The others were not stupid, and immediately formed a long queue. At this time, some people who had been promoted by Xiangxiang also came here curiously, looked at this scene, and inquired about it one after another.

After learning the truth, they lined up without hesitation. There is not even a sliver of information about the Yaoguang Secret Realm arguing here. Usually, everyone’s biggest hobby is to share the information. So many people are discussing these things. Will lie.

Besides, if it is true or false, then the name of the Star Alliance will be stink.

After Xiangxiang gave the order, she didn't care about it and went back to the back, while Master Liu was fortunate enough to look around Gu Zheng, and kept watching some of Gu Zheng's methods and operations.

And Gu Zheng didn't shy away from him. How much he can comprehend depends on his good fortune.

In this way, after waiting for the mobile phone team outside, Gu Zheng not only went back to rest at night, but also practiced here during the day.

During this period of time, Gu Zheng lived in such a state, and Gu Zheng used the banner of the Star Alliance to gain a lot of popularity and favorability for the Star Alliance.

The Star Alliance is also happy to see this scene. You must know that they are all grateful to the Star Alliance. Besides, Gu Zheng now holds the token of the core person, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he is one of his own.

Everyone's things, Gu Zheng will try to put them in perfectly, try not to waste too much, and have enough raw materials, Gu Zheng will try as much as possible.

It took only an hour to complete at the beginning, and it took nearly half an hour to complete one. Gu Zheng gradually accelerated his speed to stimulate his greatest potential and practice his control.

And Xiangxiang happily ran back and forth every day, because everyone would thank him with a smile on their faces when they received the delivery from him, which made Xiangxiang full of energy.

In less than a week, everyone knows this place. It can be said that it is overcrowded every day. Most people gather here. Even if you don’t have ingredients, you can see if your luck is good. It’s your turn to eat free dishes every day. .

Every few days, there will be surprises. In just this month, at least seven people have been promoted to a small level after eating the master's dishes. In the future, it will not be this thing that can cause qualitative changes.

But eating these things will also bring some benefits to the body, which makes everyone crazy.

However, such a big movement also attracted the attention of those who cared. One day after a month, in a relatively hidden place, several people covered with veils quietly gathered together.

"Captain, that little girl, are you sure she is the person the leader needs to find?" said a thin-looking guy.

"That's right, I've sent her portrait back to the Hierarch, and the Hierarch has sent someone over urgently, let us put aside all other actions and focus on monitoring her to ensure that we can keep track of her whereabouts at any time." The captain said slowly Looking at several of his men, he released a big bomb again.

"If the little girl is successfully taken away, the leader promises that everyone will get at least one black gold."

After saying this, the people below were breathing a lot, and they took a look at it one after another. This was a temptation they couldn't refuse, and besides, they didn't dare to disobey the leader's decision.

However, some people were still worried, "It is said that the little girl has the cultivation base of the peak of the Golden Immortal. Will such continuous monitoring cause suspicion."

"Don't worry, according to my observation, although her cultivation base is high, but now so many people are watching it every day, they won't notice us, but in order to prevent them from abusing others, no one is allowed to monitor them when they go back. We only need to Just keep one guard outside the yard." The captain said solemnly.

Some time ago, when they went back, they were curious to see who the master was every day, but when they saw a very young third-tier youth, they just thought that the master covered up the lineup, and they were not conspicuous in it.

But now there are very few people following them. If the other party is alerted, they will not be sure to stop the other party. He is sure that the young man's cultivation level will not be lower than the peak of the immortal.

"Yes." The people below responded one after another.

"Okay, in the next step, no one is allowed to act without authorization, and everything is subject to my command." The captain said to the following, "Next, you will be divided into two groups, one group will follow me, and the other group will go to the island and wait for your own people to go ashore."

They were divided into two teams,

Time passed by bit by bit, and half a year passed in a blink of an eye, and there are still so many people here every day, and even some people simply don't leave and stay here, anyway, for them, even adults It's not a problem if you don't rest, this place is about to become a landscape.

And Gu Zheng has almost honed it, and he is 90% sure of Baiseyan in his heart. Now Caiyu's situation is almost healed, and he can start work as long as he waits for a month.

Of course, Master Liu gained the most in it. After trying to figure it out, he actually understood a little bit of Gu Zheng's intentions, which made Gu Zheng look at him with admiration.

This day was the same as usual, Gu Zheng once again took out some leftovers, made some free dishes for the front, picked some unknown fresh meat at random, and started cooking skillfully.

"Xiangxiang, I'll show you something fun." Gu Zheng said to Xiangxiang with a thought.

With my proficiency, now I have completely controlled the power of the stars, and I can change into any shape I want, of course.

All of a sudden, the power of stars that was originally wrapped outside suddenly changed into the shape of a blooming flower, which bloomed little by little, and slowly merged into it, and then the other side changed into the shape of a small animal, flying in mid-air. He was nimble and agile, and the grimace he made at Xiangxiang was so lifelike.

"Haha, it's so fun." Xiangxiang laughed beside her while clapping her hands.

Gu Zheng changed patterns back and forth, causing Xiangxiang to giggle non-stop. Although this would reduce the effect of this dish a lot, Gu Zheng didn't care.

"What's so fun." A sudden voice sounded outside, Gu Zheng looked over, and it turned out that it was Sun Cheng and his wife.

"Sister Ji Cai." Xiangxiang also ran in front of her and said coquettishly, "You haven't seen me for a long time."

They would also come here occasionally during the next period, and they were full of praise for Gu Zheng's cooking skills. They didn't expect that the superb cooking skills were so good, and even Ji Cai joked with a smile, "Whoever wants to form a partner with you, that's Happiness is dead."

"I'm not a bit busy. I'll accompany you well when I'm done." Ji Cai squatted down and said to Xiangxiang, "You guys work hard every day, but I see it. I didn't expect our family to Xiangxiang is awesome."

"Hee hee, I just did what I should do, just a little bit." Xiangxiang took out her finger, drew a big circle in the air, and gestured.

And here, Gu Zheng had already said to Sun Cheng, "What's the matter, this time he looks a bit unhappy."

"That's right. Ever since Mo Shao came back, we have been investigating the organization hidden underground, and even he has helped. Ji Cai and I have also been mobilized. The higher-ups are furious and determined to Uproot this organization." Sun Cheng slowly talked about their affairs during this period, and he was under a lot of pressure.

Only then did Gu Zheng think about why Mo Xing didn't say a few words except for the first time or two, and then left in a hurry. It turned out that he was investigating these things.

Indeed, for him, the previous experience will never be forgotten, and of course he will pursue it wholeheartedly.

"You mean, you found another stronghold of the other party and want to ask me for help?" Gu Zheng said after listening.

"Yes, because Ji Cai has other things to do and cannot go with us, and the other people on the island are not free, so I thought of you after thinking about it." Sun Cheng said awkwardly, and he needed his help with his affairs. , but here he has no manpower to spare.

Not only did the island need to endure, but more importantly, under Mo Shao's tracking, two strongholds of the other party had been discovered. They never expected that such a scale would develop before their eyes, and they did not know how long they had been lurking.

And there are quite a few masters on the other side. The first batch of team leaders on my side almost fell there, and they were escaped by the other party just like that. There are many strange formations depicted there. The evil breath can't be wrong, and the ritual should be summoned.

"Okay, but what about Xiangxiang, she doesn't have much fighting power." Gu Zheng thought about it and agreed, after all, he had expressed a lot of love to the other party.

"Anyway, it probably won't take us much time. With your help, we can come back within a month at most. We can put Xiangxiang in the courtyard first, where it is absolutely safe." Sun Cheng seemed to have thought about this question, and blurted out directly.

"Okay." Gu Zheng called Xiangxiang out and told her about the situation.

Xiangxiang also knew how to measure, and nodded obediently.

"That's great, we'll set off directly tomorrow morning." Sun Cheng said to Gu Zhenggong, and left here.

"Xiangxiang, I'll go first, and I'll see you next time." Ji Cai followed closely because she also had a lot of things to do.

When Gu Zheng left at night, he told everyone the news of the temporary suspension of refining medicine, and asked Master Liu to distribute the remaining medicinal materials according to the list, and went back without asking these people's troubles.

What these people can do, they can only protest a few words obediently and then they don't know.

Early the next morning, Gu Zheng bid farewell to the somewhat reluctant Xiangxiang, and left home.

As soon as he went out, Gu Zheng saw Sun Cheng who had been waiting at the door for a long time. At this time, when he saw Gu Zheng coming back, he greeted him with a smile.

"Thank you, Brother Gu."

"It's okay, let's set off now, and try to go back early." Gu Zheng waved his hands and said with a smile.


Sun Cheng directly led Gu Zheng to set off towards the southwest, and after leaving the island, the two of them accelerated again and galloped across the sea.

Ten days later, after such a long flight, according to Sun Cheng, we should arrive not far ahead.

This place is even more remote and desolate. It was a fairy who accidentally discovered this place. He happened to be resting here at that time, so he discovered the strangeness of this place.

After continuing to fly for half a day, they finally saw a small island.

The area of ​​this island is less than half the size of Kirishima, and there are many hills on the island. Looking around, there are yellow patches everywhere, with great ups and downs. Not only is there no sign of life, there is not even a single plant. There are no signs, it is really weird.

"Is this the island?" Gu Zheng and the others looked down from above, and asked Sun Cheng who was on the side in surprise.

"That's right, it's here." Sun Cheng put down a simple map in his hand, and said carefully, "How could there be no plants at all, is there any dangerous place around here?"

"In that case, it's really weird, unless it's in a desperate situation, otherwise it won't be so bare." Gu Zheng thought for a while and said.

"That fairy thought the same thing at the time, but the other party thought there was some treasure here, and found something that frightened him, so he hurried back without any further detectives, and then reported this strange thing."

With that said, Sun Cheng led the audience to fly towards the center of the island, and stopped on a relatively tall hillside.

Gu Zheng looked around and found nothing unusual. This scene was not much different from other places.

"There is nothing you said here." Gu Zheng looked around suspiciously and said.

"Just wait and see." Sun Cheng stretched out his hand as the fairy said, and a gust of wind blew from him. The boundless gust of wind lifted all the loess from the ground, and all the nearby scenes became dizzy. It gets dark.

But for Gu Zheng, the body is covered with some aura, and he is not afraid of those strong winds when he protects himself.

Everything outside can still be seen clearly, only a black shield rises out of thin air on the opposite high slope, directly blocking all flying sand and rocks outside.

When Sun Cheng stopped all of this, the black curtain still existed, and the black mist kept rolling over it, like a huge beast lying there silently, giving people an unfathomable and strange feeling.

After waiting for half a day, under the eyes of the two of them, the black mist dimmed again, disappeared, and returned to the previous scene, as if everything just now was an illusion.

"The immortal was also impatient at the time, so he didn't intend to test it out. You have to pay attention, there seems to be something trapped inside, which caused the immortal to feel frightened and give up running away." Sun Chen said solemnly.

Then a wooden stick suddenly appeared from his hand, and he suddenly lowered his hands for a while, and a huge and incomparable stick figure appeared in the sky, but this incomparable momentum fell towards the bottom.

In the position where I saw the shady just now, the shady just appeared again, blocking that position.

There was only a loud bang, and the countless black air outside the entire black mist was scattered by sticks, revealing a black lacquered shield, but that was the only limit. It doesn't look like it wants to be broken.

"It's so tough." Sun Cheng felt a little uneasy on his face. You must know that the immortal was almost broken even in the middle stage of the immortal. Although he didn't use much force just now, he had actually exerted seven levels of strength.

Sun Cheng fell from the sky, and a fiery red crystal ball appeared in his hand. He held him with one hand, and shot a fiery red beam of light towards it, but the beam of light hit it without even making a sound, and was caught Darkness was swallowed.

With a sound of "shua", a shining golden object appeared from the air, and shot straight towards that side, only to hear a soft sound in the air, and a golden arrow rolled down from above.

"No way, this light curtain is so evil." Sun Cheng looked over there in disbelief, at this time the black air outside the black curtain rolled again and covered it.

"Brother Sun, let me try it." Gu Zheng looked at Sun Cheng and wanted to continue testing, so he couldn't help but came to his side and said.

Don't look at it as a simple shield, but there is obviously a formation hidden under it, otherwise there would be no movement at all.

Families without background really don't know much about formations, and even some small sects don't know much about it, let alone these scattered groups, I'm afraid they don't know much.

"Hey, it seems that I still have to trouble Brother Gu." Sun Cheng smiled wryly, although he still had the stuff at the bottom of the box, it would be overkill to waste it.

Gu Zheng nodded and walked forward at a leisurely pace.

Sun Cheng took a few steps back, looking at Gu Zheng's confident expression, he seemed very confident.

Gu Zheng directly took out a elixir, put it in his mouth, and then spit out a dozen green air from his hand and mouth, which turned into a dozen small blue flags, and gently swirled around Gu Zheng.

"I didn't expect Brother Gu to be so professional." Sun Cheng retreated a little distance again, watching Gu Zheng come up and take out some array flags first, thinking to himself.

At this time, he also thought that there might be a protective formation here, because the previous protection was not so strict, so he didn't think of it at all.

Gu Zheng had put all his attention in front of him, stretched out his hand and pointed in front of him, and suddenly more than a dozen beams of light flew up from the formation flag, and all of them came to the top of the black mist, and arranged them according to the law of the demon seeds, faintly forming an invisible The momentum came from above.

"Ji..." Gu Zheng yelled softly, and the dozens of array flags hummed in a low voice, and then more than a dozen beams of light shot out from these small blue flags, gathered together in mid-air, forming a The thick beam of light shot directly into the black mist below, and disappeared without a trace at random.

Sun Cheng watched with full expectation, but found that the black mist was still the same as before, without any change.

"Brother Gu, is there any problem?" Sun Cheng shouted from behind, "Do you need help?"

Gu Zheng shook his hand, indicating that he didn't need help, so Sun Cheng could only continue watching patiently.

He didn't make him wait long, and soon the mutation happened.

There was a black mist that was constantly churning, but a muffled sound suddenly came from inside. The sound was so loud that it could be heard in the whole world, and Sun Cheng's ears were a little dazed, and he quickly propped up the spiritual curtain.

Immediately afterwards, the black mist was like boiling water, and the black air suddenly rose, churning continuously and rapidly, as if something inside was rampaging, venting something recklessly.

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