all the nearby ground densely like spider webs, and the stream next to it was flowing rapidly. Decreasing, being sucked into the ground.

A blue light suddenly appeared from a distance and shot into the tower in an instant. The shaky giant tower calmed down a little, and Master Bai made a move.

"I have told everyone before that this person's ability should not be underestimated. Because of my carelessness in the previous battle, my phoenix bow has been destroyed." Lianrong said after taking a deep breath. Although she was I said it before, but I mentioned it as a joke, who would know that the opponent's combat power is so overbearing.

"Stay far away, everyone. Master Bai has made a move." The four of them moved a little away from the side of the giant tower, and at the same time, the relaxed expression on their faces was gone.

Then one after another blue lights flew from a distance, completely suppressing the giant tower again.

The spirit patterns on the outside of the tower began to flicker intensively, and countless mysterious runes surged into the tower, and a lot of black energy was born from the giant tower, covering the entire giant tower, only the A hint of edge.

"Booming" the entire giant tower began to shake again, a small half of the body had been embedded in the ground, and the surrounding land had been infected into a black appearance, and countless black air entangled with each other, sticking together firmly, even more so. Deepened the firmness of the giant tower.

"Master Bai is the best, it seems we don't need to worry too much." Lian Rong said with a sigh of relief.

But before anyone else answered, the whole giant tower suddenly shook as a whole, the black air outside was instantly swept away, and some fragments even fell from the edge.

They looked over in fear, only to see that the black lines outside were flashing crazily, giving people a feeling of being unable to hold on.

"Not good! Everyone be careful!"

The gloomy man's face changed drastically, because he had already opened a crack to emerge from the giant tower, and he yelled hastily.

The four of them didn't care about their demeanor, and hurriedly flew outside. It seemed that even Master Bai's Nether Tower couldn't trap each other.

This was something that was easy to grasp at first, but how could it become so frightening in the end.

You know, if these two treasures appeared together to attack them, they thought to themselves, it would definitely be a dead end.

"Kacha" suddenly there was a loud noise in the air, Lianrong looked back, and saw a huge crack in the entire tower body from top to bottom, and countless black thick fog escaped from it.

Immediately afterwards, there was a 'rumbling' sound from inside the stone tower. Under the horrified gazes of Lian Rong and the others, the giant tower exploded, and countless broken stones flew out in all directions.

The four of them had to prop up a shield to block the flying stones.

Following the thick black fog, a figure slowly appeared in front of everyone, standing there looking at them with scarlet eyes.

Although the four of them gathered together, and each of them was at the peak of the heavenly immortals in terms of cultivation, when the other party looked over.

Although the other party obviously had the same cultivation level, it was as if he was facing a prehistoric giant crocodile while he was alone, and the other party looked at him like a prey.

But my heart trembled subconsciously, and I wanted to escape from him as far away as possible.

"Don't, don't be afraid, there are four of us, and there are You and You, Master Bai, who just burned his own life, just wait a little longer." The sissy spoke first. , but this stuttering appearance makes people feel that they lack confidence.

Although everyone mustered up some courage when they heard the sissy say this, but no one acted first.

And the figure was also standing there, just looking at them coldly, as if looking at the prey to be slaughtered, not in a hurry to make a move.

Under Gu Zheng's feet, there were fragments of a giant tower, and the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and a colossal object suddenly appeared inside.

Its ferocious face was full of horror, its black skin was full of cracks, Sisi's black blood was still flowing out, its eyes were wide open, its legs were upturned, and it did not move at all. There was a big hole in the head.

"My darling, my spirit beast was tortured and killed by you, I will never end it for you." Seeing her beloved pet die so tragically, Miss Yan erupted instantly.

Before the people next to her could stop her, she rushed forward.

I saw her hair flicking in the air, and countless black bugs appeared in the air, gathering together quickly, forming a cloud of black mist, buzzing towards Gu Zheng.

Seeing Miss Yan make a move, the other three could only make a move at the same time, suppressing a trace of fear in their hearts, the three followed her and rushed towards Gu Zheng.

However, Lian Rong kept an eye out, she just got a little closer, then stopped, then took out her own whip, swung it suddenly, and hit towards the void above.

With each swing, a crimson fireball will emerge from it with a crisp sound, and after a while, thousands of fireballs will float in the air and fuse together quickly.

The reason why they got close to Gu Zheng was that they wanted to make the other party use their maximum vitality under their repeated rapid blows, so that he could not react and defeat the other party in one fell swoop.

So at half the distance, they stopped, and the three of them formed a zigzag shape, with the smoke girl at the front.

The sissy turned her wrist, and there were several blue silver needles in the crevices of this finger, and it was obvious that a poison was smeared on it.

'Shua Shua' Dozens of silver needles formed a fan shape, and the silver light flashed in the air, surpassing the flying insects, covering Gu Zheng's whole body.

And the gloomy man threw out bone flying swords directly and continuously. Each bone flying sword had two holes at the end, like eye holes in the head. Click it.

Looking at the attack in front of him, Gu Zheng didn't stir up any ripples in his heart. The strong momentum directly outside his body shrank, forming a slightly bronze-colored armor on the surface of Gu Zheng, and even his head had a light shield, amber The light-yellow color flowing through the ordinary appearance gives people a feeling of awe.

"Dingling Dingdong" dozens of flying needles were the first to concentrate on Gu Zheng's body, but facing the seemingly soft armor, as if concentrated on a stone, there was no trace left on it, but fell down instead.

Immediately afterwards, those black flying insects densely covered Gu Zheng, and each insect opened its sharp teeth and began to bite the outer armor.

If the normal magic weapon shield is bitten by the black bug, you can do it three times and five times, mother-in-law, and then pounce on the enemy, trying to get into the enemy's body from various places on the enemy's body, from the inside Forcibly hollowed out, very cruel.

But on this unknown armor, Miss Yan clearly saw that there was no meritorious deeds, but the worm's sharp teeth were broken one by one.

Gu Zheng didn't ask the little bug on his body, stretched out his fist, and punched the bone sword flying from above at a high speed.

The screaming sound had no effect on Gu Zheng at all, and the seemingly sharp bone sword was also broken by the fist shadow, breaking inch by inch, and falling from the sky.

"How is it possible?" Lian Rong exclaimed in her heart. With such a dense and ferocious attack, which attack is not their specialty? Most of their attacks are blocked.

However, she didn't stop in her hand. Under the command of Lianrong, the fireballs all over the sky were fused in an instant. A ferocious fire dragon was swimming back and forth in the air, and countless flames danced on her body. Gu Zheng rushed over.

When Miss Yan saw that her attack hadn't worked, she was about to recall the spirit worms she had raised.

But as soon as he raised his arm, he saw golden flames suddenly ignited on Gu Zheng's body, and those black bugs were instantly vaporized, leaving no trace of ashes behind.

Immediately afterwards, the flames on his body rose into the sky suddenly, and all the flames quickly gathered together in the air, and also turned into a huge fire dragon, rushing towards the fire dragon transformed from the lotus seed paste in the air.

Yan girl's nose is about to crooked. She has cultivated so much of these things so hard, and now they are all gone. I feel that my heart has been deeply cut again.

All this happened in a blink of an eye, and one attack against the other three fell through.

"You guys are done attacking, then it's my turn." A hellish voice came from Gu Zheng's mouth. The next moment, without saying a word, Gu Zheng punched Sissy Kong with one hand first, and then punched the girl with the other. The smoking girl hit again.

The two just felt a monstrous force rushing over them. Just as they wanted to escape, they found that the surrounding air had silently pressed them down, binding them in place and unable to break free.

When they were surprised, it was too late to break the comfortable dodge.

The sissy saw Gu Zheng's performance just now, but she didn't dare to underestimate the other party. Seeing that she couldn't get out of trouble in time, she bit the tip of her tongue in a hurry, and sprayed a blood mist from her mouth, forming a bloody shield in front of her .

And Miss Yan was startled and angry, her mouth suddenly twitched, her whole cheek was propped up high, and small fleshy and bloody worms spewed out from her mouth, and once they appeared, they piled up one by one. A huge meat shield stood in front of her.

"Pu Chi, Pu Chi." The two of them were swept away by the fist wind, and the shield in front of them shattered. The two of them felt a sharp pain in their bodies, and their figures flew back at an instant.

Even with protection, this blow caused their bodies to churn, spit out blood, and were seriously injured.

The gloomy man took this opportunity to recruit five white ghost heads surrounded by black air, and rushed towards Gu Zheng with the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

But before they got close, a thing that fell from the sky swallowed three of them in an instant. The golden fire dragon that went up to the sky before tore up the fire dragon of Lianrong, and attacked from above again. Open some distance, I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out in one blow.

It was the two ghost heads who had just approached Gu Zheng, sucked in the black air outside their bodies, and just when their whole bodies swelled, Gu Zheng grabbed one of them like a ripe watermelon like a ripe watermelon,' bang ' with a sound, and was crushed into pieces by Gu Zheng with the palm of his hand.

Gu Zheng opened his mouth and sucked in, and the golden fire dragon was swallowed by Gu Zheng.

"Bang." There was a whistling sound behind them, and a black lotus flower burst out in the air, blooming lifelike. Gu Zheng took a closer look, and it turned out that Lianrong took out a black seed and stimulated it from his hand .

The previous one still didn't dissipate in mid-air, and the second one rushed up again screaming, but Lianrong turned her hands, and another black seed appeared from her hand, and rushed up immediately following the second one.

Three strange black lotuses bloomed in the sky, and everyone here could see them. Everyone in the whole city was in an uproar. Everyone couldn't believe that the most advanced alarm had appeared.

"Lian Rong, are you crazy? Why are you sending out such an alarm?" The gloomy man looked at Hei Lian above his head and couldn't help being stunned, and the movements of his hands stopped slightly.

"This is Master Bai's order. Now Master Bai is slightly injured because of the damage to the dark tower. Let us support them first." Lian Rong explained later, she did hear Master Bai's order just now.

When the three of them heard this, they had a bad premonition in their hearts. Could it be that Mr. Bai is not sure about dealing with this person?

At this time, the black lotus had already been sent out, and Gu Zheng's figure had rushed over. The gloomy man took out several small black and white flags from behind, and connected them in mid-air in an instant, forming an irregular barrier in a blink of an eye. It fell from the sky and just trapped Gu Zheng inside.

"Everyone, no matter what, stick to it. When everyone arrives, it will be his death." The gloomy man kept waving the law in his hand, trying to make this set of flags last longer, because the spiritual light of the flags outside was shining with light visible to the naked eye. Dim down.

Even Lord Bai's dark tower has no opponent to break through. He didn't expect his simple set of formation flags to be able to delay for long.

Yan girl and the three of them looked at each other after hearing this, and they all understood that the development of the matter was beyond their expectations. If they ran away, they would probably be ridiculed for the rest of their lives.

What's more, Master Bai is still in the hole, that is their main backbone, no matter how powerful the other party is, they can delay it for a while.

During the ancient battle of the array flags, golden eyes flashed continuously, and a black seal on the forehead was slowly emerging. Four lines of different colors were flickering strangely, but if you observe carefully, every flickering , the light above will be slightly dimmed.

In Gu Zheng's body, Yaocao seemed to be stimulated, and was crazily breaking through the seal, even though his original source was being consumed rapidly, he didn't care.

An unusual aura emerged from Gu Zheng, as if he despised all living beings.

Even under the full force of the gloomy man, the surrounding black energy was dispelled by a layer of faint golden light.

At this time, Elder Mu had just arrived near the city gate, and saw many patrolling troops, no matter how high or low they were, as long as they were above heavenly immortals, they all hurried towards Heilian.

He even found that on that peak, dozens of horrifying figures flew towards Hei Lian's position.

Elder Mu took a rough look, and there were nearly ten people even at the peak of the Celestial Immortal, maybe more, and he couldn't help thinking that there were so many hidden strengths here.

If it weren't for this weird incident, if they lay in ambush and waited for the army to come in, a sudden ambush would cause them huge casualties.

Elder Mu hurriedly reported the information he had seen, and asked the people outside to be vigilant.

After doing all this, Elder Mu turned his gaze to the distance, he knew that there was someone there who was rescuing his relatives.

But I don't know what he did to cause such a shock, almost attracting everyone.

"Elder Mu, look, those enemies under the city gate have also left." The man said in surprise, interrupting Elder Mu's dead end.

Elder Mu followed his gaze and found that there were still some defensive personnel with relatively low cultivation bases, but now they all left there, and they were also heading in the direction of Hei Lian.

This was really a big surprise, and greatly reduced their difficulty. Originally, they wanted to make a foray, but they didn't expect that everyone would be attracted by Hei Lian.

At this moment, Elder Mu hoped that Gu Zheng would last a little longer, but as soon as he had this idea, Elder Mu pushed him back, feeling ashamed of his thoughts.

But in his opinion, because of some reason before, so many people drowned him by spitting, and he didn't have any hope for Gu Zheng's survival, but he had some expectations in his heart, looking forward to Gu Zheng's creation. A possible miracle occurs.

"Let's go, the Great Elders outside have gathered their troops, we will succeed this time." Wooden Stick encouraged.

The four of them walked quickly towards the city gate, and soon came under the red light again.

"Get ready." Elder Mu took a deep breath. He didn't believe that even if no one was defending, they could easily break through this core.

A tentative attacking sword energy rushed over in an instant, and at the moment the rainbow light was attacked, an invisible wave radiated out.

The speed was so fast that they had no time to react. When the wave passed their bodies, the four of them disappeared in place.

On a dark altar, the entire upper part was filled with black air, making it hard to see what was on it. There was a figure sitting below, but his back was facing the golden altar, and he looked up at something.

On the opposite side of the altar, there is a huge water curtain, which shows the three huge black lotuses, but they are about to dissipate.

It turned out that the leader sensed that the emergency measures he had left a long time ago had been touched, so he took out a magic weapon to see what happened.

"It turned out to be him." Suddenly, a faint voice came from the altar.

After the leader heard it, he immediately stood up respectfully and said, "Master Black God, do you know him too?"

At this time on the altar, black mist suddenly rolled up, and a head several times the normal size slowly appeared on the edge of the altar, but the face was covered by a mass of black mist, making it difficult to see the face clearly.

"The little guy who escaped from my hand by chance last time, I didn't expect to see her again." The Black God chuckled, and it came from the neck where there was only one head left.

"I'd like to see what kind of abilities he has." His lord Heishen's tone revealed a sense of gloating, as if he was looking forward to his death there.

Immediately, the figure disappeared into the black mist again, but the leader knew that the Lord Hei Shen had been paying attention to it, so he sat down here, and kept maintaining the picture above, to see what special ability he had that allowed them to use the black lotus.

At this time, the ancient battle on the screen had already broken through from the formation of flags, and the four people on the opposite side were waiting in full force and gathered together.

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