A faint threat appeared from the cloud of golden mist, making the strange snake suddenly remember what happened before.

It wasn't until this moment that the strange snake woke up from the greedy desire. It looked at the golden mist above its head fearfully, and its head kept shaking.

Now it has the intention of retreating. It had only one thought in mind before, and that was to find a suitable body and let itself go out.

But the other party didn't know where to get it, restraining his own form of purple lightning, this time it can be said that it really hit it seven inches away, these black mist are its original power, less means that his strength is Reduce some.

Although it can still regenerate, it is too late in time, and I haven't seen any living things for tens of thousands of years.

Gu Zheng looked at the other party's intention to escape, and the golden mist has completely blocked the other party now. In this narrow passage, unless the other party can drill holes, it is impossible to escape at all.

Facts have proved that the strange snake really can't drill holes, maybe there are special restrictions in the wall.

In short, no matter how the giant snake dodged that day, in the end all the remaining golden mist attached to it and burst open one after another.

The purple lightning contained in it jumped on it again, making it freeze in place.

It loses its initial chance to escape, and there are no second chances.

You must know that Gu Zheng was also surprised by his own achievements at the time. He didn't expect the other party to be so fragile after losing that weird immunity, which caused him to be distracted for a short time.

But the strange snake didn't seize this opportunity and took the opportunity to escape.

Li Huan once again imprisoned the strange snake, fine flames began to emerge from the inner circle of Li Huan, and it began to spin crazily. The incomparably strong scale armor finally played a role, shimmering and hindering the huge spinning force .

But he couldn't stop the flames that filled the sky from continuing to burn on his body.

A long black sword left a trail in the air, made a faint sound of piercing through the air, and instantly came to the strange snake, directly passed through the frantically struggling body, leaving a hole the size of a bowl, and a lot of black air Escape from the inside and disappear into the air.

But Feijian turned back after making a circle, aimed at the body of the strange snake, and rushed up again. In a short time, the body of the giant snake had been opened with more than a dozen holes.

But even though the strange snake struggled violently, it couldn't break free for a while,

A strong stench rose in the air, as bad as burnt pigskin.

In this double-sided attack, wisps of black mist are rising rapidly, and the body of the strange snake is also shrinking rapidly, and the shrill hissing sound echoes in the passage, but Gu Zheng's whole body has been prepared for a long time. Not disturbed by that sound.

In the blink of an eye, the strange snake's body had already been reduced in half, and it seemed that it was obviously not as aggressive as it was at the beginning.

"Tearing" a sound of grinding teeth sounded in the air, even if Gu Zheng was fully prepared, he felt dizzy at this time, and the world was spinning in front of him, Gu Zheng hurriedly supported the wall next to him so as not to fall.

When Gu Zheng came back to his senses and fixed himself to look at the strange snake, his face suddenly changed drastically.

Li Huan still radiated the flame in the air, but the strange snake wrapped in it disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a tattered black scale armor suspended in the air.

Gu Zheng was really surprised that this strange snake escaped in an unknown way, and he really didn't expect that the other party could escape in such a situation.

Now I no longer have the purple lightning in my hand, and more importantly, the wall cannot be broken by myself, I have already tried it when I was circling outside.

Every time I touch the wall, there will always be a layer of light curtain to block my attack, and I can't break through the opponent's defense at all. At that time, I suspected that these passages were actually the strange snake that couldn't get out.

After watching its body shape change, I am more sure of my thoughts, because the more I go inside, the passage is relatively narrow, and this twisted wall may be the formation that traps the opponent.

However, Gu Zheng wasn't too worried. Although he didn't have purple lightning, the other party would definitely pay a high price for using this trick. Maybe when he left here, the other party wouldn't show up again.

After repeated observations to confirm that the strange snake was not secretly hiding nearby, Gu Zheng held Xiangxiang again and headed towards the middle.

The more you go inside, it's not as simple as the outside at this time, because there will be a dead end when you walk, and you have to go back and go in another direction.

Just walking back and forth like this, Gu Zheng finally saw some light ahead after he squeezed through a very narrow gap.

The white ground emits a faint white light, which is very holy above the surface, and the surrounding space suddenly becomes larger, and even ten ancient battles can't fill the passage.

Moreover, Gu Zheng noticed that the walls had become tidy at this time, and the ground was extremely refreshing, which was completely different from the previous environment.

Soon he stood on the edge, and when he saw the whole picture, he couldn't help opening his mouth.

The entire space is huge, as big as ten football fields. The ground is covered with smooth white jade, and layers of unknown runes are inlaid around it, and there are eight passages leading to other places around it.

More importantly, in the middle, a huge water gate stood there, and a layer of water waves covered the surface calmly, and in front of the water gate, there was a black crystal-like circle floating in the air. You have to activate it to get out.

Gu Zheng guessed correctly, he did find a way out in the middle, but Gu Zheng didn't go there immediately.

It's because on this white ground, there are two balls, one white and one black, and now they are chasing each other inside, chasing and playing like children playing.

"Isn't this the disc that sent them in?" Looking at this familiar place, Gu Zheng suddenly thought in his heart that at that time, Gu Zheng clearly remembered that the disc that sent him to this ghost place looked exactly like this place .

Especially the pattern on the ground, even though I had only glimpsed it before I came in, it was definitely the same as the one in front of my eyes.

Although the final exit is in front of him, Gu Zheng cautiously tried it first, but his eyes were fixed on the two black and white balls wandering around.

They swelled slightly, floating on the ground like a water ball, swimming back and forth, not knowing what was on the other side.

Gu Zheng took a step lightly first, and the two balls still didn't ask himself, but Gu Zheng felt a warm current from the ground to his body, making him warm all over.

Seeing that there was no response, Gu Zheng felt a little relieved, and when he was about to move forward, he suddenly felt a movement behind him.

Gu Zheng looked back suddenly, only to find that the strange snake from before had followed him again, and its size had returned to two-thirds of its previous size, and now it was quietly approaching him from behind.

Seeing that Gu Zheng had discovered his walking, the strange snake no longer hid his figure, and rushed towards Gu Zheng again.

Gu Zheng saw that the opponent was like the unbeatable Xiaoqiang, who finally seriously injured the opponent, but after a short time, the opponent recovered, especially the disgusting characteristics of the opponent.

Now that there is no lightning in his hand, how can he seriously injure the opponent, so that the opponent can consume himself to death no matter what.

Gu Zheng retreated immediately without hesitation, and ran towards the water gate in the middle.

Just halfway through the run, Gu Zheng turned his head to look, and found that the strange snake was staying on the outside, its brown tongue was constantly sticking out back and forth, and its figure was also swimming left and right, but it just didn't dare to take half a step here.

Gu Zheng was thinking about it, but he didn't expect that there seemed to be some restraint on it here, otherwise he wouldn't dare to come in, so he was much safer.

Soon Gu Zheng came to the water gate. Gu Zheng touched the giant water gate with his hand, and found that the outside was shrouded in waves, but it was as hard as a stone.

Even if it is estimated that 50% of the strength is used, it can't shake a little. Gu Zheng is afraid that it will be broken, so he dare not use all his strength.

Gu Zheng looked at the crystal ball in front of the water gate thoughtfully, and came to it.

I don't know what material this black crystal is made of, but Gu Zheng feels a faint connection between it and the water gate, other than that, this place is empty, and there is nothing else.

As for the strange snake outside, looking at Gu Zheng's movements at this time, the wider the swing of the body, it seems that it is anxious about something, its tongue can't see clearly in the air, and it can obviously feel the anxiety in its heart.

Looking at the crystal that kept floating up and down, Gu Zheng thought for a while, then stretched out his hand and put it on, a cold feeling was transmitted through the palm of his hand.

The immortal energy in the body flowed down the palm of the hand and directly poured into the crystal ball. The side of the black crystal began to emit a faint black light, and all the black light shone on the water gate in front of him.

And the outside of the water gate also began to flicker with little ripples, and it began to fluctuate little by little, as if it was illuminated by the black light and started to work.

With the injection of immortal energy, the immortal energy in Gu Zheng's body slowly decreased, and Gu Zheng's expression became a little serious with joy.

Because he found that more than half of the immortal energy in his body had passed away, but the water gate still had little ripples, and there was no further change. This made him realize that the immortal energy in his body was not enough, and it seemed that it was not enough to open the door. Portal.

Realizing this, Gu Zheng immediately let go of his palm, because there was still a strong enemy outside, and he didn't dare to inject his whole body's immortal energy into it. Even in this situation, he noticed that the giant snake had changed, and that strange snake was already ready to move want to rush in.

If the immortal energy in one's body is low to a certain level, maybe the other party can instantly kill him.

With the detachment of Gu Zheng's palm, the black crystal immediately stopped shining the black light, and the ripples of the water gate gradually disappeared until it returned to its original appearance.

Because there is a comfortable heat flow underground all the time, Gu Zheng first put Xiangxiang on the ground, thinking of a way.

Xiangxiang felt comfortable in her body, and unconsciously made a low sound, even her body felt much more relaxed.

Gu Zheng looked at Xiangxiang who was still unconscious, his brows were a little worried, what should he do next.

But that strange snake made a decision for Gu Zheng. When it saw Gu Zheng's aura descending, the heart in its body began to be restless. Its memory has been sealed and many things can't be remembered clearly. The goal is also to get out from that water gate.

But I don't have a real body, so I can't activate that black crystal at all.

Seeing that the other party had stopped opening the water gate, it seemed that he wanted to recover, and the desire to go out finally broke through the fear of being here.

It also knew that this time should be when the other party was at its weakest, and only by killing him could it occupy her body and get out from here.

The longer the time dragged on, the lower the chance of him wanting to kill him. If this is not the case, what are you waiting for.

The strange snake flew straight into the air and rushed towards Gu Zheng, because he would always stand in front of that little girl no matter what.

Gu Zheng immediately put a shield on Xiangxiang's body, put her a little behind, and faced the strange snake directly, and the other side finally rushed over.

However, this place seems to be restrained from the strange snake. The black strange snake flying in the air, under the soft light below, made a "sizzling" sound from its body, and wisps of black mist evaporated from the opponent's body.

As soon as Gu Zheng took out Lihuan, he found the two black and white balls that were wandering on the ground before. The moment he saw the strange snake coming up, he quickly rushed towards the direction of the strange snake from left to right.

With a soft 'click' sound, a crack was deeply cracked on the smooth skin of the giant snake, and Gu Zheng vaguely saw a trace of white protruding from it.

Before the two black and white balls arrived, the black snakeskin on the strange snake's body suddenly broke into two pieces, and shot at the two black and white balls respectively.

I saw that the black and white ball seemed to be attracted by the snake skin with a strong snake smell, and its figure suddenly swelled up, like a jelly, bouncing back and forth.

There was a gap in the middle, and a tentacle with the same color as itself stretched out, instantly grabbed half of the snake skin, wrapped it in the body, and then stopped still.

Seeing this scene, Gu Zheng understood why the strange snake hesitated to come up. It turned out that the black and white balls on it were specially waiting for it.

And that strange snake changed drastically at this time, its jet-black body became snow-white without scales, and its length shrunk by a half, but its aura became more solid, as if its strength had risen to a higher level after taking off this layer of body, and its purple eyes He stared at himself even more fiercely.

And where there were slender legs before, there are six more white claws, which look extremely sharp, and a three-inch-long horn grows on the head, which is faintly shiny.

Even the white light on the ground couldn't harm it, and it seemed to have been reborn as another life form.

Gu Zheng saw that the other party's strength had risen to another level in the blink of an eye, and there was an aura that made him fearful.

"What kind of creature is this?" Gu Zheng threw the Lihuan in his hand, tried it out, and quickly hit the opponent's head, and the opponent flew out.

This made Gu Zheng's mental formation, and the opponent did not change into the previous form to avoid his attack. It seems that the opponent has sacrificed a lot of money to enter here.

'Shua Shua' Gu Zheng, who was relentless in gain and loss, immediately controlled Li Huan and chased after him, wanting to beat the dog in the water.

Before Li Huan arrived, a series of fireballs shot out from the middle and shot at the strange snake. The whole body of his figure was bursting with flames, and his arrogance was extremely arrogant.


I saw the giant snake opened its mouth, and a purple lightning bolt brewed from the air. In an instant, it created a gap in the middle of the fireball all over the sky, and even hit Lihuan with unabated momentum.


Li Huan, who had beaten the strange snake before, fell to the ground immediately after receiving this blow.

Its body was covered by a layer of faint purple air, and the flames on its body disappeared without a trace, like an ordinary ring lying on the ground.

And those fireballs hit the strange snake, they couldn't do any harm at all, they just splashed a few fireworks.

When Gu Zheng saw the lightning in the opponent's mouth, he felt something was wrong, because the lightning was really familiar, and it was not a restriction inside the wall.

Why does it have this kind of lightning in this form, and now Li Huan has lost contact with him again, but Gu Zheng will not stop his actions.

A pitch-black flying sword shot out from behind the strange snake like lightning, and slashed towards its middle. Just now, Gu Zheng secretly released it, hiding aside to wait for an opportunity.

Launched the attack directly at the moment when the opponent sprayed lightning. The concealment of this long sword is indeed very strong. The strange snake only discovered the attack from behind when the long sword was launched, but it was too late to use any measures to dodge it. I can only twist my body hard, trying to avoid this blow.

Even the scale armor from before was drilled with big holes by the long sword, not to mention that now the strange snake has no protective body, and Gu Zheng is confident that he can cut the opponent in half directly, no matter how bad it is, he can seriously injure it.

But before Gu Zheng was proud for a few seconds, the strange snake saw that he seemed unable to dodge, a cold light flashed under his abdomen, and directly hit the flying sword in the air.

The black long sword flew directly into the distance. Gu Zheng took a closer look and found that it turned out to be the claws under its belly. He didn't expect it to be able to do so.

Gu Zheng suddenly remembered an idiom, "Docking the tail to survive", in fact, it is similar to this.

The trembling body of the giant snake indicates that it is also enduring great pain.

After knocking the opponent's sneak attack away, the strange snake rushed to the top of Gu Zheng like lightning as soon as it moved.

Gu Zheng felt a blur in front of his eyes, and hurriedly dodged sideways. Although he avoided the opponent's bite, he did not escape the opponent's sharp claw attack. The reason was that the small claws would grow several times in an instant. Unexpectedly In this point of the ancient dispute, a big hole was pierced through the shoulder of the left shoulder in an instant.

The whole person was also directly sent flying by this tremendous force, flying along the smooth ground for a long distance, leaving a blood-red trace on the ground.

The body protection on his body surface does not play much role at the same level, basically it will be broken with one poke.

The giant snake drew an arc and continued to fly towards Gu Zheng quickly. The sharp-eyed Gu Zheng saw a purple light flickering in the opponent's mouth.

"Whoosh" The long sword in the distance flew back to Gu Zheng's hand in an instant, and stood in front of him.

The power of the little purple lightning is not very strong, but the additional abnormal state is the most terrifying.

Gu Zheng let the long sword block him. He felt his body go numb, but he was still able to control his body. He quickly threw the long sword before the mist turned into lightning rushed over him.

At the same time, he rolled on the ground, but his body was threatened by the lightning, which made his movements a beat slower. Even though Gu Zheng tried his best to dodge, he still left a few deep claw marks on his back, penetrating three points into the flesh.

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