"The tone is very loud. I have been a mouse for so many years. I didn't expect that it has become a pile of rats' nests now. But a mouse is a mouse after all. If people find out, there is only one way, death without a whole body."

Don't look at the leader is a delicate and pretty woman, but if she is not a bit ruthless, she can't bring the Star Alliance to such a level. Seeing the leader below, she couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Who is the mouse, that's still uncertain." The leader's figure suddenly rose, and he rushed into the air in a blink of an eye, looking down at the leader.

"Hmph, let me let you understand." A pure white fairy silk appeared from the cuffs and danced on her chest. At the same time, dots of lotus flowers appeared on the soles of her feet, and instantly rushed to the sky, like a beautiful fairy, rushed to the sky. the leader.

But the leader saw the other party approaching so aggressively, and instead of fighting, he retreated towards the ocean outside. Through those beautiful eyes, the leader could feel bursts of killing intent rushing out, like the tip of a needle, making him feel uncomfortable , but also doomed to take this opportunity to kill the opponent.

After thinking about it for a while, the leader understood what he was thinking. He couldn't help snorting coldly in his heart, and quickly followed. He was also worried that the aftermath would hurt his own people, which was too in line with his own wishes.

The Great Elder saw that the leader and the other party disappeared in front of everyone in a blink of an eye, and saw that the underground people all looked down at him, and directly ordered: "Five or six groups go forward, and the others start to rest and be alert."

But what the result is, the Great Elder still believes in his lord, so now that he starts to consume the other party, he believes that it is impossible for the other party not to turn a blind eye and look at them like this, there is no such endless magic circle at all.

In fact, the Great Elder has discovered before that those people's positions have hardly moved, there must be a mystery, maybe they are strengthening the protection of the formation, and the other party deliberately pretends to be indifferent, just to increase the pressure on his side , the Great Elder is convinced of his own judgment.

But just after he gave the order, his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly received a voice transmission from the leader.

Looking at the almost empty city gate in front of my eyes, there is only a mere celestial being standing there in the late stage. Compared with other places, the defense of this position is very weak, but the place they attacked is this place.

Normally, the city gate's protection should be the strongest, but I didn't expect that there was such a mystery inside, it turned out to be to numb them and not let their eyes look here.

The elder observed for a long time, but did not find any difference, so he stopped looking there helplessly, and admired the leader even more in his heart.

The Great Elder took out a crystal-colored ring, put it gently on his lips, his lips were slightly raised, and the Elder Mu who quickly arranged for him to try it out, only he can perfectly complete this task.

But the leader also said, don't force it, try not to cause loss of personnel, even if it doesn't succeed, it doesn't matter, wait until he solves the leader of the other party, and help break the tortoise shell of the other party together.

The Great Elder, however, strongly urged that if Elder Mu was lost because of this, it would be not worth the loss.

In a hidden private house, Elder Mu twitched his eyebrows. After hearing the arrangement of the Great Elder, he didn't go out directly. Instead, he waited at home for two days, and then walked away tremblingly with a cane Go out, look like that, like an old man who has not lived long, his breath is very weak, and there is no threat at all.

At this time, the commotion outside had subsided, and after two days of investigation, only one spy was found out, but many innocent people were also killed, and at this time, there were also many people watching secretly.

But the common people here, some need to buy some things, and they have to go out. The street has not been cleaned up thoroughly, and there are still large blood-red dark stains around. The pungent smell of blood makes everyone tremble and fear I accidentally cut my body into two parts.

And the old man who the head shepherd turned into was also walking slowly on the street, and after a while he was going to rest in a corner, pretending to be exhausted.

Elder Mu had a clear sense of height, from when he came out to a place where grain was sold, there were seven or eight auras sweeping over him, and one of them followed him covertly all the time.

And Elder Mu didn't care, as if he was an ordinary person, and didn't do other things. After paying some money, he took half a bag of rice and went back to the old dilapidated house again, as if he was out to buy some rice. Just eat.

A young patrolman looked at the old man, and said to a senior next to him who had been here for a while, "Why is there such a useless piece of trash here?"

Here, it was the first time he had seen such a down-and-out person, and other people would not be reduced to such a state after at least several generations of inheritance.

"He, it's hard to explain. Don't ask. You should continue to warn the surrounding area. The higher-ups suspect that there may be people hiding here. Be careful and don't be accidentally attacked." His senior patted him on the shoulder. Said, said vaguely.

In fact, many people had doubts just now, but the person in charge here, he didn't speak, so no one did anything. This old man looks suspicious.

Now, any suspicious points will not be let go, and they would rather kill the enemy by mistake than let the enemy go, but seeing the sad look on the face of the person in charge here, it seems that they know something, and they are all relieved.

The short man looked at the unnoticed sign on the wall, and nodded slightly. Fortunately, he was in charge of this place, otherwise Elder Mu would have been exposed this time. Don't look at the many people coming and going on the street now, most of them Some of them are sent out on purpose, in fact, they are used to lure potential enemies.

I didn't expect Elder Mu to be fooled all of a sudden, and I don't blame him. If I wasn't in this position, I would never have thought of it, because some of them are residents here, and they came out spontaneously, so there are almost no flaws.

And no one thought that the people here actually didn't regard these people as human beings at all, they just deliberately became like this in order to maintain their superficial popularity.

But at this time, what did Elder Mu come out at such a great risk, and to leave them a meeting message, it seems that there is something to do.

After nearly a day of patrolling, the dwarf ordered the others to continue to be vigilant, while he himself went to the place of Guzheng.

At this time, Gu Zheng was very anxious, but the owner of this family had already appeared, he was a mid-celestial being, and repeatedly told everyone in his family not to go out, so he hurried out.

Now everyone is gathered together, unless Gu Zhengshen kills everyone without anyone noticing, otherwise his disappearance will definitely be discovered.

In order to be on the safe side, Gu Zheng was anxious and stayed together like everyone else, but the arrival of the dwarf saved him.

When Gu Zheng saw the smiling face of the dwarf, he felt less annoying than before, no matter what, he brought himself out of the mansion.

Who made himself his nephew in name, now the dwarf took himself over from there for the sake of safety.

Gu Zheng was also depressed. He thought that with this identity, he could search inside as much as he wanted, but he didn't expect that the protection here is like a prison. He hasn't got any news about Xiangxiang, and he is even trapped in the prison. here.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong?" Gu Zheng asked when he came to the short man's residence. He didn't think he was looking for him to relieve himself. Something must have happened. If Gu Zheng guessed correctly, The people of the Star Alliance should arrange some tasks for them.

Gu Zheng saw the strength of the shield. With his own strength, he couldn't break it alone. Even with so many people from the Star Alliance, it would take a lot of time to break it open.

"I'm not sure. We don't seem to have received the order. Maybe it's for the sake of safety. After all, it was discovered in the previous battle that the other party may have obtained our teleporter." The thing was said.

Now there are only four people known, one of them seems to be dead, and it is not known what identity the other two are lurking here.

If you can sign up with confidence, you can't even enter this city gate, then it's a joke.

Two days later, one night, when it was pitch black, Gu Zheng and the short man sneaked across the line of defense and moved towards the old man's house.

In this place, the short man is very familiar. In the past two days, he has made an excuse to patrol around, and the terrain has already been figured out.

"I'll go in first, your identity is easy to cause misunderstanding, you will come in later." When Gu Zheng came to the hut where Elder Mu lived, Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to the short man.

The short man nodded, his figure hid in the darkness, and disappeared.

Gu Zheng quietly moved towards the room. Although it looked extremely dark inside at this time, he could only feel a weak breath inside, but he couldn't see through it with his own eyes. If he guessed right, it was Elder Mu.

But Gu Zheng didn't care, just stepped into the door, he just felt a bright light in front of him, as if a sun appeared in front of his eyes, the stimulating eyes instinctively closed, his eyes were all white, and at the same time his neck felt cold, His hands had grabbed his neck.

The sharp cold light stimulated the back of his head to chill.

"Who are you?" A deep voice rang in his ears. Gu Zheng knew that if he could not answer one of them, his neck would probably be broken in the next moment, so he quickly answered, and at the same time his face changed to the previous one. look.

"Ye Yi."

Gu Zheng felt a loosening in his neck, and the compelling aura disappeared. Seeing the gradual recovery in front of his eyes, Gu Zheng quickly opened his eyes.

Two completely unfamiliar faces appeared in front of Gu Zheng.

"Ye San." Gu Zheng looked at the old man sitting in the middle questioningly. At this time, he was sitting there full of energy, which was completely different from the weak breath he felt outside. Moreover, the place was brightly lit, and there was a white man in front of his eyes. The colored bead, it was this bead that flashed his eyes just now, making himself in a trance, and then he was subdued.

There is a hidden world here, Elder Mu Xiaoxiao unleashes a blindfold, even Gu Zheng has been tricked.

"Well, Ye Yi, are you alone?" Elder Mu asked.

"No, there's Ye Er, but in order to prevent misunderstanding, I'll come here first." Gu Zheng shook his head and pointed outside.

"Then tell him to come in quickly. This is Ye Wu, and you know that Ye Liu has already died." Elder Mu's expression darkened, and his expression was a little silent.

Gu Zheng quickly brought the dwarf back, and Elder Mu also knew why Gu Zheng had to come first. Even at this time, Elder Mu couldn't believe that Ye Er was actually a small boss.

If he came in first, Elder Mu would kill him without saying a word, so there was no room for him to justify.

After the short man came in, he called Elder Mu respectfully, and then sat down quietly at the side. After waiting for two hours, Elder Qin spoke.

"It seems that they either didn't see the message, or they were delayed by something. Now let me tell you about the text message from above."

At this time, the agreed time has passed, with three days as the limit, if you don't come, then you won't be waiting for others.

Elder Mu quickly explained the problem. Although nearly three days have passed, the attack from the sky is still going on all the time, and the battle between the leader and the leader is still not over, but he doesn't know where to fight up.

Anyway, they are inside, they can't feel any vibration, looking at the top is like watching fireworks.

"I don't have a problem, it's just when to act. Now they are at the time when the protection is the strictest. I'm afraid we will be discovered before we get close." Ye Wu said worriedly, "And there are probably many people there who are protecting. Can it be successful?"

"Let me also talk about this issue." The short man directly took over the conversation, "It is very simple for us to approach there, and my identity is a good cover. At that time, I will say that you are coming from other places to support, and there will be no one Suspicion, but there is no one there, you should go and see."

"You're right. The Great Elder saw that there was almost no defense there, and it seems that the leader himself said it, so it shouldn't be fake." Elder Mu interjected. A trace of anxiety.

Now he can't wait to destroy the opponent's defense immediately. As an elder, he has to set an example for the Star Alliance. If he really goes back for nothing like this, he will look down on himself, even if others will understand him.

"It's not too late. I think we should act now. If the lord and the opponent decide the outcome, no matter what, the guard will be strengthened." Gu Zheng said calmly beside him. For him, the sooner he breaks through this situation The better the protection.

"I think it's fine. It's not good if something else happens." Elder Mu nodded and made a decision.

Seeing that Elder Mu decided to leave, the others did not object. In fact, Ye Wu had only just arrived, because it was true, and their identities disappeared for too long, which might attract the attention of interested people.

A few people discussed briefly about the retreat, and then the short man changed his face and figure to another identity.

Although there is quite a distance from the city gate, but with his ability, he has already detected almost all other people's secret posts, and as long as he is more careful, the other party will definitely not find his whereabouts.

Soon the four of them, led by the dwarf, slipped through the gaps quietly, dodging most of the hidden sentries, even though some guards were very strict, they sneaked past one by one while taking advantage of the other party's awe-inspiring skills.

At this moment, the whole city was silent, and they took every step carefully. During this process, there was no slight movement. After a period of time, they finally came to the city gate and carefully observed their surroundings.

From their position, they can see the inside of the city gate at a glance. The passage of the city gate is bare, and there is no place to hide. At this time, there is no one inside, only a dark red light flashing on the top of the passage, and the constant water waves Ripples from above.

The strange thing is that those water waves only flicker back and forth inside the channel, and they don't leak a little bit outside.

At this time, the sky has begun to light up slightly. In theory, launching a surprise attack at this time can easily be detected by the enemy.

However, they are highly skilled and daring, deliberately aiming at this time, making them think that it is not this time, catching them by surprise, destroying them quickly and then evacuating before they can react.

If there is no progress in a short period of time, then retreat directly according to the plan. This is the countermeasure they have discussed before, and they cannot trap themselves.

"I'll do some reconnaissance first. If there's no problem, you guys are coming." Ye Wu who was at the side said suddenly.

"Okay, be careful." Elder Mu agreed, although his plan was perfect, it's better to be careful.

Ye Wu suddenly crawled underground, protruding slightly from the ground like a shadow, and swam quickly towards the gate of the city.

It took only a few breaths to cross the empty street and enter the city gate. Ye Wu quickly regained his figure, leaning his whole body against the wall, looking around carefully. Under his gaze, Ye Wu slowly moved towards the inside.

After walking a few steps forward, Ye Wu became more courageous, and the wall from which his whole body escaped quickly approached within the range of the water wave.

But Ye Wu didn't get carried away, carefully returned to the gate of the city, nodded to Gu Zheng and the others, indicating that there was no problem.

Elder Mu was overjoyed, he didn't expect the other party to be so careless, God helped them, he hurriedly led Gu Zheng and the others to the city gate carefully, when they came to the gate by various means, Elder Mu gave Ye Wu an approving glance, Then lead them slowly towards the weird red light.

But Gu Zheng felt very strange in his heart. He kept looking around, trying to find out the worries in his heart. Even if he didn't pay attention here, isn't there a guard here?

Maybe those high-level people were delayed by other things, or why only a few people showed up, Gu Zheng didn't believe that there was only this little power here, at least the few people he knew didn't show up.

Until they walked in front of the water wave, the fuzzy red light was still flickering, feeling the surging power in front of them, Gu Zheng let go of the doubts in his heart for the time being, no matter what, they still came here, as long as they can get the red light in front of them Just destroying it is a great achievement.

When the Star Alliance attacked, Gu Zheng wanted to take advantage of the chaos and quickly find Xiangxiang. Gu Zheng could feel that Xiangxiang was in this place, probably on top of that peak.

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