For more than a year, I have tried my best to get the other party to speak and collect their information by the way.

The other party's information was quickly found. The man's name was Zhao Man. Although he came from a noble family, he was very ordinary. But the woman's name was Xue'er, and she was adopted by an old couple. Everything else was a mystery.

But it is definitely not an ordinary woman, because I can recognize that the other party is the same as myself, but I can't see the heels on my side, and the breath and body are all human.

In order to eradicate this hidden danger, they have exhausted all methods, but the other party just refuses to speak.

However, there may be scruples. The witch may know that Zhao Man is still alive and has not acted again recently, but there is always a thorn in their hearts.

This time, the person guarding them decided to use the soul search technique. Basically, once they used it, the other party was basically dead. Because the higher ups had lost patience, the original plan to use him as bait was cancelled, and a new plan was prepared to trap the other party. .

Looking at the other party's resentful eyes, the white-robed man gestured to both sides, ready to forcefully start. They are not very proficient in this, anyway, the other party is dead, so it is right to practice.

Regardless of the first thing to fix him, don't let him move around.

"Be honest." A person next to him punched Zhao Man in the abdomen, making Zhao Man unable to speak in pain, and bent down unconsciously. The two took advantage of this to directly suppress him.

"Do you have any last words? Maybe if you're in a good mood, I'll help you." The ear-piercing sound of friction sounded in the air, and the white-robed man's claws kept rubbing back and forth in the air, and he came straight to Zhao Man. Said hypocritically.

Zhao Man seemed to raise his head and glared at the other party, but he was locked by the other party, even his head was held down, and he was unable to struggle, and could only see the other party's boots.

"My last words are to let you bastards die. You won't be happy for long, and the people in Xueshan will not ignore you." Although the pain was like hell, Zhao Man shouted with all his strength.

"Really? Although I really want you to die in despair, I just won't tell you that we are not worried at all. Hehehe, you can go on the road with peace of mind." A black light flashed on the sharp claws in the white-robed man's hand , aimed at the back of Zhao Man's head, and was about to grab it and pierce his brain.

This is their so-called stupid method. They can't grasp it like a more sophisticated one. Of course, the effect is not satisfactory, and basically they can't get important information.

But it doesn't matter, but at this moment, the white-robed man's expression changed, and his body immediately rolled backwards. Zhao Man, who was far away, couldn't care less about the other party's head being scratched by him in the next second.

He just stood still in the distance, watching his subordinates looking at him in surprise, still not understanding what happened.

The white-robed man was in a hurry just now, but he forgot to notify the other party, and hurriedly shouted: "Quickly get out of the way."

It's a pity that as soon as the words came out, the wall reinforced with special materials suddenly shattered, and a long spear fell down with the momentum of thunder. The two subordinates below did not even hum, and were directly carried by the long spear The strength of his body was crushed into a ball of meat, and he died tragically on the spot.

"Isn't this weapon sent far away on purpose, why did it suddenly appear here?" The white-robed man looked at the familiar spear and shouted.

The depth here is tens of meters below, and it was easily penetrated by the opponent. If the induction array arranged outside him had not collapsed, he would not have been able to predict that even if he dodged this blow.

Just standing there now, the wandering energy emanating from it is frightening to watch, the white-robed man only feels his legs trembling, and wants to escape from here, but his body is paralyzed by the gun, unable to move.

Zhao Man raised his head weakly and looked at the spear in front of him. When he was captured, he was taken away by the other party, but he didn't expect that he was in front of him now.

Zhao Man looked at the chains on his body with a wry smile, and he didn't even have the strength to reach out.

All of a sudden, a fiery red figure rushed out of the gun body, directly sinking into Zhao Man's chest.

Zhao Man only felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, and infinite power was constantly bursting out. All his injuries had been fully recovered in a blink of an eye. With a light struggle, the chains that troubled him next to him were easily broken.

Holding the gun tightly with one hand, Zhao Man instantly wondered how the spear found him. A trace of gratitude flashed in Zhao Man's eyes. Touching the familiar gun body, he felt that it was more powerful, Na Na said to himself :

"Old friend, we meet again."

He raised his head to look at the guy who had already captured his mind, and smiled disdainfully at the corner of his mouth. Under the terrified eyes of the other party, the spear in his hand instantly turned into a long dragon and rushed towards the other party.

After a meal, Zhao Man left the hidden place that was turned into ruins, and left here.

Next, he still has many things to do.

Here, after Gu Zheng left Yunpiao Island, they embarked on the road of searching for materials together again. After Xiangxiang took Gu Zheng around the sea for half a month, Xiangxiang finally came to a place.

Gu Zheng was also very curious about how Xiangxiang knew it was here, but he didn't ask too much, maybe she knew it a long time ago, otherwise she wouldn't have led him here.

At this time, there are only microwaves swaying on the sea surface, and there are many unknown birds flying far away in the sky, swooping down from time to time, and often there will be something in their mouths.

"Where is the thing you mentioned?" Xiangxiang only told him the information about what he needed before, and then he had to make the ingredients for the rest, and he would not blame him for success or failure.

"I only know that it will probably be around here, but I don't know when it will come out." Xiangxiang looked at the sweeping scenery all around, and calculated in her heart again, she found the right place.

"But I'm sure it should still be here, after all, I've heard people have seen it in 10,000 years." Xiangxiang said frankly.

Gu Zheng was speechless and looked at the bright sky. It is too easy to have accidents in ten thousand years, but he has no good way, he can only pray that the other party is still here.

You must know that this thing is the real main ingredient, yes, this time Xiangxiang came to this place to catch colorful fish, and it is also the main ingredient of Baiseyan, which is indispensable for playing.

For seven days in a row, Gu Zheng and Xiangxiang strolled around the area again, but no trace was found.

"Did you remember the wrong location?" Gu Zheng said suspiciously.

"No, you see a peaceful place here, except for ordinary fish, there are no other slightly powerful creatures."

Indeed, even tough fish are rarely seen here, which is really rare here, but it is relatively calm here.

Leaving the scope of this place, there are still countless whirlpools around, which pose no threat to Gu Zheng and the others, but to the creatures living here, if they are accidentally involved, they will be smashed to pieces.

Even some slightly larger vortexes suck you in directly, and those fish dare not approach at all.

"Then tell me, where will it go?" Gu Zheng and the two of them were floating on the sea, and there wasn't even a single resting island nearby.

"Let me think about it." Xiangxiang held her chin with her small hand, seemingly thinking about the problem seriously, but her dark eyes flicked around.

"Yes, I guess it fell asleep down there, just like me, and I sometimes pass the time like this." Just as Gu Zheng was thinking about whether to look for other places first, Xiang Xiang suddenly slapped Gu Zheng legs, shouted excitedly.

Gu Zheng thought about it for a while, and it is not impossible. After all, for any powerful creature, it is normal to sleep for hundreds of thousands of years. This is also the safest and most reliable way to increase cultivation, but it takes too long.

"Then let's go down and have a look." I couldn't wait for him to come up.

Fortunately, this colorful fish's cultivation base is not high, mainly because the opponent's speed is very fast, and it can break through some barriers. What's more, it also has a layer of scales on its body, which is similar to Xiangxiang's invisibility, let alone If you want to capture it alive, it is difficult to kill it here.

"Let's look for it separately, it will be faster this way." Xiangxiang offered to suggest that he hadn't mentioned it to him before, which made him think that it could be found on the sea.

"Okay, let me know if something goes wrong." The area of ​​this place is not very big, but I still told Xiangxiang to turn on the protection at any time to prevent some accidents.

"Understood." Xiangxiang nodded obediently, and a misty water curtain appeared around her body.

The two chose a good direction and plunged into it.

Pinching the water-avoiding formula, a transparent water curtain wrapped himself in, and Gu Zheng's figure slowly sank, the further he went down, the deeper the color of the seabed, and a faint golden light appeared in Gu Zheng's eyes, allowing himself a little Look farther.

Soon Gu Zheng sank tens of thousands of meters to the bottom of the sea. At this time, the surrounding pressure also made Gu Zheng a little bit hard. The surroundings were all pitch black, and Gu Zheng couldn't see everything beyond tens of meters.

Gu Zheng followed a slanted line and began to find it slowly. The colorful fish was easy to distinguish, and there were colorful scales on its body all the time, flashing back and forth constantly.

In this dark seabed, hesitation is like a firefly in the night, so eye-catching, you are not afraid to find it.

It's just that Gu Zheng's figure is slow. Although it looks fine, it will take more time to find it. I am not used to the bottom of the sea myself, and I have to be wary of some inexplicable creatures.

In the next few days, Gu Zheng and Xiangxiang met once, and no one found any traces. Although Xiangxiang's progress was twice as fast as her own, her face was not good-looking at all.

Because the progress of their exploration has exceeded half, but there is no trace at all.

But there is no way, Xiangxiang only knows that it exists here, and the old Taoist told her, otherwise she really doesn't know where to find it.

Instead, Gu Zheng comforted Xiangxiang a few words, and the two went down to search again.

Gu Zheng, who was looking for him below, suddenly found a light point flickering in the distance on the side, very faint, but very eye-catching, and couldn't help but strenuously walked towards it happily.

As he got closer, Gu Zheng found something about the same size as Xiangxiang said, but it was only emitting white light and no other colors.

Gu Zheng's consciousness swept back and forth nearby, feeling a faint aura at the position in front, and he didn't feel any other aura, so he approached cautiously, holding his own aura, so as not to disturb it.

Could it be that the other party was like this when he was sleeping, maybe Xiangxiang didn't know, and Gu Zheng finally approached there with doubts.

The shape of that white light also resembled a fish, which made Gu Zheng feel that he had found it. Thinking of Xiangxiang's frowning face, Gu Zheng immediately grabbed him.

But the moment he caught it, Gu Zheng felt something was wrong, and he didn't even pull it. How could a small fish have such great strength, which was obviously wrong with what Xiangxiang said.

More importantly, it feels slippery in the hand, and the rope is as thick as a thigh.

Before Gu Zheng guessed it, the sea water around him still surged, and at the same time, there was a sudden pulling force from Gu Zheng's hand, and Gu Zheng, who was caught off guard, was directly brought up.

Countless sea sand around me was beaten up by the current, and in a blink of an eye I couldn't see anything around me, it was all yellow.

Gu Zheng tightly grasped the white light in his hand, and as it swayed back and forth, even with Gu Zheng's body, he felt dizzy for a while, and countless undercurrents surged back and forth around him.

Gu Zheng was afraid that if he let go, he would not know where he would be taken. In the vast sea, if Xiangxiang didn't come out from the bottom of the sea, he would not be able to find her.

Gu Zheng felt that there was a huge monster emerging from below him, and he was getting up slowly, and these movements were only caused by the opponent's getting up.

Gu Zheng suddenly felt a numbness in his hand, and subconsciously pushed his palm away, and his figure was instantly drawn into the undercurrent beside him. Before Gu Zheng could stabilize his figure, a huge sense of crisis surged into his heart.

Gu Zheng didn't have time to think about it, a layer of golden light directly emerged from his hands, laying down in front of him, a golden shield appeared in front of him, and his whole body shrank behind the shield.

But the sense of crisis in my heart did not decrease much. The mana in my body surged out like a waterfall falling from ten thousand feet. Countless golden lights dispelled the surrounding darkness and illuminated a large area. In the blink of an eye, a golden light The golden ball surrounded Gu Zheng inside.

Countless rays of light shone and flowed on the surface, like streaks of beautiful rosy clouds, faintly shining with the brilliance of stars, hiding in such a solid protection, this made Gu Zheng feel a little relieved.

Gu Zheng was wondering if he was strengthening his protection.

An incomparably swift black shadow came from below, and the golden shield outside was instantly shattered into thousands of light spots, scattered in the sea like fireworks, hardly hindering the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Zheng felt the protective ball outside his body shake suddenly, and the entire golden ball was flattened in half, countless golden lights burst out from above, bright circles of light were extinguishing, and under Gu Zheng's frightened watching, there was no crack after all. open.

Gu Zheng was like a high-speed ball, rushing out of a vacuum in the sea, and was directly blown up by that distance.

On the calm sea surface, a huge explosion suddenly rose, forming huge waves and flying towards the surroundings. A golden ball swished up into the sky from below, and finally stopped.

Gu Zheng slowly revealed his figure, his face was a little pale, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes. The opponent's strength is too strong, and he is definitely not the opponent's opponent underwater.

Up to now, I only know that the other party reminds Da Da, who seems to have a body like tentacles, and I don't know anything else.

At this time, the entire nearby sea was completely in chaos. Gu Zheng looked as far as he could, but found no trace of Xiangxiang, and didn't know where she was.

At this moment, there was a surge on the surface of the seabed, and a familiar figure shot up from below, making Gu Zheng, who was always on guard, relaxed, because Xiangxiang was flying towards him, seeing the pale expression of the other party, it seemed It was also quite frightening.

Gu Zheng's expression froze, and he moved towards Xiangxiang's position in the void. A solid cyan light emanated from his fingertips, skipped Xiangxiang's hair in an instant, and faced a transparent water arrow. She felt an attack coming, but she didn't notice it.

Xiangxiang turned her head to look at the explosion behind her, her body speed increased even more, and she threw herself into Gu Zheng's arms.

"Brother Gu, hurry up, there are sea beasts here." Xiangxiang said anxiously.

"It's okay, they dare not come up." Gu Zheng comforted Xiangxiang, but his figure was still a little taller.

At this time, they still had to find Caiyu, so they just took this opportunity to see if they could find each other.

At this time, a huge shadow slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea. The size of a small mountain also made Gu Zheng's throat a little dry, and his figure unconsciously rose again.

Before the body shape appeared, the thick black tentacles pierced the sea surface from the bottom of the sea for more than ten days, shooting towards Gu Zheng like a steel pillar.

A watery film appeared silently on the periphery of Gu Zheng. Xiangxiang knew that fighting was not her strong point, but she still wanted to do her part.

Gu Zheng made a fist with five fingers in one hand, and punched his arm out of thin air. He threw hundreds of punches in the air in an instant, and the shadows of the fists covered the sky in front of him.

In an instant, all the tentacles that hit him collided together.

With a loud noise, the surrounding void suddenly set off a circle of air waves, forming white hurricanes to fly around,

Gu Zheng's figure was blown up by the huge counter-shock force, and the dozens of tentacles were directly broken into pieces of flying minced meat.

There was an angry howl from below as the creature's exterior leaked completely.

On the surface of several thousand meters of sea, an octopus-like creature appeared, with a ferocious aura surging around all the time, hundreds of densely packed tentacles constantly waving in the sky, each covered with ferocious barbs , with countless dense silver suction cups on it.

The whole body is covered with strange spirit lines, crooked to the extreme, the faint red light of you, it seems to be painted on it the day after tomorrow.

There is only one huge eye on Hunyuan's body, which stands in the middle of the body and occupies a full one-fifth of the size. The cloudy eyes are looking at him, and there is a dangerous light in the eyes. Just now Gu Zheng disturbed him. His dormancy made him extremely angry.

For this instinctive sea beast, whoever invades his territory is his enemy, especially if the other party seems to be spying on his food, which makes him extremely irritable.

Countless tentacles slapped on the surface of the sea, setting off waves soaring into the sky. If the other party receded wisely, I would not chase after it, and I had to digest the prey that was good for me.

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